Monday, March 17, 2025

No fuel shortage, Government assures motorists


File:Motorists jostling for fuel in Kitwe during the 2009 fuel shortage

THE Government has assured that there is no fuel shortage in the country and Indeni Petroleum Refinery that had temporarily shut down has today resumed operations.

Ministry of Energy and Water Development Permanent Secretary, George Zulu, confirmed yesterday that the temporary closure of Indeni on Sunday was because one of the ships was delayed in docking.

Mr Zulu said the ship was supposed to dock on Sunday but that it only docked yesterday and by today pumping would resume for Indeni to continue full production.

He said even if Indeni had closed for some days, the country had enough fuel imported by Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) and had asked management at Tazama to give it to transporters so that it could be distributed cheaply since the Government would foot the bill for the taxes.

Mr Zulu said the Government would re-look at the issue of allowing OMCs to stock fuel to last 15 days.

He said the Zambia Public Procurement Authority (ZPPA) was expected to inform his ministry on the preferred suppliers of crude oil by yesterday.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. Have you seen what have been written by the zambia dog watch over the same topic? They have spelled doom and funny enough they are deleting comments that say otherwise. According to them there is a shortage of fuel in Kabwe.

  2. @kci .true fuel has run out in some places. TAZARA has since packed there locomotives because of no fuel. The GRZ is rationing the litle still available.

  3. @kci..zambia watch imbqwa is a useless paper,they will never say anything positive…they feel lies will attract people to read their paper..but alas…we read it to see howm many lies they have come up with in a day….

  4. I also read it to see how many hate lies they have come up with. Somehow I think the site is hosted in HH’s bedroom

  5. Imwe even Znbc has comfirmed dis aftnun dat even Kitwe has run out on petro. Why do u hate watchdog so much?


  7. @KCI and CYCLE MATA learn to read and verify what you have read, certain parts of the country have fuel shortage . Perhaps were you stay you dont have alot of cars or you just dont buy fuel mwendela pa E..

  8. 1, 2, and 3

    You must check your facts. There are fuel shortages in some parts of the country already. For instance, it was difficult to find diesel in Chingola. The ZWD is an excellent site. No wonder you are always browsing. They tell us what the government media and the Post cannot tell us. Stop insulting the Watchdog. All you can do if you dont like it is stop going there. Those of us who want factual information will continue reading the Watchdog. At the moment, it is the best online news medium in the country. No wonder your government has been working day and night to try and close them down. It will not work.

  9. there was a shortage in kabwe and cars have been lining up at filling stations since may 4th so its not true that the problem has been since sunday

  10. Let us face facts,listetening to 14.00 hrs ZNBC news it was reported that all the trains are grounded due to lack of fuel but which fuel is available? Va PS tell the nation the true as the trueth shall set you free.

    we are watching.

  11. Chingola too has no fuel, I was there yesterday. So No. 1,2 and 3 do not comment on what you don’t know….

  12. I am told by a pf supporter that the fuel shortage is due to the fact that MMD offloaded a lot of fake money on the country and because Henry Banda’s lawyer Mr Amsterdam is working with crude oil suppliers to try and cause oil shortages in the country in order to bring down the pf administration. Apparently Henry is using all the billions and billions of dollars he stole when the father was in govt to bring about a petrol shortage in Zambia.

  13. ba kci, HH nafuti, the fuel shortage was real, lets not show our hate to people who are not involved in the issue 

  14. i wonder about some of you guys here you are all speaking ill of KCI who is in Zambia on the ground and all of you are overseas who is telling the truth you or someone on the ground  Kci is in Kabwe and says there is fuel how can you say he is not telling the truth?

  15. #21 chilufya I’m told by another PF supporter that MMD caused this fuel shortage by burying thousands of barrels of fuel on Liatos farm and RB apparently used too much fuel when he flew to the US.At this very moment the President is swearing in a tribunal to investigate this.

  16. The Watchdog is just a menace to society and I am not sure if press freedom justifies their continued existence. It is doing more harm than good to the nation such as preaching tribalism!!!

  17. This is what happens when you have a ministry of Energy and water development.The guy probably sent a letter to the water department saying we have no shortage of water but it was wrongly sent to the Energy department..thus was read as we have no shortage of Fuel…

  18. 1,2 and 3, you are the true definition of die hard cadres, foolish, arrogant and never want to hear the truth… There are fuel shortages and you still cant believe… Are you in zed or in hell?

  19. No. 13 Southern Bull, stop alarming people as I work for am OMC and there is fuel in Kitwe. Some people posting that there is a fuel shortage run service stations and are hoping for panic buying by the people to sale more as they have noticed that their competitor stations in their locations don’t have fuel! No fuel shortage, chill, there is enough at TAZAMA!

  20. Now if you hate ZWD, cos you r PF,my qn is why do you continue visiting the site??? Zambia WATCHDOG is now super power. Most of these sites including once super power the Post now copy and paste their news. The shortage of fuel is real. Fred Membe must pay 14bn,Sata will be a failure if he continues pleasing a few individuals and Malawians at our expense! Now these are real issues which ZWD are fighting for. Leave HH out of your faluires PF. time is ticking and you better get back to work.

  21. #26 I know the guy you are talking about and he is very trustworthy. He says the barrels that were buried will be shown on Muvi tv tonite. My pf friend also told me that oil has been found in Chatulika village and that Zambia will be an oil producer in 90 days!

  22. Who cares ba fikala i buy my fuel from Kasane and Vic fall town. Less than Usd per litre
    HH and the watch dog will die with envy and haterade for our Statesman MC SATA

  23. Malawians must be having a good laugh! Pafwaka these fools do not even know how much fuel Zambia consumes per day! Half literates should never be entrusted with high office! Mbingu’s funeral really cost a fortune! 5 million litres of petrol for a funeral! Zambalaland a nation cursed with tribal mediocre leadership!

  24. If u continue reading watchdog marketeers,u will be lost.These people are frustrated losers who are living in pain seeing SATA in plot 1 and his popularity.They will surely die with depression.

  25. Who cares if there is no fuel! Pick up your bicycles and get off the roads! The ngonis want to pass! Viva Dora and RB for supplying bicycles in numbers!!!

  26. there is fuel shortage country wise,i was stranded today on my way to kasumbalesa from kitwe,no fuel in kitwe,chingola and chililabombwe…..all went to malawi thinking by time the stock lasts they will be next supply in the country,so pf missed the plan lets face it

  27. Just maybe and I say just maybe, it was not such a wise idea to export, donate, sell or whatever it is that was done to Malawi, without checking to see that we were adequately provided for as a nation. ZWD is running a story in which a senior official of the current government attributes the shortage  the previous government…………… pwahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  28. Truth is a fuel shortage is coming. The Pump house in Dar is down so crude is flowing through Tazama Pipe Lines. Total Fuel stocks in Storage are below required level to satisfy national demand..Bottom Line is we all drive to drive to Malawi to get fue. Thats right the same fuel we so foolishly donated to Malawi

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