Saturday, March 1, 2025

Sata creates Pemba district in Southern Province


President Michael Sata has with immediate effect created Pemba as a new district in Southern Province.

President Sata has since directed Southern province Minister Obvious Mwaliteta to liase with all the stakeholders, political parties and traditional leaders in order for them to establish the centre where the district headquarters will be located.

President Sata has established over six (6) districts countrywide in line with his campaign promise to decentralise government operations for the effective and efficient delivery of services to the people.

This is contained in a statement released to the media by special assistant to the president for press and public relations George Chellah.


    • Ukwa ninoko nawiso cikala,u got to have respect for elders, I wonder if maybe that’s tongas culture of denoucing elders. U shud have respect for the presidency

  1. This man just wakes up one morning and make a decision. Is there not a sound process for such a decision to be made? Such style of leadership opens the door for poor decisions and bad decisions. In my opinion such a decision should be have many driving forces behind it and political reasons being the least. Anyway Zambians must just buckle themselves to more mediocre and undemocratic leadership where citizens on the ground do not participate.

  2. What is the criteria for these decisions? Are they politically motivated? Are you dividing the Tongas in this case? 

  3. well done infact create more and more districts , provinces etc because when such happens the area will be developed to achieve status of district or province and jobs will be created as government wing will be established

  4. Are we sure there will not be a budget overun this year. We seem to have stopped following the budget lines. Anna Chifungulwa must be missing Levy now. What work ahead of you next year and years to come mama?

  5. Dont oppose his district ‘creation’ project, he will stop when he realises he needs money for them. Let him create for now, the next government can simply reverse the districts which do not make sense……

  6. I am now beginning to feel genuinely sorry for UKWA, he has absolutely no clue of how to run the country. How many creations has he done so far and what value has it added to the people??? Awe sure.

  7. @7 to 9. You completely dull fellas that have no clue about how business in developed and grown through upgrading areas to district staus which means things like labs for mandatory animal blood testing before movement / sale will be nearer and easier without having to traval to Mazabuka or LSK. Zambia needs less dull chaps like u if we are to DeV. Stay where u R. Who told u no criteria or process is being followed?. R U in Grz?

  8. Jonathan,you sound very negative my brother.Iam sure you did not read the pf msnifesto or may be you dont understsnd decentralisazion and its benefits.Dont just yap before you analyse issues

  9. Am sick and tired of frustrated dull bloggers like @10 mimi. You foolish clown. Go to Choma and see what’s happening following decision to to move provincial centre. Sites have been surveyed, contractors awarded contracts, roads being carved out and contractos moving on site. Thank god we have few intellectually challenged pipo like and thak God you not in Zed. By the way ur ka U5 will never run one will vote for him. Power is in the pipo not ur ZWDogs nut heads and followers. It hurts bt deal with it and move on or Find a more saleable candidate for ur ka small regional kantemba.

    • NOW YOUR MEDICATION IS NOT WORKING,DO YOU KNOW WHY YOU ARE HERE ON THIS SITE? opinion may be the result of a person’s perspective, understanding, particular feelings, beliefs, and desires.THAT IS @10 ‘S OPINION

  10. Good move,the criteria is development,you can come and downgrade the districts when your candidates become presidents,if at all.

  11. We don’t care. Just send the Malawian judge back and pay back the zmk 14 billion. You ve failed us enough UKWA

  12. Make Kacholola, Mwachisompola, Kanona, Shimabala, Tatayoyo, Kanyonyo, Kopa, Manamayinda, 10 Miles, Situmbeko, Katende, Nakachenje, Lwanshimba into districts as well for proper delivery of services to the people.

  13. hey guys i know u r in the league of ur own and non of u r politicians but its not rocket science to figure out how the country , stop making sick comments , if u watch PRIME MINISTER’S question from the house of commons in Britain then u will know what takes to be developed nothing special jst some common sense..

  14. does it take long to determine that an area should be a district? i wonder whether there is any criteria in all this. how many shall we have by 2016?

  15. does tat equal to development? no! Sata we are still waiting for development and job creation to start 8 month since you took office.

  16. Pemba?? That sounds like the Tanzanian island so i guess Sata will soon create a new district in Zambia called Mafia too.

    • Just keep quite or you expose your ignorance. You really have not travelled so please hide your ignorance. We have Pemba in Zambia too!

  17. The president has tooo many powers.We should have a govermment system or commission that should look at the viability of the place to be a district the president should not just walk up and put a district un necessarily.

  18. Pemba was deteriorating at an alarming rate! maybe this will stem that process. next we need to look at what will drive the development of the new district and I am sure one of these mornings i will wake up to find batoka and chisekesi and batoka are districts as well… what had kept Pemba alive was agriculture. there is urgent need to resurrect this and encourage other industries to come up else the ghosting will continue unabated..

  19. Foolish decision,PF has no good agenda for natinal development.surely ,do we need districts all over without tangable economic development.The people of PEMBA need viable agriculture programmes – rehabilitate the dams,veterenary service for animals,agric equipments,and other key economic infrastructure – a bank,filling station.These districts are just a drain of much needed resources.They just enrich the District Commissioners who are of no benefit to the community let alone spearheading useless political interest.NOSENCE.! Zambia is very disgusting…….!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. This issue of creating districts is providing a lot of job opportunities for the president distribute to PF cadres and close friends.
    I hope this is not the ONLY objective of the exercise.

  21. Those who travel will surely appreciate the decision for pemba to become a district. The area is just like Chisamba, and this will bring about alot of development as banks,filling stations, shopping complexis and other business operations will shift from Monze to Pemba and the Farmers wont be wasting alot of time to travel to choma and Pemba for drugs for their cattle. Southern Province is second if not first to Copperbelt interms of number of districts/ Towns and the good part is that 90% of these towns are along the great north road. I hope next time Zimba should be declared District as it is very well organised and the distance between Kalomo and L/Stone is big

  22. Some zambians are so dull that they dont know what can help them develop, this is a good move by the president , i for one dont like as you were zambia must move forward

  23. Well done Mr. president. Next create Lukanga also as a district,  people of this area are suffering a lot travelling to Kapiri mposhi for a document. 

  24. @Digga, I understand your frustration countryman but just take it easy. OK? Let people talk and remember it is allowed to agree to disagree. See your frustration has let to you disrespecting people that have made no comment here like HH and other Tonga’s who support Sata. Relax bro OK?

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