Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Ndola school girl stoned to death after being caught in the act of sex with teacher


Ndola Central Hospital
Ndola Central Hospital

A 20-year-old pupil from Chibolele Basic in Ndola has died after being stoned by an attacker who found her having sex with her teacher Gostina Kalunga 24 withn the bushes of Chipulukusu Township.

The deceased identified as Bridget Samgowa was making love with the teacher when an unidentified killer, pounced on the unsuspecting and attacked them with stones. The teacher managed to run to safety, but the pupil was killed on the scene.

Copperbelt police commissioner Mary Tembo confirmed the incident adding that it happened on Wednesday night around 22:00 hours.

Ms Tembo said Gostino Kalunga, stays at house number 1212 in the Chipulukusu slums of Ndola.

“The deceased, who is a pupil at Chibolele Basic School was on Wednesday having sex with a teacher of the same school and whilst in the act, an unknown man attacked them with stones but the boyfriend managed to escape,” Ms Tembo said.

Ms Tembo said while running to safety, Kalunga ran into people who got him back to the scene of the incident only find a dead body of the school girl.

“When they went to check for the pupil, they found her gasping for breath and unfortunately she died,” Ms Tembo said.

She said police have detained the love making teachers and a male juvenile who reported the matter to the police in order to help with investigations.

The deceased body was found with a deep cut on the left side of the head and bruised face. It is being kept at the Ndola Hospital mortuary waiting post mortem and a manhunt for the killer is under way.


    • This happened in all people I got it where I worked in Zambia and a 19year old seduced me ,She is Ngitiwe Jere who lived in Solewezi at thje time .Now that I am in my country she ask of me for money of which I was willing to send cause she asured me that her parents would love to see me and would give their blessing when we got married,
      Today she insulted me of having a new young boyfriend who is a white man by the name of Deon Nelson from South Africa.
      I sold all my cattle,properties cars and my bussiness in South Africa to marry her and I was chased away not to set foot on Zambia.She even send me Deon’s number 0972569469.I paid for her passport and she came to stay with me in SA flights paid by me

    • Ba VJ what makes you different from those muslim who stone people found in such acts? You mean the first woman you slept with is your wife or first time to sleep with a woman was after wedding? I wonder what some of you are doing in those countries you are staying.

    • The wage of sin is death, and again the bible says thy sha not kill. both ve sinned.Was the guy who stonned the girl to death a boyfriend? if nt wat was the whole essence of stoning them. let the killer face the law. God does not like a sinner to die in sin but would be happy to see the sinner repent. Its so sad

    • VJ could easily answer yes to the personal question of first woman to sleep with. That is how it should be, and it is for many people. Not all men or women prostitute themselves in the same way the teacher and the deceased pupil have done.

      On the other hand, ‘The wages of sin is death’ to some extent in this and many other cases. The only thing is that contextually, the one who should punish people with death for sin is God and not another human. The person who murdered this girl, the girl and her teacher are all exactly the same in God’s eyes, sinners.

      Remember that God says that vengeance is his, he is the one who will repay.

    • Check out for the Free Documentary Movie on youtube titled ” The Stoning of Soraya” ITS BASED ON A TRUE STORY! *fcuked* up religous judgements of you ask me.

  1. I WONDER WHAT IS GOING ON…mumpanga sure nama guest houses,lodges,ifikebini all over..this teacher is a let down to the upholding of morals in school going children…cage him…useless

  2. Some teachers?? This same teacher should be suspect #1 how could he ran and leave the gal alone?? He should have faced the attacker like a man and fight for her..He is the only witness to this case, hope he had taken a good look at the man who killed this poor gal in cold blood. And to this gal at that age still in basic school she must have been in university by that age..MHSRIP

  3. Days of instant judgement?do the right thing with de right person in the right place at the right time

  4. Guys this teacher raped and killed the girl.He made up this story of an attacker stoning them.Passion killing baba.

  5. Ili ndiye boza la mkunkhuniza, the man raped and killed the girl. There are more questions than answers otherwise if it was consensual sex it would not have been in the bush. He dragged the girl, you can ask fellow pupils they know if the said teacher was the real boy-friend of the girl.

  6. Oh that’s sad. But wait, basic schools are up to grade 9, so this 20 year old lady was in grade what?.. Hmmm.. RIP my sister.. That fool for a man should have not run away mwe, why didn’t he get stones aswell?

  7. Ladies, let us be selective on men issues. How can you agree to give up your powerful p&&sy in a bush!!!!!!!!!!!!! MHSRIP, but she should have demanded him to take her to a lodge or something otherwise, he is really not worth it and now look how she has ended up dead whilst he is still alive


  9. bt y detaine de male juvenale wo repotd de case, jst incarcerate de teacher alone. eproblem ba bakapokola bakwata de juvenale repots de case den u cage em agen 4 wat. kwati limbi alilyako.

  10. Ever heard Chipulukusu compound? Yalikosa bane, no one can afford a lodge or guest house from there. That place is very dangerous and full of criminals. Even the police are afraid of the loafers of chipulukusu.

  11. This is a clear sign of the moral decay in our society. We should not allow young girls to be out this late, and if this teacher loved the girl he should have done things in the right way and make his intentions know to the parents or guardians of this girl.
    A life has been wasted. Those of us who are Christians let us teach the word of God to friends, neighbors and relatives

  12. Very sad indeed! The 20 year old woman and a 24 year old man! These are adults, who consented to the act, their teacher/pupil relationship notwithstanding. In fact, they can even marry! However, they should have taken precautions. Not doing it in the bush at night! The law enforcing agents should delve to the bottom of this whole story. There are more questions than answers!

  13. sad! 20 years still in secondary schoo! chabipa afwa… Rule number 1 “DONT DO WHEN YA STILL IN HIGH SCHOOL” bane!

  14. # 12 is spot on: 22hrs? in the bush? and you run leaving your woman behind? Come on guys, this is not rocket science. The ****er raped and killed the girl, period.

  15. In da bush 22hrs?only killers mind can take a gal in the bush by that tym,2bad she was not wise enough 2 say No! may her soul rest in peace

  16. That teacher must be hopeless. How can he entice a school girl while there are alot of sex starving prostitutes all over the streets and taverns! Let justice prevail. The school girls also should learn to respect themselves. Your better time will come for that activity and you will even get fed up. This time concentrate your studies in Bemba we say ukupwa takuilwa mwaka. If you miss use your body this time what are you going to offer to your legal husband? Very sad indeed. Jail and dismiss that hopeless teacher no two ways about it.

  17. VJ Rigger, please don’t ever misuse the word of God napapata.. the news is bad but am more hurt to see your little knowldge about the scriptures… My sister may your rest in peace…

  18. Sad story.I have never been to Chipulukusu.I remember a sex worker suggesting to me at Ndola Chez Ntemba that we go to Chipulukusu.I sharply rejected the offer and reversed all my plans for illicit sex.That was some twelve years ago.

  19. Police have detained the love making teachers and a male juvenile who reported the matter to the police in order to help with investigations. The juvenile is lanquishing for something that he does not know. No wonder why most people dont report the many crimes that are committed.So unfair . RIP**==**==**==**==**==**==

  20. Sad for the loss of life which has gone to hell. This teacher should be locked up for 40 yrs. the killer should be locked up for life when caught.

  21. Too bad for the pupil and the teacher is also young, why dint he just take her home with him for more pleasure, she was old enough for marriage! 20 years in basic school??? Maybe its him that stoned her

  22. Agony is having people come to your funeral knowing what was happening before you died..What will the pastor say before burial??

  23. 20 years versus 24 years = Ichupo.
    the 20 year old is a woman, that 24 year old is NOT a teacher.
    if a 20 year old can be found in school then 24 year old can also be at basic school as a pupil.
    A man should have ACTED WISELY!!!

  24. That killer had a motive. its not a random scene. he or she must have been tailing the couple that night. possibly that girl was playing the teacher with another guy or that girl was having an afair with her friend’s man who is that same teacher. If i was the fbi agent in that case, i’d findout who that teacher’s real girl, fience or spouse is coz ts possible he was cheating on her or quiz the teacher about who his rival was. the dead girl was not a real relationship or they wud not b hiding 22hrs on the bush. either way the teacher is the key.

  25. 20 yrs old and still in basic school?
    Even I not so bright, finished Matric at 17.
    I guess she was busy screwing teachers instead of studying!
    But thats no way to take a life!

  26. The stupid teacher is suspevted # 1.Here we can rule out rape.It could be that the teacher forced himself on her but for fear of being arrested he killed the helpless girl and pretended that they where attached.The girl might have been very exhaused after intercourse such that he was unable to defend herself from the teacher.Please cage this *****(teacher)

  27. May her soul rest in peace.
    1 Thess. 5:17 “Pray without ceasing” for the nation of Zambia
    Very sad story.

  28. Teachers pliz you are the second parents manje mwatampa ukulala na bana benu . teachers and traffic police officers bad behaviour icalo nacipwa bane amapepo yalefwaikwa sana too bad sad death

  29. Sad death, a snake bite on the private parts/buttock could have been enough to teach her a lesson not to engage in illicit sex and not death in such a painful way.

  30. Guys a life has been lost and you bloggers are busy pocking fun.It could be your sister in the bush.In the absence of facts let us respect the victim.My condolences to the lady’s family .

  31. 20-year-old pupil from Chibolele Basic in Ndola has died after being stoned by an attacker who found her having sex with her teacher ?where all female????????????????????

  32. People from Chipulukusu are confused people..One of my uncles used to frequent the place for a taste of the locals brews. He some manged to incur a beer debt of ZMK 50,000.00 and didnt have the money..In the end the brewer who was female demanded marriage in order to write of the debt..My uncle not wanting to face jail accepted the marriage proposal..Thats Chipulukusu for you 

  33. …it’s more likely the teacher raped and killed the girl. He must ‘kamba kusogolo’!

    Ndola Central Hospital…how far I’ve come…gat to get back home!


  35. The attacker and the teascher are one and the same person here! How could he have run from himself leaving the girl to be stoned to death by himself? There are finger prints on the rocks, let the police pick them up and you will see whom it will implicate, tichele!

  36. Sex is Enjoyable in such places as bush & car go round omelo mumba street & where those picked from there are taken.Mostly in cars or guard posts , i wonder why this is so with all the guest houses around.I guess it has to do with economics , think of it the customer wants 50/100 pin per session and you have to pay for the room which you will not spend a night in hey lord have mercy!

  37. the girl was 20, the teacher is 24,whats wrong with that, dont try to be all holy you sinners, doesnt the scriptures say that “He who works in a field, eats from the field”? u ubomba mwibala, alila mwibala..shut up you all

  38. Batila ati uwaingila mu mushitu tomfwa nswaswa, ninshi abututkile teacher asha umubiye mumaboko ya chipondo. Umukashana bamwipaya pantu Teacher alitonkola ulubilo ulwakapela makufi elyo alaba gelo wakwe.

    Chibi sana bane…… Ena teacher talingile ukutonkola ulubilo, instead he was supposed to fight the attacker. Yama amabwe yalakalipa twalishiba, nomba teiwe we mwaume ukutonkola and you expect umwanakashi to defend herself.

    Ewaipeye shetani. Ni attacker nshi wenda mumpanga 22 Hrs, except fye icipondo. Mufunseni azakamba mushe.

  39. This story is fake why i say so is that basic schools goes upto grade 9.the time again was too oquade for the dual to be together.lastly the story does not sound real to me.

  40. Here is the deal. Teacher has been eating the fruit for sometime now. Girl tells him she is pregnant. Teacher takes her to the bush, as usual, kills her and makes up a story. I don’t see a normal Chipulukusian man want to kill the girl after the man runs away, he would demand for some too in order not to tell……efyo iya

  41. Are zambians turning into a pack of animals or what? What is going on? And yet you hear people preaching about Zambia being a Christian Nation!! You will all burn in hell for that hypocrisy! You cannot be Christians and yet butcher each other like this. This is worse than Satan.

  42. saddest story ever this one. I wish peole knew better than this, please God save us. Killing for sex when there are so man y women out there! I hope the truth is different.

  43. shame, nabeve musanga at 22:00hrs? But pepo dont 4get dat we are all sinners theres no need of killing yo fellow sinner

  44. Sad indeed, 20 years in Basic is possible, with girl Child Program in Zambia, sure she should have left some babies. 24 & 20 is just a right match, too bad, but you mean the teacher didn’t have a house?? He should still be single?? Why in the Bush??? Kwachipulukusu?? So many murders. MHSRIP

  45. No. 10 u are right . This man raped and made up the story. There is no benefit that any passerby would benefit from killing two fornicators or adulterers. When we were young and find such incidences you hide and try to get a closer glimpse! That mindset has never changed to the extent that people now start throwing stones with intent to kill!

  46. I want to ask the law enforcement officers: Did you find a pile of stones around the body of this girl?
    To the Teacher involved, why didn’t defend the girl from the attackers, but insteady decided to leave her behind? Why did you use the bush instead of the hotel? You have a case to answer.
    A 20 years old in high school? She was matured enough to get married and have a family of her own.
    The one who attacked and killed her is the Teacher’s wife. She knew what was going on between her husband and the student and probably decided to pay the boys or other people to attack them so that she could save her marriage. Let us just wait. If the police can investigate farther, we will get the facts, otherwise sorry.

  47. Very suspicious story: One man chasing two lovers!  and  stoning a giirl to death? Isn’t The teacher hiding something?

  48. – Did the dog do that?Never judge a man till you have walked a mile in his shoes,that way you are a mile away,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and you have his shoes!

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