Sunday, March 16, 2025

ACC, DEC engaged to probe CEEC on Loans, less than 40 % of the K169 billion recovered



Two investigative wings have been engaged to probe the manner the Citizens Economic Empowerment Commission-CEEC- issued loans.

It has been learnt that less than 40% of the hundred and sixty nine billion kwacha issued out to Zambians as loans was recovered.

Commerce Trade and Industry Minister Robert Sichinga is however optimistic that the Anti-Corruption Commission-ACC- and Drug Enforcement Commission-DEC- will bring out the truth on how the CEEC issued out loans.

Mr. Sichinga revealed this at the recent eighth business exhibition for micro and medium enterprises Zambia Chamber of Small and Medium Businesses Association organized exhibition in Kabwe were Kabwe Business Association Chairperson Winston Makukula expressed optimistic that Kabwe will become the country’s industrial and business hub.

Over the weekend, the Minister of Finance said that empowerment policies such as the citizen Economic Empowerment Commission were not helpful as they only favour the elite who usually do not pay back loans.

Alexander Chikwanda also said that the empowerment commission only encouraged corruption because of patronage.

Mr Chikwanda who was speaking to businessmen during a Zambia Association of chambers of commerce and industry dinner, also said empowerment programs only make people dependant.

He felt that government should instead create an environment for citizens to prosper through personal creativity rather than offering them money as empowerment.



  1. Can we for once only hear a minister like Bob tell the country that so and so has been convicted of this and that corrupt activity instead of this bullshit blowing of trumpets that they r doing something. Dont these politicians know that the moment they open their loud mouths, they create a guilty before proven innocent situ?

    Let investigative wings do their work, complete it and then u can say ABC is in court etc

  2. I owe CEEC i won’t pay coz I’m connected to Mmembe and Nchito.
    If You force me to pay , tribunal on you.

  3. Sichinga is dull. Why pay when membe and nchito are not paying. Only dull citizens will repay a cent

  4. Mamble Mungomba gave most of these loans to her family and friends. Please cage her. But what of the money Membe and Mutembo are owing

  5. So pa ZED everything you touch, smell, hear, see & taste has some corrupt practices behind it..

  6. mable mungomba chinyohho chakweh,dishied out those billions to the people she was close to and her relatives,uyu stanyinnah maso wakwee is unfriendly to zambians.

  7. Please do that investigation. And I hope you are only talking about overdue loans when you say only 40% has been paid back. Hope you don’t get shocked that most of those who got the loans are PF connections.

  8. Which Govt. dept is now left that is not corrupt or thieves??Trillions not accounted for and who says Zambia is a poor country??
    more money in pocket??whose pockety??

  9. No need to involve investigative agencies but set up a tribunal and you will be shocked with the level of garbage which was at CEEC. These are the issues which need setting up of TRIBUNALS,and I can assure you the number of testifiers will be overwheiming.
    Viable proposals meant to uplift peoples’ lives and improve the country’s competitiveness were outrightly rejected for useless ones meant to improve the pockets of Mable’s friends and relatives.
    I am very ready to testify at any tribunal set up to probe corruption at CEEC as I and a lot others suffered trying to get these empowerment funds to no avail. SET UP THE TRIBUNAL NOW, THEREAFTER CAGE ALL IMPLICATED!

  10. I always told Dave, a friend Cost Engineer in Diaspora, that you see ba Zambia are seen with so expensive cars, you wonder if they even know the value of those cars. If a person suffered to become wealth; or if they managed to generate their wealth, they may be hesitant to buy some of those cars. And we are always insulted, called all sorts of names just because we chose to work in international labour markets. See!! Ati “where have you been, your friends are doing fine”; they are building, the are suppliers, they are this and that; yet when you check their entitlements, you get buffled. Its sad!! The only consolation is, even with billions, they are not happy, they know no value of their wealth. These educated cocky fools.

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