Sunday, March 16, 2025

Auditor General’s report on parastatals not good


Auditor General Anna Chifungula

The 2010 Auditor General’s Report on parastatals has been published and it shows glaring irregularities and abuse of funds amounting to over K1 trillion.

Some of the parastatals mentioned in the report are the Citizens Economic Empowerment Commission (CEEC), Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ), National Housing Authority (NHA), National Pension Scheme Authority (NAPSA) and the Road Traffic and Safety Agency (RTSA).

Others are the University of Zambia (UNZA), Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA), ZESCO Limited, ZAMTEL and the Administrator General and Official Receiver.

This is according to a press statement by public relations officer in the office of the Auditor General Ellen Chikale.

Chikale said the audit which was done on selected parastatal bodies but Auditor General Anna Chifungula is shocked at the amount of abuse in the companies.Chikale said there was unretired imprest amounting to K1, 525,924,347 while irregular payments totaled K 651,716,852,524.The report revealed that K35, 313,333,764 was inadequately supported while there was K603, 187,280 unaccounted for by the institutions.

Chikale said the findings revealed a K5, 607,388,318 from failure to follow tender procedures and a further K190, 505,273,451 of non Payment of Statutory Contribution.

The parastatal companies also misapplied a total of K9, 197,300,000 adding that K159, 598,828,919 was not recovered from the loans.

Ms Chikale noted that there was wasteful expenditure of K21,450,000 while there was K7,628,510,987 Stores Without Receipt and Disposal Details and a further misappropriation of Funds K434,447,517 in the year under review.

“Other findings highlighted in the report include the failure to prepare financial statements as required by the enabling acts and other regulations, circumvention of Tender Procedures, poor projects implementation, failure to adhere to contract terms and poor
management of information systems.

Others were non-adherence to good corporate governance, irregular sale of assets, poor infrastructure management and failure to insure assets,” Chikale said.The 2010 Parastatal Report highlights some of the weaknesses that were revealed as a result of the audits that were carried out on selected Parastatal bodies whose findings were discussed with the Controlling and Chief Executive Officers but were not adequately addressed during the audit processes on twenty one (21) institutions.

Ms Chikale invited members of the public to access the report from the AG’s office as it was now in public domain.


  1. ….and you blame the central government for such waste of scarce resources. These firms are agents of under development. Surely as poor as we are, how can we afford to lose such huge amounts of money.

  2. Annie is doing a good job and i hope the PF government will take these reports seriously and institute criminal proceedings on erring Officers were need be. We are tired of this blantant abuse of our scarce resources.
    Viva OAG!!!!

  3. ……is there anything different in this report, as compared to the ones we have been getting in the past?..I can assure you, this story will end here, no action will be taken, no one will be brought to book!…it’s the same thing all the time!!!

  4. No, no, no, you are very wrong. The PF youths will go and harrass the said parastatals’ chief executives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. This is old news trying to divert attention from the nkongole of mmembe and nchito. Pay the 14billion chapwa. The unretired imprest is being delt with by relevant authorities.

    the ACC is aware that this trillion is buried in chalala and specific farms

  6. This is 2010 I am sure the PF govt will make examples of a lot pipo kukosa..since even the abuse of office is back..mind you the President assented just last week. wina azalila

  7. This is where the clause of abuse of public office conflicts.Public office means those that are only in government.These in parastatals can not be charged under the same clause,so they can walk away with it because they are not in government.

  8. its makes very sad reading especially to us tax-payers and the young who are robbed of these funds just to build mansions for the greed few.


  10. good job Anna but nothing about ZCCM-IH…
    Nevertheless at least 100 million dollars were swindled, nothing has been done since 2007 !

    Where are the crooks ??? where is the money ???

  11. This report is not informative enough.We needed to be told the abuses institution by institution not this gloss over.There is no info here it is just speculation and nobody can be prosecuted for such open ended reports.

  12. What is really shocking is that, these Institutions have Board of Directors. Can someone from GRZ Institution educate me, whether these organs have internal audits worse off Audit Committees from these masqueraders so called Board Members. What has gone wrong to Zedian people. Are we a cursed people or just naive? Why keep the Office of the AG when we can not pursue the findings and take action. These irregurities happen year in and year out just making us fume even more and abhor.Why do we attain academic knowhow in these fields, for what? This makes me sick to the bone!!! Being an Accountant and seeing these incompetent Directors of Finance and Senior Accountants fail to correct these from inveterate.Please can someone fire these *****s and conscript fresh blood with the will to fight!!

  13. ’16’ – this is just an overall summary. Please check the detailed reports as indicated by the PRO. My only worry is the time it takes to release such reports, given that most of these corporations would have been audited by the private firms in time, not two years of the AG’s report. Too late to correct, or by the time the report is released, correctible errors would have already been corrected. Not so useful information, this, therefore.

  14. When you read about the money that has been misappropriated for sure the government should not be kind enough to let the hook off. Thy culprits should dance to the fullest and if possible go to jail like LIATO, institutions like “UNZA” PLEASE monitor the misuse of funds whereby retirees have not been paid for a long time. Gratuity at UNZA is a night mere for junior staff, for senior staff it is easy for them.

  15. We have institutions like MINDOLO ECUMENICAL FOUNDATION we have seen a situation where money has been misused previous and the government was informed about it hence the gave a deaf ear, ANT CORRUPTION was informed nothing was done during the rein of MWANACHONGO, KATEBE and MUCHANGA project money was misused by these people. Please we are asking the ant corruption commission to follow such cases.

  16. ewe No 18 you are ver folish no facts kabwa.Go away you walipina apo.Shuld i met you i wil sort you out. folish again.

  17. ewe No 18 you are very foolish no facts kabwa.Go away you walipina apo.Should i met you i will sort you out. foolish again.

  18. For Mpondela he also step down from the Zambia amateur athletics association.Sport minister MP Kabwili should not even allow the man to host his so called personal inter company.Let the auditor general audit the many ZAAA accounts.Since he became ZAAA president the man has been pocking all the money.Please Hon minister of sports serve the athletics sports.Nothing athletics is even in Luanshya were you are MP.

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