Sunday, March 9, 2025

Zambian Model Ishita Iyer



Zambian Model Ishita Iyer  is taking part in the Face of India competition .You can vote for her by clicking on this link

”   I was born in india and brought up in oman & zimbabwe before moving to zambia.which I consider to be the greatest blessing of my life and shall be ever grateful to God and my parents for raising me there.inclined towards the artistic side since the age of 3,my first performance was in front of 600 for a play,while I was still in urge to perform began from there and is present till date.while moving between oman and india in my early childhood days,I took up dancing professionally and started with the hardest of them all.Indian passions had to be left mid-way when my father got a job in harare in 1997 and we had to move parents new how perfoming on stage gave me a new high and a meaning to life and were upset that they couldn’t help me out to pursue it further in harare.

The best thing ever happened in 1999. my father who was still working got posted in Lusaka.I can say that’s when my life began. I schooled at The International School of Lusaka where Performing Arts was given a lot of respect and encouragement.I actively took part in the plays there and swore that this would be a profession I would take up when I grow up.I also continued my dancing and performances outside school within our local community.I finished school early.wrote my Grade 12’s when I was merely 14 and a that,I did a diploma in softwares and later I took up CIMA at ZCAS.

Due to some life threatening illnesses, I had to be rushed to India for a surgery. It was intended to only be a month long stay. While I was recovering and shopping to head back home, I was discovered by a CEO of a modelling agency and was asked to meet them the following week. My mother and I casually went for the meeting, deciding to have a small photo shoot for fun. That decision changed my life. Opportunities kept flooding and I cancelled my trip back to zambia deciding to stay back, pursue acting and modelling and also complete my studies. I’ve successfully been the face of Maybelline New York, well known corporate offices, garments and beauty products. I’m also actively doing theatre which is an industry on its own here. I have also been on the cover page of one of the best magazines in India a few times.

It has now officially been 2yrs since I’ve decided to take this up as a full time profession.took lots of breaks in between.had lots of ups and downs and finishing my studying was priority.Even though I’m Indian,I’m still considered an outsider since I’m not raised was a big challenge for me initially but no more now.I’m a permanent resident of zambia and I’m proud to be one.having a mix of zambian and indian ethics have kept my feet on the ground.never have I once forgotten where I come from and that I still represent a lovely country.I always mention Zambia where ever I am and in whatever I do because I am incomplete without being a future intentions are to put Zambia in the spotlight and let the world know what a beautiful country it really is.The Chipolopolo boys have already worked hard for it and I intend to work harder.I also intend to give back to a place that gave me bautiful life by building a school and hospital for the under priviliged and orphaned.

As every Zambian, my motto is also the same. and it shall be till my last breath… “ONE ZAMBIA,ONE NATION” ”

By Kapa187


    • She is Zambian. Very beautiful too, she must be from Lundazi, Ni mwanawakwitu. Don’t hate because only two of the last five Zambian president were actualy Zambian.

    • Who the hell are you to take that away from her ? She has embraced Zambia as her home!!! Zambia is a cosmopolitan country in this globalisation era. Its ignorant people like you that are dangerously causing civil unrests & even wars over irrelevant issues. In the global world a person has the capability to embrace any country that is willing to give him/her citizenship as his/her home. Obviously !!! You on the other hand will never see or even imagine being overseas!! You will keep burying your head in the sand and only emerge to critisize the assertive ones!!! Get a life!!!

    • Iwe chi namba tu, uli chipuba sana chikamba iwe! Are you telling me you have never heard of NATURALIZATION!? She is already a Zambian permanent resident, the next step in that process is CITIZENISHIP THROUGH NATURALIZATION, you *****!!

      She obviously came to Zambia as young child and everything she feels about herself is Zambian, and proud of it at that!! So who are you to try and take that away from her? I cannot believe you have a USA flag (if that’s really where you are) beside your name and display this sort of ignorance. What a bafoon!!!!

  1. I like her parsion for being zambian. Am sure she will find good solence in the new constitution to be soon enacted so she can change from a resident to a citizen. I feel proud of her already and she has my vote. Good luck girl!

  2. Way to go girl you have the heart for zambia and soon you will be a citizen of this country and invest back home


    • I agree. This is just for votes. she doesn’t even live in zambia and she has an indian passport. I also don’t have a zambian passport but was born here and will die here, (I’m 17 , so i can’t get one till 18)

  4. Good luck! Mampi lost not that we didn’t support her but just don’t have time to watch such programs. If it were soccer, you were going to be assured of a massive vote. However, if you don’t get any, just know that most of us are not following that program. If you win, we’ll celebrate BIG TIME!

  5. @5 Ngoshe, i hope you’re telling the truth…you’ve heard or read about her talking affectionately about Zimbabwe…which wouldn’t make sense since most of the events that shaped her life took place in Lusaka. Otherwise, don’t lie! don’t be a hater. Live your life and let others live.

  6. She is Zambian. Very beautiful too, she must be from Lundazi, Ni mwanawakwitu. Don’t hate because only two of the last five Zambian president were actualy Zambian.

    I am voting after I finnish this post.

  7. Unlike some Zambians tht don’t even claim Zambia as the place of origin, I knoe three Bemba friends that have disowned zambia; so for her to claim her home, let it be so. Most of the haters here are women. If you want us to praise you Ka sambeni naimwe and ctake part in a peagent, e for you we shall vote for you as well, even if it’s in guatamala you are competing in.

  8. Sorry for the typo above. We shall vote for you as well ladies don’t hate. It should read I know three bemba friends above. Let’s support any Zambian that loves zed.

  9. Uneducated Zambians draw Zambia backwards – that is wrong with her being Zambian? There are Zambians in UK, USA and Asia – but you cannot accept her?
    PF people are full of S**T

  10. It is wonderful to note Zambians doing great things wherever they are. By the way for those who are dissing this lady for her Asian background, what about the Polish guy who is MP but actually Tonga from Zambia?????? Let us be proud of all citizens blue, black, brown, or green! …oh… forgot white….

  11. What a beautiful lady,please put Zambia on the map and be successful in all you do,don’t listen to haters!!!!

  12. So we are supposed to support someone who is in a competition called FACE OF INDIA just because she is zambian. Am I the only one noticing this contradiction? lets send a dark skinned black zambian and see if they will accept them as a contestant for face of india. Is there a way we can submit questions for the models because i would love to know the models opinion on dark skinned people and how the caste system among indians leads to discrimination. Sorry no vote from me I support zambians in zambian themed competitions not people that are zambian when it suites them when they need votes

  13. @ slamdog, go to the face of india and get the facts instead of expresing your ignorance. it says on that sight that anyone from all over the world can contest. You can try to put your magshort there too if you think you can compet. Am votting for this beauty.

  14. So you mean it wants indians from all over the world SMH I just had a look on the site and theres clearly nobody thats none indian on there. In fact most of them are photoshoped to the point where they look fair skinned, you know how the indians hate dark skins. Anyway You can have this so called beauty I prefer black women . Good luck with indian women with how they age at 35 they look 150 years old .

    • @ Slamdog that does not sound like the you I know. You are beyond the color code, because like me you see and seek knowledge. So what if these women of India age drastically? It’s all about love. Am dating one beautiful one now, infact I have dated all shades of India and their parents liked me. As long as I stayed getting good grades in school they all liked me, their parents that is lol. 

  15. Who cares about skin colour or descendent… She clearly outlined shes a proud Zambian… So what if she is from India by birth or heritage, you cant strip her of identity…

    Shes ZAMBIAN, and she is doing it FOR ZAMBIA!! :D

    GO CHICA! you got my 1k% Support! 

    BTW, Langson Phiri << facebook me :D

  16. @2, Salayandavich:

    Uli chipuba sana iwe ka! Are you telling me you have never heard of NATURALIZATION!? She is already a Zambian permanent resident, the next step in that process is to become a NATURALIZED CITIZEN, you ignarant bafoon!

    She obviously came to Zambia as a young child and everything she feels about herself is Zambian. And proud of it at that! So who are you to try and take that away from her?

    I cannot believe you have a USA flag (if that’s really where you are) beside your name and still display this sort of ignorance. Unbelievable!!!

  17. OMG :o can not belive how raci?t zambianz can be. thi? i? ju?t not done!! ju?t becau?e of her ?kin colour you have to be ?o raci?t!! 

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