Sunday, March 16, 2025

DHL employees in Kitwe have down tools


DHL employees in Kitwe have downed tools, demanding a pay increase and improved conditions of service.The DHL employees are demanding for 100 per cent salary increment. Their salaries range from K2 million to K2.5 million but their counterparts in Lusaka earn K3 million and above.

The workers have paralysed company operations and have voewed never to return to work because of slave wages.

The Kitwe workers said DHL workers received lower wages compared to their counterparts in Lusaka and other regions who do the same work.

Some employees interviewed said the strike was started after their DHL failed to implement a new pay structure two weeks ago.

The workers said they had not received a pay raise in the last four years although the courrier firm had been recording huge profits.

DHL has refused to issues a response because it is carrying out investigations into the workers’ strike.



  1. Well done DHL employees…if DHL employees who even get K2million and above can complain what about the miners who work under hash conditions and still get K1m? the PF government won the elections because they made too many promises to the poor people/workers for improved work conditions and better salaries but nothing like that is being done?
    Not even 1 person from the government has visited the mining contractors and the miners at the sites to see how they suffer…this mine contractors are busy exploiting people, whilst the managers are the ones living a luxury life at the expensive of the ordinary Zambians. They bring in expatriates without proper qualifications and award them huge salaries whilst Zambians who are doing the same job get peanuts.

  2. @ musondamusonda did you honestly think PF was serious about these issues. I pity you my friend next time vote wisely and not by chimwela….PF is only good at flip floping nothinh else……No wonder HH calls them comedians.

  3. Is this a weekly salary, monthly or yearly? The article doesn’t say. Kindly clarify please.

  4. Number 3, obviously its monthly naimwe. Logic will also not allow it to be yearly. This is not America. Only American funded NGO’s get twice in a month in most developing countries like Zambia.

  5. The workers Union shouldnt sit back and relax because there is a lot to be done, the security officers should also be recognised, they should be paid money not tuma change. K300 pin wat for, rentals go up to k250. Zambia with more money in our pockets.

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