Sunday, March 16, 2025

Guy Scott appeals to China to help resolve youth unemployment in Zambia


Guy Scott
Guy Scott

The Vice President guy Scott has said that Zambia is looking for help from developed countries to resolve her unemployment problems.

Guy Scott said that advanced countries such as the peoples’ republic of China can help to create jobs for the local people. Dr Scott was speaking at his office when he met visiting Chinese Minister for International Department of the Communist Party, Wang Jiarui in Lusaka.

Mr. Wang said that China will help Zambia create employment by allowing Chinese companies to come and invest in Zambia.

And Patriotic Front General Secretary Wynter Kabimba has held closed door talks with visiting Chinese Minister for International Department of the Communist Party, Wang Jiarui in Lusaka this week.

The political bilateral talks which lasted over one hour were held at Government House. Mr. Kabimba was accompanied by senior PF members of the Central Committee who included Jean Kapata, Geoffrey Chumbwe and Fred Chisanga.

In his welcoming remarks, Mr. Kabimba said that the PF cherishes the flourishing ties with the communist Party of China.

And Mr. Wang has disclosed that Chinese President Hu Jintao has assigned him to present a personal letter to President Michael Sata.

He said that the Communist Party of China is eager to strengthen ties and friendship with the PF. The Communist Party of China currently maintains a network of ties with over Six hundred political parties.



  1. C’mon Mr. Vice President. Show more pride in Zambia than begging investors to give us jobs. On a population of 13 million and 8th producer of copper in the world we should not be asking for jobs.
    How in the hell does a country with a population of 13million+ and producing 20% of the world emeralds live under a dollar and has to beg for jobs?
    Zambia has what the investors want. Copper is used in almost every electrical product that china manufactures and yet we are asking for jobs from the manufacturer when we have the raw materials?
    If you insist on getting jobs from investors then at least make sure that every investor that comes to invest in Zambia should share ownership with a Zambian.
    We own these resources and it’s time to start acting like it.

  2. Jokers! This is plain Why don’t just become a colony of China. Ian Smith was right when he said that you lot can only be ready to run your affairs in the next 100 years. He said this in 1975. And I totally agree with him.

  3. oh my god! so this is the plan for resolving youth unemployment the pathetic fools were campaigning about? it was donchi kubeba all the way! i guess you gullible zambians will try and find another pathetic excuse for them

  4. its interesting to how the PF has suddenly turned to china for assistance when they used to insult china day in and out when they were in opposition. Talk of chimbwi no plan.


  6. Sincerely speaking, this regime is not only a disgrace to humanity but useless one ever had in record history. I cannot help it but to say cry beloved country! With all natural resources, vast fertile arable land, 60 percent of the waters in Southern Africa, blessed with political and security peace, reasonably small population  and skilled human capital, 47 years after independence you are looking to China to give you jobs? Youth and women of Zambia you hear this? Could these dry bones ever intervene in your tribulations at the hand of exploitative foreign plutocrats? We have no leadership in them. They must immediately resign to allow Zambians define their own destine with intelligent and visionary citizens in the know.

  7. Zambian Sun #2, what you have said makes sense. We do not have to beg for jobs. We do have the potential and capacity to create jobs. Let’s look at the garment industry. Back in the UNIP era we had Piper Clothing Factory, Serios, Kuntawala, etc. We had nice locally designed shirts such as GOD FATHER, FASHION IMP, etc. I bet we have a lot people with sewing machines in the homes which are just gathering dust. They can be put to use by contracting them to do sewing of some garments. There are many areas where jobs can be created. I bet we don’t even make underwears with a label “Made In Zambia”. If it is true then shame upon us. We have start small then grow.

  8. With Zambian national Defense and Security recently delivered to China through GBM, Kabimba, Shamenda and Guy Scott who President Sata sent recently to finish the process, fellow Zambians get ready for a total mortgaging of our country to China. Sata has signed up a deal to turn Zambia into a Chinese off-shore province. Its a face server of vanity to even send his motor-mouth Minister of Commerce Bob Sichinga to the USA on a 5 state investment tour this month starting with Atlanta, Georgia. The country has already been mortgaged to China. 



  10. You know China is a big economy, ask MMD they had to make sweets from there. Let PF make good use as long as it will benefit Zambians.

  11. The Financial Times carries this article worth the eyes of Alexander Chikwanda, “Export growth boosts Portugal’s prospects” By Peter Wise in Lisbon. Its not mortgaging our country that we need but creating Zambian capacity to gain from trade. Value added export driven will come with significant gains. This Zambians and not Chinese can do.

  12. There give most of Zambia’s natural resources to foreigners hence I am not surprised to hear this. You (Zambian) you expect China to enrich and develop your country NOT theirs???
    In BBC there is already a heading that reads *Chine, Africa’s partner or plunderer* .. Think of who pocketed from the sales of minerals and oil produce from other African countries.. Never expect China to help develop your country without milking it.

  13. Developer #9 Right on my fellow Zambian. Let’s have another Piper Clothing Factory and let the majority of Zambians buy only from there and we’ll empower ourselves. Let’s have those sewing machines put to work and have some Zambians produce socks and if the majority of Zambians unite and buy only from there we would have instantly created an industry and empowered and encouraged many others to start sewing vests, under garments shirts etc. If we do that consistently our so called business men and women won’t have to go as far as china to buy things we can make right here.

  14. Flip floppers! Another u-turn by pipo who stigmatised chinese b4 elections! Zambians learn to see truth beyond liars and jokers!! Today Ukwa was commissioning a stadium built by his friends and didnt have the courtesy to invite RB’s govt who completed the project! Ukwa wants to get all the credit. Lets monitor whether 6 stadiums will will be built under his rule! 6 stadiums I mean, Lusaka, Independence and livingstone stadiums were initiated and negotiated by MMD govt. So by 2016 he must show us that he has built 6 stadiums as he told pipo of copperbelt today.

  15. Indeed we shall continue eating illusion corruption fight in Zambia, dont kubeba for sure. Does it mean there are no brains in Zambia to come up with business plans to create employment in the country? PF dunderheads no wonder only 7 guns 70+ years of age. We need the brains of HH, Mutati, Milupi, Magande etc. Viva HH & UPND for a better Zambia.

  16. Senior Citizen #10, it is a good thing that the Honorable Minister of Commerce is coming to the USA to sell Zambia. This should have been done long way back but it is not too late. Politically you must understand that the USA does not fully understand African politics compared to the Chinese who currently have a large number of investments in Africa. The USA is just waking up and as it is they are panicking on how to go about unseating China in Africa. The message i have to all zambians abroad who would like to see investments in Zambia come from other countries than China, is that we must directly talk to CEO’s of the companies of interest and persuade them to consider investing in Zambia. We should not wait for the government to do evrything for us. The government is us. One Zambia …

  17. We need brains that will work hard to fix our economy & not this tired heads. We need these guys to rest & let the new .com generation to take up the challenge of its time. Our hope in HH & the team for a better Zambia.

  18. I cant wait for 2016 if i would vote with my hair i would cut my head with potatoe cut to make sure this government packs. This will be the shortest serving government ever in the history of Zambia. You want China to help but want are you doing yourselves? Viva HH, Viva opposition. We cant eat corruption fight!

  19. #10 Senior Citizen and your verbal diarroeal be real and let the Govt work for the people. Your BweziGovt was in-charge of the country for 20 solid years and all we saw was unemployment, poverty and rampant corruption. MMD was very much attached to China but the proceeds were going to peoples pockets and being buried in farms. Get a life and start offering contructive comments.

  20. Chongo Lagos stop smoking weed. Rb’s govt was in power for 3 years not 20. Typical pf liar and dimwit. You can’t even count up to 3! Disgusting!

  21. What our government needs to do is to create an enabling environment which will attract investors and this will allow for job creation. Sinking so allow is an indication of desperation, lack of leadership morals and a sign of weakness and gives more impetus to foreigners to flout our laws with impunity.

    Latest stats show that China`s economy is slowing down. One more thing, a rude awakening for Zambia is that Mongolia, a neighbor of China has struck it big time and is likely to top the world in Copper and Gold production. The Development called Oyu Togoi, is situated only 50 miles from China`s border and is expected to start production late this year.
    The pursuit  of diversification is a necessity.

  22. # 21 Chongo Lagos. You seem to be defficient in your analysis and the current affairs obtains in Zambia. To begin with RB was not incharge of MMD for 20 years. It was Mr Michael Chilufya Sata who was running Zambia with Chiluba before late Mwanawasa and RB. In Sata’s time ‘brown envelops and slash funds’ were introduced. Sata was holding a suitcase of K200 million with late Golden Mandandi sharing the money and Democracy was assaulted and wounded with Sata as chola boy of Chiluba. Sata and others initiated corruption and cases do exist to be resurrected once he will be out of office. RB left an economic growth record and foreign govts were willing to invest in Zambia than today. Cry to China who you once insulted and Chinese are not fools to forget all what you said about them before.

  23. #23 Complexity, I am very current and I am not in any way deficient in my analysis as you suggest. From your tone, I am pretty sure you are one of those characters who benefitted immensely from the 20 years of MMD corruption. In my posting I did not mention anywhere the President. I was just reponding to one Senior Shitizen whose postings have been very foul all through out and its clear the loss his party suffered is still lingering in his thick head. I hope you are not the same person. Yes Mongolia a neighbour of China has struck Gold and Copper so what. Are you implying that China will stop importing from Zambia? How Myopic? Please let the Govt work for the people. You and Senior Shitizen have had your time. Its time for the common man 2 benefit whether from China or otherwise

  24. # 23 Complexity,
    You are too smart to respond to a sub-normal ignoramus belaboring to cheer a dangerously incompetent regime ever seen in human history. What do you expect when this chap # 21 is hardly motivated by altruistic values himself to realize that the legion of throwbacks is exponentially dragging the entire country into disastrous polarization and faced with a growing army of unemployed Generation in youths and women. Since when have we ever seen this kind of disillutionment among our people daily drying in droves at casual workplaces stampedes?

  25. The most useless white Zambian ever…. this white boy is a chola boy and so proud. 

  26. Zambia can only be developed by Zambians and it doesn’t inspire me that the government should ask another government to develop its nation. Sad!

  27. With due respect to nations appealed to we can do it ourselves. We have it all that these other nations have. Better still we understand and know our culture and needs more than any other nation/national. We can ask for their help/input here and there were we do not want to reinvent the wheel but overall we should be in charge. Go Zambia.

  28. Wait a minute you guys. May be the words ba Guy used could be construed to mean China should come and create employment for our youth, the truth is that the Veep was merely appealing for Chinese investment in Zambia. Can you do it yourselves bafikala? What stops you from creating jobs even now? The unemployment created in 20 years of MMD cannot end in 8 months of PF. MMD allowed SALAULA that has killed our textiles and now we are hooked on it.

  29. If Zambia can only be developed by Zambians then what is stopping you from developing it? You think you will get any better deal than you’ ve had all along freaky minds? If you have the capacity to develop Zambia what are you waiting for? The thing is you neither have the know-how nor the money to bring about development by yourselves. The industries killed by MMD cannot come through by ranting, we need investors from all over.

  30. And so HOW did this UNEMPLOYMENT come about? What happened in the 20 years of MMD? The Veep makes an appeal for employment creation through invitations to those who have the money and you ridicule that?

  31. China is a developing NOT developed country.. Visit china and see for yourself… Military arsenal is outdated. people’s lives .. striving to see the ends meet

  32. #29 Senior S.h.i.t.zen and your compatriot called complexity, I hope you have a psychiatrist near you. I find your thinking pretty absurd and incongruent with the reality and actually bordering on delusion. The New Govrnement has been in power for 8 months. In short, the children born when PF took over power are only 8 months old. The Children who were born when Mwadya Mweka Daddy took power are over twenty years and part of the mass of the unemployed you are ranting about. So tell me who created the unemployement? I would be very happy to send you money for consultation at a nearest Psychiatric wing. Thats how madness starts. Early treament may be of help.

  33. Typical Zambian, cry for leadership and when you get there continue with more talking and begging instead of seriously learning and adapting what has led to growth in the Asian economies. Pump money into revitalizing industrial infrastructure which is already in existence  such as Kafue and Mulungushi Textiles to curb exports of raw cotton and foundry to utilize scrap metal. Almost all disfunctional industries were born out of government resources with a view to create jobs and stimulate value addition! Otherwise lets see how we can best utilize the “talking industry” we seem good at to improve the economy! I salute your line of thought Kayombo, but look at the directions our promising young brains are pulling! They have been infected by the “politicking virus!”

  34. In much as I appreciate Zambia’s request from other countries to help with development, I still believe that development is in our heads as a people. The way we think and make visions of what we want and also the put our thoughts in practice. We have many natural resources that we have failed to utilize. We let our own natural resources aside and start looking to other to come and tap them beats reasoning. We have people (labour-educated and non educated), we have land, soils and minerals, plants, rivers, lakes. Why only look at them and leave all of these things to foreigners to come and tap them! What must we do within our means to start from low level and get to greater heights. What will it take us to think like the developed or developing people. Are our brains different from theirs?

    • independence but not economically independent.. you would have thought he would have had more pride than to ask the people he insulted. some chinese have their own chinese ka boyi in zambia. pf leaders enjoyed chiluba’s money and even kaunda’s money before that. busy lining their own pockets at the expense of the ordiniary citizen. your chinese stadiums will be falling down before the end of their term. ba *****s

  35. @Floyd Chitalu, Zambians understand what they have and are able to formulate splendid plans and programmes. Ever seen the fifth and sixth national development plan? There are many other fantastic proposals. What we lack are funds, the know-how and technology. Especially the FUNDS. With money we can contract.

  36. Ha! I feel sorry for me for having a leader of the country asking publicly another country to come and solve an internal problem. And Sata blames us for looking for an exit door.

    • ba chola boy you lack self esteem. how can you beg for help from the chinese when you were insulting them earlier. you should give back what you chewed when you and your friends were in the previous governments. a little corruption is ok, is it? you reap what you sow. your stadiums will last as long as your presidential term. ata ba swine

  37. ba chola boy you lack self esteem. how can you beg from the chinese when you were insulting them. different day same s##t. you chewed together, all of you. you reap what you sow

  38. Yaba!! We have problems in our country – come and sort out this issue for us? Why can’t PF create youth employment? Our shops need worker, our hospital need care assistants, hospital attendants, record attendants. Create drop-in information centres for tourists where people can call in for directions – create helpdesk centres for maintaince work and repair works.
    PF what are you doing in government if you have no vision? This is utterly redicioulous and it should be taken back. Job creation in a developing nation is simple – check for services that are lacking and where there are shortfalls and fill them up. Start with those highly needed services. Aim for clean schools and hosiptals, cooks and workers in these areas are badly needed. Creat General workers posts in all govt offices..!

  39. #8 Senior Citizen I totally agree with you, you have really responded well to this sad reading article about Our VEEP PLEADING for help from exploitative Chinese to determine our own destiny where youth unemployment is concerned!!!!!! imwe ba pf you mean zambia has no technocrats to devise the whole labour market system so that govt looks at the possibilities of job creations for the people??????

  40. I am still reading sad reports about Shoperite Investers in our country who seem not to be complying with the law.. I wonder what govt is doing about it??

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