President Michae Sata is today scheduled to hold a series of meetings in London with some of Zambia’s cooperating partners.
Mr Sata who arrived in London on Monday, is on Tuesday scheduled to hold a meeting with Commonwealth Secretary General Kamalesh Sharma.
ZNBC’s Melesiana Chibwe reports from London that the President will also hold a meeting with Standard Bank chairman Sir John Pearce.
And at 16:00hrs on Tuesday, the President will be interviewed by Vox Africa, a television station based in London.
President Sata is among world leaders that will be attending the luncheon for the Queen’s Golden Jubilee celebrations in London tomorrow.
While in London President Sata is schedule to give a key note address at the special Commonwealth Economic forum on Thursday which is part of the Diamond Jubilee celebrations.
President Sata’s speech will be anchored on the theme “A New Vision for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth in Africa.”
The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee celebration is an event marking 60 years of the reign of Queen Elizabeth the second of the United Kingdom.
The President is accompanied to London by first Lady Christine Kaseba, Foreign Affairs Minister Given Lubinda and his special Assistant for Press and Public Relations George Chellah.
That was real lunch…nesala kuti yakwi kata !
Dont miss the drama on VOx radio at 16:00 hrs. I suppose we are about to hear more ‘pamberi’ chants from our moronic leader….
Hope you can meet some serious investors at that luncheon & please dont say what you said in Botswana on Vox Africa TV..
UKWA IN LONDON, more drama to come!
The luncheon is been hosted by the secretary general of the commonwealth. He has invited the queen who is head of the commonwealth as the guest of honour. Invitations have also been extended to all heads of state and govt of all commonwealth member countries. Zimbabwe vigil is waiting to protest Sata’s presence. They are unhappy with what newspapers in the sadc region have described as his “childish and clownish” behaviour at the sadc defence and security meeting in Angola!
Gentlemen and Ladies,its hightime we started having open seccessions of question and answer forums with these GRZ Officials and Leaders for them to inform us their foreign travel and how these errands benefit us. RB was on tour almost all his tenure of office. But no tangible result to lay bear as evidence of our hard earned taxed money spent apart from those corruption allegations and mismanaged sale of our Assets.
chizungu baba!
#6 your english is so bad thats why Zambia can not develop.
You reasoning is quite illogical. I wish I could say that is why you are developed. lol
uli wakwisa? f**k you
If the Botswana and Angola alleged episodz of M. C. Sata are anything to go by, there iz serious need for thoze cloze to our beloved President to help. Else we will assume people near the President are not good friendz and or are just hell bent on keeping their jobz irrespective of what goez on.
No interviews with major news outlets? How sad! I thought this would have been the best time to showcase Zambia’s chief comedy talent. The guy has already won praise in sadc countries as a clown. Just google “clown Sata” and see what you will get! It is time to hide countrymen! God what did we do to deserve this?
#7 Can you name a developed country that has done so minus using their own language? England uses English, The French and French, Germans and German, Russia and Russian, Chinese with their own language, Japanese … need I go on. Development is about what you do with what you know rather than being able to fluently speak and write in a foreign language.
This is silly logic, language has no bearing on developmen.
We just need honest hardworking people but as it stands in zed
Everyone steals. You can’t expect a population made up of 80% thieves to develop a Nation
And to make it worse even the educated ones have no wisdom or the ability to determine what’s best for them.
#7 – I wasn’t breed and brought up Kuma but kwa. But I can write when I mean to. Iam busy working on something, but switching between articules. Haven’t you heard of editor? Common sense at times help. Make sense of the context for now!!
Did you know that President Sata once held shares in Standard Bank?
The Press aide at the Zambian HC in London got his facts in knickers. Sata has been to UK many times since 1963. He once followed a girlfriend to UK.
He also had his Passport ‘stolen’ by aChinese chamber maid in a hotel. BUT what bothers me about all this, is how many times Bob Sichinga and Zambian politicians have made trips to UK ‘to woo investors’ since Nov 2011!
They are just coming for shopping, capwa!
We are in for real comedy from Usofia in London. Did I hear keynote address?? Who appointed UKWA mwebantu sure. Other commonwealth heads would have done better on this one for sure.
Please guys even if Mimi decides to differ with you there is no justification for you to use such bad language against her mother.Whatever happened to our good culture…
How can we hear our President when in London? Please furnish us with links.
Seems very few heads of state or govt will attend. Most will be represented by their High commissioners. I only saw one foreign head of state at today’s church service. It was the president of Sri Lanka. So may be we will only have this Lankan dude, Cameron and sata plus all the high commissioners. It will be interesting. Expect Sata to talk about corrupt opposition and judiciary. If he does this he will go on to confirm that he is indeed not qualified for the presidency. One cardinal rule in international relations is that a leader does not talk about his country’s politics when he is outside the country. It is unpatriotic!
@saint, get in touch with the Zambian high commission. If you have the right sounding name you will be registered to attend the dinner at the higher commissioners residence.
Lame duck meetings
@ Saint and @ Mimi, get over your hangover of not accepting MCS as your president and please do not insult him. He was elected in office by me.
Yaba! More embarassments coming! I agree this will be Usofia in London!
#9 Rod, I did goggle “Clown Sata”. The publication/articule isn’t bad despite the writers erring on the mini bus thing on his first trip to Livingstone. But if the Donor aid cheating is as construed and true, then we have been robbed off in broad day light by these cooperating partners. Hopefully the Donor aid insinuation isn’t as perceived by the author.
#6, Yes, RB was always air-borne throughout his short-lived presidency and the current one travels to other countries to make his circus jokes and shout slogans in support of his crime-ridden buddy. That’s Africa at its best.
some should close UKWAs’ mouth, i see more embarrassment.
I love this president eish! Long live mr SATA.
@boza, I actually can’t accept UKWA as my President especially now that his childish and clownish behaviour is at its peak lol. He has enough people to preside over including you.
ukwa in london he never cease to amaze me…enyoy the drama pa zed…bakapele speech! how i wish lubinda can do it..
We are privileged to meet out President tomorrow night at the high commissioner residence house in London shaleni mweka Sata is our President.
b progres ubupuba wa ifyo will not lead you anywhere, shame on you.
People are not taking this man seriously due to his association with Mugabe and other clownish antics
#6 & #11 & #18 BIGGIE MUZO – why don’t you use your Zambian mother togue or tribe. Maybe someone will understand what you are saying. English is definitely not one of your strengths and right now you are speaking gibberish. I can see you are trying to say something, but your English is non-existent…some of the words you are using do not exist in the English dictionary yet. I might be wrong, may be your English is too advanced for me, in which case PLEASE USE SIMPLE ENGLISH.
As for Sata visiting London, I just have one question for all you PF cadres: PLEASE tell me – Is Sata visiting the underground train station where he used to sweep and clean toilets? It is an innocent question.
Nothing wrong to visit one’s former work place.
Because of attitudes like yours, people looked down on the noble Luvale people, and Zambia has unmaintained and unsanitary so called public toilet. Furthermore, people are shaning jobs that could earn families an income. Shame on such attitudes.
but you havent answered the question bwana, is he visiting his former working place or not?
Bloggers be more concerned that Mr Sata’s visit to London has attracted protest from Zimbambweans in UK because of his embarassingly open support for dictator Robert Mugabe. Its embarassing for Zambia to have protests allowed by UK govt on Sata. However, there is a message in that protest that Mr Sata is not up to the standard of international diplomacy in dealing with other heads of state. Here in the UK a protest as planned will definately take place in view of all world dignateries attending the Queen jubilee. What a shame for Zambia to have such emarassing scenes at the Zambian embassy in UK.
Open protests are permissable in western democracies and its up to the zambian president to behave reasoble in the eyes of the international leaders. His clowning acts wont work in western countries as they will sartire him and take him for a nutter.
Granted, but why can’t Zimbabweans deal with their Mugabe? What about South Africa, and the Presidents that pre-date Sata’s assumption of power as Zambia’s President? You have had RB, who used to send food aid to Zim, etc.
AND, by the way, is not this article about ‘President Sata scheduled to hold a series of meetings with some of Zambia’s cooperating partners?’
Nothing wrong with headsof state like Sata,Berluscni,George Bush Jr etc. They simplify politics.
President Sata’s speech will be anchored on the theme “A New Vision for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth in Africa.” It will be the follow up questions and discussions which will show whether the speaker understood his own speech or not.
First it was drama with Malawi, then Botwsana, Angola, UK. Finally it will be at the UN where he will compete with Gadafi and Ahmadinejad as a clown
at times lets be sensible, this manner of talking the same things that does not bring development must be forgotten ka.
Which one is correct: At paragraph 3, you say that this is a GOLDEN JUBILLEE, yet at paragraph 6 and 8, you say that it is DIAMOND JUBILEE…. Which one is correct? Please try to be accurate!!