The Southern African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (SACCORD) has advised Lusaka province commissioner of police Charity Katanga not to be too excited and take Lusaka as her home village.
SACCORD information officer Obby Chibuluma says it is very unfortunate that Ms. Katanga could openly declare that she has gone on a war path in relation to yesterday’s foiled UPND demostration.
Mr. Chibuluma says Ms. Katanga should not be emotional when doing her job but should sober up and follow the law.
He notes that the police should always be aware of the fact that there is a constitution governing the country and that human rights must always be respected.
Speaking in an interview with QFM, Mr. Chibuluma says Ms. Katanga’s behavior when stopping the UPND youths from going ahead with their planned demonstration showed that the police service is so excited and lacks professionalism.
He has since called on the Inspector General of Police Stella Libongani to take a responsibility of disciplining erring police OFFICERS
And the Human Rights Commission has condemned the move by the police yesterday morning to stop the United Party for National Development (UPND) youths from holding a peaceful demonstration to push for the stepping down of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Mutembo Nchito.
Commission’s Public relations manager Samuel Kansakha notes that the commission has since learnt that one of the UPND youths has been badly INJURED IN the fracas that the involved THE ZAMBIA Police.
Mr. Kansakha notes it was also wrong for the police to have attacked journalists who were merely doing their job.
He has since questioned why the police decided to use force on the youths who where unarmed.
Mr. Kasankha has told QFM news that the act by the police to stop the UPND youths from holding a peaceful demonstration is an impediment of their democratic right to express their views on governance issues.
Mr. Kasankha notes that citizens have a constitutional right to hold peaceful demonstrations and therefore the police should be seen to operate within the confines of the law.
satasfaction at work.
UPND asked to be treated that way. They were denied a permit to demonstrate why push the Police. Continue beating them if they have no regard fot the Law
There is no law in zambia that demands you must have a police permit in order to put up a protest.Pls educate us what law that is.
Correct! These scoundrels are trying to cause anarchy and make governance hard for the PF. All the need is ponos chapwa.
is’nt this the same interview you guys reported on yesterday with twisted narratives about saccords views regarding the upnd demonstration. change of heart, i suppose.
Sanity is returning. After sleeping over the issue people have realized that citizens have the right to protest! Shame on charity the katanganese!
Imwe ba rod tamwakwata amano. Does it make sense to demonstrate without bosses in the fore front like HH and Siakatole. Those youths do not even have voters cards but were just organised in the name of the party. Hunger can make people do anything. use yo head to think and not yo bottom.
dull *****s and frustrated did that!how do you beat up people who are not armed..?
even if today you repeat muleponnokwa!
@2 no one needs a permit to stage a peaceful demo in Zambia. Which part of that statement sounds like calculus to you?
UPND asked for this!! The sad part is that none of the foolish UPND leaders was among the youths who protested! Stupid *****s using innocent unemployed youths to satisfy their selfish evil motives.
Iwe please nichani? Did you see George W Bush in the battlefront of the Iraq war? If not, do you think he should have been there? Think with your brains pls, not something else.
Tinanvera kuti ba Sata pamene bana bwera chaabe mu ofisi, bana mirundira ma arawances bonse bakapokora, manje izo ndarama muzazivutila ba kakasha ndi ba lumendo, chapara kuti uyu mudara watu aliko rafu nditu.
Ayo masimati azasila
Stupid gvt. We all know the demo was in the interest of our country. Nchitos should pay back
Only dull people like you can say that.Nchito owes no one.If i may ask why did MMD hire Nchito to probe THE late President Chiluba?Because the man is clean and he loves the Lord he is not like you stranded chaps.Uno mwaka mulechimona you crooks mulekakwa.President Sata openely said MMD IS corrupt
N02. The money these people were demonstrating for could be channeled towards provision of socila amenities such as roads, etc. Your hero worshiping of PF is pathetic and shows that you’re shallow minded. Peaceful demonstrations are a part of every democratic country.
dictatorship by Sata. Police shame on you.
Which dictatorship you fool. Mulekakwa if you continue breaking the law in the name of enjoying yo rights to demonstrate. Bravo our professional police. We don’t need what is going on in Syria.
I saw the fury in the eyes of that Lady Inspector, almost running out of breath when interview. Too attached to the ordeal with emotions, very unethical conduct for her position. Besides, Zambian law only allowance the Cizitains to give notice on their intention to protest and the police to indicate whether they will have enough manpower to cover the protesr proceedings than what we saw with no explanation as to why they denied those UPDN Youth, go ahead. Nevertheless, it was not right for those UPND to go ahead as they did. They deserved what they got, the beating!! By the way were was HH and the rest of the instigators?
People what is at play here is importing Mugabe leadership style into this country. By the time PF govt is through with this country not even blogging will be possible. As for the lady Lusaka Prov. commander I feel sorry that she has had to deviate from her professional call and declare war for the first time in the history of this country. This is saddening to a point that leaving this country is now a valid oportion. What a shame to be a Zambian at this pointing in time. We have a leader who can shout political slogans for another country, so he can be supported once he starts brutalizing people at home as was the case yesterday. PF you will soon destroy this country beyond redress. It is like PF is declaring this country officially a police state. Whare are the people arrested yesterday
Here a violation of fundamental human rights has been infringed and individuals have been injured. The police are without evidence that peace and tranquility in the country was at risk or loss of life by the general public was highly at risk. This was a peaceful demonstration and police just need to be informed. police should have provided security to those demonstrating. What has resulted is failure by police to protect and instead brutalise citizens. Those involved such as Charity Katanga have to be sued in their personal capacity as state did not employ them to brutilise, maime or injur citizens who have not brocken any law. They will account for their action in court personally.
Why did HH, Kakoma, Mweemba and other top UPND official not participate in this Demonstration? The youths are to blame because they are being used. UPND should find jobs for the youths they using so that they can have meaningful life…Police are doing their job. Opposition in Zambia is a joke. They only want to win sympathy from citizens.
Demonstration was for the youth wing of the party just like PF youths demonstrated against chief justice last time. My concern is that innocent youths are brutalised by the PF Zambia Police. There is no freedom in Zambia if people are beaten for airing their views.
Indazo notuma WIG , shamonapo!!!!!!
We told you that Sata is an evil dictator
Atase iwe chi octombasi! Only stupid fools like yourself see that. Wabe amani ayatulika
If Katanga behaved the way she did then I suspect Stella Libongani was also involved. She must have been consulted and gave a go ahead for Katanga to act the way she did. Shame on the police command, ministry of home affairs and the executive. How can you brutalise your own citizens in this manner? Are these not the same people you have sworn to protect? What crime did they commit for them to deserve such brutal force from the police? To demonstrate is a right enshrined in the Constitution and Katanga and Libongani must be brought to book for breaching people’s rights. The demonstrators were not armed nor were they violent; they were just expressing an opinion within their right to do so. There was no need for the police to beat them up the way they did. At some point we need to account.
mr chibuluma where was you when they planned to demonstrate without permit what do you expect police to do. we have to change the law not just blame the police, police follow the law that a group need permit weather in notification form and police need enough manpower to protect the group
Zambia and its ignorant. A person can kill , still , Destroy things. Rob,do rubbish things. When the police acts, human rights will be the talk of the foolish *****s people and future less NGO. UPND was advised not to go ahead. Police bit then due to foolishness,then u are preaching human rights. Why did you tell them to stop there rubbish. Mwainyelawila. If u came again we will shoot you. Come on go in the street we are waiting u to gether with you rubbish NGO.
Why is PF behaving like this? Let people demonstrate. Why did the police deny the demonstrators a permit?
Is it fear, ignorance or stupidity driving such actions?
We are one Zambia, One Nation. No one man/party/officer is above anyone.
Civilization is a decision that we make; it doesn’t just happen.
There is no politician, no leader of anything, and no issue in Zambia at the moment worth any of my children and relatives going to the street to protest. None of those leaders of anything (in government or the opposition) in Zambia have a cause worth been beaten or dying for.
So HH,Siakalima,kakoma ,mweetwa and their bandwargon is to do the talking then the innocent un informed youths is to go in the battlefront and get the whooping.. Lady police easy .. Those are jobs for Men..e.g late Wasakaza..
I wanted to see HH and that spokesman in front of the used youths!poverty at work!! Just bring one of those youths on ZNBC and interview him why they are demonstratting! I bet, he knows nothing!! except for the 20pin HH gave him!
It makes me wonder why HH can prove to be so dull at law not to even distinguish civil matter from crime. What is he blocking when he attempts to shut up the govt on issues of corruption in Judiciary. His a culprit of a near future looking at how much he filled the pockets with privatisation monies in Luanshya mines. You are the next target and stop using innocent and dull youths over a K2. Why is changing goal posts, today h tells u he will demonstrate against issue of judges and today Mutembo his an issue. Let them do their jobs and the law of borrowing will judge them. It is no crime to get a loan and i believe this was secured loan.
Human rights being trampled upon with impunity. A police state like what we see in Syria.
HH Azapusa manje.he is a bitter man with his fellow bantustans
Guys, peaceful demonstrations are part of society and democracy. They make a system function well. Y allow the govt 2 do only wat they want? Mind u, govt is run by pipo, they ll only do wat benefits them & brings food 2 their tables so they must b checked by da opposition. U guys who want PF not to be checked by the opposition aint reasoning well. U think PF is a party from heaven? PF has failed its pipo. Let those youths air there grievances,in a number of tyms others ve demonstrated n we ve benefited even wen we nevr took part. Viva UPND
HH and his bantustan party knew the outcome. All they wanted was to embarras the president at the expense of the youths. Oh!! poor youths. Don’t be used by these cowards. Last night tey had Whysky in their homes with hot food and snacks while some of you were in police station cell sharing with criminals without a blanket. Are you fair to yourselves. Did HH and his circle send their children and brothers to join you? Please wake up and start business to look after yourselves.
Human rights do not mean going against any laws set by any countries.If the permit was denied .Why go on with demonstrations?
For the police if at all they used force which is allowed but not in a form of beating,then we are in for a rude shock.In other ways HH should understand that protests lead up to riots and loss of lives and property.All such just begin with the so called peaciful demonstrations.Will he allow it to happen when he leads the nation?
Lawlessness should not be condone in the name of democracy! Chibuluma should just shut up, and let the police do their job. UPND deserve what they got, they are not new in the political scene to ignore the law which require everyone to get a permit before holding a public rally or demonstration. The police did a good job and people like Obby should not be commenting on how the police work as if they professional police with PHD’s and a vast experience!
I think in all honesty the police over reacted on this matter. They are creating heros out of people who do not deserve to be heroes. Zambia is not in any crisis to deserve unexplained political protests. However, every citizen has a right to demonstrate for something they believe in and they MUST be allowed to do so freely. All the police needed to do is to negotiate a route with protesters then monitor their movements so that there is no distraction of public property. Those people would have dispersed without incidence and they will have achieved very little. Whatever is happening between the Judiciary and the Executive is Constitutional and the Courts are ably handling it at the moment…!
This police woman is too illiterate to know the International Criminal Court. She is typical of most senior police officers. The issue here is not HER. It was wrong for Sata to be involved in the creation of an extra structure of the Police service by creating Provincial Police Commissioners. That was so unnecessary and then he went on to appoint all the 10 PPCs. It’s ridiculous coming from a chap like Sata who used to criticise former presidents on the issue of excessive powers and appointments. The loyalty of all Provincial Police Commissioners is NOT to the police service and the Zambian citizens, but all loyalty to Sata who to the PPCs is like their God on earth. Truth is all PPCs are PF cadres. Katanga owes her bag of mealie-meal to Sata, not to you and me – SHE CAN KILL FOR SATA!
…And she will kill very soon.
The lady police chief is a problem. I remember that she showed the same behaviour with the lady at UTH. She is a very wrong person for that job. That job needs a very sober mind – Lets get someone else before she creates a bigger problem. There is no justification for that brutal act by the police. No difference with what is happening in Syria!
Dictatorship is back in Zambia, the police seems to have no direction. I regret voting for PF, i feel been cheated by these fools.
Hungry and weak looking officers. Some of them are even putting on school shoes instead and proper boots. What a shame
People are saying UPND broke the law, but the question is which law did they break. People do not need to ask permission from the police to demonstrate according to our current laws. It is their constitutional right to express their views. They only need to NOTIFY police of their intention so that police can provide security. If anyone broke the law, it was the police who overstepped their boundaries.
That is a stupid advice, Mama Charlity you did a good job, to teach those *****s some manners, we can not allow anarchy in our country, especially if it is coming from the losers, the case is in court so why showing your silly faces in the street. Well done the Police command.
All you morons supporting the rotten police. what is different from what happened in mongu in 2011 and yesterday 6 june 2012? Questions you shud ask your dull heads is that who was more violent the mongu crowd or unpd youths!
No 2 Reason, do be an ignoranta! You dont need a police permit to have a demo- you simply need to inform police 5 days in advance: but in a single party state like Zambia- you simply dont allow demos against the governent!
You need a police permit in order to hold any form of protest because enough police have to be present on the day of protest. Permits will be denied where police know they will not have the needed man power to monitor the situation on the day. UPND can say they want to hold a peaceful protest but things can change very rapidly in protest situations so the police need to be present. In saying so I do not in anyway support police brutality. In zed we let the police get away with too much.
‘The Southern African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (SACCORD) has advised Lusaka province commissioner of police Charity Katanga not to be too excited and take Lusaka as her home village.’ , ISNT THAT ABIT EMO EMOTIONAL,MR CHIBULUMA? , EVERYONE HAS A VILLAGE, I THINK BUT WHEN YOU START SAYING ‘AS IF ITS YOUR OWN VILLAGE’ IS ABIT MORE ROUGH.
I want to agree with you Amuna Onzuna, but Charity was a lot more rough. For an office of her status she needs to calm down before she sends a wrong message. In future if any group wants to demostrate they will go prepared. This used to happen in the UNIP days at university/colleges simply because the poilice then was a force. In other words it had no time to reason but just to engage the opposite side physically. But today this is a service (Police Service) and you can not classify beating as a service. Hence it is abuse of authority. Time will tell for Ms Katanga. For now she is covered.