PRESIDENT Sata has said Zambia urgently needs a national airline and has invited international airlines to partner with government in setting up a national carrier.
He was speaking when he met the Swiss African Business Circle (SABC), an association of Swiss and African businessmen at Hotel Intercontinental in Geneva yesterday.
The President arrived in Geneva on Thursday night to address a special sitting at the 101st session of the International Labour Conference.
Speaking to the businessmen in the morning, President Sata said there is need for international airlines to partner with the Zambian government.
“We can’t have a country like Zambia without an airline. Bring a trade delegation so that they look at our laws and bring the money,” Mr Sata said.
“Because Africa has changed, Africans no longer come here to hide their money,” he added, in close reference to some African leaders who looted their countries and stashed their money in international banks in Europe.
President Sata said the trade delegation should visit and explore Zambia so that they see the gaps that exist in business potential.
And SABC president Anthony Travis, who was speaking in an interview later, agreed with President Sata that Zambia needs a national airline, stating that in Africa it is not only challenging to travel overseas but it is difficult to fly from one country to another within the same region.
“But we are there to allow individual firms or businessmen to explore the possibility, and we take President Sata’s invitation seriously,” Mr Travis said.
President Sata charmed the meeting as he picked on individual businessmen of African origin, to explain what they do in Switzerland, and at one point engaged a Tanzanian national in Swahili.
The businessmen came from a wide range of sectors, including agriculture, finance, and pharmaceuticals.
“The problem with African businessmen who live in Europe is that they have not invested in their own countries. So when they want to invest in Zambia, the question would be, ‘what have you done in your own country?”
President Sata said the investment climate in Zambia has greatly improved and cited a reduction in inflation, as well as reduced bureaucracy in setting up business.
“Zambia has lots of advantages, because if you make genuine money, no one will object to you exporting your dividends, but you would have created employment. So we want you to reactivate employment. The Africans you see here came because of unemployment. Can they be consultants in Africa when people are not employed?” he asked as the bemused businessmen chuckled.
The President was surprised that Credit Suisse, whom he said were setting base in Zambia, were not part of the meeting.
He also asked his ministers Fackson Shamenda (Information and Labour), Given Lubinda (Foreign Affairs and Tourism), and Emmanuel Chenda (Agriculture) to speak to the businessmen.
Mr Chenda said Zambia is a sleeping giant because its vast land and water resources are still underutilised. Mr Shamenda said Zambians are highly skilled and investors need not worry about who to employ once in the country.
Mr Lubinda added that Zambia has tremendous potential in the service industry and the need for greater investment cannot be overemphasised.
And President Sata paid tribute to Chinese investment, saying the Chinese can invest in any part of the country, including the most difficult areas to live in.
“Some of the concerns raised about Chinese investment are now under control, and we cannot do without their investment because they even invest in rural areas. But we also need your investment because you are endowed with good brains,” the President told the businessmen.
Federation of Free Trade Unions of Zambia president Joyce Nonde and Zambia Federation of Employers executive director Harrington Chibanda also spoke highly about the investment environment in Zambia, including reduced interest rates as well as reduced labour disputes.
Others in the meeting were Information, Broadcasting and Labour permanent secretary Amos Malupenga, Zambia’s permanent representative to the United Nations in Geneva Encyla Sinjela and Youth and Sport permanent secretary Agness Musunga.
[Zambia Daily Mail]
The President and govt. at work
Will planes be landing on soil? Ifi kopo fyeka fyeka.
I fully support the President on this … details on my contributions below.
I keep wondering how my welfare would be if i was a brain cell in president sata’s head.
I am extremely joyous that your substandard brain cells are not anywhere near the president as you defectively wonder because you would have caused the President a brain aneurism.
That is what happens when you go and live china, no brain !!! you can`t even appreciate anything !!
That is the president at work. Sosa sosa ichalo chilekumfwa.
International investors to set up a Zambian carrier?Its surely laughable.Shouldnt it be purely Zambian?Mr Sata must study how South African airways is funded and operates.Otherwise it shall be an airline for politicians like Zambia airways.Who didnt have a free ride?Sata himself can also pay back money for those free rides during Unip.What about a commission of inquiry into Zambia airways before we set up another National airline!GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.
iwee cipe umfwa!
the one zambian airline owened by zambians where destroyed Rb and made stupid claims!
Are you not informed ?
Zambians mulifikopo you always want to bring someone done !
Thanks for your PHD(Pull Him Down).
The president is doing good for the country and YOUR FATHER IS NOWHERE HIM!
I meant ,down/NEAR
@Freedom of Explesion
You have made a lot of shallow contributions and seemly driven by awe than thought. Are you still believing that Sata knows anything that will drive this country forward? If you do, then please think about going to school. Zambian Airways was not destroyed by RB but by the board and it’s management. It was not RB that failed to remit taxes to NAA, NAPSA or indeed service the borrowed loans. The company was written of and It was M’membe and the Nchito brothers behind that. Therefore only them can be responsible for that failure. RB tried to protect tax payers money and recover the already gone K14b (maybe used in part to buy a Hammer car)
What happened to the proposed Zambian airline by S.A investors before elections.
Our KK airport also requires a major facelift.
good word !!!
# 2 Reflector….
I am extremely joyous that your substandard brain cells are not anywhere near the president as you defectively wonder because you would have caused the President a brain aneurism.
tell him mwana
2016 TIKU COSA IWE !!! 50% + 1 VOTE
Lets go King Cobra!
Airline without airports
ba engine!
what have you
engineerd ?
uli cikopo!
Typical of Mr Cobra, always waffling without making sense. Ukwa was part of the MMD Govt that liquidated Zambia Airways when alot of experts had advised that recapitalizing, professional mgt and commercialisation would be more prudent. Instead, Godfrey Miyanda went on live TV to announce the ‘death’ of QZ. Now Cobby wants Swiss chaps to come and establish a new national carrier? The airline industry is very complex with huge overheads and is affected by volatile oil prices. If US/EU carriers are currently in trouble, I’m skeptical about how a joint venture between Ukwa’s comedians and some Swiss investors would work. I wish them luck.
Will airlines around the world are facing serious financial problems some retorted baboon is thinking of starting up one with tax payers money
…calling your fellow human-being a baboon yet you live in a country where you are considered a monkey by the majority of the population. Grow up!
Its better to be a baboon than be a pig that is If you are white(pigmentally challenged)
I don’t know what your problem is but you can’t call our President a Baboon. That is very disrespectfully, pal. You may not agree with him and I don’t always either but this is way un-Zambian for you to refer to our elders that way. And whether you like it or not Bashi Chilufya is now our President, my President and don’t you refer to my President like that!!
lusak airport upgrade first but its essential to have a national airline to service local routes in zambia
a national airline is just an exercise in EGO boosting.govt should stay out of business as much as it possibly can.Have we learnt not a thing from history?zambia airways was a bottomless pit.it had foreign expertise at first air lingus followed by airitalia.Did the president not receive the respect he deserve in first class in british airways on his flight to europe?
What we learn from history is that people don’t learn from history!!!
The govt should stay out of business as much as possibly. When we need the national airline, the market will put one up not the politicians who’s interest is to win the next election….
# 11 & 13 the engineer (australia)…
This truly coming from an “engineer”!! Oh yeh… with a brain of an amoeba and only in australia
Let’s be serious Mr President, Yes Zambia may “need” an airline but can not afford to use taxpayers money in a high expenditure and very competitive dog eat dog sector like the Airline Industry.
This line of thinking can get you a standing ovation at Soweto market BUT when you really look at the numbers you are fighting a uphill battle. Most Airlines fail in the first 5 years reason is the initial capital or investment is low… now Mr. President are you ready to give a blank cheque and tax parachutes to a foreign partner on tax payer’s expense.
What this government should be thriving for is making Zambia the central hub for the region…invest more in the three main airports especially in Lusaka.
This is what a relic like Mr. Sata likes to talk about, advise him on such issues and you will be his most trusted PA even throw in reviving UBZ..he will pat you on the back BUT talk to him about innovative modern day solutions he doesn’t understand and he will order OP security to withdraw you State House pass!! LOL.
If we will eat the planes that only politicians can fly in then go ahead. This is lacking a visison for this country. Why just dreaming things than using the big heads to plan. Ukwa, u should stop acting now, it is time to work. So far the votes PF got are wasted because it is like they are waiting for another mandate to start doing things in fact they are still in opposition. Look, Bob Sichinga (pitty on him) says profits should not be repartriated then the president says it is ok, Nkandu Luo says street vending is lawlessness the following day Ukwa says that is why they voted into power. What a mess
Establishing Zambia as a regional hub through modern airport infrastructure should be more of a priority in my opinion. Make the country more accessible by upgrading the small airports, construct one in North-Western and Northern province and watch the airlines follow.
What is the link for the Zambia- Ghana game bane?
People that think they can not be heard or there points put accross without using the words like UKWA or Kaponya are very misguided. Most of us who are on these blogs all the time pay attention to points brought forward and not insults. The president has not said he is going to use tax payers money to start an Airline tomorrow. But the only good thing about democracy is that the mojority wins and usually the dull people are in the minority. Look at the number of people at Chainama as compared to those at UNZA.
Dude…my thoughts exactly.
@kci.. you write my thoughts…good
Perhaps partnering up with those first of all bringing experience in successfully running businesses that either finance or/and run airlines is a preferable compromise to our past loss making experiences. Alongside investment in the relevant support infrastructure I see no reason why we cannot re-enter this industry from a new better supported angle. Zambia should continually improve through its existence and we should all (if able to) focus on building what future generations can use to continue that growth in all sectors. Changes are needed to support this but those with the right mindset should already be moving forward in their own ways.
@1,6,16 looks like you’re a PF agent with your attractive name and low IQ. You make me feel like the only sport you do in life is jumping to conclusions…good luck maite!?!
We have been talking about the need for a national airline for years and it is good that Sata has realized the need after travelling by other nation’s airlines. What surprises me about some of our fellow Zambians is that most of them are against anything national.
In hindsight, the airline industry in Zambia has been a big let down, all the way through. Regionally, we can`t compete with SAA, Kenyan airways, Air Tanzania etc. In order to attract partners (as seen with KLM/Kenyan Airways, SAA/Air Tanzania), we need to show as proof, the economic viability of this industry in our country. We have failed at marketing and our infrastructure is deplorable. SA has taken advantage of this deficiency e.g.by marketing the Vic falls as it`s extension.
SAA and Kenyan airways have turned around this industry into profit making businesses despite high fuel prices by doing the following esp. for SAA: improved internal governance structures, tight cost control, improved efficiencies within the business, as well as product enhancement and innovation
Things that can be done, right?
Most diasporees are so negative. They can’t formulate a plan of action despite knowing the hurdles of a cause. The Chinese say knowing why something can’t work is half way through achieving the goal.
This plan has always been there, they are just waiting to get people to ‘partner’ with Mmembe/Nchito to restart Zambian airways. It was part of the package to appease the 2 most corrupt Zambians as we know all know.
Points to note:
1. Th airline will carry our national flag and promote tourism.
2. Our beloved president is inviting businessmen to partner with gvt so that the airline is profitable.
Ony HH and his minions oppose to anything the president says.
The president said tourism damages the environment, where do you hear from? ears?
# 25 Reflector…
It does not matter what your political colours are but the substance of your contributions. Of course no normal human being would love to have you low-grade brain cells, indisputably not me.. You ‘ve made me laugh….
Have a great day
To the interested, it’s half-time. Zambia leads by a goal.
I love your comment!
this galu,he call himself an engineer but he cant even offer himself to engineer one air port!
he’s as empty as the word itself!
even his tribe is as least and backward as my buttocks!
Let us look at what the man means now not the past coz it is gone
In pursuit of the future, the past is a better or in our case, bitter lesson, or else we stumble again
@ The Engineer (Australia)
…calling your fellow human-being a baboon yet you live in a country where you are considered a monkey by the majority of the population…Grow up!
@engineer !
in Australia,you’re considered nothing ,you dont matter .
Dehuman,racism is the order of the day !
I’ve been in that country ,and I couldn’t stomach such rubbish and I came back home!
Zambia is sweet!
If they count 1000 engineers in that country,your name is not there not even near .
Uli cikopo!
Rb did not destroy any airline. Stop your monkey lies. Mutembo run his down with a mountain of debt. Just pay back the k14 billion ba kolwe!
Zambia has beaten Ghana 1 – 0. Christopher Katongo scored in the 1st half. He hold the history/record of being the first to score at the New levy Stadium on an international stage.
How can you start an airline with airports which look like warehouses for storage? The reality is which ever airline will start in Zambia will never be profitable. SAA has never been profitable for years. Any airline which will start with have to compete with SAA which i heavily funded by SA government. Can Zambia or the partner they will choose fund the loses. Simple answer NO. Its a pipe dream which Ukwa does not even know what he his talking about. This is a country which does not even have a decent University later on better schools and health facilities which wants to start an airline. Like one blogger says very soon we will hear him restart UBZ.
Wake up with Ukwa Zambia is simply F…Ked
The Engineer,
You are a calamity hauler.Why do you just condemn whatever ideas the President is suggesting? If you are a real Engineer,you must come up with alternative solutions instead of just shooting down points raised by the Pf government.
You must also mind your language since we are not fighting hear but learning from each other.Kenya Airways used to a loss making Airline until KLM partnered with the government owned company.This is the same principle President Sata would like the foreign based companies may to employ in Zambia.There are solution out there and am one of the businessmen operating in the Zambian industry moving the country forward and paying taxes.
Make contribution which are up building.
I once flew on the Zambian Airways and later Zambezi and told my self never again. Flight was ever late.
Good luck and keep on dreaming
Ndola airport is still the building which were left by the Royal British air force in World War 2. Can not even compete with a small town airport in my small Australian town and u call it an airport? You have to borrow money from china to buy mobile clinics and you think you can start an airline?
People need to be serious… I see Ukwa can manage for f.o.ol a few of you here
Even Zimbabwe with a destroyed economy has just built a modern airport in Bulawayo. We need to accept that Zambians a good at talking and no action. You can not build roads the chinese have to do it for you and now you want to start airlines?
A president has a flight on a commercial flight and develops a business plan to start an airline. Thats why this country is poor… not even knowing a countries priorities means this guy is not fit for the job… its just simple basics. He wants to start a national airline so is extended family in government can start traveling
The Engineer, talking about airports didn’t the same government cancel that BOT contract for re-development of Lusaka International Airport with a Turkish firm? We certainly like to shoot ourselves in the foot, or is it inability to think beyond today or to analyse the impacts of our actions and words?
@42 msana nzili the opposite
“it’s the inability to think beyond today or to analyse the impacts of our actions and words”
This is the disease with EVERY black man, so said Botha, the president of RSA before de Klerk.
Reading posts by some ‘educated’ bloggers here sought of vindicates him for even if they’re educated they’re full of excuses and can never plan nor act beyond what they can see, and are so quick to blame others, as if others are obligated to develop the country for them. Very shameful!
Congratulations Zed on the win. Back to the article. I kinda like the President’s humour but I have warped motives :) I also figure props to the promotion of the presence of highly skilled personnel available to work with and for investors. All in all like most things up here lately it is important not to lose your positive perspective in negative times. No one can foresee the future so my money is on the future generations shirking off damage done by previous missed opportunities and I will do my part to generate alternative platforms to create opportunities for those positively seeking people who gives a toss :)
…who give…
Yes we can build a new airline from the ground up, but we have to take the following into account.
Fuel costs – in just 12 years crude oil prices increased by almost $100.00 per barrel – you have to have a cheap source for fuel. I can help with that, part of my business.
Lower burden of excess aircraft capacity – you have to choose between leasing and owning the aircraft … no silver bullet there, it depends on what your vision for the airline is.
Taxes have to be maintained, but that base fares not fall and stay so low – your business plan should be written such that you would break-even at half capacity otherwise you are doomed.
Some airline losses are due entirely to a series of unfortunate exogenous events relative to what management and investors should have expected.
The new Zambia Airways (QZ) like other legacy carriers (major airlines) can either close the cost gap with Low Cost Carriers (LCCs) or increase the price premium they maintain. They will likely have difficulty earning consistent profits through the typical cycles in the airline business environment, unless they partner. By collaborating, you do not only close the cost gap but you also increase revenues because you would be collecting huge amounts of cash on behalf of other airlines and up and until they invoice you, you can use that cash for increased credit lines with your bankers allowing for more liquidity. Cash is king in the airline business. Lastly as a new airline, you have no grandfathering burdens such as pensions for retiring pilots, flight attendants, ground crew, etc.
Continued from above … as a result, you can keep your operations lean and mean … well too much information for free. Only that I love Zambia otherwise, I will invoice GRZ next time around for consultancy. I charge a lot of money for this kind of business consultancy … well; I guess I have to do some of these things pro-bono for my country. Besides, Zambia Airways (QZ) was the first airline I ever flew and I still have vivid memories of that flight on Kwazi (DC-10) non-stop from Lusaka to London … What A Sweet Life, it was then!!! Zambia Airways, we were getting better all the way and the corrupt MMD liquidated us for a song, beautiful Zambian girls (airhostesses) on board serving you with a smile only a Zambian woman could give. I want my Zambia back … enjoy your weekends, pals.
correction … it was not called Kwazi but “Nkwazi”, captained by Captain Mulundika. Those were the good old days, boy!!!
It is very ‘unhealthy’ for the nation when its leader spends a lot of time dreaming. Anyone interested in investing in this carrier if up to it will thoroughly investigate how the others have failed, same issues that have now even grown bigger! we wait…
@No.13 The Engineer (Australia)
Ukwa may not be brilliant but its no reason to call him a Baboon. He is human like you.
Too many jealousy refugees. Stay where you are and let Zambia move forward.
Ba The Engineer (Australia)
I don’t know what your problem is but you can’t call our President a Baboon. That is very disrespectful, pal. You may not agree with him and I don’t always either but this is way un-Zambian for you to refer to our elders that way. And whether you like it or not Bashi Chilufya (MCS) is now our President, MY PRESIDENT and don’t you EVER refer to my President like that!!
Disagree with him on principle, policy, strategy, execution, style, substance, etc but don’t you ever dare denigrate him for whatever reason. Unless otherwise, you still have roughly four more years of his current term of office given to him by the smarter people of the Zambian Enterprise. If you have problems with that, work hard next time around and help your favorite candidate win the next election and whoever he will be, we will not call him a Baboon even if we don’t like him. Waumfwa!!!????
Exactly my thoughts too.People like Engineer feel that having studied the field they are above all humans.Ask him what he has ever engineered or invented in life apart from insulting the president.Zambia needs a national carrier and I support this whether it is coming from MCS or HH or NM.
#50 BR Mumba, Do not worry about people like so called Engineer. These are people who never grew up in proper families.
@42 msana nzili the opposite
“it’s the inability to think beyond today or to analyse the impacts of our actions and words”
This is the disease with EVERY black man, so said Botha, the president of RSA before de Klerk.
Reading posts by some ‘educated’ bloggers here sought of vindicates him for even if they’re educated they’re full of excuses and can never plan nor act beyond what they can see, and are so quick to blame others, as if others are obligated to develop the country for them. They wouldn’t tell a strategic plan from a dream if it goes beyond a time-line beyond a year! Very shameful!
@51 Ba kci … natotela (thanks a trillion). You are the best.
No. 52
Thank You and i rest my case
No 50
Live on with your dreamer Unkwa … i really do nnot see the difference with what i called him. To you he his Bashi Chilufya unfortunately thats how i see hime and respect my view
#26, 50 Etal. Lets not be emotional about terms. What is important is to anlyse what Mr Sata is informing the nation and his standing before Zambians on the basis of what he says and do. If my memory serves me well Mr Sata called our late president ‘cabbage’ on may occassions. Yet todate late Mwanawasa ranks second from our founding president KK in being patriotic and development in our nation. Perhaps the challenge is does Mr Sata mean well when he laments about the national airline? Is he speaking from a disadvantaged position like you and me or he has had several chances to have raised this issue while in 4 govenments out of 5?
The Engineer, is it wrong to plan starting up an airline? Besides we had one which was the best in southern africa. Our pilots even used to instruct pilots from neighboring countries. Mistakes were made and i see nothing wrong in reviving the industry. Please leave us alone and just stay in Australia and concentrate on cleaning old white people’s asses!!!
Fake Enginner
Long overdue. Work on the facilities in the backyard. KK airport needs a major facelift among others. If have had so many others promises which have not yet been implemented. The dual citizenship was one of the kind i had seen PF was going to be commended for but there is still a lot to be done. More money in your pockets…..still looking forward to that?
# 12 Ukwa Reloaded
You have a point..
Bs Ras Rated, what is wrong with your rating up stairs!! The GRZ recently increased salaries for its workers who are the majority workforce, lowered taxes and reduced fuel upon coming into power. Isn’t that money in people’s pockets at least?
# 57
Ras Rated.
More money in your pocket was a slogan to lure voters. Now you see these same people are begging from businessmen, Chinese to create jobs for the youths. Where on earth can you ask a foreigner to manage your affair while you sit and look on. If you take a look at the number of deligates = too high expenditure on accommodation eat much of the tax payer’s money whereby some of the need not to have travelled. Namely Information minister for instant > what is his role there?? Trade union etc…. Financial management is a big problem which results into too much expenditure as everyone want to fly.
Kanjimaano naiwe tawakwata amano kwati the so called Engineer kapipa amatako ya tukote to ba sungu. What do you want the GRZ to do. Offer advise instead of criticizing. Which affairs are being managed by the Chinese!! Were you going to afford to build the stadium in Ndola without them? I HONESTLY have failed to understand people like you.
If I was a baboon I would sue the Engineer from Australia for comparing me to Sata…
Sata is baboon + chbwi
Sata is baboon + chibwi
Is Ukwa privy to information concerning African politicos hiding money in Swiss banks? Only the Swiss know the truth about this. Sata should not blurb about issues beyond his station. Iam quite sure they were amused at the uninformed nonsense from Ukwa. I am quite sure they saw a potential customer. Not surprised if his been recruited already.
For more than 20 years we have been wondering when we will ever have a national airline and I am very happy to know that President Sata and the PF government are making efforts to establish our own national carrier.This has been long overdue.Truely we now have a government that thinks about development.VIVA PF VIVA PRESIDENT SATA!!
#50 R Mumba
Exactly my thoughts too.People like Engineer feel that having studied the field they are above all humans.Ask him what he has ever engineered or invented in life apart from insulting the president.Zambia needs a national carrier and I support this whether it is coming from MCS or HH or NM.
No please spare us this nonsense. You can have your so called national carrier but please don’t waste tax payers money on egoistic projects. One moment the same govt stops a private company from building a new airport claiming that majority of poor Zambians don’t use it. Today we are being told govt wants to run an airline. Pure madness!
A national airline goes beyond profits and thats the reason they continue to exist. They are a national symbol. Imagin britain without British airways. Zambia is an emerging economy and needs a national air line to boost that. Why do you think big air lines are busy opening the Zambian route ?.Even poorer countries have their own why not us? Lets stop being pessimistic and start to compete with the best there is in the world.
We need Zambia Airways back as the Flag carrier. How do we expect to do well with Tourism without an Airline? European Airlines are all bleeding except KLM, Target the Middle East carriers; they are more serious and Aggressive. We need a Good Airline to change the whole African market. Good thinking Mr. President.
A couple of weeks ago the president clearly and in all seriousness decreed that tourism is not good for Zambia as it causes environmental degradation, LOL. So, unfortunately, those of you advocating for Zambia Airways back as the Flag carrier to boosting tourism risk being sued by the President. He is the alpha and the omega. No vision, no planning, just does hunches and winging it as he drives Zambia into oblivion.
#65 let us not pick words from the presidents speeches and make articles to support our under five ploys. Pay attension to all the president says. He never said he does not want tourism to continue happening in Zambia because of enviromental degradation. The whole world is complaining about polution that comes from industry/Mining but are they saying these activities should be discontunued?
Dear #66 kci, you sound like an intelligent mature person, so I will ignore your misguided quip about ‘under-five ploy’. But seriously, it appears you missed the news report by LT dated 29th May 2012 headed ‘ TOURISM CONTRIBUTES TO ENVIRONMENTAL DEGRADATION – President Sata. Please go to LT Archives, or simply Google or Bing the title. So, I put it to you kci, in this report, is the President for or against tourism?, even in places where it is thriving, like Living stone, does he embrace it or shun it? Is the president for the idea of expanding tourism at all? In the article I quote the President who categorically said “We want to ensure that the place is natural and that is why we don’t want any tourist or the area to be known,”. That’s our head of state talking…….
Contd…….That’s our head of state talking, and that, my friend is a decree. He made no caveats to his comment, no buts, no howevers, nothing. Fact is President Sata is way in over his head on these matters, it is as clear as daylight. And evidently he does not consult nor lend himself to a debate on his hunches. . So, talk about tourism at your own risk. He is the alpha and the omega, and driving Zambian tourism potential into oblivion.
I agree with President Sata. The government must give Nchito and M’membe five hundred Billion Kwacha to revive Zambian Airways as our national airline.
What is complex and vexing is failure by some Zambians to identify Mr Sata’s populist announcements made so far without corresponding results. Today Mr Sata can promise some Zambians that he will soon take them to the moon and will aplaud loudly as ‘the man of action’. This is worrying, me thought Zambians would ask Mr Sata how, when and with what means they would go to the moon? Mr Sata just needs to do what Zambians are yearning for him to perform. His presidency is facing big challenges of failure to map out development agenda and good governance in the eyes of the region and the world. Its stuck on Sata to deliver so far elluded.
Sport on # 78
Surely in this modern day a President thinking like this. It is a shame. Private papers in Zimbabwe are calling SATA a clown !!! He embarrased us in Angola making monkey chants about ZANU-PF. Even Zimbabwean young and very educated Ministers were let down. I never Voted for this man and my hands are clean !!
Not bad, not bad at all…
its high time we had our own.we love our country,our famillies and friends but it does`nt allow me who is a qualified AIRCRAFT ENGINEER to be in my own country without employment hence most of us all are now out of our own mother`s land and choose to be FOREIGNERS in other lands because our industry of interest was closed due to selfishness and political matters of our previous presidents.it is my wish that my nation has its own national airline carrying my beautiful national flag hence we will be proud citizens now like the way it is we even fail to demand our own salaries because they can fire you anytime since they know you dont have a leanback..our national airline was doing far much better than kenya,malawi and even ethiopia but look how far these people have gone.its never too late