Monday, February 24, 2025

Western Province Youth endorse Liato for MMD vice-president


Former labour Minister Austin Liato with his wife and sympathisers at the Lusaka magistrate court

THE youth leadership in Western Province has resolved to back former Kaoma Central Member of Parliament (MP) Austin Liato as the MMD’s vice-president.

Those in support of Mr Liato are youth chairpersons from Kaoma, Mongu, Sesheke, Kalabo, Lukulu, Senanga, Shang’ombo and Mulobezi districts.

The resolution was made at a meeting held at Ishaa Mbingo’s Kraal Lodge in Kaoma at the weekend.

Those that signed the resolution were Kaoma District youth chairperson David Chiyuka, Vincent Mapunga from Mongu, Sesheke’s George Simulilo and Mulambwa Munalula representing Kalabo.

Others were Mutete Mutete from Lukulu, Senganga’s Muyambwa Wamundila, Lifasi Mutonga of Shang’ombo and Sililo Kusika representing Mulobezi.

When contacted for comment, MMD deputy national secretary Chembe Nyangu said Mr Liato was a “free man as his suspension was lifted long before his conviction.”

He said Mr Liato was an active and loyal member of the former ruling party.

Mr Nyangu said the position of vice-president had not been advertised yet, but that it would be announced soon.

He said members who were in good standing with the party would be urged to contest.

“By 30th June, 2012 we should have the two vice-presidents in place,” he said.

Western Province youth Chairperson Musangu Njamba said the resolution to rally behind Mr Liato was based on his exemplary track record in various portfolios he served and that it was arrived at after wider consultations in the province.

“We have resolved that we are going to sell Liato for the position of the vice-president of our party because we have seen how he has worked. Mr Liato has worked well in all the portfolios he was given in the Government of this country,” he said.

Mr Njamba cited Mr Liato’s portfolios he had served as Labour minister, Energy deputy minister, Lusaka Province Minister, Kaoma Central MP for ten years, Zambia Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) vice- president.

He also served as Zambia Electricity and Allied Workers Union president.

The Lusaka Magistrate’s Court last month sentenced Mr Liato to two years imprisonment with hard labour for possessing property suspected to be proceeds of crime. This was in connection with the K2.1 billion, which was dug out from his Mwembeshi farm.

He was released on K50 million bail pending his appeal to the High Court.

At the MMD provincial conferences, which ushered into office Nevers Mumba as the party’s president, it was resolved that the vice- presidency position be reintroduced after being frozen for several years.

The party would now have two vice-presidents, one in charge of political affairs while the other one for administration.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. No qualmz with a Lozi, Mbunda or indeed Nkoya taking up the MMD vice prezidency, but certainly not Liato. Unless there are no other standing men/women in Western Province.

  2. Gorsh, I thought wp was declared no longer part of zambia. Did I miss the reversal anouncement? And wasnt Liato suspended by the mmd? Isnt he also a convicted prisoner? Or is this the rebranding ba nevers shall be saved is preaching about? Eish angiyazi madoda

    • I am Unga and you are wrong to say Ungas are dull. Ungas are very clever only that they don’t want to bost. Check around the big bosses in government and some big companies you will be surprised to find that they are Ungas.

  3. Anybody can be a president or vice president in MMD. The question is, after the muppet show is over, do they still think they will rule Zambia? This goes to show that MMD is blind to fraud. Actually they should put Liato and Dora as vice presidents. William Banda should be Minister of Home Affairs….oh sorry he left MMD. ,,,,Oh, oh, ogh Ya, Henry Banda can be a good Minister of Finance. Come fellas, help me put up MMD cabinet.

  4. i dont really know why people think those who have a fair complexion are beautiful, typical of a zambian man way of thinking, as for liato sikawalala uyu namilandu ikalibe kusila ati vp you cant be in the right frame of your mind iwe.

  5. It is not the youth of Western province, but a few broke-arse hunger stricken foo!s who were clearly beneficiaries of stolen money via Liato. They think they can extend the life of the Liato gravy train by heaping praises on a convicted criminal. Desperate foo!s indeed !!

  6. @# 7 & 7.1, Nostradamus and your Unga friend,
    What is Unga? is it United Nations General Assembly? Some tribes awe mwandi, muleikalafye.

  7. tribalism en civilization, the citizens and the president (President Sata said amending the law to allow dual citizenship had its consequences.

    President Sata said if the law was changed, there would be more Zambians and jobs would be taken away by foreigners living in the country.
    its really zambia for zambians fair enough. no one is better off to lead the blind hah.



  9. Are these people retarded or what? Western province today remains as one of the least developed provinces because of their selfish leaders. What has Liato done for his constituency, people except fatten his pocket. FOOLISH FOOLS!!!

  10. This is not a joke. The man knows how to grow money on his farm! Madya Mweka Daddy will never be broke another day, irrespective of the economic climate in the country.

    Having said that; those who are calling for this man to be veep can’t be serious.

  11. Are they aware that he has been convicted? rightly or wrongly he is a convict and should be concerned with clearling his name rather than appearing to reinforce the image that got MMD elected out of office. There must be dozens of other deserving candidates from Western Province …. honestly, I urge all concerned to seriously rethink this strategy.

  12. Under no circumstances should this selfish, corrupt, semi-illiterate, hippo-bodied, one dimensional politician be allowed anywhere near leadership positions. Liato must not even be an option,it doesn’t matter what portifolios he served in, all credibility has gone down the drain. MMD under Nevers Mumba must be put stringent requirements to stand for leadership. Youths reported to endorse liato are desperate rural residents who would worship any politician like him and be happy to say ‘yes bwana’ to anything he demands as long as a few gifts were handed to them. Its this lack of judgement by the voting masses that will is slide Zambia back to dark dictatorial UNIP as now see slowly creeping with Sata.MMD executive must block it at all costs if credibility should be restored.

  13. Its this lack of judgement by the voting masses that got us where we are. Stuck with the hollow-head of state, with no plans but busy policing or rather persecuting opposition politicians and their families in the name fighting corruption. when in fact he knows who the real plunderers are,Nchito and Mmembe (more than £14bn of tax payers money to be swept under the carpet? You must be kidding!!. Sata’s protection of these tainted thugs warrants impeachment if nothing is done. We cannot wait for another 4 years while we watch our fuel being handed out, judiciary being trumpled by intimidation, citizens being jailed for expressing an opinion,press gagged, arms of law enforcement agencies being twisted. what more can a country take.

  14. How is the new MMD President Nevers Mumba going to work with such people as he is in the process of getting rid of corrupt elements.This gives us some very interesting reading according to Nyangus’ comments.


  16. Shame on these youth, they held the meeting at Liato’s Mbingo’s Kraal Lodge…
    The right people for the two VP pisitions are Dr Situmbeko Musokotwane and Kabinga Pande. If indeed you want to balance the MMD top leadership you need the two. THE TWO HAVE SHOWN APPEAL FROM THE MMD THROUGH THE LAST ELECTION OF PRESIDENT.. Period.

  17. @26. Mulondwe muzungu, yobe katali! Muli ndumbi lyobe! My dear why don’t you get a panga and hack off the head of every lozi you meet. I am quite sure it will get rid of the demons fighting to burst out of your stinking body. Which orifice did you spring out of? Mwa munungu wa mao?

  18. It is absolutely scary to think that rational human beings would ‘overlook’ Liato’s “misdeeds” and endorse him in a leadership position. The level of politics and calibre of leaders in both opposition and ruling PF makes for a frightening future for our country.

  19. @43. Taxpayer, since you are one of those people who have previously alleged that lozis discriminate against mbundas and nkoyas, I thought you were going to welcome Liato Biemba’s candidacy. The mmd youths have given you a mbunda. Why are you insisting on a mythical lozi?

  20. Technically Liato has done nothing wrong. Mutembo failed to prove beyond any reasonable doubt that Liato stole the k2 bn. The magistrate misdirect himself when he convicted Liato on possession of money ‘suspected’ to have been stolen. That is stupid. You don’t convict people on the basis of ‘suspicion’. You have to prove your suspicion. Liato will walk free in the high court unless mutembo comes up with proof. Remember Liato is not obliged to help him.

  21. The MMD President, Dr Nevers Mumba has already declared that no one with corruption cases can stand for elections in MMD. Zambians surprise me. The more one is corrupt the more they like you and will vote for you. Viva Liato. Long live corruption.

  22. I get the Western province’s ideology here. They are like Liato is a money finder or knows where the money is. If elected he might just share the wealth with them. Now my question is,what if he doesn’t care? Who looses out?

  23. Liato has the qualifications to be vp of Zambia. The youths are having a laugh. They are just telling the Zambians that Liato is fit for Zambian leadership but not in Barotseland.

  24. BYSTANDER!what are you?stick to the subject muna.dont be blinded by tribalism.with your blogs i easly guess which region you come from,and i pitty such reasoning and cheap politiking

  25. Lozis are foolish and time wasters,The government should just give them western Province alone so that The thief Liato can be president for them

  26. @58. Ba jelitta, after fighting so hard for the downtrodden Mbundas and nkoyas in Western why are you rejecting them now? Please let a Mbunda be vp as well. Where you just using these people to spite lozis? Shame on you!

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