The Economic fundamentals for Zambia have been very positive at the micro and Macro- levels.
Speaking at a Q1 Performance media briefing in Lusaka today, Standard Chartered Managing Director Mizinga Melu, says the Zambian economy has demonstrated remarkable resilience while facing numerous global economic challenges emanating from the Euro-Zone.
Mrs Melu says this has had an impact on commodity prices as global consumer demand filtered into the international commodity markets.
Government has made a number of policy adjustments and changes in the first five months of the year, she said.
These include the increase in regulatory requirement for banks, introduction of the monetary policy rate and the regulation on quoting prices and making payment in foreign currency.
She says Standard Chartered therefore believes that these policy changes will result in the financial sector playing a more significant role in the development of the country.
She spends a lot of money just to try hard to look good. K2,000,000 just on her hair. K3,000,000 on perfume, you name it
Its her money and she can spend it as she pleases. In any case I think she does a good job of looking good
She is liberty to do what she so wishes man coz she has means to do so.
Grow up! Male Chauvanist! Who comments on how much you spend on your beer and cigarrettes! SHAA!
What a cheap, misplaced comment! Are you in the Kalahara?
……..i can see why your name is CNP!!! whats your comment on how much she spends on her essentials got to do with the “zambian economy good”
#1 and your point is?
Bushe efyo mayo Namelu alanda fyechine, kwacha naifika pali K5200.00 ena aleti economic fundamentals are okay. Bushe alelanda efya kubanki nangula efilechitika kubantu ku Matero. Bushe alishiba ati abantu balelya once per day. Mayo uletandala elyo ukeshiba fintu.
@ #1
Bukala bobe What has that got to with you! Leave my apple alone! I manage to buy all those small things you mentioned!
Mizinga is delusional, i think her appointment by Sata is influencing whatever she says. The economic fundamentals for Zambia have not been very positive both at micro and Macro- levels.
She was not appointed by Sata
Mizinga, can you tell us what you have done for your Zambian clients as a result of the govt policy adjustments. How have your clients benefitted?
You can claim that because you are paying less tax from 40% to 35% but no effect on the citizenry.This govt has made no any economic policy apart from prouncements with ”immediate effect”
# 1 You sound green with envy and jealous. Fortunately Mizinga is one who’s blessed with natural beauty and intelligence, she doesn’t even wear much make up. You’d do well to teach your children to emulate her, since your own time has passed.
# 3 She was not appointed by Sata, but by the Stanchart board of directors.
#6, I’m not talking about her job at the bank, she was appointed as a board chairperson for Daily Mail, and that pays good money.
#6, she was appointed as a board chairperson for Daily Mail, and that pays good money.
Yaba! Why board chairman of Daily Mail? Is she a champion of press freedom?
The analysis is spot on. Zambia economic growth has been positive over the years. We have seen the coming of major investors especially in the mining sector. Zambia has not yet attained proper or sustainable levels of employment,however given the current global market trends the country managed to withstand the global economical melt down affecting the majority of Europe, the USA is still struggling with high levels of unemployment . We can see that many Zambians are able to import even used cars atleast resulting in the need for road infrusture expansion.
People lets be passionate about our country and be positive as thats the way for development.
even then, it is not the wyter kabimba type. at least she is a CEO in a private institutions that must have rigorous scrutinised her before giving her CEO position. Also, whatever she is communicating to the public has a full backing of economists working behind her analyzing the numbers. Jealousy down we chikopo we. Lise fi ma politics fya sala fye.
number 1 is right, how do u claim economic fundamentals are good when u r spending that much just to look good.
even if some cash afford it, when you talk of fundamentals are you keeping in mind how much the middle class is getting paid and what they have to spend at the end of the day???
worse still have you considered the poor suffering labourers, miners, conductors, farmers and marketeers to name a few????
economic fundamentals, seriously, we need honest figures and not things are good yet tifola ma 3million as electrical engineers which can’t even see us marrying because we can barely support ourselves!!!!!
Ms. Melu tried to discuss various government fiscal policies that will have an effect on the economic direction the country will move,she then tries to link the roles finacial sectors will play. In all this i do not see any thing relating to her hair,makeup and clothing.
that is the point isn’t it?
when we talk of economic direction, government policies and financial sectors … what good are they if only a few elite can look as good or even half as good as Melu?
it is not about an utopia or a fair society, it is plain honesty … zambians are suffering!
so if our country’s economic fundamentals are so good, what is happening with education, health, water, sanitation, electricity, fuel supply???? what is happening with commodity prices and salaries???
this is where her obvious enjoyment of the good economy comes in (hair, make up)
The title of the article should have been “MELU’S ECONOMY IS GOOD”
The reason Zambia can not develop is displayed right on this forum . Instead of analyzing her statements and claims you analyzes her appointments her hair all which have nothing to do with the prevailing topic.
and yet to defend your point you talked of people importing cheap finished second hand vehicles.
but you feel her hair and make up which might actually cost as much as those vehicles should be off topic???
Ba Number 7 naimwe, which money from Daily mail? Ubufi mwakwata mwema zambians, ubwafita fititi. You mean Daily mail board will pay her more money than the Bank? Thats just public service for your information. Mwilabepa abantu akasuba, limbi ubushiku.
Yes, the economy is looking very good for me pepo. So good i can rub it in your poverty stricken faces. How soon this goodness will reach you ordinary Zambians is a process that has not been established in any text books or journals of economics. In fact it may never given that the Chinese economy is showing signs of slowing down with reduced copper prices. We adhere to the same policy of “Donchi kubeba” even in these matters.
Mizinga could be right in her opinion because she and the bank must be user friendly with Sata and PF government.To the contrary these policy announcements have not beared any friuts,besides,the foreign reserves have been depleted.So if the economy was doing well even the exchange rates could have come down,but keeps on rising.Apart from that,the cost of doing business is still high and this is shown by upward adjustments of prices for goods and services.Thats my opinion.
Number 13, I agree with you. Ubututu nensala tafyendela pamo. Ubufi bwabantu kwati bwakulowekwa. Aba bantu, they come here to display their frustrations and jelousies most of them did not even vote for PF, nibangwele nobufi bwabo.
Well said.
While I agree that they is need for government to work hard and make sure that all citizens have an opportunity for employment or become employers themselves. However to suggest that Ms. Melu should not do her hair or any personal grooming if she can afford it is tantamount to pushing for socialist idealist which have not worked in so many countries in the past.
but to also suggest that things are good when they are not is doing the majority of zambians a huge de-service!
# 17 sosa icalo chikumfwa. Well said.
I like LT!
everyone assumes to know everything, or atleast the better way of thinking through things, guess thats why its called social media.
but my curiosity is if you defend a stance that’s pro poor, why shud a fellow blogger assume you are poor and want to rub their riches in your face?
things are far from good in Zambia and the sooner we accept the better … so that we can put more effort into improving the “good economy”.
ifwe tatwayi finya! in Dandy Krazy’s words tula lya Kapenta, Chilemba nefi Nkubala!
call it poor or call it cultured, the truth is nowadays a lot of people can’t even affording Pamela, Salad n Kapenta which is really bad!!!
@ Small legal……… i have a feeling you are capable of engaging in an intelligent debate given your arguments. Buy a used or second hand product is not necessary bad. It is very common Iam sure you aware even in developed countries. Infact a good financial adviser will tell not to buy a brand new car a mistake i once made.
Awe nimbama chi Melu chena mwe.Beauty and brains…hmm awe kwena
Shez lost Track,,wake up woman.
Why can’t people make contributions within the context of a news item, or at least transition properly from a news item to other information that may be outside of the immediate text? How does one jump in with a statement that is not related?
Kwena nga ni dissertation, ninshi mwapwanya!
Which Zambia are you living in sister Melu. That’s what happens when one Zambian gets too comfortable and gets out of touch. Mrs. Melu,You are intelligent enough to know that the traditonal methodogies of calculating economic performance are archaic, old and tired. Have been hearing about Greece??. We as Africans by now ought to realise that, have have brains to define ‘appriopriate’ economic performance. 80% of our cousins are ‘marinated’ in poverty. Youth unemployment is rocket high, what do you call that.
The person who brought up the issue of mizinga’s make-up was way off topic. So are the Muppets who spent time responding to him. You’re id.iot.s.
Easy for someone in Melu’s position to make that statement.
Is she the daughter of Ashious MELU the zambian football player (i DONT KNOW IF HE I STILL ALIVE??? ADVISE
Good question the only thing is if it was Ms. We could easily think that, but on the article it shows MRS.Melu may be she is married to the son of Ashious Melu?
No, these are different Melus. I believe there was a judge Melu. They are mainly a Christian family.
One wonders whether this woman is a politician or professional. What is she talking about. I’m going to close my account with her bank because I can’t stand her foolishness. Just because she is a PF cadre does not mean only her is an any where near knowing how economies work. Fundamentals do not translat into more money in my pocket fack the macros we need per capita development not all the time fundamentals shit. Join PF because soon your employers will fire you CNP. Get lost just because u are feasting on our deposits and you draw a huge salary makes u think everyone is like you. Be professional for once
woman what are u talkiing about??did i hear that really??
Bloggers, you have disagreed with her in a very respectful way, so far. No insults. Hats off.
This is welcome move by Barclays……it signals well to outside investors…all you bloggers are to negative and short sighted, you are not seeing the big picture…..an MD or CEO saying positive sentiments about Zambia will influence investor confidence especially that Europe in on ropes….we should embrace this and appreciate. It actually coincides with Anti-Corruption report earlier which cited that every small number of people have actually been involved in stealing tax payers monies. Zambians have become hard working these days lets acknowledge that, hatred ignites all these false alarms of corruption, tribalism…. Viva PF govt
Hey dingbat, this is a story about Stanchart. Read much?
I only remember one Mizinga Melu who tooted for RB and the MMD to win the last elections. She sponsored an opinion poll that predicted loudly that MMD and RB would win the elections hands down!!! Substance! Integrity! Technocracy! Expertise! God save this country from hypocrisy and opportunism!!
I remember that very clearly. Suddenly she is waiving her tail at the PF like a shepherd dog. People wake up!
She is actualy Mizinga shansonga Attan Shansonga’s sister married to a Melu,yall know Attan the fugitive.
This bank can’t be trusted. During MMD’s rule they told us a change of govt would destroy the economy. Now they are seeing lots of ‘positives’ in Chikwanda’s fiscal policy. Nibamuselelela kwa kaba.