Saturday, March 15, 2025

President Sata’s speech to the United Nations in Brazil was not truthful-Prof Chirwa


Prof. Clive Chirwa

By Pezzy Kudakwashe

An international engineering expert has dismissed as “untruthful” requests by the Zambian government for help with western technology. Head of Bolton Automotive and Aerospace engineering research group, Professor Clive Chirwa said president Sata’s speech to the United Nations in Brazil was not truthful.

Professor Chirwa said countless times, he tried to share with the Zambian government the technology he designed and researched but there was no positive response.

Professor Chirwa said he wrote several letters to president Sata with intentions to motivate and persuade the government to use his technology but never got any feedback.

He was speaking from England today on Zambia Blog Talk Radio broadcast from north America

Professor Clive Chirwa said government was shot turning by calling for Western technology on one hand then refusing to use what was given to it on the other.

President Sata this week said Africa will never develop using hand-outs but only through technology transfer from developed and some developing countries.

Sata said Africa does not need aid, in the absence of technology transfer which is known to spur development.

“You can keep your money, just give us technology because that is what we need to sustain ourselves. No country has ever developed by begging. That is not sustainable. Africa has been begging for a long time and it is time to make a real difference through technology transfer,” he told an applauding audience of delegates at the Rio+20 world conference on climate change and sustainable development

He said global technology transfer would help a great deal in making the world a better place to live in.


    • Granted, clive should rise above me me me me, but should use his credentials and expertise to woo  investment in technology and value addition tto raw materials…Clive should rise to the occasion and do something practical for zambia that he can be pointing at ,but of course “without vivid professional political ambitions”…..

    • @dudu Granted, clive should rise above me me me me, but should use his credentials and expertise to woo  investment in technology and value addition tto raw materials…Clive should rise to the occasion and do something practical for zambia that he can be pointing at ,but of course “without vivid professional political ambitions”…..

    • And you are an insecure jerk! Prof Chirwa is merely stating his negative expereinces with Government. He has offered help and has not received any response. What do you have to offer? You are just a jealous, PhD type retrogressive Zambian.

  1. Chirwa you have no mandate pliz just keep quiet and do your job, advising the government is not your job ka

    • I think there is sense in what the prof is saying. Let the govt refute if he never wrote to them. We should not only be making speeches to impress the international community but when back it si business as usual. For me it would benefit Zambia more to tap into the already existing talent and innovation we have before seeking any technology from outside. The technology can be for adding value once we have started utilizing our own

  2. if America is using Prof Chirwas technologies and designs,then why should we go to beg from the west?it does not make sense to me.

  3. There is an element of truth in This but what mike was referring to broader than automotive technology, which may not even be a priority for Zambia at the moment. Sata was also talking about technological investments and not mere paper based drawings/proposals. I am sure if Prof came with a technology and money as one packet, I wonder why CNP should ignore him unless he has demons of some sort.

    • Point, clive should rise above me me me me, but should use his credentials and expertise to woo  investment in technology and value addition tto raw materials…Clive should rise to the occasion and do something practical for zambia that he can be pointing at ,but of course “without vivid professional political ambitions”…..

  4. @Chimbwi

    You have a Pull Him Down (PHD) mentality. What has he done apart from laying down the facts? Justify your comments. 

  5. I think there is sense in what the prof is saying. Let the govt refute if he never wrote to them. We should not only be making speeches to impress the international community but when back it si business as usual. For me it would benefit Zambia more to tap into the already existing talent and innovation we have before seeking any technology from outside. The technology can be for adding value once we have started utilizing our own

    • The real point here is we do need technology and not hand-outs. That is a fact. The platform where Sata was speaking is exactly where he should say such things because those people who impose on us need to know that what they impose on us is not sustainable. Is that not a fact? Whether Chirwa’s story is true or false does not change that fact. And if it is true, we had better start getting serious about taking our own initiatives more seriously. But like I said, it does not change the fact that what Sata said in Brazil is true.

    • …and honestly both Ba Chirwa and Ba Sata are saying the same thing. Chirwa agrees that technology is the way to go – reason for which he wrote to the President. The fact that government has not responded yet does not mean he has been ignored. Secondly, the problem with Zambian scientist is that they are always looking for government intervention. Science funds itself in most cases – look at Apple Computers, Microsoft, Sony etc, they don’t need to write to Obama for money, they just set up companies find investors, manufacture something and money flows! So Ba Chirwa should just come back and start developing his technologies in Zambia with the help of Zambian and Africa Development Banks!!!

  6. I hope there is no political (UPND) oblique in his contribution. As a man of great stature, he should seek an appointment to meet with President Sata and discuss some of his thoughts in person. I don’t know if he met with President Banda to discuss what we are reading from him here.

    The trouble is Presidents might find it difficult to dialogue with him because of his very high political ambitions. I think this should serve as a warning to all those who hope to make a contribution to our nation’s development from their learning and experiences, to stay away from professional politics.

    It is common knowledge that no politician on the opposite side to yourself will wholeheartedly accept your perception, unless forced by legislation…

    • He already showed he has political ambs by moving from one party to another. this is wrong if he wants to be listened to.

  7. Mr Sata should be out of his senses. Do you actually believe the Western Countries can Transfer their technology? It’s like asking a chicken or crocodile to give you it’s eggs. If its true Chirwa has offered that’s the way to go. Let try to do our own things coz technology will never be transferred.

    • Technology can not be given to Zambians free of charge because they invested in that Wealth which turns natural resources into Finished products for sale to Africa.

      John Black just be respectful in your statements concerning our President.Your reasoning is correct,Technology can not given free to the Zambians.


  8. @Gundis: As much as i appreciate you comments , i want to disagree. this is not how it should be. just the other day, people were celebrating Sata’s invitation of Nawakwi and other for Rio=20. true prof has ambitions to be president, but that shouldn’t be the reason why we can’t use his ideas which might just move the country forward. Because of such thinking we have this proliferation of parties. Let us as a country use all the best ideas we can get to bring development without looking at where did the idea come from.

    I just hope we will change this attitude and be receptive to good ideas

  9. Really? Interesting! And what is that piece of technology by Prof. Chirwa about? May be it is about making spacecrafts. I would really like to know what this is about. And our government has refused? Why not make Chirwa come to Zambia and build a Chirwa Technology Institute where he will be churning out grand pieces after master pieces of engineering work. Prof. CHIRWA loves his country, listen to him.

  10. Only a fool will not know the fact that Western governments do not own technology copyrights. This is owned by MNCs. With leaders like Chimbwi Ukwa Zero Plan, who needs Western imperialism to pull a nation down!

  11. Zambia lack capacity to receive and utilise technology. Sata is definitely the wrong person to help our country progress technologically because he has nothing but contempt for Zambian professionals. The insults he has directed at Zambians, especially those in the diaspora, are shocking. I can imagine how much contempt he must have for like of Clive Chirwa. Sata is from that generation which believes in white saviours. He also hates seeing other Zambians doing well abroad.

    • your professor was discarded by Levy Mwanawasa and Hh because of his big headedness!
      I know it all !

      Professor ! Uko kwine ifya bupuba!




  13. Progressive leadership is the yardstick for social-economic development. The voice of reason, does recognise that there’s no known one genius but a collection of all the best brains make a country genius………Clive thats the way to go include robust advocancy

  14. Professor, Hear this on your next routine advisory trip to Pentagon and briefing on the US Congress, please give me a call 2 days before your arrival in DC. I have a word for you. Though as you already know that i have had privileges of meeting all Zambian Presidents including President Sata very recently though politically we have a cut and mouse relationship, i will detail you his compounding dilemma and nostalgia.

  15. Though increasingly busy, I will definitely create time to meet you for a tête-à-tête over a meal.

  16. I still cant believe that they are people who can still insult Sata,am i the only one enjoying this government?

  17. There is nothing wrong with the African mind. We have the Clive Chirwas and many more, even at NASA. The father of internet is a Nigerian. Our problem is the mindSET. We have failed to put our act together and follow systems. We get bogged down in trivialities! Yes, you journalists find out what Chirwa submitted. Is it applicable at our level of development? What about cost? Let Chirwa work on JETS submissions.

  18. # 16 Mubanga,
    Your protruding ignorance and blind cheerleading is shocking. Please understand basic economic 101 and entrepreneurship. Understand how business is done in Zambia. Any idea about The Nyayo Pioneer started in 1986 and circumstances leading to its failure?

  19. Every year secondary school pupils submit some prototypes of the technology appropriate to us what do we do about them. Ministry of Science and Technology which is now with Education, where do they take these simple designs by Junior Engineers, Technologists or Technicians and Scientists (JETS)? What more a Prof’s design? Where do we start from? Build Engineering yards to try them. Jobs, unemployment…my God!

  20. Ndise cabe vipuba… I mean councils in this country allow people to build houses and factories like in Mansa (Jimbara milling) 2 meters from the high way! If you read the Sixth National Development Plan (SNDP) it says from L/stone to Solwezi it’s gonna be dual carriage way. How? When people are building right in the road? How did govt fail to build a 6 lane highway from airport to town in Lusaka?

  21. Ndise cabe vipuba… I mean councils in this country allows people to build houses and factories like in Mansa (Jimbara milling) 2 meters from the high way! If you read the Sixth National Development Plan (SNDP) it says from L/stone to Solwezi it’s gonna be dual carriage way. How? When people are building right in the road? How did govt fail to build a 6 lane highway from airport to town in Lusaka?

  22. Only a silly Professor like this one can have a loud mouth. Mr Professor and where can your automotive and even worse off aeronautical engineering be applied in Zambia? No wonder you work outside Zambia. We can’t worst multi-million dollars trying to build your wild dreams instead of building simple industries.

    • I. N. Tolstroy once said: A man is like a function whose numerator is what he is and whose denominator is what he thinks of himself. The larger the denominator the smaller the function.

  23. And because of our shortsightedness we have terrible congestion on great east road. These guys (RTSA and Council)now want to make us use 3 lanes of GER to enter town while those going out of town use 1 lane. How naive. PF don’t follow MMD blunders. Plan and follow your plans through. Let’s have Prof. Chirwa’s plans out to the public. After all they are civil!

  24. And because of our shortsightedness we have terrible congestion on great east road. These guys (RTSA and Council)now want to make us use 3 lanes of GER to enter town while those going out of town use 1 lane. How odd. PF don’t follow MMD blunders. Plan and follow your plans through. Let’s have Prof. Chirwa’s plans out to the public. After all they are civil!

  25. Once more, clive should rise above me me me me, but should use his credentials and expertise to woo  investment in technology and value addition to raw materials…Clive should rise to the occasion and do something practical for zambia that you can be pointing at , show casing your practical work will do the talking for u……,but of course “without vivid professional political ambitions”…..:)

  26. @senior citizen
    you know what you’re together with Professor?

    Educated fulls!

    Do you mean Zambians should start worshiping
    the professor?

    Mubanga you’re insulting
    did not even insult your prof!


    Our president Mr Sata will never worship your prof!

    tete a tete!

  27. actually levy mwanawasa described this professor
    in detail!
    zambians mwilalaba.

    that’s why two stupid pipo could not walk together Hh and Prof,they’re both full of themselves!


  28. Professor Clive should stop giving academic research  handouts to Sata and his government for free.Remember Jesus’s warning:Don’t give what is sacred to dogs, they will turn around and tear you apart. Professor Chirwa you are the first Zambian who has commercialized his academic research and its a tragedy  that Sata and his government don’t understand the power of innovation. For example Microsoft and RIM(makers of black berry) have more money than most African countries. Personally I will not waste time with a regime that insults innovative minds.

  29. PF has been in power for less than a year, he should specify the number of times he wrote instead of saying countless times. Prof don’t join politics of your party UPND and HH, Sata was right to cry for technology.  The professor should just set up his industry in Zambia so that we can see what he is talking about, it is a free market.

  30. The point being that Chirwa himself acknowledges that its not the financial handouts that we need as a country.
    The fact that the PF govt has not yet responded to his proposals does not entail rejection of his plans.
    There are many Zambians who may have written to govt with various proposals to move the country forward technologically, but have kept their cool and are waiting for govt to respond.
    We all know that he has never been in govt and does not understand how govts operate. Chirwa needs to cool down and not let his emotions dictate his direction.
    Tekanya mulumendo, patiently wait, you do not have the monopoly of knowledge

  31. Those comments made by Mr Sata at Rio Meeting were not taken seriously by world leaders prehaps wondering what Sata was up to. To dictate receiving technology vis-as vis aid is being ungrateful to say the list. Sata has to calm down before what is said is fundamental to the nation. Prof. Clive Chirwa will be listened to more by the west with world technology than a Mr Sata. Abeit, there will be no Technology Transfer to Zambia without involving Prof.Chirwa. Prof. Chirwa will be consulted first by the west than Mr Sata if Zambia has to benefit from technology from the west.

  32. Hitachi just launched a High Tech inductry in Zambia. There are many industries that have opened shop in Zambia. Prof Chirwa does not have to demand the government to use his technology. His technology should be made available to Zambia for it to be used by the government. Even Huawei and ZTE do not command the Chinese government to use their technology. Mitsubishi, Ortis, Siemens etc, do not demand their respective governments to usetheir technoloy. What Prof. Chirwa is demanding is a non-starter. Just because one has developed some technology does not mean the country he hails from should use it. It would be great to use it but not required or obligated.

  33. Chirwa stop throwing tantrums like a spoiled brat who has been grounded and his favourite toy taken away.

  34. I think Prof Chirwa, like me, used to make very nice wire cars ku bwaice. That was creativity. Children of nowadays can’t. Maybe they can do computer modelling in their virtue world. Anyway, this Prof may have done his part. He does not have the funds to invest in his invention, so asks government to do it. Govt may be does not see good economics in or simply incapable! Yeah, HITACHI is here, why not?

  35. We would like to know what prof Chirwa’s production line is. Is it spacecrafts and aircraft engines? What? Is it vehicle bodies like Tata is doing in Ndola courtesy of Levy (MHSRIP). How complex is it? How feasible? How useful? What is the cost? Are materials available? Shall we import skilled personnel for it? How much time to fruition? How many can it employ? May be it can take all of Zambia’s electricity…kaya.

  36. Chirwa has high political ambitions. Whatever he says and does is tinged with that ambition: ‘debunking’ ‘ not truthful’ etc, are but clinical examples of this sole agenda.

  37. he went underground for all this time. b chirwa, zambia is greater than your knowledge. we have been able to survive even without an iota of your tech let alone your misplaced ambitions. yes we need good brains for this country but dont be like foolish zimbabweans who are shouting in comfort zones thinking mugabe will give it a damn. come back to zambia, shift your office to cairo road and still command your lead at whatever boston aeronautics coy it is. if you were that serious by now you should have been a retired and engage your tech in reality in zambia not talking miles away. mwaba shani kanshi ba prof. we no longer sympathize with any one and if you want to come to state house, come whole hearted

  38. What was the untruth the President said? What the president said was true, except he may not have the political commitment to walk the talk. That does not mean he was untruthful. 

  39. What is wrong for the Prof to have political ambitions????

    Prof is one driven by ambition – which is NO CRIME!!! Only a crime in a place filled with dunderheads, is it sinful to try & pedal the heights of ones intelligence!!! he has worked hard to get where he is!! If anything, his level of drive is what we should all emulate!!!! Unfortunately, the big-mouths in Zed think that by yelling the most, will get them somewhere – carry on yelling & insulting, YOUR IQ will remain as STAGNANT AS MUD!!!!!!!!

  40. , There is need for forums or what they call
    Town Hall meeting in America, we all need
    An input  if the country is to develop, no need
    To cross oceans begging for technology

  41. In Zed “BASHING THE EDUCATED” seems to be flavour of the day everyday – Chirwa has been portrayed by politicians to be a “me, me” individual, i.e. self-centred – well,lets just try & analyse who the really self-centred individuals in our society are – THE SAME POLITICIANS WHO DAY IN DAY OUT HAVE STOLEN BILLIONS FROM THE NATIONAL PURSE – Stealing for who else APART FROM THEIR INDIVIDUAL SELVES!!!!!!! Yet we have sycophants on this blog singing praises for these same thieves!!! Mwanawasa was no Angel!! He jumped onto the populations bandwagon that demanded FTJ’s head – go back into all the records & determine whether he led that demand or only developed interest after peoples call!!! Levy had no powerbase, IT WAS THIS UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY THAT ALLOWED HIM TO BUILD SUPPORT OF THE PEOPLE!

  42. STOP BASHING CHIRWA, he has earned what he has through hard work as well as LEGITIMATE MEANS!!!!!!!!!!!

    How true!!

  43. Only UPND ,HH and their terror group can agree with the load of rubbish clive is trying to about. whom did clive give the letter to? Even if he wrote the president, does that stop the president from talking to other people just coz clive has written to him. this is pure upnd mentality, making an issue out of nothing.

  44. Let Chirwa come home to Zambia, let him come and create employment for the so many unemployed, let him come and contribute to the development of the country, let him stop his theoretical platitudes over there in the west about how clever he is and the rest of it…let him come and create tangibles right here. We are neither interested nor impressed by what amounts to his hot air.

  45. # 35…Stop exhibiting your inherent ignorance.
    They may have more money but all african countries individually are extremely wealthy than their (Microsoft & RIM) combined money put together

  46. We need deliverance as a nation from the crab mentality . pull him down syndrome Jesus save our nation help us to rejoice in the blessings of others, Dr Chirwa do not be  distracted as you fulfill your God given potential, your reward is with the Lord.



  48. At the risk of sounding like a broken record… we need to tighten our intellectual property laws and support creativity. Interestingly enough the topic of technology transfer between Africans abroad and the continent was under discussion on CNN last week… All things are possible. Perhaps even peace between those who own or create like the Prof above (and countless others) and a new age of interaction with our homeland. Boils down to preparing the next generation as even the kid on the street may have the solution to a problem. The rest of us need to pull up our socks to see change in our lifetime.

  49. The government needs to identify the technology that the nation requires then fund UNZA, CBU and other higher institutions of learning adequately so that these institutions can carry out the necessary research and development. In turn a platform or an environment ideal for private entrepreneurship should be created to foster the use of technology locally and abroad.

  50. Thanks a Phiri anabwera. I fell asleep. Indeed the Nigerian Mr Kamwendo is Phillip Ameagwali. Try to get his profile. Now, technology transfer; what did China do? Send them young graduates out there in millions and let them copy and come back. Other way is to be competitive and attract manufacturers to Zambia. Eg China was cheapest to produce. Cheap labour yet we want more money in our pockets!

  51. Reating the advise is no problem at all. prof should avail his technology so that experts in zambia can see if it can work for zambia. Crying foul wont help.

  52. Reapeting the advise is no problem at all. Prof should avail his technology so that experts in zambia can see if it can work for zambia. Crying foul wont help.

  53. Reading all above, one does not wonder why Zambia is allowing in poverty. Zambian blogs are a hellish cacophony of empty loud noises full of smelly hot air. Horse’s feathers!

  54. What is technology by the way? I understand it this way. It is the manipulation or simply, use of scientific (maths, physics, chemistry, biology) principles and laws to produce an aid to sorting out a problem encountered by communities and individuals. It falls in the faculty of engineering. So don’t we have learned men and women in Sciences and Engineering? Can’t we copy and ADAPT using our science?

  55. investing in technology just for the sake of national pride even when it does not make economic sense is insanity. Ba Chirwa for every successful technology/ idea there are thousands that fail. Zambia does not have the luxury to put money in unproven technologies. More over if your technology had economic viability I am sure you would have found western investors by now. 

    • funny how some crunk heads are saying technology investment is not feasible in Zambia. so what you people suggest is that spending money luxurious cars and lavish trips with unnecessary entourages is more feasible.. its a known fact that technology development is the way to go for a sustainable economy.. its is hence incumbent on government to show some commitment towards investment in technology development instead of sitting in a corner with hands stretched asking western countries to dish us with technology handouts… insanity

  56. I will say it one more time. Zambia will be developed by Zambians and not foreigners. For this to happen, the educated like Dr. Clever Chirwa, I included, and others who are technoliogically educated must get into action and spearhead the development. We have to start small engaging the business men we have locally and others that have funds to contribute towards development of a project that is desired or agreed upon. If we are waiting for the head of state to ignite the fire for us, we shall not get anywhere. Components for the technology that we may need ahve already been developed. All that is needed is for us to untegrate these units and come up with the desired operational system. Let’s not just talk from the top of an ant hill. One Zambia One Nation.

  57. Ba chirwa, u simply did not get speach correctly. This the problem with African chaps having PhDs. The presido is not about auto motive only but technology in all areas.l and further we need people to invest in. We dont want your mathematical formula full of Fourier series to say implement this. We need practical ideas from Bill gates who has no PhD but yet people will PhDs work for him

  58. Any development starts with a plan. It cannot be a big bang.That is why it is development. It starts small and grows – in the right direction (because of a plan). If you open your computer you’ll find a lot of parts made in different countries. Even in a car, an alternator is mostly a bunch of copper wires. Why not start there and only ask for money to add small parts that we don’t have to complete the assembly? It is practical approach to development that is lacking in Zambia. I know of African countries that are now capable of making aircraft parts without making any noise about it.

  59. The Prof…. would be right… many ideas drop on most African President’s desk but end up in trash canes….. yes we do need the Technology, but we need right technology example, farming equipment which is much needed in Africa but way to expensive making us still beggars, we need mining technology which a tipper cost $1000000 for example and this will bring the forex we need….the west will control this two areas as they have non…. Capitalist mind…African should look to the East its clear

  60. The story of Joseph in the Bible keeps repeating over and over with several twists. What Prof. Chirwa has pointed out is not unique to Zambia but to AFRICA. We think our own can not do anything worthwhile. Clive is speaking about what he has done that he can PROVE to you; he is not being a “me-guy”. We always put aside sense in preference to stories. Therein lies the tale (and the tail too).

  61. Professor tumpa……………………………….lies, lies, lies………………………………..

  62. Going through Bloggers Comments make me wonder what kind of people we are. There is sense in the article but since we are a country driven by hate and condemnation, we would not appreciate what Chirwa is said. Zambian Leaders have complaisance unless they have a cut in it. Entrust your own citizens to help develop the country. Assign someone to work or review Chirwa’s Proposal. Why ignore a good innovative idea. It does not harm to review.

  63. Pandit Neru of India never went to meetings to cry for technology transfer from the west to India but rather simply acted and demanded on effective technology transfer. Look at where India is today technologically.

    As for our youngman Professor from Kantanshi section 3, I have deep respect for him,but he should find a better way of trying to help his country if he is serious about it. Going through attacking politicians does not demonstrate seriousness about helping Zed.

  64. Katilungu #70, Walya iwe. Making niose everywhere cannot help Zed. Let us act like those African countries producing aircraft spareparts quietly. Noise will always be noise and nothing else.

  65. …and honestly both Ba Chirwa and Ba Sata are saying the same thing. Chirwa agrees that technology is the way to go – reason for which he wrote to the President. The fact that government has not responded yet does not mean he has been ignored. Secondly, the problem with Zambian scientist is that they are always looking for government intervention. Science funds itself in most cases – look at Apple Computers, Microsoft, Sony etc, they don’t need to write to Obama for money, they just set up companies find investors, manufacture something and money flows! So Ba Chirwa should just come back and start developing his technologies in Zambia with the help of Zambian and Africa Development Banks!!!

  66. PROFESSOR CHIRWA’s submission may have been laced with political ambitions and aimed at being heard! Let him publish the proposals for us to discuss their potency!

  67. Today’s bloggers have useless comments. Ba Chimbwi no plan. Iwe Ka Chirwa what are u doing with your mouth like that.

  68. Prof Chirwa seems to have a point. I was of the impression that when we were chanting ‘ we want change!, we want change!” I really believed PF was going to be a listening government. I have written to my MP Honarable Lubinda and President Sata on some development concepts. No reply,(unless insults??) President Mwanawasa used to write back. Don’t be scared of educated and gifted Zambians, Lets develop a sytem that will harness ideas that would advance our beloved Zambia. The Chinese and others are busy eating our lunch. Indeed we don’t have to continue begging. I have a Global Green Growth Concept for Zambia. I am seeking collaboration. Email [email protected]

  69. I applaud Dr. Chirwa’s success and abition and desire to help Zambia. I have followed most of his publications and interviews with various media outlets including LT. His CV is brilliant! But in all his presentation you get a feeling that he is much into ‘self praise’ almost in a “know it all “engineer tone. A case in point above “he tried to share with the Zambian government the technology he designed and researched but there was no positive response”,..”government to use his technology but never got any feedback.” His approach to implant his technology is all wrong. Even the Western world Engineers and scientist do no go to their heads of states to implement innovative ideas. They invest in small start-ups or ventures. Why can’t the Professor implement his own start-ups?

  70. We have stopped begging for Money.
    We are now begging for technology.
    But the principle remains the same.
    We are still begging!!!

  71. We have seen it many times – when advice is given to the government by the opposition, it is rubbished squarely and in no uncertain terms. History has just repeated itself. You can’t pump sense into CNP. Good advice is just a disturbance to CNP.

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