By Kelvin Kachingwe
International economist and author Dambisa Moyo’s new book Winner Takes All: China’s Race for Resources and What It Means for the World, has debuted at number 13 on the New York Times Best Seller list for Non-Fiction books.
Dambisa is also the author of Dead Aid: Why Aid is Not Working and How There is a Better Way For Africa and How The West was Lost: Fifty Years of Economic Folly – And the Stark Choices that Lie Ahead.
On the New York Times Best Seller list, Dambisa, who is older sister of singer and author Marsha and daughter of Indo- Zambia Bank chairperson Orlean and academician Steven Moyo, is only bettered by the likes of The Amateur, by Edward Klein, a journalist who argues that President Obama is a callow and unable to lead which is on number one and Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson, a biography of the recently deceased entrepreneur.
Others are It Worked for Me (Colin Powell and Tony Kolz), which deals with the rules for effective leadership from the four-start general and former US Secretary of State and Killing Lincoln (Billy O’Reilly), about the events surrounding the assassination of former US President Abraham Lincoln and I Hate Everyone…Starting with Me, which are reflections by the comedian Joan Rivers.
However, Dambisa’s new book examines the commodity dynamics that the world will face over the next several decades, particularly the implications of China’s rush for resources across all regions of the world. With the scale of China’s resource campaign for hard commodities (metals and minerals) and soft commodities (timber and food) being one of the largest in history, Dambisa presents her research of the financial and geopolitical implications of this in a world of diminishing resources and argues that we are in the middle of unprecedented times.
Dambisa, who was born and raised in Lusaka, and holds a Doctorate 9Ph) in Economics from Oxford University, was in 2009 honoured by the World Economic Forum as one of its Young Global Leaders.
In 2010, TIME Magazine named her as one of the world’s 100 most influential people while in September 2009; she was featured in Oprah Winfrey’s power list of 20 remarkable visionaries.
In 2010, she was a participant at the Bilderberg Conference while last year, she spoke at annual Observance ceremony marking Commonwealth Day in Westminster Abbey.
She spoke on “Women as Agents of Change” in the presence of Queen Elizabeth II, British Prime Minister David Cameroon and 2,000 guests. At the same time, The Daily Beast also selected her as one of the “150 Extra-ordinary Women Who Shake The World along with Hilary Clinton, Madeleine Albright and others.
[Daily Mail]
We are proud of you Dambisa.
Great work,you are talented!
Yaabaaaaaa!!!!!! Nika mpopo
we shud always appreciate women with brains
we shut probably appreciate women who spend there time on Google like Dambisa
marry me please!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Marry me.I will kill 10 bulls during our wedding and HH will be the master of ceremony.
I don’t think she has anything I don’t and certainly perceive her just very ordinary although one cant help but appreciate what she has done
I have an MBA, CIMA, ACCA Phd soon, Oxford Brookes University degree and I can throw in there A level Cert with One A 2B’s and and a C on top of my ridiculous 4 Ones, 3 Twos and 3 , Threes in my O levels and on top of that I have a white fiance, I am not boasting just stating the fact that in as much as you praise her, I want my shadow to be in the background of your minds, I am sure that’s not asking a lot
I dont understand why LT we are not doing an article on me, anytime soon
And what do you own??
A learned person you claim to be with such a mentality? Show us what you are worth by your acts and not that diarhoea of the mouth or is it keyboard.
U have a male asss hehehe! do research on yourself
ba mushota…insoni.kokanyeni nobutatule bwenu…
Its not about you Mushota, you sound like a jealous kid. This is about Dambisa’s success.I suggest you deal with it. If you want to be recognized as she is then you need to make a meaningful contribution to the world as Dambisa has done through her books. Collecting an array of qualifications does not set you apart because many many other people have those. Its what you contribute to society that matters and please don’t start with your worn out arguments about sending money and clothes to your relatives in Zambia because that doesn’t count. First of all you need to raise your level of discourse because your kind of speech does not add value to anybody. I don’t know if you are for real or you just do it to annoy people. For your own sake I hope it is the latter.
Sata must make her his economic advisor so that we can start on a right footing to wean ourselves from dependency syndrome.
Zambia needs to celebrate this woman. She is one of our own. I don’t understand why the media in Zambia ignores her. It would surely make sense for a journalist to write an indepth profile about her. You can interview her family, childhood friends and former school mates. Whether you like it or not, she is an icon and a world class economist and author.
Good to hear from Mushota. He/she sounds like a man bent on stirring trouble. I like his disguised character. BSc Hon, MBA, CIMA, ACCA now doing Phd. Are you also a Fellow of both ACCA and CIMA mwaiche? Walisambilila ukunya (sana)!
I admire pipo like you… u have encouraged me… Please if one knows where i can editor and publish my novel plz help here, I have good novel in my pc but i don’t know how to come out help ba zambia please.. let’s join pur sister together we goooooooo
look up publishing companies in zambia. Make an appt with them. If they are interested, they will pulish your story.
Proud of you. Proudly Zambian.
She makes us proud as Zambians
Typical zambian mentality! You are a hater. Get over it
You’re a liar. Everywhere she is introduced as Zambian born economist and author. You are so petty and jealousy my friend. Work on yourself.
job well done
The major obstacle with educated Zambian women, they end up getting married to WHITES or to be more smoother, foreigners. They think it adds value to their success end up forgetting their parents/ relatives. It is better to be original. Dambisa need to recall her childhood boyfriend who took her precious vgt.
Have you considered the possibility that maybe they get married to foreigners because they spend most their time abroad and therefore interact with foreigners more than they do Zambians? I don’t think they deliberately choose to get married to foreigners and neither do I think it adds value to their success because they already are successful. Also, if Zambian men do not approach them because they are intimidated by these women’s success, what do you want them to do? Stay single?
@ Mushota
Muletasha ******ma academic credentials? For me, I have a BA. Demography & Economics (UNZA), LLB (Leeds University), MBA(Leeds university), PhD (Oklahoma State University), Postgraduate Diploma in Human Rights Law (Hungary)! On top of this iam an AHZ(Advocate of the High Court of Zambia), iam a consultant for both the government and several international NGOs, not forgetting the companies i own! This is equalls MORE MONEY IN MY POCKETS!
In Winner Take All, she has produced a flawed and frustrating book, simplistic, poorly written, careless with facts and largely devoid of originality.
This latter point is most telling. There is no point approaching a subject of this importance unless you are willing to do some original reporting. Aside from one paragraph on page 90, which describes a scene at an unnamed international conference, nothing in Winner Take All suggests that Moyo has travelled anywhere, seen anything for herself, or interviewed anyone.
Dambisa is definitely talented, like most Zambian intellectuals. And I totally agree with your review. I have read her first book DEAD AID. and it has no depth but controversy!, no originality, not own ideas but opinions, and mostly conservative ones. The only reason Winner Take it is receiving attention is because of name recognition. I guess most people commenting here havent read any of her works.. Talking faster on television doesn’t make a pretty face knowledgeable!
Following or extracting the Telegraph review is not good enough, after going thru both Dambisa’s books, much as they lack empirical analysis and economic skill, the realities are thought provoking. It calls for serious debate and renewal of approach to the depletions that are sinking before us. Yes,DEAD AID is not absolute,but does raise fundamentals of revising the model aid, for 50yrs, the model of aid has failed as seen among the poorest slums &.ghettos of our society . A new approach is needed,help Zambia establish industries for making the mosquito nets than giving them nets aid handouts…As for the “winner take all” she brings to fore some realities that can’t be ignored despite missing fundamental concepts…
Moyo has a shaky grasp of some elementary concepts. She writes: “The world’s most important commodities have one crucial thing in common: they are increasingly becoming scarce as the Earth’s (finite) natural resources supply has not adequately kept up with the rising demand.”But a finite supply cannot keep up with anything – that’s why it’s finite. Moyo means that the rate of extraction of the Earth’s resources has not kept pace with demand, but she writes something completely different.
@5, u very right, we shud appreciate hard working women. Most of the women in zambia want things on a silver platter. NGOs are full of good for nothing women only making empty noise to be heard and grab other women husbands
Do your thang gurrrrl! Of course the new battle for resources has Brazil, China and India all heading towards the African continent. Time to brush up on our Portuguese, Mandarin and Urdu amongst other languages as we samba Bollywood style with chop sticks in our hands :) Looks like my kung fu thriller takes place by the Victoria falls as the protagonist searches for a Bollywood actress missing and last seen bungee jumping with a Brazilian soccer player. Oh crap. Too much caffeine again. Well done Ms Moyo.
Zambians when are we going to learn to appreciate what is best for others, iyo kwena mulaponta mwe. no wonder one could have all those qualifs like mushotaz but she/ he is so un happy about her self to a point were she doesn’t appreciate what others have.only hope you are in good health as well pantu ishi imiponto shifuma mumala inga tamuli bwino.
Well done dambisa, and no doubt you come from the land of the wise
Makorokoto! Makorokoto! Dambisa you have made Zambia proud
Congratulations Dambisa. I believe you are an inspiration to our Zambian youth. Never mind what the detractors say, most Zambians are proud of you!
I am proud of Dambisa being a woman and from Zambia, she is a great successful and it is a message to us women that we can succeed without a man if you put your effort and passion in whatever you do, the sky is the limit. I will be following her steps and maybe be better one day
That’s the spirit Mercy! I hope a lot of our young girls will be inspired like you
congrats dambisa..who is bilderberg..? i think i will google and find out
the previous review i posted are not mine but meant to shed light on what other people think of the Zambian economist icon.
That said, I totally agree with them. At her level, Dambisa should not make it a habit of arguing without empirical facts. Using flawed elementary concepts to promote sensational opinion is simply not good enough at her perceived level. We have clear examples of sensational best seller stories that are pure fallacies in Zambia. e.g more money in the pocket in 90 days won elections. Equally, our greatest soccer player has never won us anything. We must be ready to be judged at the level we aspire by standards recognised in particular disciplines. In economics, opinions that are not/can’t be subjected empirical validation are as good bestsellers as fiction.
I think you’re confusing yourself. In short, you don’t make any sense.
This book has received great reviews everywhere. Then here we are with a very petty and self-styled “intellectual” telling us what we might have read is not what it seems to be. Wow! This book is based on solid research my friend.
this is just great
Compliments to you and i hope you are doing great. Can we be friends? I intend to visit your nation later in the year. I will tell you more about me when I get a reply from you OK.
Regards Nina Mark
[email protected]