Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Kambwili Claims PF Fever Brought 2012 Africa Cup


FILE: Deputy secretary to the cabinet Teddy Mulonga (l) and Sports Minister Chishimba Kambwili (c) take Zambia’s chief of protocol only identified as Nkumbula (r) to task after Zambian football fans were stranded because of Nkumbula

Sports minister Chishimba Kambwili claims the Africa Cup would not have come to Zambia without the Patriotic Front coming to power.

Kambwili said on Tuesday in a question and answer session in Parliament on the sports ministry’s Africa Cup expenditure that chaos had reigned in sport during the MMD regime.

“Had the people of Zambia not given the mandate to the PF government, the Africa Cup of Nations would have not come to Zambia,” Kambwili said.

“I have the justification for that statement; everybody knows, the whole World, that under the MMD government we saw first and foremost the coach (Dario) Bonnetti being brought by the president Rupiah Banda without the consultation with Faz.”

Bonetti guided Zambia to 2012 qualification but was fired thereafter.

“There was no sanity whatsoever in the running of football,” Kamwbili said.

“At the time we took over there was no budget to prepare the team in the previous budget that we had actually taken over because of the infighting.

“The ministry was working towards making sure that FAZ fails so that they can prove their point.”

He said his ministry facilitated Zambia’s camping in South Africa after earlier plans under the previous regime planned to camp the team in Ndola.


  1. A critical shortage of success makes our ministers try their best to dig for some. One suggestion bwana minister; ‘the air in Zambia has become lighter to breath’ compared to that time MMD were in power, please highlight this fact as well in parliament.

  2. Even drogba missing a penalty you call that donchi kubeba fever, How will the coaching staff feel when they read or hear these statements. How can a normal person not even mention the determination the team had and the input of FAZ and the coaching staff instead he wants to take all the glory. This is CNP type of thinking without looking at facts.The driving force was the Garbon air disaster and nothing to do with donchi kubeba bwana minister.

    • No 3, you are100% correct , the minister has nothing to boast about. Please sr,if you have nothing tangible to tlk about, just keep quiet. It is good to give credit where it is due.

    • Kambwili, PF has even been a year in power, so STOP DELUDING YOURSELF!!! Power gone to the head too soon!!!

    • Kambwili, PF hasn’t even been a year in power, so STOP DELUDING YOURSELF!!! Power gone to the head too soon!!!

  3. This subnormal drivel is a manifest of CNP with nothing distinguishable to align their tenure to but lies, insults, vacuous threats and hollow hoaxes. An intelligent person would not say that because his conscious would guard him against making himself a fool in a real world where everyone knows that it takes seasons of preparing to pass an exam. The success of soccer has been a long journey of rebuilding and preparation to victory not the drivel of this daft chap called Kambwili whatever its called.

  4. Not this Buffoon Kambwili again, his ministry’s name should be changed to Ministry of Football, how can you take pride in camping in a foreign country? so who is representing Zambia at the Olympics 2012 in London? Talk about future long term goals not history…

  5. kekeke he very right this time. Its good to hear that Kambwili was watching AFCON, those players & officials were behaving like PF kaponyas, drinking , womanizing, some ended up being fired from team.
    They were dancing like bars, and what was that ashh assh thing was about? And in penalties they were singing those born-again songs, very ungentlemanly.
    Yes and believing that the ghost from 1993 helped them, pure SATAnists. Yes very much PF fever.

  6. We need to make sure our new constitution only allows technocrats to hold ministerial positions.This clown Kabwili shouldn`t be be allowed to insult the intelligence of the electorate in such a way.Parliament deserves an intellectual facelift.These demagogues got into power by default.

  7. kambwili LEE TOLL EY! All he does is talk kak! why is the government giving this guy a voice. It had nothing to do with PF. The players and supporters took the team to finals. not the politicians and there fruitless rhetoric! kambwili WA BEY LYO BEY ! 

  8. Every time Chishimbwi Chimbwili opens his mouth, all you hear is the peculiar cries of spotted hyenas, normally higher in stupidity and most irritating to the feelings of the average Zambian. And those gumu-gumu jaws of his, maybe God was rushing for his usual mid day nap leaving Chimbwili on the table of creation only to come back and find the lumpen had bolted with with gumu-gumu chilikumuti jaws leaving then human ones in the coolerbox.

  9. What a stupid statement frOm a minister and some comments from his fans on this bog. Shows how some Zambians enjoy noise. Instead of telling us plans for the future- *****s

  10. like most bloggers have observed, winning the cup was something that started years ago. please lets learn to give credit to those who deserve it. two things that people need more than sex and money is praise and recognition. don’t rob Herve Renard and the boys of that.

  11. Walipena… you now bringing politics in football. Ukokwine ukali aaalaa…. It was the grace of GOD that we were victors not PF. *****

  12. Please do not insult our fallen heros.We won because we were playing in Gabon a few metres from where the fallen players perished.The Chipolopolo boys played their hearts out to finish the work that was started by the 1993 team.The boys prepared very well under the Rupiah government who is a BiG soccer fan and ofcourse Herve Renard gave the team an unbeatable battle plan….

  13. it will be hard to dispute as there is no way of knowing wether it is true or not since the cup is in Zambia

  14. every time this chimbwili opens its mouth feaces come out no wonder his face looks like a chimbwi, please chimbwili stop boring us with with that rubbish.

  15. Every time Kambwili talks he sounds as if he has been constipated for a long time and now he is relieved to be sitting on the toilet doing something. He should shut up and concetrate on the toilet business and talk after he has finished.

  16. Is there any provision in the zambian laws to withdraw a vote which was cast coz of deceitful campaigns. The AFCON glory is a collective and cumulative effort of many different stake holders and mostly an act of GOD. For someone to apportion  it to one single stake holder just indicates the level of shallowness, selfishness, greedy and centerdness .

  17. What is wrong with this thing called kambwili? Can His Imperial Majesty and the most excellent last king of Muchinga please seal this loud mouth and spare us from the torture of listening to his nonsense and b***sh*t

  18. Shouldn’t blogging be banned? So many blatant insults that people wouldn’t dare say without the cover of anonymity. Cowards!

  19. …Sad, very sad indeed. Let pipo learn to protect their integrity.
    Thank faz, coaches, palyers and supporters. Woe to u politicians and caders.

  20. #28 God had nothing to do with Afcon. If he created everyone he take sides. if God interfered in these earthly objectives Zambia would have won the World cup ten times now. The team Renard, FAZ  deserve the accolades.

  21. #28 God had nothing to do with Afcon. If he created everyone he would not take sides. if God interfered in these earthly objectives Zambia would have won the World cup ten times now. The team Renard, FAZ  deserve the accolades.

  22. Oh come now Kambwili, there’z just time for everything and not should rush to claim credit or indeed be shamed az a rezult! There waz time for colonial rule to go, Gunduzani Lottie Mwale to outbox the entire Commonwealth/Africa, Matete to mint an Olympic Gold Medal, Kaunda/UNIP to go, time for the late famous Short Man Walking Tall FTJ to go Cherise Makubale to win Big Brother, the MMD to go and indeed the Zambia futbo fraternity to smile withe AFCON 2012….

  23. QUESTION: Hon. Minister what was the Sports Ministry’s Africa Cup expenditure?

    ANSWER: chaos reigned in sport during the MMD regime.
    “Had the people of Zambia not given the mandate to the PF government, the Africa Cup of Nations would have not come to Zambia,”

  24. TB Joshua the man of God Said God wanted us to smile after 93 air disaster!!! so where does PF victory comes in in chimbwili no plan..

  25. The period is just too short for PF to claim credit for the success of the national team. If that is the case then the rules of success should be changed and all the success literature must be regarded obsolete. Where else has PF achieved success? Let them use the same principles so that we get success in all sphere of life.

  26. Did the guy even attempt to answer the question posed to him over expenditure at afcon? 9 months into GRZ and still obsessed with MMD.

  27. @37 If God wanted us to smile why had it to be 2012? Why not 1994? 1996? 1998? 2000? etc? And why not make us smile at the World Cups that followed- because the team that perished was going for a World Cup qualifier. What have we done in 2012 for God to want us to smile now? That statement is as absurd as Kambwili’s because then Kambwili would even be justified to say “Yes God wanted us to smile because he saw we had changed our government.”

  28. What’s more scary about this buffoon Kwabwili is that he is Sata’s Yes man and he entrusted him with a highly sensitive ministerial portfolio just 6 monhs ago, so what’s stopping the old man appointing him as his successor in 2016 if Kwabwili plays his cards right by being mute!lol 


  30. Cant wait for this guy to get fired as minister. Talks too much. As much as I hate grown to hate the MMD RB seemed interested in soccer in spite of his shortcomings… Kambwili bull… Can you prove that PF brought the CUP. You cant even pay the coach for 6months.. Gee I don’t like this block.. 

  31. It was God’s grace not the minister’s claim! I thought the team first had to qualify? Who ensured that the team qualified? Learn to acknowledge other people’s contributions!

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