Sunday, February 2, 2025

Zambeef PLC Mpongwe farms employees complain of mistreatment by Foreign employers


By Zambeef employee

Good afternoon sir/madam.

I personally wish to thank this website for the good work its doing as it gives me hope knowing that there people who care to stand up and say out the wrongs in our country.

I was compelled to write to you as I reached a point where I could not just sit back and complain seeing the direction where things are going in this country especially after reading the article in the Lusaka times titled (ZAMBEEF Products PLC has recorded an increase of
43% in revenue representing K652 billion)

I am a permanent employee of Zambeef PLC Mpongwe farms and after reading the acticle in the Lusaka times where Zambeef was boasting of its profits, I was enraged as to speak out as to why government is letting foreigners treat us like this turning a blind ear despite them having a 10 % share in the company.

Complaints against Zambeef

1.Despite Zambeef making huge sums of profits most of its workers are working and living in poor conditions especially those that are far from the eyes of the papers.

2.Zambeef is so full of casual workers.There are over 400 employees at Mpongwe Farms most of whom are casual workers.The low cost of operation they were referring to simply comes from the non increment of salaries for years now.

3.Despite been on permanent basis I do not qualify to get a loan.

4.We work on weekends yet our friends in lusaka don’t but they still get more money.

5.We are continously insulted by our white bosses and yet we can’t complain for fear of losing our jobs.

6.We do not also qualify for salary advances cause we can be fired at any time.

7.All the educated and qualified people have been forced to be in management where they do not make any management decisions but just a
ploy to keep them quiet so that they can not protest.

8.Officials from the Zambeef union collect monthly contributions yet nothing tangible ever comes from the money,we have no representation at all.

9.Zambeef gives contracts of 3 years and the gratuity is 15% of the salary what is that when me a diploma holder when I am getting 1 million,an
accountant gets K 1.5million.

10.Meanwhile our bosses get so much money that there talk time allowance is bigger than the salary of our fellow guards who get as low as K400
and K300.

11.All the bosses at zambeef mpongwe are whites except for the petty human resource who is a rubber stumper.

12.There is no salary scale at Zambeef you need to negotiate with the MD.

13.Only relatives are given good salaries by the HR.

I feel one reason Zambeef mpongwe workers are given so little money is because people are uneducated and live in fear.They are content with the
unfair conditions.A clerk died not so long ago only to be given K1.7million as money for the funeral and no company vehicle released to go to the funeral.

Please please do something we are depending on you to let the public know if you need Payslips I am willing to send them so you know how
much we are suffering.

Even cattle is far better kept than we the workers.


  1. I think with the desperation around of looking for a job, you will be replaced by someone who will be willing to get 700pin for you=ur position. Thats the problem in Zambia currently. hope its better. So they don’t care.

  2. I think Zambia needs its own Julius Malema.Its funny how Zambians would rather favor a foreigner over their own people.We need stronger workers rights.but Mr Zambeef employer I would knock out number 3 from your list of complaints.Loans are not things to aspire within your means.

  3. Workers accept to be treated this way. We cant help you if you dont want to stand up for yourselves

  4. “A clerk died not so long ago only to be given K1.7million as money for the funeral and no company vehicle released to go to the funeral.” My friend, you are far better than most organizations i have worked for e.g. KCM Plc pays funeral grant of K600,000 for non-unionized and K1.5m for senior staff employees. Mopani is the same as KCM. Please my friend stop complaining too much. just work hard. Zambians by nature a lazy people and they always enjoy gossiping. Imagine, a mere clerk, K1.7m? Do you know how people earn that amount??

  5. Lazy ZambiaN man. You need to travel and see how we work in Australia. When I was a student I worked to pay over $10,000 or 50million kwacha per semister (every six months).
    I learnt that zambians are lazy people. Whether white or black over here it’s all the same but hard work. That is the reason those whites are getting those jobs because you ZambianS are always complaining while you don’t do the job. Why don’t you go and see the MD and discuss the salary instead of bringing your useless and baseless allegations to Lsk times.
    This is the reason our cities are dirty because of lazyness it’s a shame. We fail tomake our own roads in the compounds untill a china man does it. Typical Zambian nature. Lazyness wake up *****, what a joke you are.

  6. Mr worker, you have chosen a wrong forum to express your grievances, no wonder your complaints are never heard. what you have on this blog are lazy bums using company computers eating company hours and are in no way in a position to influence any one.what you need is to stand up against your employer and tell them as it is. alternatively go to the labor department even the presidents office if needs be. if still you dont get any joy i suggest you start your own company. believe me working for someone sucks if you have un resolved issues with your employer be man enough and quit. after all they also started from somewhere

  7. PF Please wake up and smell the coffee. Fourty five years after independence we are still ‘marinaded’ in racism. ” Where is the change baba???” Opposition, these are the some of the issues you ought to be handling.

  8. @12 I echo what you’re saying. The rot does not stop at Zambeef but goes further in these foreign owned companies. Alot of thse companies based awya from Lusaka mistreat their local breed employees like that.

    • Zambeef is not foreign-owned, it’s a publicly-owned company with shares as follows: Banata Ltd (8.56%), Tarjar Ltd (8.56%), Barclays Lusaka Nominees Ltd (8.72%), BDO Trust Company Unlimited (9.39%), First Court Ltd (9.42%), Barclays Bank Nominees (14.55%), Rhodora Ltd (17.17%) and other Public and Institutional investors (23.63%). Please read and research before you pass unsubstantiated comments, Mister.

  9. All investment must be chased out! Bring uncle Bob from Zimbabwe to show us
     How to make a farming economy in fact! I think farming in Zambia should be run as efficiently as our government schools and hospitals!:((

  10. Yes a white man is right to treat you black people like that, u are not educated so what on earth do you want, i need someone who can work independently with little or no supervision, u the uneducated blacks i have to teach ou every step of your Job, oh my foot.


  11. Zambian we like complaining, thats what you get for having minimum education and allowing whites to setup companies

  12. I sympathise with the employees,but some of two of those complaints are not genuine e.g 1.Zambeef is not a bank so dont complain about loan entitlements

    2. Salary advance is not a right all over the world


  13. Alla, this is boiling down to plain old stupidity and inferiority complex, I am in my second year studying in the US, many Ghanians and Africans come here to start business etc! What is wrong with foreign people investing! These muzungu’s (nationality not stated but could possibly be white Zambian). It’s not as if they are Chinese and are selling cheapest chickens to the market!

  14. 19 Thandiwe, since when did you go to the university? Just after your husband lost elections in zambia? No wonder the big man lost US$36,000 IN HIS BEDROOM kansi ndiwe unaba for tuition fees, Good luck

  15. We told you. Lift the veil of some of these companies and see what goes on their. Most of these companies that have scandals are jewels or `blue chip` to the eyes of an outsider. What happened to Meriadian BIAO, World Com, Enron, Minestone etc. It is simply because a lot of rubbish is carefully concealed until they explot. Shit happens in these companies! The whole thing stinks to high heavens especially where governments keep a blind eye.

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  17. whoever is the author of this blog, can i please have your email address as i have more important questions to ask you. thank you.

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