Saturday, March 15, 2025

Sata back and impressed with Brazil,promises to stamp out casualisation


President Michael Sata

PRESIDENT Michael Sata says his Government is working to stamp out casualisation by creating long-term permanent jobs for Zambians.

And the President has directed local authorities in the country to improve their town planning by learning from countries such as Brazil.

Mr Sata said he was impressed with Brazil’s planning and development when he attended the Rio+20 Summit in Rio de Janeiro recently.

President Sata said councils should take a leaf from Brazil on how best to plan and develop cities and municipalities.
“I didn’t see a single space… we need to send some people there to go and see for themselves,” Mr Sata said.

On creation of job opportunities, Mr Sata said the Government was planning to create and offer Zambians decent long-term jobs unlike what was currently obtaining.

“If there is employment, we don’t want casual employment. We want to provide employment where when somebody has been provided employment you forget about it. And when you provide employment for one person he will create some more employment.

“For example if you have people working, then people in the market will also be employed because they will have people with money who are going to buy the goods,” he said.

He said there would be increased expenditure in the economy coming with the creation of more jobs by Government and consequently lead to increased revenue for the provision of social services to the people.

Mr Sata said this in an interview yesterday at South Africa’s Oliver Tambo International Airport en-route to Lusaka shortly after connecting from London, where he had earlier connected from Brazil.

This is contained in a statement released by First Secretary for Press at the Zambian High Commission in South Africa, Patson Chilemba.

Mr Sata said Zambia should utilise its comparative advantage to normalise the trade imbalance with countries like South Africa.

He said South Africa exported more to Zambia because that country understood what was relevant for the Zambian market through planning.

He said if South Africa imported meat from Argentina, it could also buy meat products from Zambia, especially that the two countries were only two hours away by air transport.

‘You need proper meat commissions to ensure that our animals are sickness free. And it is not for us to say so, it is for South Africa to prove that our beef is sickness free.

Those are the simplest exports you are talking about, because if we can prove to the South Africans that we can provide them with disease-free meat that is one of the biggest exports since consumption of meat is almost every day,’ he said.


  1. The boss’s tone has improved from ‘promise’ mode to something ‘reality-like’ mode, this is good news.

    Donchi kubeba

  2. Government creating permanent jobs? Hahahahah! Please just tell us your fiscal and monetary policies then we will freely advise you on how to manipulate macroeconomic tools that have multiplier effects from spending and taxes as far as expansionary and contractionary policies can do.

    • @senior citizen sometimes you amaze me…you surely know that some of the economic theories can not be applied vividly to the true and proper functioning of the economy…people like you should give full information that is practical than just blogging for the sake of it or to be seen as some lunatic who is educated…grow up…shahhh

  3. He looks like ,he is not happy that the wife is talking to some man.give them the back hahahahaha.

  4. Dear Mr President, clearly you do not know how to plan or you lack foresight! Have you stopped to think what people meant when they said you took the wrong people to Brazil? What if Mrs. Yamba, Mrs. Mwamba, Chipimo and Nawakwi’s places where filled with the same planners you want to send to Brazil now? I now know what CNP means. Lol

    • hahahahah good point Mpembamoto.he took the wrong people to Brazil,what is Nawakwi and chipimo going to contribute since they are not in government.wast of space and our send more people back and spend more of it.thank you for spending our money sir and welcome back to zambia.

    • Please do not be mislead by UNPD VUVUZELA ZAMBIAN WATCH MY AS.S. Mrs Yamba and Mrs Mwamba met the President and his entourage in London Heathrow. They were on their on business in London. Ubututu pa Zed.

  5. hey iwe ther are allowed to dream,its good the PRESIDENT Michael Sata pay attention when he is touring other nations.We do not have that in zambia ,we need that in zambia,can we do that too in zambia . i think that called a plan or dreaming. i do not know any more now ,my heads checked now .what was i saying

  6. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z… A for Annie Apple! E for Eli Elephant! and so we used to sing trying to muster the alphabet in Sub A. Ukwa mustering the ABC of economics….. but why? why why why do we allow ourselves to be subjected to regression like this? someone please answer me!!

  7. There is no need to send people to Brazil  just look for old draft system which they were using during KK you will spare a lot of people’s money. 

  8. How can local municipals function effectively if there is too much political interference vis Presidential directives and they have no revenue streams of their own as all the houses have been sold off.
    Does it take the president to go to Brazil to be enlightened, MAYBE he also needs to go to all the countries 15+ where Dual Citizenship is allowed to actually see the PROS and CONS.

  9. President Sata said councils should take a leaf from Brazil on how best to plan and develop cities and municipalities.

  10. UNZA IS WATING FOR U. BWANA PRESIDENT!!JUST EXPLAIN 2 THE PIPO THAT ITS TRUE AM A CHIBWE NO PLAN?what ar telling us by creating employment?where is de 90 dayz change?we ar feed up wth ur feck promises….

  11. @16 – Lusaka is just growing, and uncontrollably so, it is not developing! You can build sub-standard structures all over Chalala, etc, etc but there is no planning for human settlement, sewerage treatment, life-styling, road network. This is not development, however Sata should be shown the course structure for Country & Town Planners and he will know that we have these now corrupted people in-country, it is the lack of appreciation and mis-allocation of resources and corruption with approvers of buildings, roads, etc that is a mess in infrastructural development. I think he wants to go back to Brazil again, there must be something more special there, it is nit just the planning!

    • I agree with u on this sscore, development and social services . we have country planners and iinspectors who are crap and corrupt. Fire them and start all over again with fresh minds!!

  12. well said Mr president. Please work hard to give permanent jobs to Zambians. This what a president should be.

  13. Mere politicking, which companies apart from the Govt will employ permanently? Only ZESCO can do that but even ZESCO has more casual workers than permanent workers. If the president shared with some Brazilian that it was possible to create permanent jobs, he was duped – he was merely told what he wanted to hear.

  14. Ba HH why cant u humble yo self.
    u just ave stolen quater money yet you brag as if you a rich.
    Mazoka had wealthy & genuine money.
    What befits you is just a ministerial post.
    If it was in UNIP days u can just be a section chairman.

  15. When will HE address the nation? 9 months down the line no address on the state of the nation,I guess now that he’s back, he is headed to Muchunga, Chama and Livingstone, all in the desire to increase numbers in parliament like Guy Scott has been desperately been doning latetly…even his wife is now on campaign trail!!

  16. u cant go to a foriegn country and think u can have their beautiful cities, zambia need cutural overhaul, city’s beauty and architecture shld be municiple and city counsil’s bread and buter but in zambia people jst built tuntemba and houses with out city authorities giving a shit, the President is right, we need a functional system i.e road network, city and residential planning, airport, healthy, public transport , the country need some1 with a brain and country at heart to be in charge.

  17. Believe it or not reality is that all so called proven economic theories, system of driving the economy are just proving two realities…the richer getting richer, the poorer getting much worse in the hope that it will get better……. avoid laughing at any suggestion or plans being implemented by PF government especially if one understands it well, than a nice drafted academic policy facing a country with no money to implement it…resources are finishing difficulty to extract and costly…. the language Sata speaks echoes my dreams

  18. Ati I will end casualisation, ba President shibukeni, you are still sleeping and in dreamland when the world is progressing and Zambia is retrogressing. Do you even have cabinet meetings I wonder? The country is directionless. Mr Hakainde Hichelema is very right you are really a Chimbwi no plan. How do you expect orderliness when there is no plan. You have not shared any plan that you have to create employment and suddenly you are talking of ending casualisation. Awe the next 4 plus years will be agonising. God help Zambia

  19. Which book is he reading? I can read some Keynesian theories and the multiplier effect in his speech. The Fundamentals of macroeconomic theories. What assumptions is he holding constant that could have an impact on the realities? Who is his economic advisor?

  20. Mr. Sata, since you left the country has been better off, except GBM receiving curses and your Chimbwili has been a top hooligan in parliament. Shanshonga is arrested but no one dares to go and get him. Mutembo Nchito was just sleeping, top CASUAL worker.

  21. Sata falls in love with Brasil, thank god you took your wife as those ladies are naturally beautiful voluptuous women. who are very adventurous, they also have orginal Brasil hair not that fake one you buy in a shop in Lusaka. I too miss my last holiday.

  22. Governement for the balck pipo lead by black pipo to lead blacks in the black community. Ati Govt will send pipo to learn from brazil planning ,,,come to China my man then u will send some to china, go to Japan the same story everywhere, we have enough educated black people who are engineers to engineer what you want to be engineered.

  23. More promises we know it is the order of the day. Look at what is happening with recruiting of younths into the military wings. How sad a situation, PF wake up please and start taking what you want to do, how you want achieve that, set benchmarks, timeframes and attach resource mobilization strategies to a specific budget. These should be outlined in the govt white paper and not just talking like it is not you running the govt.

  24. CNP! I thought he learnt lessons about town planning when he was a sweeper at Victoria station in London? Its still the same, except nobody pees anywhere, they have toilets which he used to clean, I think he should direct those planners to London CNP! am just saying!

  25. All of you bloody idiets who are complaining using your bruised and stinking asses, why cant you wake up from your slumber and start thinking like reasonable people! The problem with most of you chaps is that you are too lazy! All you want re things to come where you are sitting whilst you are even scratching your blue balls! Look at how you same chaps sabbotaged a good initiative of Citizen Economic Empowerment! How many people payed back the loans? Lets learn to work hard guys and stop complaining unnecessarilly!

    You can expound on all your memorised economic theories but if your cant put the concepts into practice, then you are useless and just making noise!

  26. He saw no space in the favellas of Brazil and he wants someone to go over there and learn. Our council is dormant, Lusaka is the only capital city without even a coffee or restuarant strip. Pa town center is a disgrace, thats prime area for commercial development such as high class restuarants and coffee shops where people can go and sit and enjoy themselves. We dont need to send someone to Brazil to get this idea. Yaba!!!

  27. What is disappointing is the president making stop overs in foreign countries. We need a airforce 1. you cant have a president flying commercial on a scheduled flight. it is embarrassing to hear announcement on the plane that we should remain seated until the VVIP has disembarked. Always changing the codes of other peoples plane from SA 40 or whatever to Zambia 1. This is expensive. At least we should have used our challenger to go and pick up our president from South Africa, it is near

  28. Town clerk asks town planner, what do u think was located wrongly on woman’s body? Town planner answers ” i think the entertainment area is too close to the sewerage system”

  29. SATA you should’t be going out of the country with a large number of relatives spare the Little resources of our country mr CHIMBWE NO PLAN as for the so called loyal opposition in the name of NAKANA REASONING POCKETS [narep] AND FDD these parties are not a factor in zambian politics narepuka is a youyh wing PAMAFI[PF] FDD died with chriton tembo VIVA MMD AND UPND for being true opposition political parties in zambia speak for the poor especially on 14BILLION the sata’s un holy friends fred mumembe

  30. Mr president start with zesco, 2much casualization and da famous temprol jobs someone workin 4 more than 5years is that temprol?? chitundu and morecome thats 1 of yo duties 2 reduce casualisation and end temprol jobs. U re da beneficiary of their votes they voted 4 PF and HE Sata 2 beta their living. clean zesco, temprol n casuals re watching u..

  31. listening to people in power, one wonders who has to provide solutions. they all speak like they are still in opposition. its time to give tangibles not talk which anyone in the street can give. these blank statements have no meaning. tell us the projects or actions which will generate the permanent jobs BOSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  32. Mr president, it is not like the zambian city fathers have nerver travelled! obviuosly they have and they have seen what you saw. but according to one good zambian engineer( not in diaspora), we need the political will and the money to develop our country,we can also have those spagetti, and ring roads!

  33. Ubututu ba fee colour! Nothing is ever going to happen pa Zed as long as Ukwa/CNP is in charge. Why? because he has no plan, his style is trial and error. I have never come across a president who literally knows nothing. Firstly it is changing names of public places, then against dual citizenship, then Mugabe, then RIO, then …..

  34. Karen,I am weeping tears of joy and love as I write this rponsese to the video of Tiff and Lee’s Wedding. It is beautiful and you are an amazing photographer! Thank you so much for being a part of that fun and very sacred day.Sincerely,Alison

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