Friday, March 7, 2025

Matero Residents Feel Betrayed by PF MP Miles Sampa


Commonwealth road in Matero Constituency
Commonwealth road in Matero Constituency

Residents of Lusaka’s Matero Township feel betrayed by the alleged failure by their Member of Parliament, Miles Sampa to deliver on his campaign promises.

Both residents and motorists say the state of commonwealth road needs serious consideration, which the MP has failed to take up. Motorists wonder why the Finance Deputy Minister has not intervened in the matter.

The residents have further criticised the Parliamentarian’s decision of opting to create a website as failure to embark on feasible projects like road and other infrastructure developments.



  1. His major accomplishments are as follows;-1. insulting tongas in parlaiment, followed by 2. being sent to livingstone then 3. getting realigned to ministry of finance.

  2. Miles is really failing. Look at Kapwepwe Ward, that place has no single tarmac either done by MMD and no plans by PF 2 do it. Instead the MP and his dunderhead followers re busy trying 2 invest cdf on cleaning drainages. So Miles think he can only work with PF dunderheads, Matero ll never develop. Let him do a road from Commonwealth 2 Zani Muone, SOS Village if he has vision at all

    • please lets criticize with some reasoning, pf has been there for less than a year and we want everything to change within this small period. it takes time to develop a country! we all have to participate!

    • @ Musoli Muntashi:
      I suppose you remember that the PF promised to deliver heaven within 3 months. They promised, if they have failed, let them say so!!!

  3. mwebantu, the calibre of councillors Miles is working with, its a shame. I doubt if they ve capacity 2 deliver. PF lost it when choosing its leaders. Matero constituency PF re better in terms of education but look at ward leaders, they cant even xpress themselves well. U cant blame the MP but local leaders

  4. We havnt failed as a party. we just 10months old. its painful truth dat most inteligent young pipo re overlooked. councilors re still in campaign mood instead of engaging those frm within and outside PF who stood against them so we all can tap in2 their brains. we tired of meetings where its all abt campaigning and name-calling individuals

    • ba Ricky naimwe didnt Obama promise to close guantanamo prison, is it closed? Cameron promised to reduce the number of immigrants has he reduced them? Do you fulfil all your promises?????

    • guys, tell me one campain promise that has seriously been fullfilled… Even obama s having rough time because of his rubbish talk, why not sata?? is he god?

  5. All Zambians should feel cheated by the PF. They lied almost about everything they promised during the campaigns and they arent entitled to new promises. We must vote them out in 2016, or sooner when the opportunity for presidential bye election arises.

  6. The chap is a letdown.I really thot he was different but now no where to be seen.hes too busy for the people who put him where he is.these people are all the a matero resident and the only difference lve seen is the formula1roads which the mmd started.its like these people didnt expect to win,they runing around like headless chickens.clueless.

  7. It is the system that can’t allow even the most brilliant MP to perform. It’s not like an MP can just go and command money out from the treasury. You must be very dull to believe an individual who claims that they can bring development to an area. In what context? They can only lobby. It is not their personal money but national treasury, where even a shangombo road is competing to get a cut.

  8. And there must be a list of projects budgeted for the year. Was your road under RB’s formula 1 fast track programme?

  9. We must decentralise govt. Infact township roads ought to be under the council. Seriously people believe campaign lies that “if you vote for me, I will bring development”, shame. And probably in this case we can add “in 90 days”! People are so gullible that they don’t differentiate mere politicking from practical reality.

  10. @13 nostra anus, stop such silly comments. Pf ll deliver; of cos i understand the pressure is mounting, every zambian wants something done soon to better their lives.

  11. @13 nostra anus, stop such silly comments. Pf ll deliver; of cos i understand the pressure is mounting, every zambian wants something done soon to better their lives. Pf ll deliver.

  12. I’m from Matero and I feel bad about this crap,matter of fact people from Matero township contributed to Zambia’s independence directly and you can’t even treat them with a little dignity,if a little dignity is all what is needed.God don’t like ugly,we are coming for you!

  13. Matero people, you chose and danced with joy all night. Live with your choice. Why complain now?

  14. Hope lubinda kabata mp is reading.let him finish zaoga road MMD ends at Zippas school.we expect ouR govt now 2 start delivering .I think da best is to visit winter Kabimba and tell him dat pf to make a web site Where pf members will be complaining in various constituencies .hope really we gonna perform bcoz my conclusion will b dat a black man can’t rule himself.most zambians fail due to poor leadership starting frm our homes,churches,families,companies,Ngos,govt ect.we should start training kids how 2 save others than teaching them how 2 be selfish.leadership starts from our homes and families.what do u expect a person who can’t help relatives to develop a country?ha ha ha zambians let us start scrutinizing our leaders families before we vote 4 them.iam a pf member myself.

  15. #18 I totally agree, extra curriculum activities like boys scouts made us to work in a group, but today all sports activity that would align young lads are vandalized or just nonexistence. Leadership should start in pre-school, much induced in Primary, then at secondary they chose which they like as talent and more of entrepreneur skills introduced and career development not just meeting such at high learning, hence failing to produce implementers. We have to many theoretical irritating corrupt academic professionals in Zambia and not doers or leaders.

  16. For miles is doing nothing he cheated us that he will work on matero stadium and even contribute first 3 months salary towards matero development am sure he not gonna come and campaign in matero again sewarage the worst

  17. I am PF big time because I hated MMD for the closures of the University during our time. It was precious time lost. So for PF to oust them it was a big job well done. Now the MMD’s sorry legacy of unemployment, “disacretion” of councils, companies and the corrupt land allocation measures have put PF in big, hot dinosour shit. But people can not label us malingerers or CNP just yet. The task before us is mammoth.

  18. Politics is only about changing faces. The sooner you accept this the better for you. You will die from frustration if you keep thinking your lives will change because you brought in new faces. They are in it for themselves not for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. @9 I just googled his website proper mediocre. now i understand why Miles has failed to come up this tangible programmes in Matero.He is below par as can be reflected from his website….he has no plans for matero mark my word. All he has done is post his silly CV and nothing else as though the guy is looking for emplyment……God help Zambia.

  20. Just wish we could have a regular supply of electricity in Matero… But who really cares, our MP does not even live here!!! Of course his mother does, but I wonder if he even cares about her!

  21. @Ricky Bobby?, yes in 90 days things were done that could be done. But I doubt if it meant doing everything, I mean everything in 90 days and live the rest of the 5 year term holidaying. The leadership can as well go to Bahamas and Seychelles for holiday. Is that how you understood it man?

  22. This is actually the same story throughout Zambia. People want development delivered like yesterday. Indeed tell Miles Sampa naimwe guys. Is he not within Lusaka? But nga ni loadshedding yena ni mu 2019 ikacepa. Things are bad.

  23. Pipo and power.They say power corrupts if it is power controling pipo and not pipo controling power.Our leaders lack the capacity to control power and this explains why our politicians change from saints to …… once power is confered on them.

  24. Kilometre Sampa, you are a cheat! U lied to the people of Matero. You are never in Matero unless when George Bush went to George Clinic. Matero Stadium is a mess. Kapwepwe Ward is in Shamble. Muchinga Ward is dead. In Twikatane, people are killing each other and you are busy smiling.

    Matero is watching you…..guaranteed, you will be gone in 2016.

    You said it on Muvi TV Yourself that “Matero is a one term area”until you were reminded only Sm stayed twice. Ask Faustina Sinyangwe. YOU ARE NEXT

  25. @Jelitta mmmm, did he campaign to you and promised a big wedding in 90 days? Did you give him?

  26. I heard Chishimba Kambwili say 90 days is a bemba proverb.Are we all Zambians dull to be cheated a days ago and accept? Which bemba was he using, from which chief? In bemba there is no such a proverb as ‘I will bring development in 90 days and mean 9 0months’.MMD managed to develop the whole zambia in 90days.Formular 1 roads. If they had continued in power they could have tarred the whole country.They never mentioned 90days but managed within 90days.What about PF which came into power on the basis of 90days.

  27. A stinking lie from Long walk to Freedom. Did MMD tar a single road under formula 1? They could not finish that they were booted out. The taring of those road has been done under the PF. MMD ran out of time! Just like pedicle road. Did they tar it? You see, these things are all about money my friend. MMD did not develop this country my friend. They simply left unemployment and confusion.

  28. What MMD left were dusty roads in Lusaka. You will see ring roads in Lusaka. New clinics and schools. Feasibility reports on new roads are almost ready. MMD could not even finish Mutanda-Chavuma started during the time of bena Patrick Kafumukache (MHSRIP). Did MMD finish Kasama-Mansa road? Did MMD do the Bottom road in the Gwembe valley? I can go on and on. All they left is entropy!

  29. #39,mmd managed to develop the whole zed in 90 days,they never mentioned 90 days but managed within 90 days,are u in zambia or usa?do u have relatives or friends in zed?which development did mmd managed in 90 days when they ruled the country for 20 years and i still dont see any meaning project that i can pinpoint as a success of if mmd never mentioned 90 days but managed it within 90 days,how did u know the commencent of ur imaginery within 90 day projects.what makes u think that mmd would have tarred the whole country in 10 months of pf rule which they failed to do in their 20 years men ,with such kind of imagination or theoratical approach to life is very realistic and now that not even usa can managed fulfill ur claims .please change ur mentality.

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