Saturday, March 15, 2025

Ban on use of Dollar in Zambia is illegal-HH


 Hakainde Hichilema
Hakainde Hichilema

United Party for National Development (UPND) leader Hakainde Hichilema has said that the party is shocked by the signing of the statutory instrument number 33 that seeks to stop dollar transactions in the country.

Mr Hichilema said that the statutory instrument is illegal as it quotes from a piece of legislation that does not exist in the statute books.

Mr. Hichilema since demanded that Finance Minister Alexander Chikwanda suspends that statutory instrument number 33 of 2012 within the next 7 days, failure to which the party will seek the courts for interpretation on the legality of the instrument.

And Mr Hichilema has said that former Republican President Rupiah Banda was right to send a letter of apology on behalf of Zambians to former US president George Bush.

[pullquote]Mr. Hichilema said that what Mr. Rupiah Banda did was right because the nation can no longer continue to allow being embarrassed.[/pullquote]

Mr. Hichilema has since stated that he will write to President Michael Sata to advise him on how his conduct should be when meeting foreign delegates.

Mr. Hichilema said that what Mr. Banda did was right because the nation can no longer continue to allow being embarrassed.

Speaking at a press briefing at the UPND secretariat this morning, Mr. Hichilema said it is time the head of state changed his attitude.



  1. Just shut up HH why should we be using the us dollar when we have our own local currency?
    You really are one bitter bush boy or Ngombe bullshitter

    • Poor illiterate zambians who like talking u even understand the consequences of banning the vehicle currency?see me for a lecture

    • I think ulicipuba iwe bushe walishiba dollar ifyo ibomba,we mbwa you think how can we conduct our business without dollar.we cipuba,i think ulimucushi fye iwe.

  2. Come on HH!!!! reauters is reporting that the ban has been extremely successful that other african countries are considering doing the same.Go to zambiaonline and read the reuters report

  3. Where did you get this guy from? Any case, just like Obamacare, just take that issue to the courts and they will rule on it. There is no need to issue ultimata. As for the so-called Bush debacle, enough already! Banda oversteped his mandate. Government was going to be asked to retract or apologize as demands diplomatic etiquette; nothing so far means it has been taken to be the banter that it really is. And don’t bring forward that so-called African tradition BS. Enough already!!!!

  4. This failure is really dumn dull. I thought I would vote for you next time but alass I cant due to your childish behaviour. Here in south Africa no Dolar is allowed. All transactions are in Randa. In Boswana all transactions are in Pulla…. why cant Zambia also transact in its own currency –Kwacha??? I think HH you are dull not as people potray you as educated. Any way you did accounting thats why you cant understand the importance of transacting in Kwacha and not in Dollar. Useless HH..shaaa.

  5. who is HH serving, the Zambia people or himself? it is very clear that this move will bring about good results and stabilize our currency but HH can’t see anything good. all he wants is to oppose and oppose and oppose, i will never for vote for this jackass until the time he will start thinking straight. what is wrong with this guy kansi imwe banthu!

  6. ha ha if I had 2 choose btwen RB n HH I would choose RB.I don’t knw who taught him big counties trade is in their currency.why should we have kwacha if u don’t use it?this is what I was waiting 4 pf 2 russia,usa,sa,britan,japan,china and canada people trade in their own currency.this da reason now da kwacha is trading at 4600 within a short period of time.chikwanda n bank of zambia governer are doing it.hungry hyna zero.bitterness will kill hh.last time u were complaing over da depreciating of kwacha.again u’re saying banks have been forced.u can’t force da market .look at zimbabwe ,why mugabe could,nt force also da same?hh really has never been a ceo of a big compay except ku mapatizya.

  7. KWACHA KWACHA KWACHA. US Dollars are to be used outside of USA in useless countries where dictators have spoilt the economy i.e Zimbabwe. Lets use Kwacha in Zambia. Sata is right in doing so. This chap is bitter coz he didn’t form an alliance with PF he chose the losers MMD.

  8. so from the time the statutory instrument was put in place, this is when he is realising that its illegal just because we are now seeing the results? the dollar is now trading at K4600 because of this intervention. Shame on blind followers of this man. your are headed for an ice berg…

    • Tell me about that brother. Even the one that sank the titanic will be nothing compared to what this man is headed for.

  9. If this is the level of opposition we can only assemble then we should brace ourselves for unproductive five years. Oppose, oppose, oppose, and oppose as long as it is PF’s innitiative seems to be HH’s stand. How I would wish for opposition to raise the stakes through high calibre checks and balances. One area other than corruption contrubuting to retardation in Zambia is pulling each other down for selfish and jeaslous reasons. If trading in our Kwacha was illegal but benefitted Zambia, a true stateman would keep his mouth shut as long as his country was not at a loss.


  11. Its true HH is serving his personal interests other than those of Zambians. If it means selling Zambia to enter plot 1, he can do it. I am really sorry for HH coz he is reducing his chance of winning 2016 elections. Who can vote for a person who is ready to sell away the country. I think HH should be mentally examined to find out is mental status…I am sure he has lost his senses.

  12. no 15. I guess someone who has no direction changing ministries daily needs a mental examination than this guy. HH has no problem with the ban BUT has problems with the law used to ban the use of dollars. It does not exist!

    • Has the ban claimed any lives? so what’s the hassle. HH is not normal .Mr. Hungry Hyna critisise when you have facts and once in a while not every day . what’s makes sence to a thousand fold always senseless to you ?? what kind of animal. In the end, people will lose confidence in you,even when you will speek the truth ,people will say it is the usual bluffing, so watch your mouth Mr. ‘Learned Man’. Kukamba siba lesa koma ka kambidwe.

  13. i think HH is just contradicting every thing the government does. How can we be using dollar when we have our currency? Have you ever used Kwacha in other countries? A big NO. The government is right to ban the use of dollar only Hunger Hyena will benefit because he has dollars. Useless opposition go to court. BITTER MAN ALWAYS BITTER MAN. NO PLOT NO. 1 FOR HUNGRY HYENA

  14. If the ban of the dollar was illegal but benefiited Zambia as it is doing, HH should have kept his mouth shut if he was a true stateman. However, his phylosophy is to oppose for ever

  15. When I go to China or Dubai or Holand or Zimbabwe, I can pay in either US Dollar or their currency. The stance by PF is wrong. Mugabe, Mbingu Wamutarika and Kaunda tried it. It never worked. There could be short-time gain, but just wait and see how the Kwacha tumbles soon.

  16. I can’t understand hh on this this guy educated?have lot of ?s.even when I came from europe I told my friends dat in order 2 maintain our economy let us transact in kwacha.when people are trading in foreign currency people invade tax.hope people who hiding dollas will bring them back.ha ha ha soon it gonna be 3000.

  17. No 16, Man what else can one say HH is if not that he has lost his sense on this one? You say he is not against the ban …thats fine but why taking the matter to court of law?? This is the madness I am talking about. He has lost direction….he has become a jocker more than Sata. HH has to be very carefull in the manner he opens his mouth…he is becoming a laughing stock.

  18. Kwacha legal tender pa Zed chapwa! Like Rand in RSA. Those with the US dollar keep it and do not advocate its legality in Zambia as for my grandmother in the village its Kwacha that matters to her! On this decision PF yabomba!

  19. it is always good to debate inconomics with people who do not understand HH means very well he does not mean to dollarize the zambian inconomy but the law used to issue the instrument no; zambia we use kwacha but due to other inconomical hiccups we use dollars to bring goods and services from outside.under the current glable village we don’t need nationalizaion but liberalization of our inconomy.viiiiva HH you are truely for zambians

    • Baba, read the statutory instrument Chikwanda issued! It does not say you cannot import goods into Zambia using US dollars. Stop believing everything you read on ZWD!!!

      All the instruments does is to forbid quoting of goods and services within Zambia in Dollars. If your business deals with foreign entities, your are as free as our Nation symbol (The Eagle), to quote to those businesses in what foreign currency they deal in. But once those goods or services enter Zambia, you better quote in Kwacha equivalence. That’s all the Statutory instrument does. This is what is done everywhere in the world. So stop lying bululu!!!!!!!!!!

    • Yambayamba. Mate all you could have done was read his inconomy english and give it a pass. But you did well to enlighten him, that’s if he even understands what you were articulating.

  20. HH should go to Zimbabwe if he wants to quote in US dollar. We ve the Kwacha and I personally appreciate the Minister’s decision

  21. Muna# stop vomiting nonsense, so if the move is intended to strengthen our currency then what is wrong for your HH to go court if at all he cares about the Zambian people, so HH is saying that since this law does not exist, so we should let the situation to continue until we formulate the law that we all know takes long time, in the meantime the situation should be left to escalate, what kind of thinking is that, if something is good for the country it has to be done,  anything that is good for Zambia and for the Zambian people must be done and anyone who opposes it becomes an enemy of the people and the state. HH condemned RB for selling Zamtel the same HH blamed Sata for taking it back, ……i mean its becoming very hard to know where HH is standing, he keeps changing his positions.

    • Dr Mwazawamba, brother I think it’s right for us to call him “ze chameleon.” I equally have no clue where this man stands on anything because one minute he’s very much against one thing, and before you can even blink an eye lid, he’s against the same thing he just supported. Ne ule mukutolaika kwakwa HH balibepeshafye.

  22. @No. 20. Which law allows Zambia to be using Dollars? Kwacha is a legal tender pa Zed. Why should we have kwacha if we want to use Dollar?

    • I miss Levy Patrick Mwanawasa MHSRIP. During his time I remember the dollar was trading close to 3,000 even when the dollar was in use.


  24. @no22:what sense does it make to pretend that you are not using dollars when you allow the tourism industry to enjoy the use of the green [email protected] was sold just like any other company which was sold,but how zamtel was evalueted leaves much to talk about HH is not against the investigation or reposition all together but the manner in which the company was nationalized and even how the board of zamtel was constituted.Guys just take a good look on how Zamtel is being mismanaged by one Mwanakatwe as reported yesterday.This is what is making HH have sleepless nights on behalf you and i.

  25. from my little understanding…an S.I can only became law used passed through parliament why didnt HH and his minions oppose then before it became law,some of you should ask us we have worked for some foreign companies claiming to be investors yet they have just come to harvest send the dollar back home and leave us i know that the move taken is the correct…one period!!

  26. Ba muna 24,
    You re off target who is talking about Zamtel here,talk about the issue at hand abukopo bwine bu

  27. Just when I thought we had another opposition leaderwe could trust, the free mason throws Zambia under a tata bus.

  28. From the comments above, it seems bloggers dont understand what they are reading or arent reading these stories at all. HH isnt against the Dollarization. All he is saying is that the piece of legislature which is being quoted is not there hence the instrument is illegal. 

    • HH should tell us what piece of none-existent law the SI used if we are to believe him. By the way, how do you quote a none-existant piece of lagislation?! The fact that it was quoted means that it exists somehow. Saying “a wrong piece of lagislation was quoted” makes more sense, tefyo ba mudala?

  29. as long as LT are now not doing a ka The Post. May we have the actual statement from ka HH. LT, please show us (in quotes) HH’s statement, rest we think you are also acting insane!!!! 

  30. #24…you are also thinking like HH….senseless. It will not help how hard you inttend to protect HH on this one. HH is sadly out of sense on this. Keep on soothing your senseless HH who is hurting with hatred and chocking grudge..hahahaha.

  31. All those condemning HH are so dull and don’t understand how economics works. Just shut up your unclean mouths.

  32. @ 40 Great Bags of Maize ( GBM ), if HH states that the statutory instrument does not exist that would be fine. He just had to add on that all should be halted. At times wisdom should be used and let the judicial branch of UPND speak.

  33. @ 47 Michelo we are not illiterate, we know the ban is on businesses quoting goods and services in dollars. Commercial banks, bureau de change enterprises and tourist interests shall have the dollar exemption due to the category the belong too. They are direct siphons of the dollar into the country thus there unique grouping:).

  34. Poor HH, he is embittered

    He can no longer use his shady dollars obtained when he manged the privatization of Roan Mine, Kagem Mine, Lima Bank and Intercontinental Hotel in Livingstone

    That shady guy is indecent !!

  35. Ba HH has got some $$$$ so now it is losing value hence the thought for being against it. He has personal interests. What a useless person for the party president.

  36. Ati he is a wizard, looks like its true mwe. he needs men of God to pray for him. Even his senseless foul mouth supporters of his from the watch imbwa have gone quite on this one.

  37. Quote: “Mr Hichilema said that the statutory instrument is illegal as it quotes from a piece of legislation that does not exist in the statute books.”

    Somebody help me here; how does one “quote” from a none-existant legislation? The fact that the SI quotes some Zambian statutes/law, doesn’t that mean the legislation “exists” somehow? Or did he mean to say: “a wrong legislation was quoted/used” in the formulation of the SI? Anyway, maybe HH thinks he is too much of a genius to be understood if he spoke in none-legal jargon—-hahahahahaha!

  38. The level of ignorant vernom directed at HH by the Kolwenese Janjaweeds stinks to the very heavens above. This can only be directed State House Ukwa CNP to discredit the man, especially after he made their whole machinery kiss dust in Livingstone last week. Statutory instrument number 33 quotes from a piece of legislation that does not exist in our statute books, it is simply illegal. There is a context within which statutory instruments are made, & this No 33 falls outside of that relm. I wonder what all these Kolwenese would say when Chikwanda withdraws No 33! Anyway, Bismarck once stated: “To retain respect for sausages and laws, one must not watch them in the making.” If their tribally bigoted black spot would fade away, these fools would see the mesianic Satan is actually a FOOL!

  39. You bloggers who are criticisising HH have you taken time to reflect on what he said or you are just criticising out of hatred for the man?

  40. # 50 – Yambayamba, For once, just stop and listen to yourself, and quote: “The fact that the SI quotes some Zambian statutes/law, doesn’t that mean the legislation “exists” somehow?” Honestly, what level of gutless stupidity is this kind of reasoning? Chiluba once declared a state of emergency by quoting wrong statutory instruments and the gallant son of the soil Prof Patrick Mvunga caught the Kasai pants down & the courts declared his declaration null and void! With Sata’s erratic manner of running government, he appointed Museba only to withdraw it upon discovering the man did not meet the qualifications stipulated by law, I would bet HH is right on this one. The wise are rushing to check their law books, not uku ‘yambaila’ kwati galu ya chiwewe!

  41. Excuse me, but who has a better understanding of economic law here? Wajata ngombe or Dr Chikwanda who has a Phd in this field? Get a life ichilema we! You mean your brain has just been programmed to oppose everything Sata does even if it means selling the country out. This constant bleeding from the loss you experienced last year will lead to your sudden death. Chill out man for there’s a new sheriff in town. And you just subtracted another 10,000 zambian voters from yourself.

  42. I can’t just read the blogs and ignore but have to comment. ” Mr Hichilema said that the statutory instrument is illegal as it quotes from a piece of legislation that does not exist in the statute books.” 
    The issue is not about not using the dollar but the SI quoted does not exist, which makes it an illegal legislature mwe fipuba. Breaking the constitution and laws in Zambia is the norm now. I guess this is too complex fo most Kolwestans to comprehend. Zambia is now being ruled like Katanga province where their relative Katumbi just pronounces anything whether it is illegal or not! HH is too intelligent for you people to understand him. Why was CNP sworn in? To protect the constitution of Zambia. We would rather have the kwacha gain by 8 cents than protect our constitution? 

  43. All kolwestan presidents must be sworn in using The Animal Farm and not the Bible. Fyonse nifi kelenka!

  44. All those HH supporters, tell your man he is wrong on this one. The SI signed banned the quoting of local good (for local market) in US Dollar of other foreign currencies. Local goods/services meant for local market must and can only be quoted in KWACHA. If this is bad, then I do not know the people HH wants to serve. Could it be that HH is interested in a weaker kwacha to protect his dollars?

    • Investing is a very interesting game. This is a classic case of unintelligent investors chasing there own tails. The kwacha was tumbling because people with plenty of kwacha were very busy changing it into $$$. They managed to do it. Now, since they must trade in Zambia, they have been dribbled by this ‘notorious’ SI. Their dollar value (for transacting in Zambia) is going down before their own eyes. I hear HH is a businessman, and you bet he is crying because his investment in $$$ can no longer convert into so many cows. There was a blogger on LT who predicted the kwacha was gonna hit 7000 soon. I wonder how he is doing with his $$$!!
      HH is actually right to think the law can save his investment. I suggest he does an elementary investment course.

  45. But H.H is a fool,is he not happy that kwacha has gained,or he is worried coz things wil become cheaper, lets go pf. to hell with wit this bitter and hungry hyna

  46. Forgive him ..I think ifisushi fya n’gombe fya lyonaula brain…for a businessman to fail to understand the importance of not allowing using a foreign currency and the impact it has on the local economy especially small businesses! And this man is seriously considering being a President of Zambia! The party should think seriously about their choice.

    Such arguments which are knee-jerk, will always sound “under five!”

  48. The question this boy must ask himself and his cronies is: who in the first place authorized to transact in dollar within the borders of our country when we have our local currency? The transactions in dollar instead of kwacha have been illegal ab-initio.
    I challenge him to petition the govt. today and not tomorrow

  49. Mwaice Hungry Hyena ikala fyeee. Talk about job creation for the youth and other stuff iwe. Why can’t you just keep quiet on banning the dollarisation of the local currency man? Those are trivial matters mwana. Magande also did that if you can remember. Viva Kwacha pa Zed. What is the role of Bureax de Change in the country?

  50. HH, you are a great leader. But be advised that the issue of Kwachanisation is for the benefit of Zambia. Already the Kwacha has strengthened since the ban of the dollar.

  51. To be honest, whether you’re PF supporter down to your core, you have to admit that Sata’s conduct was undiplomatic and embarrassing.

  52. HH has lost small scale importers who have been chocked by the high exchange rate. One was heard saying whether this HH is a Zambian to start antagonizing something that looks positive in the lives of the poor people of Zambia. Another one asked when HH will say well done to the PF. Its only wizards and witches that exibit such kind of heart said another. The last one wondered whether it is the missing privatisation money that he has coverted to dollars and is trying to protect. Twakana mune, Tifuna kugula ma diapers in kwacha and not dollars

  53. HH the schooled yet not educated can the USA OR GREAT BRITAIN allow you to transact using your Kwacha in their country.Try to be reasonable bitterness wont solve anything.

  54. This ugly girl HH is beginning to get on the nerves of my nerves. Needs to stop being such a dick about the politics of this country.

  55. Admittedly, PF has made quite a number of mistakes since their ascension to power, but on this dollar issue its thumbs up guys. As for HH, I now believe that the guy is disjointed upstairs. This guy is a total embarrassment to the opposition.

  56. i don’t understand pipo supporting hh on this one.stimes let us use brains not tribes.When sata makes mistakes i don’t support him.HH last weeks was complaining of da weak things are moving in positive direction again he starts complaing dat we can’t trade only in kwacha.I see HH selling Zambia 4 being power hungrey.I know support people calin him Hungrey Hayna.In Zambia the law says kwacha should be used in all transactions.This is da reason we have our own currency.can u use kwacha in USA,Britain,SA,Russia etc?the answer is nooo.Infact just in south Africa we use rand.In russia all transactions are in Roubles.Does this guy really think well 4 Zambians?In Uk people use Pounds,In europe people use why can we use our Kwacha.Zambia is not a failed state please UPND.

  57. HH is a big fool,thats why he will never rule Zambia,Go to Namibia,Botswana ,Malawi and SA,their Currencies are strong becoz of this.

  58. HH has got it all wrong…..when doing business with foreign companies/organisation,the transaction can be in US $ but indiginous firms why quote in dollar? ABC is right on this on.

  59. is HH really educated bcoz the word “legal tender” is pretty self explanatory … im startint question this balis education levels 

  60. Shut ur big mouth ka HH,Sata is president because people prefered him over you and to make the matters worse you were not eve the plan B bt plan C thanks to your tribal province. For you to become president pray that southern province becomes a country on its own otherwise Tongas are meant to be led and not to be leaders nangu ku zambia sugar nimwebo mutema ifisali nabanenu aba Lozi,jst accept ur status and u wil enjoy working under us.

  61. I am disgusted at how myopic my country men and women can be! Pride and patriotism is good, but not when it is blind and exhibits no thinking. Yes, the Kwacha is gaining against the dollar at a rather alarming rate, but wait and see what is going to happen. Soon the dollar will become scarce and will only be found on te black market. Goods in international shops will quickly dissapear from shelves and investors will slowly be bled out of Zambia. The stupidity of likening the Kwacha to the rand and the pula is frightening! SA has a vibrant diamond, vehicle and shipping industry while Bots has diamonds. What industry do we have? Copper mines that have been raped by the chinese and jerabos? Wake

    • Think kwacha, let it stick in your brain that the kwacha is good. We have the copper and many other minerals plus many resources in the country which should support the kwacha. Do not belittle yourselves. Its you the owners of Zambia and the kwacha who can render both the country and the national legal tender useless. Think positively about the kwacha. That how worth a nation can be. Do not undervalue yourselves and think that only other people will uphold your worthiness. Its a self fulfilling prophesy, look down upon yourself and other people will treat you so.

  62. It is just common sense that one cannot criticize the move government has taken to get rid off the dollar in transaction on the Zambian market. How can we run parallel currencies in the country when we have our own currency! Unless we are saying that we are too poor even to accept anything so long it is a currency! Some people are just bitter no matter what the government will do to them it will just be shit! But that is not how it should be let us analyze each issue independently with sober mind.

  63. The problem with PF cadres is that you rush to make comments without thinking or understanding what the whole issue is about. Insulting HH or tongas will never discourage HH from performing his noble role of offering checks and balances to the govt. HH is challenging the issue of breaking the law and as an intelligent opposition leader he took his time to check his facts and consult before making his comment. His statement represents the position of UPND as a party and not HH as an individual. Moreover, a lot of businessmen are not happy with the ban and these are the employers the govt is desperately crying for. If not handled properly this issue might have a domino effect on unemployment in the country.

  64. #76 we do indeed have copper mine and you correctly said it, its raped by China man, hence what is needed is seriously regulatory bodies actually independent ones to monitor exports and government to curb Jerabos and lastly the country to use kwacha. Tribalism and corruption have become friends whipping any creditable person both educated and not once at high office be it private or government. It is sad

  65. Its very sad to read many comments that fail to address the issue that HH has raised. Was the statutory instrument signed quoting a non existant statute? Thats the issue here not whether the dollar should be banned or not.

  66. No one is saying the dollar should replace the kwacha as legal tender. The ban is intended for particular industries that have insisted in transacting in the dollar currency – e.g in tourism. I believe it is inevitable in certain dealings. At the moment HH is ponting to the process of effecting this – he hasn’t actually clearly stated whether he is for the idea or not. I wish bloggers would take time to assess what has been written or said, first. Sometimes I note that the way some of the news is written is so poor that it becomes subject to a whole myraid of interpretation. Why can’t proper economist bloggers give us their ‘sober’ analysis of what this all entails?


  68. @mwine mushi. you said from the little understanding! well, should have not commented because you actually dont understand anything. SI dont pass through Parliament. the minister just signs. About HH, its interesting how people hate his guy, they just condemn him without even listening to what he says.

  69. The use of dollar was banned long time ago, its only effecting that wasn’t effective. What is HH saying now? on the issue of diplomacy i agree with him to some extent, Our big man needs to check hold back if he really meant what he said and if wasnt meant for light moment.

  70. Kwena my country kwaliba ifikopo no wonder zambia can never develop wth dat kind of shalow thinking.

  71. @53,Kulekwamyo Kapyololo:
    I always doubt the caliber of people who insist on insulting others to make a NONE-POINT. Read your statement again and then read my earlier post, and tell me who is swimming in “gutless stupidity”!

    Quote: “…Chiluba once declared a state of emergency by quoting WRONG (emphasis mine) statutory instruments…”

    Now do you see the operative word in your silly rebuttal? You have used the word “wrong” which HH never used. HH said “…legislation that DOES NOT EXIST…” There is a big difference Mr “gutless stupidity” between WRONG and DOES NOT EXIST! And this is what I was pointing out in my earlier post.

    Again, I ask you: How does one “quote” a none-existent document? You can be HH’s kiss-ass but not to the point of imbecility–gash!

  72. Guys if we continue using the dollar it means the kwacha cannot be devalued when necessary to improve exports or GRZ cannot print money to meet short economic stimulus projects without borrowing. using dollar has its benefits but the advantages of using Kwacha far outweigh those benefits.

  73. I don’t agree with this HH at all… Why should we in the first place cling to the US CURRENCY as if is Zambia is a state within the US… KWACHA is our currency enshrined is our constitution from time immemorial. Is it some form of bitterness or dullness, I’m completely confused why a so ‘leader’ would be out there advocating for a foreign currency as a local note!
    On the diplomatic front. Well, I don’t see any shred of a lie in depicting America as a colonial imperialist who has shaped the way blacks are viewed in the world compared to other races( inferior to all races, especially the so called whites). PF has the government machinery ‘NOW’ and they are RIGHT to say whatever they want. FULL-STOP!!!!!

  74. # 72 don’t misled masses I work in SA Durban port most of the goods sold r quoted in dollars the Dubai cars u buy r quoted in dollars not rands.

  75. There are surely certain basic things that we need agree own. For example, there is only one, country Zambia, only one republican president, only one national currency. Just these three basic examples we need not even argue. RB is arguing that he can represent the nation better than Sata, HH thinks he is also a republican president, HH also thinks we must have more that one legal tender in the nation. On the use of the dollar, and indeed not only the dollar, but the pound, euro or whatever, there are other means of how you can use those currencies. Traveller’s cheque is an example but many more. Today you can use cards at ATM, in shops, in business transactions and what have you. Why insist on using other nationals currencies and neglect your own, it beats partrotism to your nation. 


    HH IS sad bcoz he lost elections last year and he will continue loosing bcoz his party will never win any sit in Eastern, Copperbelt, Luapula, Muchinga, Northen etc he thinks he can win elections based on Southern and minority in western and N/western?

    Shame on HH

  77. kumbula ekaya @98- Has South Africa started allowing South Africans to buy cheap imported Japaneze cars. I have not been that side for a while but previously SA never allowed such cars o in their country as it affected their own motor industry. So it was okay ot quote prices in dollar. Even in Zambia today, goods meant for export can be quoted and transacted in dollars – no questions about that. What the SI was addressing, and please read the SI for yourself, was the use of foreign currency for the local market. emember a few years ago, even talk time was priced in dollars and the price ofr ordinary Zambian kept flactuating. The MMD government passed the law against ‘dollarization’, the SI is just enforcing that. HH IS WRONG!!

  78. During Levy Patrick Mwanawasa at plot 1 MHSRIP a dollar was about 3,000. There wasn’t this talk of banning the usage of the dollar. Y now? Is it sustainable? Fili eko tuleya.

  79. What is wrong with using Kwacha imwe bangwele? I work for the bank and I am proud to report that most of you quacks have surrendered your hidden dollars and besides the dollar has depreciated.

  80. Forget about Hungry Hyena’s rantings, i have just ordered two Japanese vehicles at the rate of USD4650.

  81. I have always advocated for sciebtific approaches or thinking to solving some of the problems that are affecting us as a country.The issue of banning the use of dollars was done by MMD am glad that the Finance minister has enforced it.Chikwanda understands the approaches of his predecessor Musokotwane and he is right picking some of the positive things that he left underway.IF THE EFFECT OF THE INSTRUMENT IS TO STRENGTHEN THE KWACHA THEN AM A HAPPY MAN. ACTUALLY, I CANN`T WAIT FOR IT TO DROP TO ZMK3000/ US$1 OR EVEN LOWER. WE WANT IT TO COME DOWN SO WE CAN BUY MACHINERY FOR OUR SMALL BUSINESSES.Then we shall create jobs for the youth.HON Finance minister stand your ground and ensure the dollar drops further.KEEP IT UP MR.CHIKWANDA .

  82. Mr Hichilema, whose interests are you serving? How can it be illegal to stick to the use of one’s currency as legal tender? Didn’t it ever occur to you that the use of the dollar for domestic commercial transactions was itself criminal? For heaven’s sake, the KWACHA and not the dollar, is legal tender in Zambia? Can you go and do business with the Kwacha in the US? Come on, man, don’t make “Much Ado About Nothing”! Exercise your opposition gymnastics on worthwhile issues. As it is, you come through as a cheap political demagogue. Thank God; the likes of you will never be given the privilege to preside over the affairs of Mother Zambia by the people of this country. So, save yourself: don’t waste your time and resources in politics. You are too cheap!!

  83. HH is crying because he net worth has been eroded, if he is smart he should convert his USD savings to Kwacha before its too late!

  84. HH is a shareholder in the Sun International Hotels of Livingstone, hence he has interest in having the Dollar more than he can have the Kwacha. He knows that with the Dollar , he can easily stuff it in his pillow until when he travels out of the country. With the Kwacha as a Legal tender, we shall see all those quarks who are hidding the dollar, its either they offload their dollar or their business will run dry and they shall die of hunger.

  85. Its interesting to note that most idiets including Hungry Hyena Kadansa who were hiding the $dollars in order to gain by taking advantage of a weak Kwacha have gotten a rude shock! Please Hyena Kadansa dont look at your personal interests only but the interests of all Zambians especially that you are on a futile erand of becoming president! Chwe chwe chwe chwe!

  86. By the way..
    Sylvia Masebo said Rupiah Banda’s apology to George Bush is a way of cleansing himself after running the most corrupt administration in Zambia’s history.

    She knows the situation as former MMD MP…

    Why a MMD-UPND pact ? Why does HH support RB and the shady MMD ?
    Because birds of a feather stick together !!


  88. HH is completely finished. Unless UPND comes with another leader, they are also completely finished. MMD still has a lot of money they stole, so maybe they are not quite finished, but they are on their way. Looks like PF for another 30 years unless opposition starts to get real!

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