ZAMTEL yesterday unveiled its new management team that is expected to help realise the company’s corporate goals and announced the completion of its optic fibre connectivity to two submarine cables.
Zamtel chief executive officer Mupanga Mwanakatwe said the new seven-member executive committee was composed of seasoned professionals who have worked in big companies in various capacities.
“The team has a wealth of experience, drive, motivation and innovation that will set Zamtel on a progressive path to realise corporate goals and objectives,” he said.
Dr Mwanakatwe named the entrants as Evans Muhanga who is the chief marketing officer, Albert Salima who is chief information services officer and Sydney Mupeta who is chief technical officer.
Others are Nchimunya Hachandi (chief financial officer), Mooka Silumbu (chief human resources and administration officer), Lho-zindaaba Sakala (chief sales and distribution officer) and Leya Ngoma (chief legal and regulatory officer).
On the expansion programme, Dr Mwanakatwe said Zamtel had completed its optic fibre connectivity to two submarine-Wacs and Sat3 through the Namibia Telecoms.
He said as the result of that, Zamtel was now able to deliver 600MBPS of internet capacity to the Zambian customers, making access to fast internet broadband even more affordable for all.
The Zamtel fibre runs from Solwezi, Ndola, Lusaka, Livingstone and Sesheke into Namibia and eventually to the Western seaboard international undersea cables.
“We are in discussion with other neighbouring countries for additional connectivity in line with our strategy of multiple entry points. We are planning to introduce additional value-added services in the near future,” he said.
Dr Mwanakatwe said Zamtel was also planning to increase capacity on its fixed internet broadband on ADSL to cater for everyone who has a landline at home as a short to medium-term solution.
He said the company plans to replace the copper network under fixed lines by growing its fibre metro network, a development he said would provide cost-effective end solutions to corporate clients such as branch inter-connectivity.
On the GSM side of business, Dr Mwanakatwe said Zamtel has continued with its rollout of 3G and 2G network coverage and that his company plans to increase the number of sites for the 3G from 155 to 200 by September this year.
He added that Zamtel had increased its roaming access on 130 networks in 70 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and America and that Zamtel would soon launch data roaming which enable the clients send and receive e-mails seamlessly while abroad.
And speaking at the same media briefing, Mr Muhanga announced the launch of a new promotion dubbed “Real Mahala”, where Zamtel clients who subscribe to 6 to 6 Amplified promotion would be able to make free calls from 20:00 to 06:00 hours.
[Times of Zambia]
OK first to comment. it is a balaned team. now just deliver
Nde loleshafye….
At least these people gat traceable CV’s in the telecom industry. Let’s wait and see how they perform.
Mooka Silumbu from CNP school, lozindaba has no much marketimg experience. Just the namr becaise she worked for znbc.
@4.1 Constituional
Isn’t this the Mooka from Celtel, and the Lozindaba from ‘Telecel’?
OK, did hear this right? replace copper cables are we not shooting ourselves in the foot? Where is this fiber material coming from? i am Just curious
ZAMEFA in Luanshya manufactures the fiber optic cables for Zamtel
I guess he means what will become of our copper.
Who owns the optic fibre contract? ZESCO or ZAMTEL or it will be divided between them.Headline and picture not matching.At least bwana reporter you could have pasted a picture of the new team.Since when did some one try to pose like the late Steve Jobs announcing the new sony tablet.Kaya
Can we seee cheaper ADSL subscription fees. Get more money from more people, don’t milk the few.
I love the wau Dr Mupanga has balanced the tribes in his team. Can all the rest learn from him that we are one Zambia one Nation and we should balance appointments because all tribes are educated. I respected his late father so much he was my in law but a very intelligent and seasoned old man. I hope Mupanga picked some of these good traits from him. Well Done
Why think tribal all the time. Are you tribalist? To the pure all things are pure.
you are the kind of person Zambia does not need. You have a terrible warp towards tribalism. While others are looking at suitability, you are looking at tribalism. You are being deliberate to generate some blog heat are you not?
#8 it appears there are no bembas – is that the meaning of a balanced team? Just asking.
Why is there a whiteamd not black Zambian person on the Ipad? Cursed race!
Everytime there is always a fascist and a racist jerking off on the net .Terrible sickness racism is. For once check your heads and realise that your races are equal, blue, white, black,green, a little brown, puple we all beat the same heart beat
Just to add to what the ***** who responded to your post said. It’s not an iPad … looks more like a Samsung or HTC tablet. Not that you can take either with a glass of water for that permanent headache of yours.
Thought I’d clear that up.
Mr. Mooka Silumbu is too old and needs to be replaced by a young vibrant person. He is frpm pld school. I thought he retired after serving from NPF now napsa. We also dont need cadres.
and conman as chief strategist.
some people really are obsessed with tribe. hwo would it benefit your rumbling belly whether they had appointed people from barotseland only. these people are only accountable to their families. no particular tribe will be in a position to pay a subsidy to the entire tribe as a result of their appointment. egt it out of your thick skulls and start thinking about develoing yourselves personally.feelings of ethnicity arise out of the feeling of defeat. do not give up so easily in life. learn to be independent. congrats to Lozindaba my former sweetheart. i still love you honey and may you have abundant luck.
Nchimunya you have a lot of work to do in that finance department. I hope the problems dont lead to your firing! Otherwise, I know you can do it.
Zamtel should not get zesco optic fibre, but should rent it at a commercial rate or worse at a subsidised rate since zesco and zamtel are both government owned. They should not benefit at the expense of zesco employees and the general public. This is what killed most public institutions in the past and should never be repeated.
Good team now develop zamtel and win more subscribers because am tired of using foreign net works like airtel and zamtel
I don’t think this will make any difference to my wife. She wants a double-door fridge with a water dispenser for our anniversary next month. Have you seen the price on those things? She must be joking!! I married her for her companionship, not a peerless penchant for pricey possessions!
I’m outta here!
Well, it looks like the team has members who have traceable experience and qualifications. All the best to the team. Make Zambia proud
600Mb that’s not right is it? Please someone please clarify this, does he mean 60Mb?
The article stated 600MBPS, thought this maybe a mistake of the reporter, not sure which they mean, but in networking terms, big B is bytes and small b is bits (1 Byte = 8 bits), we usually use bits per second (bps) in the networking field, so 600MBPS would be 4800Mbps which is impressive but still seems a little small for a whole country, but maybe this is fine for the demand since I am not sure how much traffic Zambia generates. Still it is nice to see progress for the country of my childhood, I grew up in Zambia from about age 2 till my teens, just stumbled across this article today.:)
Good team on paper.
Seems everyone is happy with these appointments then. Delighted there are no accusations of tribalism for once at least and i hope this continues.
which tribalism ? The people who have been given jobs must be qualified with the required Experience not to look for tribal balancing.
Zamtel has to deliver not provide jobs to tribes.
600MBPS (megabits per second) wow that super fast. I am very impressed if those download speeds are real.
Zamtel go 4G not 2G.
otherwise well done so far!!
600 mbps????? Strange!!! Thats mwanakatwe’s technology. The highest speeds in the world are from Japan 61 mbps!!! Zambia will be the first to have 600 mbps!!!
mwanakatwe research where on earth do we have 600mbps,if seasoned isp microlink,iconnect cant even dream of that…
We will see when they will introduce their first product at the moment they are just unveiling the Lap Green raod map which was planned for the year 2012.
lo zindaba sakala failed ku telecel! with her at the marketing helm, telecel always trailed zamcell. e vibrant team iyi? e problem ya government controlling parastatals!
I John the Baptist speak on behalf of the million voiceless Zambians,What do you mean when you affordable access?In America we have almost unlimited of anything really affordable internet is free at all Public Libraries,at some Parks,McDonald’s the list is long, But you can also have fiber optic internet access at home for $35.00 a month and you can have a mobile phone with unlimited calling and text for $45.What is affordability in Zambia.The problem with Zambia we have dumb heads everywhere who are not in touch with the people’s problems 99% wont afford your so called affordable services.I close my case prove me wrong sucker.
Good team, mostly from former celtel.