Friday, March 14, 2025

Council of Churches and ZCTU calls for more consultation on the revised minimum wage


CCZ president Reverend Moses Mwale
CCZ president Reverend Moses Mwale

The Council of Churches in Zambia and the Zambia Congress of Trade Unions have appealed for more consultation on the revised Minimum wage.

Council of Churches President, Moses Mwale says the government should give employers time to prepare for the drastic increases in their budget resulting from the revised minimum wage.

Reverend Mwale said in a statement to ZNBC news that although the council supports governments intentions to put more money in peoples pockets,the manner in which the minimum wage is being implemented could have the opposite effect.

And The Zambia Congress of Trade Unions has called for dialogue between the Ministry of Labour and the Zambia Federation of Employers over the minimum wage.

ZCTU Secretary General Roy Mwaba says the union is concerned over the current stand-off between Labour Minister Fackson Shamenda and the Zambia Federation of Employers over the increased minimum wage.

Mr Mwaba says there is need for social partners to seriously discuss the issue so that the matter is resolved in national interest.

But Labour minister Fackson Shamenda says the revived minimum wage is non negotiable.


  1. i saw shamenda on TV,is that we voted for failing to explain what you are trying to implement ba minister.

  2. Shamenda dnt come to Ndola, was that u on ZNBC last nyt???? Serious let down, power has crippled this mans head. A leader is a servant of pipo not the Shamenda calibre. Even his upkeep, dirty chin, his shuz etc. yaaaaabaaaaa!!!!!!!!! Give a tym frame to this increment at least from January!!!!

  3. Its not everybody who can afford to pay domestic workers more than 500pn.Some people strugle even to pay for transport to work or even pay domestic workers but there’s nothing one can do if you have small kids and you have to work to pay for water and electricity.People working some cann’t even feed their family but live on mulembwe so where do they find such money to pay a helper?I can see many doing away with domestic workers.Of course others can afford. There should have consulted widely on how this can be best achieved without creating hardships.




  7. The minimum wage effects…lol.Bread price increased from K5000 to K6500.We are in for it. The cost of living which is already so high in our country will definitely go even higher. Mr Shamenda is having a very good time at the moment because he’s in govt. One day he’ll be complaining with us at the bottom. I dont think we’ll need maids and servants. We’ll just fire them, and whom are these people going to blame, of course GOVERNMENT.

  8. ZFE chief executive displayed researched knowledge and was a hero in comparison to the illiterate unshaven Shamenda. The later has some funny temper and since he had no facts to argue his errors he resorted to threats and accusing an inteligent federation as being used by opposition. Whilst we appreciate the need to have such under previlleged ones’ wages increased yet the way Shamenda, who eventualy in his defensive arguements sold off king cobra, did it will result in massive unemployment. The wise not only consult but respect re is

  9. Some Zambians are perpetually complaining, they without a scintilla of shame, no matter what is done to improve the lot of the down- trodden, they without a scintilla of shame will grumble.

  10. Is there any dialogue Between govt and ZEF , Churches and ZCTU when the salaries of the MDs , GMs, Accountants , Lawyers, Senior Police Officers, Doctors Engineers are increased. Noooooooo! Ifimasalary so huge but ifwe batupelako fye so little bafikala ati lets dialogue!!! For what ?

  11. Ministre Shamenda you are right . Imagine paying a worker $50 what a joke. Now paying $100 is still nothing imwe bangwele. If you dont want then dont employ work on yourself . Why should you always mistreat Zambians. What is a $100 compared with the efforts they put in. Please Minister dont listen to these devils.

  12. Why do we keep looking on the dark side of everything? Are we saying we must forever exploit our fellow Zambians? You guys getting 2 million and employing maids are exploiting your fellow Zambians by underpaying them from your already low salaries!!!!!! Foolish!!!! Lets be constructive and creative about this…

  13. these consultations w’d last forever, meanwhile these guys would be fattening their pockets. in Zambia everyone wants to be consulted. what these guys should be telling us is how bad the decision by the government is and how it is going impact the economy,if the decision is good then say mwabombeni mu kwai to the government, not crying “consult us, consult us!!” what these guys want is money! 

  14. Foolish, what dialogue? The Member of Parliament gets over K500 million as gratuity at the end of the term, No one said lets dialogue. The people who were at NCC how much were they getting per day? Now PF says give $100 dollar per month to the maid and leaders of trade union people says dialogue, lets be serious.

    If you can’t afford $100 for the maid do not employ, do it yourself perhaps you will understand and appreciate the domestic workers input.

  15. Now what you trade unionist should have advised the Minister is as follows: For each work category divide it in to three or four classes, and let each class has a specific minimum wage.

    For example; Domestic workers can be divided into four classes e.g Class 1 Executive houses. 2 High cost houses. 3 Medium cost houses and 4. Low cost houses. Then assign a minimum wage for each of these classes. This is applicable to shops and many other industries and lodges. A whole figure is what has brought this too much talk with no solution at all.

  16. The lowest minimum wage is the amount you spend on talk time in a month. Why can’t you pay your valued workers that money?

  17. pf has brought freedom of speech, indeed. That arrogant president of zfe who called the minister’s minimum wage announcement ‘absurd’ couldnt say that in the last 4 regimes. He ll ve breathed his last . No matter the issue at hand there is need for citizens like this zfe chap to moderate their language when dealing with national leaders.

  18. Zambians never cease to amaze me we were campaigning and protesting for a minimum wage for the opressed and poor domestic workers in our country we pushed PF govt every day that they should come up with a minimum wage for these people. PF has now granted our request what do we do? we still want to go back to the 250,000 that we complained about please lets grow up for development to take place the decision has been made let others live a descent life aswell.

  19. Ba Masupa, muzimverako Nsoni sure, mumakamba bwino ntawi zina koma mulina poor finishing and sitiza bvomela kuti imwe Muziyendesa ziko pa 5kms per month, naise tima kumbwila mutendele wamene muli nao, Big Car, Big House, Hefty pay, Travel up and down eeeeh at whose expense?

    Mind you language, Shamenda Mwaume sana. Ali pa muto walupwa ushitika, usempuka fye.

  20. This matter is straight forward. If you can’t afford it, don’t employ.The problem with Zambians is we like to live beyond our means, not everybody should have a domestic worker. Ask a Zambian living in South Africa or Europe whether they have a domestic worker. Most will tell you they can’t afford it. Stop exploiting your fellow Zambians and give ceaser what belongs to ceaser.

  21. I see nothing wrong with current minimum wage coz the increment is nominal. We know some people who have been paying K500pin to their domestic from an employer earning less than k2million.There are good and big companies in the country still giving people less than k200pin and we want to support this. I agree with the minister non negotiable coz he has the heart for the people.PF viva

  22. I have to obtain over our devotion to your goodness promoting people who actually need help with this area of curiosity. The actual resolve for transferring the perfect solution is around was ideal and still have often motivated staff at all like me to achieve their dreams. Your individual beneficial beneficial information indicates that much a person like me yet still a lot more for you to our associates. Thanks a lot from all individuals.

  23. Just look at the posh cars some employers have yet they want to exploit their fellow humans by under paying them whilst benefitting abnormally from their labour, and you the church which pipo do you represent the poor or the rich, fi church FYABUFI JUST LIKE A FAKE PASTOR WHO USED TO CHARGE THE POOR K20,000 for them to listen to his preaching,shame….

  24. I give credit to the former regime MMD to have strenghened the Right to speeck out one’s opinion on issues of governance to which PF has continued to support. As regards to Minimum Wage issue. We do not need dialogue just as we don’t dialogue when National leaders have their renumerations increased. For the poor workers the Church mother body CCZ and trade union ZCTU are asking to negotiate with employers. This is not fair. It is obvious that the churches in Zambia have been the worst abusers of Labour Laws. The church has often referred to Christ’s payments at the end of the world when ever they are challenged on issues of labour; and the church does not want to pay its workers their dues. We all know that employers make alot of profit in Zambia, and yet payments are too poor.

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