By Pezzy Kudakwashe
Zambia Federation of Employers (ZFE) has slammed labor minister, Fackson Shamenda, for “bad attitude” alleging that this was hindering the progress of workers in the country.
ZFE president, Mr Alfred Masupha said the minister’s negative attitude was not conducive for tripartite relations and thereby affected stake holders responsible for negotiating the plight of workers.
Mr Masupha said the minister needs to consult extensively with all stake holders before implementing any statutory instruments that will affect wages adding that not doing so would impact negatively on both employers and employees.
Mr Masupha said stake holders were not reaching a realistic agreement because of how the minister was handling the issue. He was speaking of Zambia Blog Talk radio.
“This minimum wage problem is not a problem created by cabinet or the president, it is the minister’s problem who failed to consult but told parliament that he did”, said Mr Masupha.
Last week Mr Shamenda was quoted saying the Patriotic Front (PF) government has an obligation to protect the interests of all workers, especially the marginalized. He added that most employers can afford to pay workers the revised minimum wage but are just trying to be selfish.
Government is blaming Zambia Federation of Employers (ZFE) for failing to submit what it called meaningful submissions over the revised minimum wage.
Bushe imwe mayo, tabamilalapo?
Facking Shamende…
This issue is making me sick,ZFE and ZCTU you are SELFISH.
these mother union are selfish they do not think about private sector cry as well as the way we work under hostile condition of service
this chap is a unionist and now politician, a very destructive combination. all his utterances have being counter productive.
Consulting we don’t refuse MR. ZFE but were you are dealing with people with an MMD atitude like yourselves, we say NO!!! PF has come for real change and it has to be seen.
Shamenda don’t waste time talking to this chipuba. The gap between the rich (employers) and the poor is unacceptable. What you have asked them to pay their slaves is negligible. If I were you I would have lined up a series of increments until every employee gets a living wage. If you backtrack we shall deal with you as well.
Keep it up gov. you have a heart for the people.
Mr president pls interfere with us who work in the banks as direct sales agents especially in rural areas. our money is based on commission. honestly how can one survive?. This month I got 40,000 coz I did not make any sales.. We are the people making money for them to sit comfortably in those chairs.We are not treated as people, please come to our rescue. A domestic worker will be earning more than me and hence iam a diploma holder. Please help us
PF doesn’t have wise and intelligent MPS. No wonder they are surviving on MMD MPS. Most of PF’s MPs are kaponyas.