Marketeers at Lusaka’s city market have threatened to vacate the market in preference for the streets should government fail to rescind its decision on street vending.
Despite several uncoordinated directives, the PF leadership has insisted that no one should be removed from the streets until government creates employment for people.

The marketers complained of daily levies which their colleagues on the streets would not be paying. One of the marketers, Mary Tembo, says there has been lack of business in markets due to increased vending on the streets.
PF secretary General, Wynter Kabimba, has since said government will not remove vendors from the streets until employment is created.
He said no responsible government would chase vendors without providing employment for them. street vendors have been urged to continue trading on the streets until conclusion of negotiations with government.
United Street Vendors Foundation President, Teddy Sinkala, says it is unfortunate that government officials are contradicting President Sata’s directive issued in December last year in which he requested for vendors to be left alone.
Lusaka Province Minister, Colonel Gerry Chanda has since announced that government will not remove the vendors until after alternative places are found for them.
[-([-([-( ZAMBIA8->8->
I support the marketers. They have more sense than PF leadership. Maybe their decision will force this PF with NO Plan to have a plan and remove people from the streets. Shame on PF.
PF PF please spare us of this luck of coordination tommorow u say this the next day u say other stsff
Winter Kabimba is more powerfull than the Lusaka Province minister.
yes we are going in streets where we will not be paying market levy and why should we continue paying levy which the lcc use to clean the dirty which the street venders who do not pay any thing creates in town.
What Winter is saying is that we will have street vendors almost for ever because I do not see a situation any time soon where everyone will be employed, so removal of street vendors should be linked to something more realistic like finding of alternative trading places as suggested Lusaka Province Minister. These need to be organised and council should provide amenities and collect levies so that there is a level playing field with others in the markets. It is true that an influx of street vendor robs the markets of business because it is more convenient to buy from street vendors than going to city market where traffic and parking are a challenge
So so painful to watch our cities degenerate to such levels. Having populist id.iots for leaders is a curse. Look how dirty our towns are now and the fo.ols are busy politicing. No order in the country whatsoever. I hope and pray that come rain season there will be massive cholera deaths so that corps reach statehouse maybe the message will register.
Wrong prayer my sister. Understand your pain, but please rescind as the LORD is gracious enough to provide his own solutions.
@Tell it my brother, you couldn’t have said it better.
What a stupid policy we have if at all there’s one. If they are willing to trade or conduct bisiness on the street, then they have employment. What the council must do is charge the street vendors double the amount charged to those operating from the designated market stalls. How difficult is this implement? Let’s do the right things for Zambia if the nation is to prosper and be at a level of other well administered nations. One Zambia One Nation.
Its easier to tax marketeers because they operate at a fixed location daily, and they are registered. Street vendors are not registered so it is impossible to follow them up, especially those who are mobile.
Its only a matter of time before an outbreak of cholera or even a new mutated disease breaks out.
Any suggestions as to what it should be called? perhaps ‘vendaculosis’.
Legalise marijuana!!!!
PF has entangled themselves in this matter. Am waiting to see how they will come out ot this one.
Too much inconsistencies imwe mwe bantu
headless CNP kabimba and pf..
Please ba PF administration! realize that at times unpopular decisions must be made for a greater good. Where are these fast-track jobs you intend to create going to come from? lets be realistic with ourselves. Personally I’ve been of the view of giving you time to prove ourselves but your total lack of coordination is disheartening to say the least. One year fast approaching and still no sign of proper structure, more reshuffles on the way? most likely.
What type of jobs are you going to give these vendors Mr Kabimba? Do some research on their education levels and you will be shocked to the bonemarrow. The CBD is now so congested that one cant pass properly. Above all why dont you pipo meet so that you have homogeneous stand on National issues not passing opposing sentiments sir. Popularists decisions sir are archaic or are we going socialistic? Iam a proponent of Socialistic mode of production but this has to be done in a well tagged manner.
Shame on you Kabimba
That is the problem with giving empty promises to win votes. You have destroyed markest. I fully support marketeers please satrt moving from Soweto and city market now for cairo road since u have the blessings of your govt.
Nkandu Luo had the “balls” to make the right decision on the matter and she was moved from the ministry. The other spineless wimps are only propagating a situation that is a time bomb, apart from being unhealthy, unhygenic and chaotic.
Reduce the levy for those trading in the market since the business is very slow.
Wynter Kabimba this can be compared to dogs from neighborhood comes to play and mess up your yard, and dont want to chess them, and you say I will only chess them when my wife get pregnant, then I will chess the dogs because they entertain me for now. Maybe you need more Chinese to help impregnant your PF with jobs…
This government is such a joke. Chimbwi No Plan for sure
The lumumba filter lanes are full.of street vendors where vehicles are having a tough time driving through why do we motorists pay licences for our cars when we are subjected to this kind of crap per zed
Just close the markets and join the others in the streets after all there are no rules or laws now. Just do as you please. This PF chaps have no clue of governing the country. Just flood the streets guys its your time to do what the PF government wants. Just street vend no rules no laws just PaFwaka. I rest my case!
Marketers have a valid argument here…why should they pay when someone is getting a free lunch outside, next it will be the shop owners who also have a just argument not to pay minimum wage due to rampart street vending at their doorsteps.
Street vendors are parasites….,clogging up the streets and drainage yet the don’t pay tax!!!
Do you Zambians know what you want??????????????
One notices that hardcore pf cadres don’t comment on such blogs except where RB’s name is mentioned where the most virulent of comments are made. I guess even them are seriously ashamed by the turn of events regarding markets. In any case most of them are in the diaspora where such nonsense of directionless street vending cannot be tolerated.
Oh, I forgot to add the usual refrain of ‘give pf time to clear the streets’.
Again, who is Wynter Kabimba that he should move the entire nation. He has no authority to speak on national matters.
How will anybody have the courage to declare a state funeral when a truck loses control and ploughes into the multitudes of people: this is something foreseeable and avoidable by using common sense…. or isn’t it common?
Yes, let it be so. Some make money & dont pay. Some pay thought blocked by street vendors.
Bembas really! I mean really Bembas! Bembas really! Just when I was beginning to think otherwise you truly are the rednecks of Zambia. How many foolish kabimbas, GBMs and his stomach can we stand, not forgetting Kambwili; Zambians we made a terrible mistake. Not again shall we give our blessed nation to descendants from the Congo.
Those that are Bemba and my friends on this site forgive me, but why is it that when government has people from the East, west, north west, Copperbelt, central, southern and Lusaka Zambia is economically viable. Even crazy RB maintained Mwanawasa’s portfolio. Only when Zambia had Kaunda ( from Africa richest currency to no ngwees), Chiluba and now Sata are things crazy?
it’s not about tribe but about the educational qualifications degree versus non degree in the examples you have just given. Analysis versus non analysis.
What about all thieves going full throttle? No sane government would arrest one without creating employment. Umulembwe wa chipuba…….
Sorry, but president Sata needs to replace 9/10 th of his government. He is blind tongue fact that most of his monsters sorry ministers are uncouth and uneducated. Disclaimer here education starts from home. Plus we need five more female cabinet ministers at least women care for their homes and families. Nkandu Luo despite her past did something at ministry of local government.
there alot of comflicts from pf party officials and govt officials,any country to run smoothly there is need to separate the two.the minister are administrator on behave of the people and party cadres are not.this whole conflict is arising becoz SATA is CNP.zambians are steadily comparing the prevous regime to this one and come 2016 it will very hand for the PF to win if they dont take hard decisions now.the earlier the better,remember that most marketeers are now losing out alot of money and come 2016 these people will not be on pf side.these marketers should stage a protest as a sign of displeasure to the pf govt.i have been supporting pf but now am having a second thought becoz the COBRA IS NON VIABLE,so want happened to the MAN OF ACTION?
You really make it seem really easy together with your presentation but I in finding this matter to be really one thing that I believe I’d never understand. It sort of feels too complicated and extremely huge for me. I’m taking a look ahead on your subsequent publish, I’ll try to get the hang of it!
mwanawakwithu, you are dull. You can’t see the Bandas and Moongas in this government. Is Guy Scott Bemba? Permitting street vending is a mistake not because of the Bemba. Did Banda mess up because he was Nsenga or whatever you call it?
I strongly disagree with the current policy to allow venders to trade on streets. PF is abrogating its responsibility to bring sanity to the towns and cities of Zambia with its refusal to remove filthy trading.
I might be a supporter of MCS and the government, but I am so tired of this run around. Prof Nkandu Luo says one thing, the president himself says another, Col Gerry Chanda says something else and now Kabimba is siding with street vendors when all I could circumvent at night when I came from the USA last year, where matuvi here matuvi there, puke here after tujilijili and misu all over the main streets and you think this is a good thing. Wynter, it’s better to lose an election than jumping around like someone with a boil on his ass. The patience even among supporters is waning. Let the president make decisions instead of you chipping in every time because we owe him accountable, and not you frightened little men. You are bringing down the president iwe ka wynter.
I think this bull crap in the name of supporting politics even the wrong has got to stop. I know there’s a need to be self reliant but I also know keeping people on the streets will lead to insurmountable problems especially diseases both airborne and physical. Someone has to stand for what is good for the people and not their survival.
How many laws is this act breaking directly and indirectly??
Is there any court action that can be taken against those failing to do their job and putting other people in harm, disadvantage and inconvenience??
Yes Zambians should learn to use the law. Sue the Ministers
There is no way a pig can stay away from the mud.Winter the shadow president who is more powerful than the ceremonious Vice President.
Why cant we all stop buying from streets????? Mayb it may change sumthng, lets buy from markets or better from shoprite. but dry fish, kapenta na salaula lts just go to the markets guys… Not possible????
PF wake up! Marketeers voted for order not chaos. Govt built markets for a purpose. Now you are defeating that purpose…… and taxpayers paid for those markets which you want to turn into white elephants.
CNP. HH was right.
No tears please some of us begged the majority not to vote for Sata ask me where are you now. You made your beds please lie in them wait until 2016 to change the situation. tighen your belts tighter