MINISTER of Labour and Social Security Fackson Shamenda has advised workers around the country to dialogue with their employers over the implementation of the revised minimum wage instead of unnecessarily protesting over the matter.
And workers constructing Zambia-China Economic and Trade Cooperation Zone (ZCCZ) houses in Kitwe’s Ganerton residential area yesterday protested and marched to the labour offices over the non-payment of the revised minimum wage by their employers.
Mr Shamenda said in an interview yesterday that it is important for workers to follow procedure by sending representatives to discuss with their employers on how the revised minimum wage will be implemented.
“Workers must understand that this takes time and it cannot be done overnight. Protests will not do, there must be order. There are channels that should be followed before they can think of protesting,”
Mr Shamenda said. He added: “If workers are not productive and they spend most of their time protesting, employers may have an excuse to lay them off. They should not give employers an excuse to retrench them, workers should be orderly.”
Mr Shamenda, however, advised employers with the capacity to pay decent salaries to stop ‘dilly dallying’ and implement the revised minimum wage because it is now law.
Meanwhile, 35 workers building ZCCZ houses in Kitwe’s Ganerton residential area yesterday protested and marched to the Labour Office over non-payment of the revised minimum wage by their employer.
Alfred Phiri, a worker, said their employer Non-Ferrous
Metals Explorations, has refused to implement the revised minimum wage.
“They are telling us that they will only give us K380, 000 when Government has increased the minimum wage. They have told us that they will retrench us if they are forced to implement the new minimum wage,” Mr Phiri said.
Another worker, Reagan Chabala said only 10 workers were allowed to work yesterday while the rest were told to go back home.
“We are forced to work without protective gear, no medical allowance, lunch allowance and housing allowance. We want Government to help us,”
Mr Chabala said The visit by the irate workers to the Labour Office was, however, fruitless as the offices were closed yesterday.
But ZCCZ general manager Zan Baosen said the protest by the workers was unnecessary because management is making arrangements to implement the revised minimum wage.
“We must abide by the law, the protests are meaningless because we want to implement the minimum wage,” Mr Zan said.
On July 11, Government issued a Statutory Instrument (SI) raising the minimum wage for domestic, shop and general workers by 100 percent. The revision takes effect this monthend.
Wages for various categories have been revised upwards with domestic workers’ wages being increased from K250, 000 to K522, 400. Shop workers’ revised minimum wage, including that of general workers is pegged at K1, 132,400 per month.
[Zambia Daily Mail]
ILI ILYASHI twakokolapo sana ba Fackson..exhaust this issue and come up with something different. we are all appreciating the fact that bakaboi namubalundila and we will abide to it.bring up something old man.
Hon. Shamenda, you have created this mess clean it up. Yourself you issued ultimatums and your special talk of non negotiable but when it has boomeranged you ask parties to dialogue. What irony. This government we are really in trouble. 2016 is too far and the opposition has no muscle to flex and no spine to create confidence that they can form GRZ come 2016. Zambians are between a hard rock and very hard ground
Thanks Stingy Ndatana you cant say it better than this!!!!!!!
this issue shud not be open to interpretation; set a reasonable (as reasonable goes) minimum wage and set a reasonable effect date in order to give all stakeholders time to plan
And the Police to dialogue with criminals over keeping the law.
This is most stup1d suggestion to come from a minister. How on earth do you ask workers to start negotiating with their employers when you said the minimum wage increase was with immediate effect? It was law that needed immediate implementation.
As govt, you needed to provide guidelines and leadership on how the upward revision was to be effected so as to create a smooth transition and avoid any industrial disharmony.
So far you have failed to provide leadership on this crucial issue. Your suggestion is hollow and does not inspire both employees and the employers.
I am so disappointed
Shamenda failed to dialogue with employers whe he set the minimum wage. Now that the whole thing is backfiring, he wants the workers to dialogue with thei employers. What exactly is he expecting from this dialogue?
I am sure anyone with less than a millimeter of common sense understands better how best this minimum wage issue can best be effected than this buffoon called shamenda
You simply cannot create jobs or reduce unemployment by raising the price of labor!
The law of supply and demand doesn’t give a flying-…. for political rhetoric and as much as we may wish to see more a equitable distribution of income in Zambia, this cannot be legislated overnight with immediate effect. Frankly, this government is being lazy and reckless if it thinks all employers will instantly step in line. The fact that PF hasn’t put together a coherent strategy for sustainable wage and job growth only shows they still believe in the “90-day promise” when anyone with more than two brain cells knows this cannot be achieved with the swipe of a pen.
He is also proving to be an empty drum
——And yet he refused to dialogue with the key labor stakeholders. This government is really a bunch of ignorant chaps!
So suddenly King Kong here has learned words like ‘dialog’ and ‘capacity to pay’? His *****ic rethoric and ultimatum threats have backfired, and he wants to pass the buck to the silly workers who are still blindly confident that this alleged government has them at heart. The only ‘under 5’ I see is PF… gone in ‘under 5’ years!!!
Shabby Shamenda what dialogue?
Govt should not entertain any further negotiations on the current revised minimum wage coz this is done after a long time. Its different with other sectors who revise their wages yearly. We urge the Govt to stand firm on these revised wages coz we voted PF to speak for us and should not let us down. Some organisations like ZFE could be working with the opposition to frustrate the people so that PF should have an early exit come 2016.
No Mr. Shamenda, you dialouge with the workers – shame on you. Populist actions with the simple purpose of keeing yourselves in power. You really do not care for these poor people do you?
:-? As if he even knows what dialogue is….how can you ask workers to dialogue with employers? why put up a law if you are not sure whether you’ll manage to implement it? it’s like asking rats to negotiate with cats if they want to be eating more ground nuts from the pantry. Shame on you Shamenda!!!!!!!
When HH said they are a government of CNP everybody was up in arms calling him all sorts of names and calling for his plan. This is a typical CNP. Even PF supporters have realised that though they may not say so loudly for fear of being fired.
Some people are really ……!! Instead of giving zambians who live in europe à chance to come home and invest and so making jobs available!! Brenging up the ask for well paid jobs…. No that they don’t want! They want is to give up our european papers for zambian ones!!! That aint gonna happen!!! This is going to evolve into no jobs for à lot of people!! Those people need to eat!!! The govr is not gonna help in feeding them so more thieving and maybe murders!!! We zambians are brothers! Let us all think of à way that Will help all!!!
The man is going round in circles ! PF should avoid populist decisions ! BOLA PANSHI !!
Shamenda and the PF are learning what governance is.
They have just began to learn that:
1) governance is reality as opposed to a wish.
2) It is a science other than mere art and performamnce.
3) they have learnt that it needs thinking rather than dreaming and singing and dancing victory songs.
4) It is for people with some reasonable education rather than those with nothing.
5) That you govern by telling the truth than lying to people about what you cant do.
6) Most importantly, they are beggining to to learn that they are the ones to play and score, rather than cheer and criticise from the stadium seats.
With these little observations I must say that so far they are not doing well in their class, I hope they will obtain a bear pass – I doubt though!
Ba Shamenda. You must learn to say what you mean. Why are u turning back on yo word????
If u continue this way then we better pass a vote of no confidence in you
Shamenda is probably showing his age!!!! Na kota mudala!! Ale sabaila fye!!!