The signing of a Statutory Instrument by Finance Minister Alexander Chikwanda to have salaries for Ministers, Members of Parliament and other constitutional office holders increased by 100 percent has continued to receive public condemnation.
Qfm News caught up with Prominent Lusaka lawyer and leader of the opposition United Liberal Party (ULP) Sakwiba Sikota who described the move as unfair to the civil Servants.
Mr. Sikota says government should lead by example by ensuring that the welfare of Civil servants comes first before increasing emoluments for Constitution office holders.
He says it is unfortunate that tax payers have been subjected to inhumane conditions of service with government leaders prioritizing their conditions.
Mr. Sikota further explains that the 100 percent increase salaries and allowances is an insult in the face of Civil Servants who had difficulties in securing a 14 percent salary increase after facing intense resistance from government which wanted a proposed 4 percent.
He has since appealed to government to exercise fairness in its efforts to improve people’s lives in order to reduce the wide gap between the rich and the poor in the country.
But the post is busy prasing CNP on salary increments ,mwe bantu.what is going on in the head of Mmembe kanshi.
What opposition MPs especially the UPND should do is boycott these increments. We need to have a strong opposition to do checks and balances otherwise the PF will get away with removing RBs immunity.
This Nashala neka chap is still vibing?
Shut up if you have nothing to say!
This is the greatest betray so far by this PF government- what is the justification for the increase-winning elections? its sad that the first spectacular thing this government has done is to increase salaries of the so called constitutional office bearers— this sis a mockery of socio-economic justice of the poor..shame of PF and its government
#3 if you have followed Zambian politics you will notice that this is the first thing that happens every new gorvernment. Chiluba did the worst by reducing his salary and introducing presidential slash fund.
MMD did the same. I will be interested to see if the MPs including MMD and UPND will reject the new salaries.
With no shame…
Ba Saki chalipwa, frustration yalibekata after being a chola boy and a dancing queen for Rupiah Banda on the campaign plane elyo badabwa MMD yapona, so kucitafye oppose ifili fyonse.
Shut up! This issue is beyond your station, kaponya! Learn to stick to issues!
Time we the Zambians took over affairs of this Great nation called Zambia. this is un acceptable. Civil Servants got a meager 14% after a war in negotiations. Now these Ministers have awarded themselves 100% salary increment?????
let us strike in Zambia. The destiny is in our own hands. Politicians will keep lying to us daily. we need to act. Trade Unions have been compromised. They No longer talk on behalf of the workers. let us first in future let the Govt award Office bearers first then Unions negotiate later.
Saki could have contracted some stinginess contingency from Hakainde, I forgive him because these are the people who riding on the poor. Saki doesn’t no how feels to go without a meal in day! He is not the right person to speak.
yes we want MMD and UPND to lead in the rejection of these salaries. But knowing these evil politicians they will support it. They will not even discuss it because they are benefiting from this. What else do you expect from the people who are against the pay rise for the poor peole of Zambia. They just care for theirbellies….
Mr sakwiba Sikota should be the very last person to comment on money issues because he left his party and campaigned for MMD in last year’s elections and he has remain the only lawyer most MMD people are using.
You are very dull! Learn to keep quiet when a topic is beyond your station, pathetic cadre!
Livingston you are the one to keep quiet!!!!!!1 you are not adding value to this debate.
MORE AND MORE MONEY IN YOUR POCKETS-I MEAN POLITICIANS POCKETS……Don’t complain, this is just the fulfilment of a campaign promise.
Were are the Captain Soloz of this world?Civilians have proved to be selfish leaders serving their stomachs at expense of the poor Zambian in Kaputa,Shangombo,Chama,Chilubi,Zambezi and Gwembe.
Where are the Captain Soloz of this world?Civilians have proved to be selfish leaders serving their stomachs at expense of the poor Zambian in Kaputa,Shangombo,Chama,Chilubi,Zambezi and Gwembe.
Babylon be reminded that all the previous Generals in all defence forces have stolen from state funds. This shows they are more selfish than the pliticians. Do not misunderstand me, I do not support what these politicians are doing, vis-a-vis the salary as it is definitely an immoral increament. Sodiers are not the best govenors!!!!!
And they increase the minimum wage for house servants to kill their friends and labour minister reports Federation of Employers Ex. Director to police over protest what the hell i happening
There’s never been a 100% increment before . The last increment under R. B was only 10%. Besides the same govt said there’s no money that is why civil servants only got 4 to 15 % increment.
My dear you are better of keeping quiet than exposing your ignorance. Pathetic fool!
Hammer these selfish kaponyas, dear saki. As usual their brain damaged vuvuzelas are out in force trying to divert peoples attention by making Stu.pid unrelated and irrelevant comments. These are the same Muppets who condemned R. B when salaries for constitutional office bearers were increased by 10%. Their tribal warlord and their g.ay friend at the post cried foul. It is surprising that these bunkums don’t see anything wrong with their tribal bread winner increasing his salary and allowances by 100%. These are criminals !
Its ok to increase the salaries of these guys. This will help avert corruption which was a means to compensate for poor pays in the MMD govt. If Liato was well paid he wouldnt have asked for the K2.1 bn in bribes. VIVA PF.
Sikota you are dull and you have no one to support you except your girl friend, just shut up and continue protecting thieves. You are an *****, who can listen to you. You are finished just shut your big mouth.
shut up if you have nothing to say! Muppet!
Good point Thom
Let us not be emotional about these increments. Are you people aware that the annual salary of a t a security guard at National Assembly with a Grade 9 qualification is K10,000,000 per month or K120,000,000 per annum – just K68, 000, 000 of what the Republican President was getting before the current salary increments? A relative of mine is guard at the National Assembly and I am telling you the facts. Is it normal to have such an insignificant salary gap between the Republican President and a National Assembly security guard? Let us research before we open mouths!
Mwe mbwa mwe, what can you do, you will be beggers and sufferers forever due to inept thinking and lack of prioritising of what the nation needs. These increments are an insult to everyone with a brain, not sure if Sata and Mmembe have brains
Monkeys in a maize field!…this Sata Chap is a cheat!
Just as well RB removed the monkeys from State House, this Sata chap and his relatives would have eaten them all by now!…such is their greed!
@18&20, Thom & thinking about it, so contrary to the rubbish you spill about how corruption free your Sata and his tribal Bemba govt are; it seems this hero of yours is anti corruption only on the condition that he doubles his salary and awards himself hefty allowances that his predecessors never enjoyed.
why don’t you double the salaries of civil servants as well to stop them from engaging in corrupt practices? . Arent public sector workers involved in corrupt practices? Stop justifying public theft by Sata and his tribal cabal with dubious theories that are products of warped logic!
Our learned MPs from the tribal party have no comments and are smilling all the way to the bank like they did at NCC. its checks and balances from the tribal MPs, they justified the increments!
All opposition leaders should boycott these increments.