Saturday, February 8, 2025

Katele Kalumba calls for male circumcision


PARAMOUNT Chief Mpweto of the Bwile people in the Democratic Republic Congo talks to sub-chief (Natende) Dr. Katele Kalumba during the ceremony
File: PARAMOUNT Chief Mpweto of the Bwile people in the Democratic Republic Congo talks to sub-chief (Natende) Dr. Katele Kalumba during the ceremony

A traditionalist among the Bwile people of Senior Puta’s Chiefdom in Chienge district, ‘Natenda Wa Lushiba’ Katele Kalumba has called on his tribesmen to revive the good cultural practice of circumcising the male youth.

Dr Kalumba, a traditional representative made the call at the Kabwe Katenda waiting bay as Senior chief Puta was about to ascend to the shrine to pay homage to the ancestral spirits in a series of procedural processes of the Builile traditional ceremony yesterday.

Natenda Wa Lushiba appealed to the ancestral spirits to protect his people from the deadly killer virus of HIV/AIDS which had the potential to wipe out the people.

He added that the circumcision for the male youth was an old good practice for the Bwile people which used to be done at Mpweto.

And speaking later Bwile Traditional Committee Treasurer Chipampe Chinyanta explained that the Chibwa salt which was a common feature in the chiefdom was drawn from the area around the Katete stream.

Mr Chinyanta said the area where the salt was drawn was cultivated in August and left for a while until the soil was visibly manifesting salt content which was soiled with a black coating and once added with water, it was passed through a boiling process which produced the salt after the evaporation process.

He appealed for the business community to consider coming to the area with the consent of the Senior chief to carry out a survey and later establish a salt processing plant in the area because of the abundance of the commodity.

He said the salt pan stretched from Kaputa and covered a large area which was spotted by hot springs in many places.



  1. Old tradition has met with science. You are right Katele, we must circumcise, even new science tells us so. The Jews did it, the Luvales did it. Why can’t we “did” it?

  2. Mutilating powerless small boys’ foreskins without their consent is a crime regardless of the reasons for doing it…

  3. Guys this MC is one of the best fights against HIV. Have your stereotypes about Dr Kalumba but talking to him, he is such an intelligent man; so infectious you would not want to stop listening to him. Doc way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. #3,u are wrong bro,parents act as custodian for what they know is best for their kids,nearly 90% of male babies born in the usa are circumcised b4 they leave the hospital,as long as the parents consent to it,only a few male babies are not circumcised and thats mainly for religious reasons.its not a crime as u have claimed.alot of women prefer circumcised men but scientifically the pratice good for healthy reasons.

    • Same as men and women who come from cultures think circumcision of females is better, cleaner etc. utter nonsense. The US has the highest rate of HIV in the developed world and the highest circumcision rate, Circumcision can cause short and long term problems for males and their partners the worst outcome being death, with impotence and other severe medical complications including a narrowing of the urinary tract (meatal stenosis) running a close second. The practice in young children before the age of consent is considered abuse.

    • planzo, your number is old. In the USA the figure is down about 55%. Soon the norm will be to have all your genitals. There is no need for any reason to leave a baby’s genitals alone. Women prefer what they are used to, but the foreskin is valuable sexually for both partners. The “health reasons” are all made up after the event. They started doing it when they thought that enjoying sex too much was a bad thing. The HIV claim is very doubtful – certainly no excuse to give up condoms and one faitful partner at a time.

  5. Circumcision kills sensitivity and promotes promiscuity.

    abstinence and testing for HIV with partner will save the day.

    Truvada is not 100% so please don’t be cheated.

  6. By the way, HIV infection is not prevented by circumcision.

    On how the 3 trials that are at the basis of this are completely corrupt.

    Google: doctors opposing circumcision hiv statement

  7. I can’t ask Chief Katele if he himself is advicing from own experience, I have greatest respect for the wisemam.

    The best to comment are women like # 7 The Numbian, they can give best judgement the best performer between the full or handcapped tool.

  8. Circumcision is not he answer. There are lots of people who are never circumcised in this world. God was not foolish to make you the way you are. Everything has a reason in God’s creative imaginations. What value would circumcision bring to the people? If it is for the sake of AIDS, what about the so many people who are dead of AIDS whilst they had been circumcised? This just simply advocating for male mutilation. Many different people of the world, especially the Christian world are not circumcised. The is circumcision in the Muslim . Tell me if there is no AIDS among the circumcised world. Majority people are not circumcised and they live naturally. Circumcision is just a human creation. Someone with a twisted mind started it, unless God made a mistake, this practice is a fallacy. 

    • Brother,you are mentioning God but it seems you don’t know him.God started a Nation now called Isreal thru Abram,Isaac and Jacob.He gave abram the comandment of circumcision and repeated it to other generations of Isreal.God is the creator of the foreskin,he knows better why he ordered the removal of it.No one says circumcision prevents the contracting of AIDS,it only reduces the chances contracting it.

  9. Boma support.Circumscion must be done in Hospitals or  clinics by qualified surgeons or medical people.Full consent of the people involved- young men.

  10. Circumcssion has its own adavatages and disadvatages in the HIV TIME. Other pipo begine to think they are immune to HIV infection just because they are circumcised. The truth is even when circumcissed you can contract HIV, its only 60 percent and does not protect a woman from being infected at all. Use other prevention measures even if you are circumcissed.

  11. Circumcision is very advantageous-talk of reducing the risk of contracting HIV virus by 60%, reducing the risk of inflammation of the penis(balanitis), not forgetting reducing the risk of one’s lady developing cervical cancer. besides, a circumcised penis is easier to clean and it even lasts longer than an uncircumcised one when making love( ladies have confessed they enjoy circumcised penises more).If one’s foreskin can’t retract over their glans(phimosis), circumcision will also solve their problem. It would be a great thing if zambia combined male circumcision with condom use in its quest to fight HIV/AIDS!




  13. The Jews had a covenant with God. These were the blessed people and the symbolic way of keeping this covenant was circumcision for every male Jew. Those who were not of the nation of Israel were called “unclean”. This is before Christ came. Jesus himself was a Jew! However, these things are not spiritual and not about salvation now. That is why God allowed “WHOMSOEVER” believes in His son will not perish.

  14. So if you think of Kings Saul, David, Solomon and all of them Jews, they were circumcised men. The Philistines and other tribes were not. My question is, why did the Almighty God, choose this practice as symbolic of CLEANLINESS for his favoured people, the chosen ones? Favour and blessings were extended to ALL, including us, as GENTILES, uncircumcised (UNCLEAN) abenafyalo when Christ was denied by his own (JEWS)!

  15. @Kalu my brother, I have stated a summarised version of what was there between the Israelites and God. Idon’t see how your story is different from mine. You have just added a background about covenant origin by mentioning Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Essentially you also don’t know why circumcision was a covenant symbol between the chosen people and their God. You point out that God created the foreskin. Yes I know…

  16. Amazing how easily we get decieved..! The failure to combat HIV/AIDS and cervical cancer cannot be excuse to brag abt MC.God knows y he created the dick with a skin.! MC is just a tradition like any other.

  17. MC does not make anyone immune to the contraction of HIV. However, research has been conducted and the results are that chances of contracting the virus are REDUCED by about 60%. So any effort that makes humans gain a little in the fight against this pandemic is welcome! It is said that when the foreskin is removed, the “head” gets hardened and thicker. Viral transfer is reduced. Also no skin, no keeping of stuff.

  18. Cut off your lips as well. You will have shiny teeth, eating better, no problem with smiles, no tooth decay and you will look more funny and interesting.

  19. Men who are not circumcised infect their women with all sorts of bacteria gems which cause a lot of uncomfortable itchy infections. If a man is not circumcised, gems collect under the skin especially men who don’t take time to clean their items. I would not sleep with a man who is not circumcised. Cirmucised men are 100 times better than those with huge skin around their items! Fellow women, have I spoken your minds? We don’t want infections, men please get circumcised Dr Kalumba is 100% right.

  20. Dr Katele is right, no wonder I call him that ” impossible is not Katele”… guyz please we must get circumcised for good health.

  21. People who advocate for circumcision must use ather reasons for the practice not this simple hygine story. Why assume that if not circumcised an aldult male will be walking around na manyami?

  22. 1989/1990 we tried to implement massive circumcision programme at L/stone Batoka Hospital. Authorities ta Wood Gate House refused.Told us “…alarmists…too ambitious…European Consultants have not proved it works!” Programme – Stillbirth!
    1999/2001 same European Consultants told Botswana, “…cannot provide ARVs…complex science!” President Festus Mogae instructed us, “Gentlemen go ahead! We try or we die!”
    We went ahead. ‘A Tale of Two Countries’  – 23 years later is Zambia waiting for national circumcisions program. 2001/2002 Botswana – ARVs programme implemented and circumcisions done. Programme – Active healthy baby!

  23. it is propelled by the white be careful. you never know the secret behind. Try to question anything advocated by the western countries. It is not easy to know their motives

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