Saturday, March 15, 2025

Government increased Deputy Ministers to operate effectively – Sakeni


Chief Government Spokesperson Kennedy Sakeni
Chief Government Spokesperson Kennedy Sakeni

Government has said that it has decided to increase the number of Deputy Ministers because it wants to operate in an effective manner in the country. Government spokesperson Kennedy Sakeni said that Zambia is a very big country and therefore it requires an effective and efficient government to run its business in a more effective manner.

Mr. Sakeni said that the PF government has realized that there a lot of challenges within the government which need to be addressed in a more comprehensive manner.

But when asked by QFM news on whether the PF government had back tracked on its earlier promise of having a smaller government, Mr. Sakeni said what is important is for the government to come up with a system that will ensure government delivers quality leadership to the citizens.

Some stakeholders in the country are accusing the PF government of having backtracked on its promise of having a smaller government as a cost effective measure.



  1. South Africa is bigger than Zambia but there are no double Deputies. The problem is that we have a Gentrocratic government,meaning the government of old men. They are retirees and they can’t function

  2. The aim is at first was to reduce govt ministries by having a lean govt and then a 180* turn to operate effectively.This trial and error style of this bemba hegemony is costing zambia dearly. Pax Britanica may have conquered the world but pax bembastan will never work.

  3. PFhas no sham,a circus government.And for u guys at ECZ,Is it too late to retrive our wasted votes we gave these chameleons.

  4. It is time to loot as far as Bembastan is concerned! As long as Sata is in power; our friends will be celebrating Xmas everyday. It is no longer about Zambia, the whole 752 616 square kilometres of
    it. It is now about ‘my people ‘ aba ‘kumwesu’ and what we can get out of the Zambia. They are behaving like alien conquerors, looting and pillaging. Bembas please we all have one country look after it properly. You have no other country other than this one. Stop behaving like arse.holes creating positions for your tribesmen that don’t add any value to the well-being of the country!

  5. Quantity vs quality. We are indeed learning that quantity matters.The more people you have in a country the more Olympic medals you are likely to get. A classical example is China.

    • China believes in quantity (power of numbers )no wonder it has succeded economically.You talk of quality after you have flooded the market.Thas why we need more districts in Zambia

  6. QUESTION:  How many PF cadres do you need to change a light bulb?
    ANSWER:     The whole Bemba Clan!
    REASON:     That is efficiency for you.

    • How does the Bemba clan equate to PF cadres??? Have some respect, there is no need to be tribalistic if you can’t offer reasonable arguments!!!

  7. This is about the best no sense i have heard this week…. thank GOD i do not stay in this country

  8. So you guys think zambians are that dull to know your silly way of ruining our zambia.okey you time is coming soon you ll be in kamwala

  9. I dont see what the problem is. Many countries have a number of deputy ministers or ministers of state as is the case in the UK were a department will have a secretary of state plus 2 to 4 Minsters assisting him or her. I suppose it depends on the department in question.

    • I wish people knew the functions of deputy ministers then you would argue properly. I worked for the government for more than ten years. Deputy Ministers just ceremonial. There is any value added believe me and I worked with number of them. This is just manying goverment too big and will drain the little resources we thought could be used for developmental projects

    • At independence Zambia was as big as it is today and yet it had a smaller government that delivered results. The problem the presidednt has is that there too many of his people he has left out by appointing MMD as deputy ministers and he has been under pressure to create positions for his party loyalties and as a compromise, he has had to increase positions. But this is a waste of resources. By 2016, all govt will be able to do is pay salaries. Remember that new districts also require new town clerks and council staff, district commissioners, judiciary, police, civil servants at district level etc. And all this is being done without planning. If u asked anyone from president to sakani what impact these additions have on the budget, no one will tell u because they have not planned for them

  10. It’s a sign these guys cannot function! I can see too much wasting of time and resources. Surely our country is not that big and rich to have so many deputy ministers. The lean approach is the way to go as it will ensure transparency and accountability. Two or three hardworking Zambian people can share a deputy minister’s salary. What PF are doing is utter nonsense and …am lost for words really.

  11. The minister is implying that the PF government had no idea of the requirements of running a government. If they did they would not have been talking about reducing the number of ministers. How many other things were they not aware of but talked about. 

  12. At independence Zambia was as big as it is today& yet it had a smaller government that delivered results. The problem the presidednt has is that there too many of his people he has left out by appointing MMD as deputy ministers & he is under pressure to create positions for his party loyalties and as a compromise, he has had to increase positions. But this is a waste of resources. By 2016, all govt will be able to do is pay salaries. Remember that new districts also require new town clerks and council staff, district commissioners, judiciary, police, civil servants at district level etc. And all this is being done without planning. If u asked anyone from president to sakani what impact these additions have on the budget, no one will tell u because they have not planned for them

  13. PF is behaving like a dog going back to its vomit. They have gone back and even worse than the MMD government. Would you imagine the number of deputy ministers just in the name of punishing the other party by appointing its MPS? How cheao in thinking is this

  14. We are out of order ba PF. One year appointing, swearing in, realigning, reshuffling, creating and the process is repeated over and over. There is no time for the appointees to plan, execute their plans comprehensively in order to record impact. Hey, while we are at let’s think about the next stage and stop experiments. We need to start work on new roads, new power plants and new universities we have announced!

  15. SAKENI, you should draw up a list of all the things we have told people that we will do. People do not forget, they are expecting to see those things. Give copies of this “shoping list” to HE Sata to reflect on. Look at the time and resources needed to implement those things. Don’t create problems for ourselves. If in the first term we can just do good roads and work on Choma, Chinsali and the new district centres..

  16. …pick up the President’s speech to parliament. He talked about a number of roads. Are we ready to start work on them? Feasibility studies done? I would like to hear news of the President asking or commenting on these things rather than swearings in or HH this, Mumba that. What’s up with the Bottom road? What about Mporokoso-Kawambwa? Mongu-Kalabo? What about youth jobs? Naisa mudala wandi.

  17. When some of us where saying voting for PF is not change, people thought we were just being pro-MMD. Now we have been vindicated. Chanda Chiimba must be saying I TOLD YOU BUT YOU WOULD NOT LISTEN. Can you imagine what will happen in 5 years with these guys at the helm of Zambian Politics. Indeed it is THINGS FOR APART, or better still CRY THE BELOVED COUNTRY.

  18. Let me pick on Luapula where you worked. Take Kawambwa tea, it is a sorry story, Mununshi Bananas kashimi nomba, Chishinga ranch, man 44,000 ha of beautiful land. It is dead. Luena Farm Block is a huge project (100,000) no money! UNIP had INDECO using funds from ZCCM to develop these undertakings. What is our strategy? Why can’t we give Chishinga to Zambeef and Luena to whoever? THOSE ARE JOBS FOR THE VOTERS

  19. You can agree that there is something with our mindsets. If all of us where transfered to Japan and all the Japanese brought to Zambia, in 90 days we can ruin Japan and start admiring Zambia! This is for all of us. Well, I am sorry if I sound offensive, but we need to start recording progress. I support the decentralisation policy and we should start moving. Regional parliaments and capital funds to each province

  20. I would like to see a situation whereby each province submits programmes, projects, annual workplan and the budget. Let national budget then stipulate funding quotas to each province based on need. Of course N/Western would cry foul that it is being robed. You give them a higher quota. Wanna hear things like this; central province: 20 schools, 15 clinics, 100km tar etc, total K5trn this year and so on and so forth.

  21. This joker is just admitting that PF is absolutely clueless…they are all CNP’s from beginning to end!

  22. I mean there are a lot of good things that are discussed in District Development Coordinating Committees (DDCC) and subsequently (PDCC). Give money to the provinces and let them do the work based on their own choice of priorities as they can indicate in their annual workplan. Central government may retain rights to implement major projects needing collosal amounts, like power plants, not bridges over a small stream.

  23. We shall wait and hear what the 2013 budget will pronounce. Major points of interest for me will be how we shall fund constitutional making, new districts, new roads, new universities in addition to many outstanding old projects like rehabilitations and ultimately CREATE EMPLOYMENT. Otherwise, let’s support the private sector to deliver for us. communication: chiefdom towers? provincial TV stations? How far?

  24. How i wish Sakeni had brains better than cycle mata who had challenges in his school upbringing.A lean cabinet(as per campaign promise) was ushered in with compressed ministries,it was welcome,a few weeks later ministries re-alligned,and increased.As if that is not enough more deputy ministers appointed.We now have a situation where PF has outstripped the number MMD had-wastefulness of resources in sakeni’s thinking is justifiable.The wage bill has increased and income generating activities to finance these wage bills have correspondingly not moved an inch.Fili eko tuleya.

  25. Countrymen change was inevitable after 20 years with MMD. Let us just ensure that in 2016 we scrutinise the practicality and truthfulness of pre-election promises

  26. Gentlemen do not be quick to open your mouths and utter nosense,let us wait and see what the effects of PF’s decisions will be in the long term. Do not be short sighted!

  27. PF is a useless party being lead by a geriatric president, soon he will be an octogenarian who should have retired a long time ago from politics. these old presidents can’t contribute much to national development, as they are old they need to go to sleep most of the times.
    There are so many issues the PF needs to resolve before they will be bale to govern well, obviously not creating more deputy ministers or more districts.
    The issue of the Vice President who cannot act as president when the president is away is another mistake that was made from the beginning by Sata. Ohhh my ghosh, God please help the Zambian people, we have too many problems.

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