Friday, March 21, 2025

First Lady Dr Kaseba bemoans immorality among youths


First Lady Dr Christine Kaseba
First Lady Dr Christine Kaseba

FIRST Lady Christine Kaseba has bemoaned the numbers of youths sold out to alcohol, drugs and pornography. Dr Kaseba, speaking at the Youth creating the future conference organised by Teen Vision Trust in Lusaka yesterday, urged parents to inculcate into children good morals that they would thrive on as they grow.

The First Lady said it is no secret that many young people have contracted HIV and AIDS long before marriage age and most of them cannot stay in an institution of education.

“Today’s generation is sold out to alcohol, drugs and pornography. It has become common place to hear many of our young people are hooked to very bad and disturbing vices such as crime, prostitution and vandalism,” Dr Kaseba said.

She appealed to the youth to strive to live healthy lifestyles by avoiding alcohol for those below the age of 18, abstaining from sex and shunning crime no matter the desire for money.

Dr Kaseba said: “You should focus more on education for that alone will bring release of most shackles of life. Knowledge will empower you to start creating the future for you. A good education is what made me.”
The First Lady also implored Government to introduce vocational training, entrepreneurship and strategic management as an option to creating employment for the youth.

She said vocational training is crucial for economic growth, especially if learnt at an early age among youths who are unable to proceed with their secondary or tertiary education.

“Inadequate school places, especially secondary school places, has forced many youths into the street. I believe that youths can turn the tide around by seeking other avenues to add value to their lives than engaging in activities that can destroy them,” Dr Kaseba said.

The youth conference dubbed ‘A world of possibilities’ has attracted more than 500 youths from all parts of the country. Dr Kaseba urged parents to ensure that children are set on a course to a possible productive life.

Teen Vision Trust board chairperson Chibamba Kanyama said a trust fund of over K500 million has been set aside to help youths with ideas to embark on entrepreneurship projects.

Mr Kanyama, who is Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC) director general, said Teen Vision Trust wants to inspire youths and prepare them to run businesses.

Hellen Lunda, who is Finance Bank Zambia executive director, corporate and banking marketing, said the bank has plans to nurture today’s youth because they are the social, economic and financial leaders of tomorrow.

She said the bank appreciates that not all youths would go into formal employment therefore would allow them access overdrafts or loans to help them grow their businesses.

Sylva Professional Catering managing director Sylvia Banda, who was one of the speakers, urged youths to work hard to determine their destiny. Ms Banda said she went into business as a caterer but has now diversified into other sectors.

Other speakers at the conference included motivational speakers Mubita Nawa, Felix Banda, David Nama and Lunte Member of Parliament Felix Mutati.

[Zambia Daily Mail]


  1. how can you bemoan morality, when other that Betty Kaunda all the other first ladies including yourself were mistresses aka hoez. there is even talk of betty and the mpundus…. now how can horny azz leaders and their hoeish wives be role models for the youth…. zambia = drinking and sex. dont bemoan something you are part and parcel of, just dish out condoms.

  2. how can you bemoan immorality, when other that Betty Kaunda all the other first ladies including yourself were mistresses aka hoez. there is even talk of betty and the mpundus…. now how can horny azz leaders and their hoeish wives be role models for the youth…. zambia = drinking and sex. dont bemoan something you are part and parcel of, just dish out condoms.

  3. The first lady is right but bastards like “chengelo alumni” can’t appreciate because they are products of the vice. Nonetheless, lets be responsible no matter what situation your parents are e.g divorced, died etc sex does not end start at a responsible age, when u can fend for yourself.

  4. Let UKWA also go to school if indeed you appreciate education Madame 5th lady. You grabbed someones wife to be what you are. Governor at a time. Shame on you. Just enjoy the plunder, but we re watching you. Soon courts will be your resting places.

  5. some comments here show how stup1d some Zambians are! hey. sinifuna nakulanga nifuchabe kuvala menso yanga!

  6. Interesting comments from Dr. Kaseba. This woman is a hypocrite. As a former outgoing Unza medical student, which window or route did she herself use to befriend, enchroach on and marry a legally married rich politician called Sata? We know her moral status as our former classmate.

  7. You were sleeping with Sata when you were a medical student at UNZA and Sata was governor of Lusaka and legally a married man with a family… you wrecked Mrs Sata’s marriage…what moral advice did you spare Mrs Sata and his family at that time? To say that I am impugning your morals is an understatement. You were a whore, period!

  8. Imwe adokota, are u shuwa u r the rite person to comment on morality? You were a youth when you started doing rotten teeth. It is jokers like who make our children not to take us serious

  9. Zambia has all the characteristics of a failed State.
    In a failed State, the police and the judiciary serve the interests of the President and the Party in power, and not the interest of the nation. In a failed State all key institutions are run by the President`s cronies and not professionals. That is the situation in Zambia right now. Very unfortunate!

  10. While I did not not that she is a second wife like other 3 first ladies in Zed, I thought she is the first one of His Excellency, so she got someone’ s hubby, shame, no more respect nachi! It means the other women are eyeing for politicians, sad story, maybe a youth lady is eyeing some big officials who know, let us wait until we will hear the next news

  11. So how many of you bloggers have not remarried or are still sleeping around whilst married typical Zambian man syndrome it is okay if it is a man but you are the same ones who go chasing after the young girls remove the logs in your eyes before you start vomiting on the public domain it just shows your ignorance. Some Zambian men can be very promiscuous and have no shame stop attacking women lets interview some of you and I bet you are chasing after your sisters- in law ,your maids,your neighbors children, or even your own family friends teenage daughters. Any one brave enough responde

  12. Yes indeed it is the same immorality of the youth that led them to believe the lies of an old immoral man and make him president. If Zambian youth had a strong moral basis, surely they would have spotted the fact that Dr Kaseba’s adulterous husband is an opportunist self serving j.erk with no agenda whatsoever on how to push the country forward.

  13. Yaba ba Mama Sata has really being abused, shouted down and insulted here. Yaba. Those that live in Glass Houses must NOt be the first ones to throw stones at other people.

  14. Some bloggers fipuba sana! Mwebana bamubuchende imwe,why insulting Mama Sata. Mwandi Madam first lady you have spoken sense.

  15. I can not blame ba mudala. Good choice. Life is dynamic. Do as I say not as I do. Through passage of time certain things get washed away. So we can not gag her. Let her speak.

  16. Let us support youth programmes where we can.
    We can make a difference to these young ones.
    The message by the first lady is good.
    Please do not shoot the messenger.
    We shall all be judged by the ONE and only “Our Father “on that day,
    Day of judgement.

  17. MA RUBBISH YEKA YEKA, SO me a man i should just vote on one hole everyday till death, boza thus why even in politics we change parties, so if a lady wants to be voted by someone and she wants to compete with me she is free to do so , and we shall see who can suffer. I have responded mr Number 14, your name is just too long i hope its as long as the same that u need to use wisely on women

  18. akulu mpuno did you read what I wrote properly or mwachoka mu ma dizzy? It is men like you who are very promiscuous and you are proud of it but should a woman do it ,it is not acceptable but it’s okay for you to drop your bombasa any how with anything that has an opening in between the legs irregardless of the age that’s why chickens have now become an endangered species

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