Street vendors in Lusaka have spread their business tentacles by introducing the sale of liquor on the streets without any liquor licenses.
The vendors who are selling Chibuku shake shake have told MUV TV NEWS that the beer they are selling is not as harmful as the banned alcohol sachets popularly known as Tujilijili.
Meanwhile the Vendors have vowed not to leave the streets unless they decide on their own.
The vendors have explained to MUVI TV NEWS that no amount of pressure from any government official will force them to leave the streets.
They have stated that being on the streets is the only price they have for voting for the Patriotic Front in the 2011 general elections.
There has been conflicting statements from government officials on the issue of street vending.
Of course,reap what you sow.
I yo kwena, katwishi mwe1
awe sure Zed has gone to the dogs. Chanda Chimbwi warned us mwe bantu
I fear going into Lusaka because its Stinking, bad smell every where, God help us.
The good old days are gone… Gone forever! Lusaka was once known as the garden city. Now, it has been invaded by street venders. A friend of mine who was in Lusaka recently told me that the salaula sellers are now in Cairo Road! It is a shame really.
The PF has lost popularity and the only way is to keep these guys do whatever they want to do.
street vendoring have full blessing of state house. so venders go ahead and sell what ever you want to sell. The a so called make shift restrurant opposite Family 24 on Lumumba selling nshima with out due regard to hygiene.
i will never step my foot in this dirty country called zambia.
the street vendors have gone behind now its the pf looking into it on not even pa anticorruption pali salaula now shame on ba pf.the motorist can see the corners properly,its a market everywhere now.dont kubeba is a dirty party.we miss ba banda
i personally lost confidence in thus PF goverment some months ago all appointments are he relatives, Man of Action were he is now No plan shame to us who voted street vending
The vendors have declared, ‘No government official will force them out of the streets’. Could this be the beginning of an ungovernable country where any Jim and Jack is law unto themselves?
This is the danger of making fake promises without critical thought. Anyways beware guys,,, THE RAIN SEASON IS NIGH. you will start shitting right in cairo road pwe pwe pwe without tissue. Then the same govt officials sanctioning this uncouth behavior will be rushing to donors crying for help and announcing the epidemic as a disaster. How i wish the donors will ask them how it came about. CNP at its peak. Still politicking.
Soon, i expect street vendor to start selling bulk chibuku, fresh fish and game meat!!! Watch the space, no merchandise is coming!!!
Well if you allow people to do one illegal thing they will do all the illegal things.
Donchi kubeba. That is what you were telling us, now who are telling just keep quiete mwe bantu ala mikaka mu jail. takwata maano uyo PF mukalamba.
PamaFi (PF) at work. I like the drama though! Irest my case!
Revolution a must.
ok, we know that PF got a lot of votes from the street guys but they should not forget that other people who are not from the street voted too, we cannot sacrifice our safety for politicians, we cannot sacrifice our lives for PF nooo, i mean it will be very difficult to contain an out break such as cholera with street vendors throwing things everywhere. please the government should do something now, remove these people from the streets now….. our cities our among the dirtiest cities, except during levy’s rule. come ppl!
A Party for Fools (PF) has ruined our country, but we shall not continue watching. Sata has destroyed our beautiful country allowing vendors to trade in the streets of our cities/towns. Many lives will be lost in a fatal accident that will take place along Lumumba rd. Salaula sellers are not even afraid of vehicles. Shame PF!
Ama problem yakuifwaila…..bane nifwe fweka fwebavotele. Natukosefye tuchite demand ba kateka bachitepochiimo. LeT US ORGANISE A MASS DEMO TO DEMAND THAT PRESIDENT SHOULD DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS SITUATION
We were owned by chanda chimba,pf knws that they won’t stay long in gvt soon you will see ministers resigns
I will also take my malasha business to Chachacha road since Freedomway and Lumumba is full, its nice that anything goes in Lusaka, I saw juju sold in the streets, its a liberalised economy- Chiluba is smilling in his grave!
you made me laugh my friend, malasha ku chachacha!
There is no specification as to what should be sold in the streets.
If you allow street vending, you allow all sorts of merchandise, unless with specifications
Politics of not doing what is right but what is popular.
Prof. Luo was the answer to the solution, but Sata removed out for fear of the unknown. Ubupuuuuuuuuba bwabo
I meant to the nonsense on the streets of Lusaka !!!
My Bemba mbuyas do you now know why wisdom cometh from the east? Even our worst choice of eastern leadership RB provided better leadership with minimal nepotism than the nonsense your Sata is showing. Street vendors taunting government civil servants that keep a nation running really! Zambians as a whole 2016 don’t vote for Sata, Chipimo or Nevers Mumba. Heed my humble advice.
Satan a plus to u, at least u managed to fool most pipo. How did they believe u can do this in 90 days? They must know u are busy making yoself rich with yo relatives? I wonder are yo brothers and sistas in Tanzania or in Zambia?
The lunatics are in govt. And when sane Zambians like me decided against voting for the illiterate buffoon in state we were accused of being tribalists. Zambia is gone. It is has to be rebuilt bottom up from 2016. God willing sooner!