Saturday, March 15, 2025

Ministry of Finance release budget disbursements records to the public as of end of July 2012(updated)


Ministry of Finance headquarters
Ministry of Finance headquarters

The Ministry of Finance disbursed K13.1 Trillion funding to Ministries Provinces and Spending Agencies [MPSA’s] during the period January to July 2012. This is contained in a press release made available to the media by Chileshe Kandeta, the Public Relations Officer at Ministry of Finance

According the the statement, the funds were targeted at infrastructure development, poverty reduction programs, debt service, personal emoluments and general operations of Ministries Provinces and Spending Agencies. This budget release performance is remarkable, considering that most tax measures from which the released resources were mobilized, only became effective after March, 2012.

The statement also noted that the frequent communication of budget releases is in line with the spirit of empowering the public with information on Government expenditure. Through this initiative and other financial governance measures which are already under implementation, the Ministry of Finance is confident that the public will be able to make informed decisions on the effectiveness of policy implementation and engage in voluntary but practical assessment of accountable utilization of public resources, and objective evaluation of the general performance of Government in implementing development programmes in accordance with its promises.

Constitutional and Statutory Expenditure

Among the key expenditure items, Constitutional and Statutory Expenditure was funded K1 trillion from which payments for external debt service to multilateral and bilateral creditors amounted to K446 Billion, non-Paris Club debt K201 Billion,Paris-Club debt management K87.6 Billion, interest payments on Government bonds K351 Billion, and interest payments on treasury bills K219 Billion.

Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock

The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock received K898.7 Billion from which Operational Grants to institutions K2.2 Billion, Agricultural Development Programmes K37.9 Billion, Infrastructure Management K7 Billion, Irrigation Development Programmes K15 Billion, Zambia Agricultural Research Institute K3.6 Billion, Veterinary and Livestock Development Programmes K31 Billion, Fisheries K2.2 Billion. Farmer Input Support Programme [FISP] was funded K400 Billion, and Purchase and Storage of National Food Reserves [FRA] K300 Billion. Other beneficiaries from the releases to
Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock include Co-operatives K2.1 Billion, Seed Control and Certification Institute K2 Billion, National Agriculture Information Service K1.7 Billion, Agriculture Research Stations K2.4 Billion, Fisheries Research Stations K4.4 Billion, and National Aquaculture Research Station K1.1 Billion. K63 Billion was also released for various Provincial and District Agriculture Programmes.

Agricultural Training Institutions received K14.7 Billion from which Natural Resources Development College [NRDC] got K4.9 Billion, Zambia College of Agriculture in Monze K1 Billion, Cooperative College in Lusaka K1.2 Billion, Zambia Institute of Animal Health K2 Billion, and Palabana Dairy Training Institute K1.8 Billion.

Ministry of Education Science Technology and Early Education

The Ministry of Education Science Technology and Early Education received K819.7 Billion. This is consistent with the Governments’ objective to attain high quality, universally accessible and development oriented education for all.

K229 Billion has been allocated to Research and University Education.
Examinations Council of Zambia K24.2 Billion, TEVET Sub Sector K10.9 Billion, and the Science and Technology Sub Sector K13.8 Billion. Education Infrastructure Development got K285.6 Billion, the Education Youth Development Fund K1 Billion, Curriculum Development and Education Materials K20.5 Billion, Standards and Assessments K1.5 Billion, Teacher Education and Specialized Services K2.7 Billion, and Distance Education K1.2 Billion.

The Ministry of Finance is confident that such timely release of funds to the education sector will significantly contribute to the improvement and distribution of learning opportunities to all corners of Zambia. For this reason,

  • Lusaka Province: Basic Schools got K4.9 Billion, High Schools K1.3 Billion, and Teacher Training K1.1 Billion.
  • Copperbelt Province:Basic Schools received K3.5 Billion, High Schools K4.5 Billion, Curriculum Development and Education Materials K1.4 Billion, and Teacher Education K1.8 Billion.
  • Central Province: Basic schools received K1.8 Billion, High Schools K2.6 Billion, Curriculum Development and Education Materials K1.1 Billion, and Teacher Education K1.3 Billion.
  • Northern and Muchinga Province: Basic Schools received a total of K5.2 Billion.
  • Western Province: Basic Schools received a total of K2.9 Billion, and High Schools K1.9 Billion.
  • Eastern Province:received a total of K3.4 Billion for Basic Schools while High Schools received K3.5 Billion.
  • Luapula Province :received a total of K2.9 Billion for Basic Schools and High Schools got K1.7 Billion.
  • North-Western Province:received a total of K3.9 Billion for Basic Schools while High Schools received K2 Billion.
  • Southern Province received K4.6 Billion for Basic Schools, High Schools K4.3 Billion, infrastructure development K1.2 Billion, and Teacher Education K1.3 Billion.


Ministry of Education -Vocational Education and Training Portfolio

K8.2 Billion as Operational Grants for Entrepreneurship and Skills Development, K3 Billion for Research and Development, K1 Billion for Science & Technology Development, K5 Billion for Dismantling of Arrears, K26.7 Billion for Infrastructure Development, and Procurement Management K14.5 Billion.

The Ministry of Local Government and Housing

K159.8 Billion was allocated from which capital and operational grants K134.8 Billion, Constituency Development Fund [CDF] K40 Billion, Fire Services K4.9 Billion, Decentralisation Secretariat K1 Billion, Chalimbana Local Government Training School received K1.9 Billion, and Environmental Management K3.1 Billion.

The same Ministry received a further K96.2 Billion under the Loans and Investments function, from which revision of Spatial Planning legislation was funded K2.6 Billion, Rural and Urban Accessibility Programs K36.8 Billion, Water Supply and Sanitation Programs K30.3 Billion, Markets and Bus Stations K1.1 Billion, and Housing Development K10.1 Billion. Decentralization programs received K11.7 Billion from which Planning, Budgeting and Financial Reforms were allocated K2.6 Billion, Institutional Development and Capacity Building K1.2 Billion, Information, Education and Communication K1.6 Billion, Legal and Institutional Reforms K2.4 Billion, and Sector Devolution K3.7 Billion.

Ministry Transport Works Supply and Communications

The Ministry of Transport Works Supply and Communications received K300 Billion from which operational grants to institutions
amounted to K49.6 Billion, aerodromeinfrastructure development K71.8 Billion,infrastructure management K20 Billion,aeronautic safety K43.5 Billion, maritimeinfrastructure management K1.3 Billion,transport management K36 Billion,dismantling of arrears K2.1 Billion,architectural unit infrastructure development K13.8 Billion, maintenance of VIP and other leader’s houses K1.6 Billion,dismantling of arrears K2.3 Billion, planning and monitoring K5.4 Billion.

The Loans and Investments portfolio under Ministry of Finance, which includes components related to Ministry of Transport
Works Supply and Communication,received K1.4 Trillion. Of this amount,various projects received K24.4 Billion,Recapitalization
and Government Investments K768.8 Billion,Road Infrastructure Maintenance K546.7 Billion,Road Infrastructure Upgrade K35.7 Billion,
and Contributions and Subscriptions to International Organisations K45.7 Billion.

The Ministry of Finance also received K2.9 Trillion from which personal emoluments for all Civil Servants and Constitutional
Office Holders amounted to K2.5 Trillion while K225.9 Billion was disbursed as operational grants to ZRA, National Economic Advisory Council, Revenue Appeals Tribunal,Zambia Public Procurement Authority, Securities and Exchange Commission, Financial
Intelligence Center and Lusaka Stock Exchange. Dismantling of Arrears to Suppliers of Goods and Services in MPSA’s was
funded K37 Billion,Revenue Monitoring K2.8 Billion, and the Public Expenditure Management and Financial Accountability [PEMFA] Programme K44.1 Billion.

Dismantling of Arrears under Central Statistical Office was apportioned K4 Billion, Population and Social Statistics
K2.4 Billion, Financial and Economic Statistics K12 Billion, and Civil Works K2 Billion.

Other key programmes under the Ministry included National Development Planning Progress Reporting and Dissemination K1.4 Billion, and Public-Private Partnership Programmes which got K1 Billion.

The Ministry of Lands, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection

This ministry received K100 Billion from which releases to operational and capital grants to institutions [including Energy & Water
Related Organisations] amounted to K79.8 Billion. Land Infrastructure Development received K3.8 Billion,Forestry
Infrastructure Development K1 Billion, and Zambia Forestry College K2.4 Billion.

Ministry of Health

For the period January to July, 2012, Ministry of Health received K621.6 Billion from which Operational Grants to institutions got K38.6 Billion, Dismantling of Arrears K28.7 Billion, Capacity Building K8.5 Billion, Infrastructure Development K17.3 Billion, Health Systems Management K4.5 Billion, Epidemiology & Diseases Control K3.8 Billion, Health Service Delivery K3 Billion, Reproductive and Child Health Programmes K3.8 Billion, Child Health K2Billion, Reproductive Health K1.1 Billion,Clinical Care and Diagnostic Services K187 Billion, Health Service Delivery K3 Billion,Health Systems Management K23 Billion,Procurement Management K78 Billion, and Medical Supplies K78.5 Billion.

  • The University Teaching Hospital received K18.6 Billion,
  • UTH-Cancer Diseases Hospital K3.7 Billion
  • Ndola Central Hospital K4.7Billion,
  • Arthur Davison Hospital K2.6Billion,
  • Chainama Hills Hospital K2.6Billion,
  • Kitwe Central Hospital K4.6 Billion,
  •  Ndola Central Hospital K4.7Billion,

Western Province

received K22.2 Billion from which Infrastructure Development K6.7 Billion, Health Systems Management K3.3 Billion, Lewanika General Hospital K1.9 Billion, Mongu District Health Management K1.8 Billion, Kaoma K1.5 Billion, Kalabo K1.5 Billion, Senanga K1.2 Billion,Sesheke K1.2 Billion,and Shangombo K1 Billion.

Central Province

received K21.3 Billion from which Central Provincial Health Office K8 Billion, Kabwe Urban K1.1 Billion, Kabwe General Hospital
K2.2 Billion, Kapiri-Mposhi District Health Management K1.9 Billion, Chibombo K2 Billion, Mkushi K1.3 Billion, Mumbwa K1.8
Billion, and Serenje K1.5 Billion.

Eastern Province

received K24.8 Billion from which Infrastructure Development K2.4 Billion,Health Systems Management K3 Billion,Chipata General Hospital 2.7 Billion, St.Francis Mission Hospital K1.3 Billion,Chipata District Health Management K3.3Billion, Chadiza K1 Billion, Katete K1.7Billion, Lundazi K2.6 Billion, and Petauke K2.6 Billion.

Luapula Province

received K21.1 Billion from which Infrastructure Development K4.8 Billion, Health Systems Management
K3.6 Billion, Mansa General Hospital K2.1 Billion, Mansa District Health Management K1.8 Billion, Kawambwa K1.2 Billion,
Chiengi K1.3 Billion, Mwense K1.2 Billion,Nchelenge K1.3 Billion, and Samfya K1.7Billion.

Northwestern Province

received K19.1 Billion key from which Infrastructure Development K5.6 Billion, Health Systems Management K2.4 Billion, Solwezi General Hospital K1.4 Billion, Solwezi District Health Management K2 Billion, Kabompo K1 Billion, and Zambezi K1.1 Billion.

Northern and Muchinga Provinces

received K34.6 Billion from which Infrastructure Development K7.6 Billion, Health Systems Management K3.8 Billion, Kasama General
Hospital K2.2 Billion, Chilonga Mission Hospital K1.1 Billion, Kasama District Health Management K1.7 Billion, Chinsali
K1.4 Billion, Kaputa K1.1 Billion, Chilubi K1 Billion, Chama K1.1 Billion, Luwingu K1.3 Billion, Mbala K1.8 Billion, Mpika
K1.6 Billion, Mungwi K1.3 Billion, Nakonde K1 Billion, and Mafinga K1 Billion.

The Copperbelt Province

received K24 Billion,from which Infrastructure Development was allocated K4.4 Billion,Health Systems Management K2.7 Billion,
Ndola District Health Management K1.7 Billion,and Kitwe District Health Management K1.6 Billion.

Southern Province

received K33.3 Billion from which Infrastructure Development K9.4 Billion, Health Systems Management K4.5 Billion,Kalomo District Health Management K1.7 Billion,Kazungula District Health Management K1 Billion,Livingstone
General Hospital K1 Billion, Choma District Health Management K2 Billion, Mazabuka District Health Management K1.7 Billion,
Monze District Health Management K1.2 Billion, Namwala District Health Management K1 Billion, Siavonga District Health Management K1 Billion

Lusaka Province

was allocated K25 Billion from which Infrastructure Development got K5.2 Billion, Health Systems Management K4.3 Billion, Lusaka Urban District Health Management K5.2 Billion, Chongwe K1 Billion, Kafue K1.3 Billion, Chainama
College of Health Sciences K1.8 Billion, Youth Development Fund K1.4 Billion, and Lusaka General Hospital K2.7 Billion.

Ministry of Home Affairs

received K85.7 Billion from which grants to institutions amounted to K1.4 Billion, dismantling arrears K2 Billion, farm management K3.8 Billion, infrastructure development K6.4 Billion, infrastructure rehabilitation K1.1 Billion, prison infrastructure development K5.7 Billion, prisons and reformatories K19.6 Billion, passport and citizenship K5.6 Billion, archives K1 Billion, immigration K4 Billion, and issuance of national identity documents K9 Billion.

The Anti-Corruption Commission

received K13.4 Billion,Drug Enforcement Commission K13.1 Billion, and Zambia Police Service K102.5 Billion. Of the resources received by the Police Service,some key beneficiary programmes include infrastructure development which was funded K30 Billion, crime detection and prevention K9 Billion, recruitment K2.6 Billion, dismantling of arrears K7 Billion, uniforms
and rations K4 Billion,information technology and communication K3.6 Billion, Plant and Equipment K2 Billion, Public Awareness K2.7 Billion, and System Development and Maintenance K1.5 Billion.
It is the governments strong belief that effective implementation of these programmes will improve the security and protection of
individuals, organisations and the general public.

Ministry of Mines, Energy and Water Development

received K57.6 Billion for various operational and development
programmes from which K3.4 Billion was allocated as Grants to institutions while K1.9 Billion was released for dismantling
arrears. Under the energy portfolio, K1.9 Billion was targeted at management of the wood fuel sector, while energy efficiency and
conservation programmes received K4.1 Billion, K3.1 Billion went to renewable and alternative energy development, and
electricity generation and transmission lines got K1 Billion. Water infrastructure development and management got K9
Billion, while K6.6 Billion was funded for acquisition of specialized water plant and equipment and K1.5 Billion was
apportioned for water resources management.

The Ministry of Labour and Social Security

received K60.9 Billion for various operational and developmental programmes, and the Ministry of Youth and Sports was funded K33.8 Billion from which key beneficiary programmes include infrastructure development which was funded K5.8 Billion, operational grants to institutions K6.6 Billion, regional and continental games K14.5 Billion, and the youth development fund K2 Billion.

The Judiciary

received K79.3 Billion for various operational and developmental programmes from which capacity building got K1 Billion, contributions and subscriptions to organisations K1.2 Billion, dismantling of arrears K19.8 Billion, information management K4.7 Billion, and infrastructure development got K4.4 Billion. The Supreme Court was funded K1.4 Billion and the High Court K4.3 Billion. High Court functions on the Copperbelt got K1.1 Billion and Local Courts received K1.3 Billion. Central Province received K1 Billion for High Court Operations while Local Courts received K1.3 Billion. Local Courts in Northern Province received K1.8 Billion from which K1.4 Billion was for Infrastructure Development. On the other hand, Subordinate Courts in Southern
Province received K1 Billion while Infrastructure Development was allocated K1.4 Billion. High Court operations in Eastern Province
were funded K1.2 Billion while infrastructure development received K1 Billion, Subordinate Courts K1.3 Billion, and Local Court infrastructure development K1.4 Billion. Luapula Province received K2.1 Billion for Local Court infrastructure development and for the same purpose North-Western Province received K1.8 Billion and Western Province K1.3 Billion.

Ministry of Tourism and Arts

received K16.7 Billion from which Infrastructure Development got K2.9 Billion, and Tourism Sector Development Programs K8.3 Billion.The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Services received K41.1 Billion from which Zambia News and Information services was allocated K9 Billion, Dismantling of Arrears K1.1 Billion,Press and Planning K8.8 Billion, and the Digital Migration Programme K3.9 Billion.

Ministry of Justice

received K215.7 Billion from which Grants to institutions K21.7 Billion, Dismantling of Arrears K39 Billion,Infrastructure Development K2.5 Billion,International Law and Agreements K2 Billion, Governance K1.3 Billion, Court Operations K5.2 Billion, and Legal Costs K128.7 Billion.

Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry

received K39.8 Billion from which Grants to institutions for Operations K16.3 Billion,Infrastructure Development K1.2 Billion,
and the Private Sector Development (PSD)Programme K9.5 Billion.The Central Provincial Administration received K16.4 Billion
from which dismantling of arrears got K1 Billion, Rural Roads Infrastructure Development K6.1 Billion, and District Administration K1 Billion. Eastern Province received K21 Billion from which Dismantling of Arrears K1 Billion, Rural Roads Infrastructure
Development K5.4Billion, District Administration K1.7 Billion, Buildings Department K1.2 Billion, and Water Affairs
Department K1.2 Billion. North-Western Province received K37.1 Billion from which Rural Roads Infrastructure Development
got K12.4 Billion, other infrastructure development K15.6 Billion, district administration K1.8 Billion, water affairs
K1.4 Billion, and resettlement K1 Billion. Western Provincial Administration received K18.6 Billion, from which dismantling of
arrears got K1.1 Billion, Rural Roads infrastructure development K5 Billion. Luapula Province received K19.2 Billion from which rural roads infrastructure development got K5.9 Billion, and other infrastructure development K1.7 Billion. Southern Province received K26.2 Billion from which general administration K2.9 Billion, infrastructure development K3.8Billion, and rural roads infrastructure development K7.9 Billion. Lusaka Province received K11 Billion from which district administration was allocated K1.4 Billion,while Copperbelt received K15.5 Billion, and Northern and Muchinga Provinces jointly received K37 Billion from which rural roads infrastructure development K5.1 Billion,and buildings infrastructure development K2.8 Billion.

The National Assembly

received K164.2 Billion from which personal emoluments were allocated K114.4 Billion, operational grants to institutions K13.8 Billion,contributions and subscriptions to organisations K1 Billion, management information systems
K1.2 Billion,infrastructure development K3.8 Billion,inter-parliamentary relations K1 Billion,legislation K14.3 Billion, parliamentary oversight K7.2 Billion.

The Electoral Commission of Zambia received K39.3 Billion from which personal emoluments were allocated K22.8 Billion and Election Management K9.2 Billion.

The Public Service Commission received K3.2 Billion from which K1 Billion was allocated to provincial tours

Ministry of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs received K43.4 Billion from which House of Chiefs Sessions got K2 Billion, Operational Grants to institutions K26 Billion, and Cultural Affairs K1.2 Billion.
The Public Service Management Division received K324 Billion from which Operational Grants to institutions K131.7 Billion, Dismantling of Arrears K172.5 Billion, Industrial and Labour Relations K2 Billion, Payroll Management and Establishment Control K4 Billion.

The Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit in the Office of the Vice President received K70 Billion from which Dismantling of Arrears was allocated K2.5 Billion, Disaster Preparedness K14.6 Billion, and Disaster Response and Mitigation K48.3 Billion.

The Ministry of Community Development,Mother and Child Health

received K64 Billion from which Operational Grants to institutions got K6.8 Billion, Social Welfare Support received K4.6 Billion, Social Welfare K6 Billion, Food Security K21.4 Billion, Economic Empowerment of Women K8.3 Billion,and Infrastructure Development K1.9 Billion.

The Ministry of Gender and Child Development

received K14 Billion from which Economic Empowerment of Women was allocated K3.3 Billion and Child Protection K3.2 Billion.

In line with the Government policy of effectively promoting pro-poor growth through strengthening the efficacy of public financial management practices, transparency,accountability,and reducing the space in which misuse and abuse of public resources thrives, the Office of the Auditor General received K40.7 Billion from which Capacity Building got K1.3 Billion, Dismantling of Arrears K1.1 Billion,Infrastructure Development K4 Billion, Restructuring and Institutional Development K5 Billion,Revenue Audit K2.1
Billion, and Ministerial Appropriation Audit K2.4Billion.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs received K215.4 Billion from which Zambia’s Missions Abroad received funding as follows:

  • Lubumbashi-DRC K2.3 Billion;
  • Kinshasa-DRC K3.7 Billion;
  • Washington-USA K8.4 Billion;
  • New York-USA K7 Billion;
  • Lilongwe-Malawi K2.4 Billion;
  • London-Great Britain K11.2 Billion;
  • Cairo-Egypt K3.3Billion;
  • Nairobi-Kenya K2.7 Billion;
  • Moscow-Russia K6.5 Billion;
  • Addis Ababa-Ethiopia K4.2 Billion;
  • Gaborone-Botswana K2.9 Billion;
  • Beijing-China K7 Billion;
  • Abuja-Nigeria K3.4 Billion;
  • Stockholm-Sweden K6.6 Billion;
  • New Delhi-India K4.1 Billion;
  • Maputo-Mozambique K2.7 Billion;
  • Tokyo-Japan K9.7 Billion;
  • Windhoek-Namibia K2.4 Billion;
  • Luanda-Angola K4.6 Billion;
  • Harare-Zimbabwe K3.4 Billion;
  • Berlin-German K7.3 Billion;
  • Geneva-Switzerland K7.9 Billion;
  • Pretoria-SouthAfrica K4.9 Billion;
  •  Ottawa-Canada K6.6 Billion;
  • Paris-France K6.7 Billion;
  • Rome-Italy K6.2 Billion;
  • Brasilia-Brazil K6 Billion;
  • Accra-Ghana K4.2 Billion;
  • Kuala Lumpur-Malaysia K4.7 Billion;
  • Brussels-BelgiumK7.6 Billion;
  • Dar-Es-Salaam-Tanzania K2.7 Billion.

The Ministry of Finance takes this opportunity to urge the general public to take sincere interest in the works and projects
being implemented by Government in their localities in order to assist in monitoring progress and ensuring that resources are
utilized for intended purposes. It is in this way that the socio-economic benefits of the financed developmental programmes will
truly accrue to the people of Zambia in form of improved services, employment creation and poverty reduction.
Chileshe Kandeta
Public Relations Officer
Ministry of Finance
1. Details on budgeted figures for each Ministry Province and Spending Agency can be found in the 2012 Yellow Book –
Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure.
2. Full budget release details and could be obtained from each Ministry Province and Government Spending Agency.
3. August budget releases will be released on Thursday, 6th September, 2012.


  1. That is still only US$ 2.6B which is still a meagre budget even by regional african standards.Then what does it say when we spend more in debt payments and on agriculture than we spend on education which is 3rd? This backward PF govt of illiterates needs to go.

    • Bwana, budgets work in tandem with revenue! Do you expect got to pull money out of your a-hole to satisfy your shallow curiosity? You are the same people who complain the loudest whenever the govt try to improve public coffers or the tax base by asking the mines to pay little bit more taxes. And yet you are asking govt to spend money it doesn’t have.

      Don’t you think it is always wise to live within your means and spend what you can afford? What ridiculous phenomenon is this creeping into the Zambian psych!?

  2. $ 2.45 Billion Australian Dollars, When individuals are opeening companies for $ 14 Billion AUD. Like Gina Rinehaurt. We have a long way and it doesnt seem the PF Govt is doing enough at all.

    • Hope Gina gives you afew cents!! What a comparision! Or are you just trying to show off that you have heard about her???????

  3. Good move by government, it means people can now follow up on “what did institutions do with the money”? The government could have its own weaknesses; with due respect, having suhc information means the government is empowering people to assess performance because the measurement yarstick is given. No more hiding in “government has not released the money yet”; especialy when an institution buys cars for their CEOs as opposed to investing in infrastructure or important things. over to you people, start virtual public auditing.

  4. A good starting point but what a looong way to go for Zambia. Only 2 billion in US$ terms when smaller countrieshave at least double Zambia’s budget.

  5. Well, its a good start but we still need to know how we can use this information. At least I can now see how these people at the Zambian embassy here in DC are able to afford such huge mansions, for starters. As a Zambian, do I have the right to go and look at their financial books? Am just asking. I would love so much to do that.

  6. A positive start & welcome information. It would be interesting to know how much was disbursed to State Hse, OP and MoD during the period under review.

    • Brother, that’s classified info you are talking about! Nonetheless, I can only hope the parliamentary committees responsible for security matters have the figures patterning to the entities you have mentioned here, and it is up to them to monitor how the money is being used, unless, of course, these committees are only made up of PF stooges, which is unlikely!

  7. BRAVO. It is a task of every Zambian, to monitor how much is allocated to their institution and how the money is used.

  8. How are we doing against the budget. This is about half of our +$5 billion budget. Not bad. Spend more on infrastructure.


  10. 1. Details on budgeted figures for each Ministry Province and Spending Agency can be found in the 2012 Yellow Book – Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure.

    2. August budget releases will be released on Thursday, 6th September, 2012.

  11. This is good and transparent the Mr Chikwanda and his team at MOF have done. Now that we know most of the listed institutions were funded, we would like each department also to release to the media how they spent the money and this would be more helpful to to all citizens and providing checks and balances.

    I never saw any thing of this nature in MMD Era.

  12. The country is moving forward but upnd *****s are stack with judge chikopa nonsense. this is pf for you. they keek you debating common sense whilst they move forward

  13. Am not sure what people are saying is good.Eg the ACC has received more money than all the basic schools in Lusaka,copperbelt,central and western provinces put together.The National assembly has received more money than 5major hospitals put together.,also the embassy in Washington received more money than Kitwe Central hospital.Tell me people how is this GOOD?

  14. let check within our provinces to see what project received the money. good move. i have never seen this before. bravo pf let them credit not always on the negative charge too much negative energy or suffering from low self-esteem

    • i conque with you let us get the yellow book through our MP offices or google so that you know where the money is suppose to go. if our community doen’t receive or nothing has happen then there is a case. it us who are affected the ordinarly people. the guys who always think they have a solution and on top ten of the richest people in zambia their won’t see this on the postive side but they will look on the negative coz they do not want us to reach where they are. imagine out of 23 million people in zambia and only 14 are the most richest in zambia and every day they want youths with no job to disturb the work of the government. why can they get part of those huge sum of money share it with the poor coz they like seen the poor crying every time. BRAVO PF

    • YOU CAN ONLY CLAIM GOOD GOVERNANCE WHEN THE AUDITOR GENERALS REPORT SHOWS NO PROBLEMS!! This is all PR to get us excited i.e. it is simply an advert to distract YOUR REALLY ATTENTION TO DETAIL!! It is also away of telling how much money in the kitty we are PREPARING TO SQUANDER!!!!

  15. SOUTHERN PROVINCE receive more than luapula or central province but still some people they are complaining. we need to appreciate some times. the PF government is working and the result will not see it now but in the future. My brothers the YOUTHS be focus and never follow blindly to sefish politician our government is doing something. Rome was not develop in one day.

  16. Where does the Citizen Empowerment gets it’s funding. I would propose that let Parliament table  a bill for Citizen Empowerment in order for it to start receiving funds from the budget.

  17. 7 Billion to Beijing, shit ….too much money in these foreign missions but for what? i need to see the breakdown in the yellow book, these foreign missions are full of cadres, who dont even speak english only TONGA. yaba we need to rebas the kwacha i cant follow too much billions

  18. @1, Enka Rasha:

    Bwana, budgets work in tandem with revenue! Do you expect govt to pull money out of your a-hole to satisfy your shallow curiosity? You are the same people who complain the loudest whenever the govt try to improve public coffers or the tax base by asking the mines to pay little bit more taxes. And yet you are asking govt to spend money it doesn’t have.

    Don’t you think it is always wise to live within your means and spend what you can afford? What ridiculous phenomenon is this creeping into the Zambian psych!?

  19. @15, Bwalya:

    Blame your MPs! Cabinet proposes budgets which, in turn, is debated by Parliament and make changes were they see fit. Parliament has the constitutional right and mandate to change or completely vote down the entire budget if they don’t agree with it. So, one branch of our govt is asleep at the wheel here. And if our lagislature doesn’t wake up and prioritize things like healthcare, education, agric, and the like, this trend will continue.

    At least now you have the information on which to base your complaints, somthing unseen/unheard of in MMD or UNIP era. So write your MP to voice your unhappiness about this!



  22. What is good is the idea of publishing the expenditures. You can have the figures before you which can be argued. Good start people.

  23. Is this ZMK 13.1 trillion from our own internally generated revenues that govt has allocated from January to July 2012?

    If not can you say what portions are funded by donors?

  24. I’m no longer certain the place you’re getting your info, however great topic. I must spend some time finding out more or understanding more. Thanks for excellent information I was on the lookout for this info for my mission.

  25. The following time I learn a weblog, I hope that it doesnt disappoint me as a lot as this one. I mean, I do know it was my choice to learn, but I really thought youd have something interesting to say. All I hear is a bunch of whining about something that you might repair for those who werent too busy in search of attention.

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