Saturday, March 15, 2025

PF Government appreciates China-Education Minister


File: President and government officials pose for a photograph with Chinese diplomats and investors

Government has said that Chinese contractors are doing a lot in helping government to put quality infrastructure in all parts of the country. Education Minister John Phiri said that the Chinese have been sacrificing in helping the country to develop since independence.

Dr Phiri also observed that there is a lot of misconception about people of China because many Zambians do not understand their language and culture.

The Minister was speaking during the second anniversary celebration of the Confucius Institute at the University of Zambia in Lusaka.

And Chinese Ambassador to Zambia Zhou Yuxiao has appreciated the two countries growing friendship in various sectors.



  1. “”Dr Phiri also observed that there is a lot of misconception about people of China because many Zambians do not understand their language and culture””…….. Sata is the one who has  lot of misconception about people of China, he won elections because of his strong hate for the Chinese, John Phiri, talk to Sata first before telling everyone

    • on this one you are right…….its not even a misconception,china man is not helping but putting more money in their pockets.

    • Mediocrity starting from the heard, how worse it can be to the bottom! The difference between stupidity and genius is that a genius has its limits and is easily learns.
      We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.

      If Sata in opposition was anti-  china. Does the DR thrive on LIES, LIES, LIES? what then is Phiri talking about ? In any case, a foreigner is as such,how can one change perception of citizens when the HEAD of state wedged that on slaughter! On a good note-why in Zambia once structures are handed over to govt, our engineers& experts fail to even maintain them, let alone construct new ones. Look at UNZA buildings, township roads, etc. As education Minister this has to change. Phiri must transform the whole education system. 

    •  It’s a shame to allow China or other people to construct simple things like wheel-burrow, drainage, township roads, schools, clinics etc when we have universities geniuses in Zambia. Education must be aligned to social-economic development of our communities. Eg, All final year students should finish a project in communities as part of their thesis. This policy should be implemented in all sectors of the higher education courses. To achieve this, All govt needs is policy-to bridge universities with companies….Accept MUTUAL INVESTMENT, Limit begging from Chinese plz. we can do better , vision2030 and beyond

  2. And you Dr Phiri you understand the Chinese??? I bet not, you need anther Phd to understand their motivation, philosophies and self interest. There is no such thing as the Chinese loving Zambia, you guys jut need to accept these are business relationships and need to be smart enough to work out the best agreements that are favourable to you. The Chinese spend a lot of money in getting their people understand negotiating skills, and research into how other countries work, and understanding the weak and strong points of people they deal with. Dont forget they are now reaping from long term planning spanning many decades. You are still singing the long term relationship. They are reaping from long term planning. They love u, my foot. 

  3. The Chinese have ulterior motives. They are not developing Zambia for free. If there were no natural resources they would be flocking to Zambia/Africa.

    • I do not think they claim to be developing Zambia for free. they are here to make money period. If the process Zambia gets developed they can never give a dumb. Most of these Chinese get cheap government backed loans in china that is why they are able to under cut the zambians to get contracts. Then their work culture works for them while ours needs overhaul 

  4. Some us zambians we dont even know how copper looks like. So prease since these peaple are reaping, let them leave bridges, roads in rural areas. Studiums, and uplift some towns like kapiri, kalulushi, mpika nakonde,etc .

  5. Title Rule of Law: Legal Aid for Marginalized Groups
    Project Number A033935-001
    Maximum CIDA Contribution $ 10,500,000
    Executing Agency – Partner Canadian Bar Association
    Status Operational
    Start – End 2011 – 2014
    China: 100%
    Democratic governance
    Legal and judicial development (015130): 70%
    Human rights (015160): 30%

  6. Description
    This project aims to improve access to legal aid services for marginalized groups in China, including ethnic minorities. The project provides technical assistance to improve legal aid services in the provinces of Yunnan, Jilin, and Liaoning, all of which have significant ethnic minority populations. The project works primarily with their Provincial Legal Aid Centres (PLACs) and emphasizes improvements to legal aid for remote areas

  7. Every country in the world including UK and USA is working with China because of its visible development and technological acceleration. China is booming you just cant avoid them.

  8. China, what about the opposition parties, any help or is it let you just campaign negatively, oppose anything, use foul language all the way, tell the biggest lie yesturday, today and tomorrow or is it ‘agree to disagree’ on anything! ….only leave to China?

  9. Probably you guys are so busy putting money in your own pocket, small change at that, you forget to put in the main pot. The Chinese will do both. Create money for their country and also for individuals. We were fed with so many wise Zambian proverbs/sayings and from old enough people that people bought lies hook and sinker. Some people even accepted that a 50 year old man was an under five and forgetting how old they were themselves, in diapers may be brain wise. You talked about tribalism now you are being taught true tribalism, wish to say we told you but it is such a tragedy that well meaning Zambians dont wish this for our country. Please the powers that are this is not about bitterness, create a better Zambia for all. Negative people use the word bitterness to stiffle debate, sad.

  10. How come now we are appreciating people we called infestors only yesterday? Doesn’t PF need to appologise to the Chinese people for all the disrespectiful names they called them only to dine with them at the same table once in govt?

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