Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Acting Chief Justice implores Zambians living abroad to put the Zambia’s interest first


 ACTING Chief Justice Lombe Chibesakunda

ACTING Chief Justice Lombe Chibesakunda (L)

ACTING Chief Justice Lombe Chibesakunda has implored Zambians living abroad to put the country’s interest first.

This is contained in press statement made available to the media by Lambwe Kachali, the First Secretary for Press and Public Relations at the Zambian embassy in Brussels, Belgium.

The Acting Justice was speaking on Friday at a dinner hosted in her honour at the Zambian residence in Brussels.

She said every Zambian carries the country’s flag and therefore it was their duty to promote the country’s image to the international community.

Justice Chibesakunda also said it did not matter which institutions they worked for, but it should be borne in mind that Zambia was more important to them and therefore be prioritised, where development was concerned.

Justice Chibesakunda encouraged Zambians in the Diaspora to invest back home and help grow the economy.

She said the Zambia today was totally different from the Zambia they knew many years ago as more development had taken place, and emphasised that it was time they invested in their own country.
The Chief Justice further requested Zambians to work with the mission in encouraging potential investors to focus on many investment opportunities in Zambia.

And Ambassador Grace Mutale Kabwe expressed gratitude to Justice Chibesakunda and assured her that she would continue to encourage both Zambians and foreign investors to invest in Zambia.


  1. Nice message your honour and probably the message every Zambia in Diaspora carries in their heart because we have relatives and people dear to our our hearts back in Zambia.

    I think the key issue is whether the current Government does put Zambians in Diaspora first over their little petty personal agendas. Putting things first in one’s agenda is a two way street and the current Government needs to show that people abroad are also treated like equal citizens and not competitors over petty issues.

    We all love Zambia and have our deep roots there and things like rubbishing dual citizenship over flimsy reasons is just being petty.

    Please, pass this message to your appointing authority madam.

  2. Message is very clear. Dual citizen or not if you are a patriotic Zambian in diaspora and have the means then investing home where you have relatives should be a must. Otherwise you will all miss out on the exciting plans PF has for the country. 

  3. Can only invest if i have dual Citizenship. Why should i invest in where i will be treated like an investor? It is easier to invest in my new found Love- country…

  4. We are trying madam justice. It is Ukwa’s clownish behaviour that is undoing our work. We love our Zambia the whole 752 square kilometres of it. We are more patriotic than Ukwa and his cabal who seem to be concerned only with people who come from an area covering 197 469 square kilometres of Zambia. Ukwa puts family and tribe before country. It is him you should have been talking to.

  5. Dual citizenship or not, opportunity waits for no man. Investors coming to Zambia are
    not citizens neither do they wish to be. However, they are united by one common aim, Make money.
    Sit on the fence, waiting for dual citizenship and the opportunity will pass you by. Having come
    from there, you have an advantage – you have family roots, you know the culture and above all you know the environment.

  6. Acting chief justice, Remember the cry that is on every Zambian’s lips is CORRUPTION among leaders including you in the judiciary. You do not put Zambia first but plunder for yourselves, your relatives and friends. To be honest, ordinary Zambians and those in the diaspora have more love for the country than yourselves. Like #2 has said, ‘we have loved ones in Zambia and continue to support them. Madam chief justice take your sermon to your fellow leaders.

  7. This recycled message keeps reminding me of what my late grandparents and relatives at the Village used to tell my parents in the Copperbelt whenever we went to the Village to visit. They implored on my parents to put their roots (The Village) first and prepare and plan to come back to the good life in the Village or else we would be lost.  Of course my grandparents meant well, because they based it on their genuine experiences at the time. In their time, different peoples of the World simply could not mix, just like oil and water does not mix. But I am not sure some of the relatives who joined in the chorus meant well because whenever chance permitted, they would secretly ask for…>>Cont’d 

  8. …Cont’d>>>…they would secretly ask for clothes, money, medicine, job prospects in the mines, list was endless…  My grandfather was at first horrified when my father built a house in town and got some of his willing brothers one by one into urban areas to get jobs /start businesses. Some have since retired and opted to go back to the Village and some opted to built houses in town, intermarry and settle. Towards the end of his life, my Grandfather began to see the new World order, that change was here to stay and not reversible.  I now see a similar cycle of events, but this time at international level between developed, and developing Countries.    

  9. I have heard this same statement time and again from national leaders each time they in a foreign land.

    Seemingly, this means that things ain’t getting any better at home neither are we having quality and accountable leaders in public offices. Otherwise this enticement of nationals in the diaspora wouldn’t have continued.

  10. I wanted to comment on the Dual citizenship issue, but # 1 & 2 said it all. Let the government put aside their small hateful and petty agendas aside concerning Zambians in diaspora and do the right thing for once. Crime is and will always be there until God comes.If western world with higher security concern can accommodate dual citizenship, what is the PF government fearful about? I have come to understand now that Zambia needs more than just money and educated people to be able to develop.The biggest problem we are facing is bad work ethics embroiled in laziness.  People just want to make easy money.Being paid for showing up for work and not doing the actual work.

  11. Dual citizenship will not magically conjure success at local level. Once that hurdle is overcome there will be others. Let those with the right mindset, skill set and vision move forth. The others waiting for duality with amnesty can follow. They will all get their fair shot and once there are successes to study, it will be clear whether duality was anything more than an inner trigger or confidence booster to make steps one was capable of making regardless. Perhaps it is that the financial solutions for some are embedded in borrowing money in the name of their new country to invest in Zed or genuinely feel protected by a different state where they can continue to flourish as a fail safe if things don’t pan out. Best of luck to all who do invest with or without additional citizenship.

  12. I see smart, caring people whose life plan included a moment of decision to acquire a new nationality. This could be applauded as personal growth as these individuals were viewed as assets to another nation and probably at a time when Zed was at its worst. The conflict only appears where there is a clandestine effort to illegally retain their original citizenship. I am all for dual citizenship with amnesty for these folks as it will complete them. Clearly cloaked duality does not sit well with them. There is another group who are plain arrogant about breaching the law and dual citizenship will be an ego rush. I can live with that. What I cannot stomach is the infernal whine of self interest disguised as faux patriotism whilst tarring all locals with one negative brush. God complexes suck.

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