Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Mealie Meal prices go up


Mealie Meal prices have increased by over Five Thousand Kwacha.

A survey conducted by MUVI TV News in some of the stores in Lusaka’s Kabwata and Chilenje townships revealed that the price of the commodity has shot up.

The survey revealed that the price of 25 kilogramme bag of Breakfast and Roller Meal which was previously selling at 45,000 kwacha is now selling at 50,000 kwacha.

Some traders have questioned why there is an increase in the Mealie Meal price when the country recorded a bumper harvest.

The increase in the price has not only characterized Lusaka Mealie Meal sellers but also in the Northern Province.

Northern Province Permanent Secretary Emmanuel Mwamba said the hike in the price is due to failure by Food Reserve Agency-FRA- to sell most of the maize.

He said currently FRA is just stocking up and not selling maize to the millers.

Recently the Civil Society for Poverty Reduction complained that it was unfair for Zambians to continue subsidising maize to millers when the cost of mealie-meal has remained high.



  1. This is the beginning of bad things in Zambia…… this has nothing to do with FRA not selling maize, we just dont have big brains guiding the economy and the country. You can not let cadres take up key positions in the country. Mwanawasa and RB  managed the economy well because they let educated people manage all key economic postions. With Sata, what do you expect when his economic advisor was a kaponya at Katondo street?  Come next yeah, Mealie Meal will be K100,000 /50kgs

  2. DONT KUDABWA. wilalilalila ash.., Tukalashita twalibelela.KAUNDA left it at how much, what of Chiluba. To mantion but just a few. Sata akabusha PALISHINGA?

  3. sO IN LUSAKA it sold at k45000 b4 increased to that k50000? heyy on CB, chimaga changa the reading milling here was selling at k40 and dont know if in increased.if so, maybe 41 or 42. kekekekeke ba lusaka.

  4. this is not only happening in Zambia every were this is being experienced only foolish people blame the Government,the economy world wide is not doing fine.Listen to the world news and you will know the truth

  5. I dont understand how people can eat nshima all the time.

    Its like like blunt force trauma to the stomach, too heavy and brings constipation. Find alternatives instead of crying over it all the time. Everything changes, even mealie-meal prices! get with the program.

    • One man’s poison is another man’s cup of tea. I will always love nshima. As for you Mushota the fact that you’re always commenting on this site simply means you miss HOME (Zambia).

  6. Its not about world economy and all that rote bangwele. We are talking about poor management of issues by the PamaFi thugs here! Some of you are small minded and rather short sighted blind followers of the blind. Dont tell me that Levy and RB were governing in a different world from the current and yet they managed to hold the economy in a decent and sound level. Thats why even CNP was able to Malawi.These gumugumus called PamaFi and PaFwaka depending on what you like even inherited a lot of money they even managed to dish out to their supporters in form of unguided Commisions that were formed in quick sucession. And thats not a long time ago when most of the roads in Lusaka and other areas on the copperbelt were being given decent facelift. Dont provoke  us banyama imwe! I end here

  7. Ka mushota uli kapuba sana, wherever u may be, abroad, overseas ulepipa abakote and you think all is well for you.
    One day you will come back ulefwaya nangu taulefwaya.

  8. Sometimes you may begin to wonder why rain falls in the ocean while some other parts of the land is drought stricken.
    Why should FRA be stock piling the commodity and some of it is going to waste by careless keeping sure? We have very dull economists in zambia today, this increment is artificial and should not be condoned in zambia. We have plenty of maize in zambia then why should mealie meal be expensive for God’s sake mwebantu. Govt has failed us.

  9. @Nubian Princess no. 7. You must be Marie Antoinnette reincarnate who asked the masses complaining about bread prices, “Why don’t they just eat cake?” That was the beginning of the French Revolution and the princess was gulotined.

  10. Just the other day we heard that maize worth more than K2b went to waste due to poor storage now we here that the cost of ka unga has gone up because FRA is not selling the maize to millers! What a country of jokers!!!!!

  11. #10 I totally agree with you. Mushota is the most ignorant girl I’ve ever come across on this forum; only immature and ill-bred brats have no problem trashing their homeland. How can a sane person be proud of such racist countries – against her own? Yaaba…, just shaking my head!

  12. that mushota is nothing but cowdung…..minimum wage has lead to increase of bread, school fees,sugar,etc… follow everything happening around us with curiosity,especially current affairs

  13. This is the result when the advisors to the Government do not know how best to intervene in the market. The people who pay the price for the wrongs in the economy are the consumers, yet the same consumers keep on supporting the government intervention in the maize marketing. Zambians economists, where are you?

  14. This government never accepts responsibility for anything. Its either they are blaming MMD or the “unpatriotic” civil service. You can see from the statement, the PS is blaming FRA for not releasing the maize. What a shame! If everything is blamed on someone, then what is it that the government is doing? We are not moving at all because these chaps dont seem to know what they are doing. They are not responsible for anything. The best we can do is remove them before they do more damage to our beautiful country.

  15. Please check the the price of mealie meal in Pick & Pay…. this story is misleading. I haven’t yet come across any supermarket selling the comodity at 50pin, but I stand to be corrected. Anybody seen 50pin worth mealie meal and where?

  16. Hunter gatherers and slash and burn gumugumus cannot manage an agriculture and food sector. The political class age mates of Sata and chikwanda have farms, but Sata and Alex have spent most of their adult life in govt houses even the so called private homes they have were stolen from govt institutions.

  17. Prices are going up simply because there is kulibay maize on the Market. What Bumper Harvest where is the Maize the figures with FRA are bogus and misappropriated funds are being hidden in invisible maize purchased. Stop exporting to KENYA IMWE.

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