Friday, September 6, 2024

Minister of Defence Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba warns UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema


Defence Minister Geoffrey Mwamba arrives in Kasama to officiate the ordination ceremony of Kasama Archbishop Ignatius Chama at St. Johns Cathedral.

Defence Minister Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba has warned United Party for National Development (UPND) President Hakainde Hichelema not to dare attempt to mobilize the people of Zambia against the PF Government at the expense national security.

In a statement released to the media, Mr Mwamba reminded Mr Hichilema that the laws of the land have a prescribed a punishment for for anyone trying to indulge is such heinous acts.

Below is the full press statement


Now that Mr. Hakainde Hichilema- the chief Apostle of bitterness and tribalism- fully knows that he holds no chance in hell to win an election in Zambia, he has declared a fight against a duly elected Government and President Michael Chilufya Sata in particular.

We only hope that the UPND leader has calculated his political game quite well because this is a classical case of underestimating a fiery blaze. Mr. Hichilema of all people must know that he is dealing with a party and Government who passed through the mill over a ten year long period. We are not a fluke Government; we know why we are here and fully know how we got to be where we are today. We mobilised the entire country for ten years under very difficult conditions that’s why facing the UPND politically will be as smooth as a walk in the park. They are no match to our political expertise and judgment.

Zambians know who Mr. Hichilema is, what he stands for and which interests he represents. His capitalistic greed and how he ripped off the country during the privatisation exercise and amassed enormous personal wealth and condemned millions of families into destitution especially on the Copperbelt is a well-known sad story on every Zambian’s lips. Even his subsequent rise to the UPND leadership riding on an evil tribal horse is a very well documented and understood phase of this man’s political life. In fact, some of the victims of his untreatable tribalism and hatred are prominent people like Mr. Sakwiba Sikota and many others.

Clearly, this is a man who only identifies himself with causes that have direct benefits to himself and his family. Honestly, it is very difficult to reconcile Mr. Hichilema’s capitalistic gluttony with his claim of service to the Zambian people. Haven’t you wondered why he has never spoken about pro poor policies like the minimum wage and many others? The man is selfish and always aims at benefiting at the expense of the ordinary Zambians.

Our advice to him is let him mobilise but he should not dare attempt to mobilise people at the expense of national security and sovereignty because laws of the land have prescribed a befitting punishment for such heinous acts. For ten (10) years President Sata mobilised people in a peaceful and non-violent manner and we expect Mr. Hichilema to do the same although his motivation is different – he is motivated by bitterness and tribalism.

The PF Government is not intolerant to divergent views. We remain open to criticism and any other constructive engagements. What we shall not allow is for this country’s peace to be tampered with through schemes perpetuated by an opposition leader who only polled slightly over 18 per cent of the total votes at the last elections. We shall not permit a man who has maintained his usual distant third position at all successive elections to prey on our people’s minds.

Come 2016, PF shall win and after winning, we shall do more work on our developmental agenda, to ensure a better life for all Zambians.

Issued By:
Hon. Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba
Minister of Defence


  1. GBM is right one thing, distant third in a national election, especially getting just above 18%, which represents a downward trend on your personal electoral performance is a source of concern. Even in sports like in the olympics, if you dont win a medal at least you should achieve your personal best, beating you previous performance to indicate that you are improving. So what right does a distant third have to think he should agitate the country for some political change before elections in 2016, where he would be consigned to political history, if his Party abrogate its constitution and allw him to stand for the fourth time??? The major toruble with HH is overestimating his political fortunes, I bet Garry Nkombo would much better than this guy!!!

    • I agree with you 100% on this one. I think even if the PF was to go for another election right now. They would surely win with an impressive result. And HH would still be distant 3rd position.Hehehehe.

  2. GBM,,,you ve got no pollitical manner of landing on issue,,, everything expressed here is resentment nd plenty venom….form sleepless nights hh gives you guys….zambians stil wondering how you can be a minister when you never bin to school….2016 that collection of thugs zambians accidentally put in power will be history………

  3. and i quote after Come 2016, PF shall win and after winning, we shall do more work on our developmental agenda, to ensure a better life for all Zambians.wat nosense is this?why cant u work nw?why waiting for 2016???

  4. This kind of statements release and targeting of HH is extra ordinary and very worrisome indeed. Honestly, a distant third finisher in all past elections getting this government so worked up? What is going on here. Is there some under current that we are not aware of. Can those in the know enlighten was. HH is just too small to evoke such a PF reaction.

    The pride and pomposity exhibited by this Government would really make me extremely worried if I were  a PF member. This is a classic  example of pride goes before the fall.

    Can President Sata step forward and control his children , they seem to be running wild in the park and soon some accident is going to happen. 

    If they focused on their work,  HH will be no factor at all.

    Next please.

  5. Yes Hakainde must put people’s lives at heart, the apetite for power should not blindford him to even want President Sata dead….how can someone think like that, even when he is good at inheriting parties….I don’t think that is the way to go.

    • I dont think the story is true as it could have been the best chance to put HH away for the rest of his life on treason charges. 

  6. Is this the calibre of leaders we have? Even a fool is deemed intelligent if he remains silent.These guys are exposing themselves everytime they open their mouths.What a childish press statement indeed.

  7. ChiGBM chitole cho. noti ukutampa ifyakwikata ama opposition leaders. Tukalulwa let us warn you. leave umukalamba HH alone!

  8. foolish big man with small brains. dont underrate HH your performance as government is bellow par. people’s mood has changed am one of the voters who voted for PF. at this moment i cant waste my vote for CNPs. viva HH continue giving these chats sleepless nights until they give us what they promised us in 90 days

  9. Not well articualted. Is this the type of language in correspondences with other nations. We must be a laughing stock.

  10. Awe na Hakainde waka ena anyanya! HH is young and he can rebrand himself. It is a painful process, but it is doable. He needs a better party structure and a country wide improved representation of the UPND. Currently, I was in Lusaka and because of the disillusionment of the masses of youths over unemployment, I thought he had gained some popularity, but alas. My young cousin and his Kamwala shop worker colleagues and other genaral workers are ready to vote PF if elections were held tomorrow. They still have hope that at the end of 5 years i.e. 2016, even the unemployment rates will reduce. I just hope so. If it improves, it will benefit some of my family members and give relief to some of us who have to hand out for others to survive. HH must be REBRANDED!

  11. Oh no, if being horable is to be asociated with madness in Zambia, then its really madness! Its like honorability now is associated with fights and thinking from the Ass! Shame! I miss sanity!

  12. The PF and Sata criticized everything the MMD did now they are feeling the heat in the Kitchen.Your fear of HH is giving him even more publicity.I never gave HH a second thought now my interest has been sparked.Does anyone know what HH is mobilizing would like to attend.

    • Men who hit women are cowards and can’t fight other men because they know they will be clobbered. It’s GBM who should run, wait a minute GBM can’t run because he’s border line morbidly obese!

  13. GBM can not write English, other pipo did it and he only signed.

    am also writing a letter to sata telling him that , my stomach is empty.

  14. Mwamba, you r clearly showing your ignorance and stupidity. Pity mother Zambia, having Grade 7s as ministers! HH you are a million times better than these low class *****s.

  15. Surely the all might goverment finding time to respond to a no.3rd in the political arena.So what has this small player done to derseve such attention? What ever HH is doing must be effective and working otherwise these CNP`s would have just ignored him and gone about thier business.Too bad HH is now their business instead of working to solve the many problems we are facing as a nation. I now eny HH.Shame on you GBM and PF.

  16. I am getting confused now. One minute Chikwanda is saying HH is running “Toy companies” and cant be compared to the companies PF leaders have built in 9 months and in another split second GBM is swearing that HH is a gluttonous billionare. Awe mwe. HH’s shadow is really scaring the PF

  17. Very well said indeed. I just wonder whether there are no adisors to the president in the UPND. Winning election is not by insults and tribalism as we have seen in the UPND but by embracing and fighting for the good of all Zambians. The UPND and HH have come against all pregressive policies of PF against the Zambian poor. For example the minimm wage and creation of new districts, how do they expect to win elections in that the majority in Zambia are the poor and those they hate? I am always left confounded by the behavour of UPND and HH. Any way if a party can put William Banda as their Special advosor to HH , what else do expect.

  18. Its not necessarily true that Bembas are *****s however it is true that most Bembas are *****s. Defence minister, my foot. Godfrey, yours is a regional and tribal gov’t. Be reminded my dear that 58% of voters did not vote for your gov’t. You lot are a minority govt. No wonder you are so insecure and jittery. Even a little girl like Dambisa has given your clan sleepless nights just over a few words of economic advise she gave to you. Please never ever equate your tribal security to plunder in peace to national security. You’re a very backward and primitive lot.

  19. HH is president of zambia come the space because mon the ground the tide is tilting towards HH. PF has failed and lost direction hence the panic. one other thing is that PF has no serious issues against HH so the only primitive thing is to talk about bitterness..that does not make any sense and has no imoact on HH. THE young man is clean and will sweep PF clean in 2016 wait and see.

  20. First it was Sakeni, now GBM – when are our ministers going deliver “minister like statements”. How can they deliver in Govt if they can not deliver in a statement that can be easily proof-read! These statements are really revealing!

  21. I fear for HH, instead of doing the job for which they were elected they are busy planning and issuing threats against harmless citizens. One year nearly gone but nothing to show for it.

  22. HH is very important, otherwise this Government would not be so worked up each time he speaks. Is GBM not a hard core capitalist? Ask his workers how he insults them for a one pin missing. HH was never in Government so he did not participate in the privatisation exercise apart from being an evaluator, a good one for that matter. By the way the tribalism tag on Hakainde is sounding like a broken record. Hi Fi shop at Manda Hill Mall is selling those old record players. I think PF should buy one for their broken record plays. They are also selling spare stylers in case one beaks. So you can play your tribalism broken record till 2016 and beyond.

  23. And one wonder why the entire govnemnet is talking about HH at the expense of development.. its PF won,PF will win in 2016, PF campained for ten years so what???? please show some seriosness claim HH is not a factor , but we are wondering why you exibit such anger to an opposition leader..isn it luck of education understanding of democracy or what??

  24. Godfrey mwamba speaking on behalf of his family. Lol! Zambia has gone to the dogs! A tribal gov’t labelling victims of its discrimination as tribalists. Mwamba you and your tribal govt can set up your tribal govt in the North. You won’t be missed!

    next letter to UKWA we are waiting

  26. I concur with MMD Chief Bootlicker, why is the entire govt preoccopied with someone who came a distance 3rd? They must be sensing some undercurrent in HH’s favour. I am sure their sususus(intelligency) have picked up the fact the HH is gaining momentum. The best way to stop him(HH) bwana GBM is to improve people’s lives and not concentrating on stealing and issuing threats and tasteless statements.

  27. Diverting from important national issues. Why is GBM raising issues that are irrelevant to national development? The answer is HE IS CREATING ROOM FOR HIMSELF AND OTHER PF LEADERS TO LOOT WHILE THE PEOPLE DIGEST HIS SILLY MESSAGE.

  28. Please if hh has stolen take him to court.the only reason you can not sleep his because he is point out at you my chief bootlicker pointed out they should be order in government .please again work and some of us still believe you can we be far the only thing you are good at his isuing statement from different ministers.Pama fi with CNP

  29. #15. People’s mood has changed. Which people, the Tongas? Because the MAJORITY of people are stead- fast with PF. The majority of people will vote PF and retain PF come 2016. The bottom line!

  30. Minister of Defence rising against INTERNAL opposition from his own citizens.
    Minister of defence flying to a private function using National resources, ZAF aeroplane.
    When will plunder and abuse of public resources end?

  31. Holding a Ministerial position is not a tickct to harass and threaten opposition leaders. In developed countries govt ministers and politicians in opposition exhibit respect for each other. If the PF loses power, most of its current bragging leaders will undergo seriousl lethal stresses.

    • Point @45 ,good observation esp on the minimum wage, serious exposure GBM G7. NO SERIOUS person can comment on already made  Law- minimum wage .

  32. This is pure copy and paste from Sakeni’s statement. The fat cant even see that its the same rubbish the other Zinjathropus authored. Kekekekeke, these ministers!!! Oh m y foot. Who the hell writes press statements for these guys? Zambia twasebana!!! 

  33. mwe lekeni indembe mucibemba bomfwe ba PF na GBM grade 7.look ninshi tamulelalila pali HH,namufilwa uku fikilisha ifyo mwatulaile 90 day yapwa tapali icenu bane;cacine muli bakabolala mwa tubepa more money mumatumba,nomba money ilikwisa?nomba mwaamba ukulota fye HH nokulala namuleka,awe mulekeni! nipiya shakwe namasambililo yakwe.HH cenjela naba ba g7 kuti bakwipiya.


  35. Pf panyo!!!!! busy HH… Do what u supposed to do and leave HH Alone, just a remainder he is more educated than 3quarters of the cabinet…..Thumbs up HH…………………\:d/

  36. Issuing threats to HH will only strengthen his resolve, one wonders whether HH actions deserve response the get. I have repeated said the PF should not pride themselves over their popularity. Its a fallacy. Needless to mention, many people voted against the MMD which does not necessary mean the voted for PF.

    • Very true. Voters were between a rock and a hard place. It was a choice between two evils and having to decide which was the lesser one. Evidently people got the answer wrong!!

  37. It is said that GOD does not give a person all the talents…. in is a classic example of a FAT body with no BRAINS

  38. I didnt think HH was a factor up untill now!!!!! I think if he continues speaking for the voiceless ,we may think twice. after all what we want is better life pa zed….PF be careful not to help HH go to the heighets! mark my caution.

  39. Please people get it you who are in the diaspora cleaning what ever, Here in Zambia HH has no political appeal what so ever coz of the tag to his acession to power as a ” ONLY A TONGA CAN BE PRESIDENT” slogan. Coz HH has not appologised to Zambian for that caless and reckless declaration, HH will continue receiving a 16% from southern province unless he changes his strategy by embracing all the tribes in Zambia than the Tongas only. For example let him go and camp in Luapula and Northern provinces but since HH and his supporters always Insult and hates the Northerners I doubt if they will listen to him.

    • you leave in clouded world cant u see how the government reacts when HH speaks. i was once a staunch PF supporter within a year i have changed my mind. i cant wait for five years to see development i was promised 90 days but nothing has come out of that stupid statement

  40. ba PF you failures and fools i wasted my vote. HH viva. But be carefull Mazoka was murdered by the same guys. MMD = PF.

  41. Its like HH is giving these guys sleepless nights. I wonder if they are even enjoying their marriages especially at night when wives really feel lonely. Just keep the pressure on them. Some megapascals can do. Its really paying dividend mwe. And one thing these guys of PamaFi party are childish and they play like kids. You don’t need intellect to know how narrow minded these PamaFi guys are. They are too petty. By the way we hear someone is trying to kill CNP for whatever reason. In my opinion CNP is just killing himself by making all those group 4 or should we say vikopo mistakes. He must work hard to scoop atleast a place in Group 3. I rest my case!

  42. The CIA, the M15 and M19, the FBI, the Zambian shushus all these are intelligence department, what they do when they see that the President is dieing, they will start issuing wild and bizarre statements that there are plans to assassinate the President. they are scared to tell us the truth tht Sata is sick and he might die whilst in office/ so they know if he dies in office we will be vindicated!! so what
    do they do to avoid public humilliation and ridicule, they start issuing careless statements meant to protect them.

    this is where the Shushuz come in, they wil now plant incriminating evidence agiant some prominent opposition leaders whom they will frame for assassinating the President.

  43. Those who advocate for HH a deluded. What does this man stand for? Whats the basis for his criticism. What policies has he engendered. This is one directionless wanabe politician who has no cause, but tribalism  This man would be a total disaster for Zambia (but thank God he will never be President).  Give PF a chance. They have only been in Government for a year. Let them prove themselves, if they fail to deliver, we will vote them out. How long does it take a government to turn things around? Fisinge @ 59 you are a f-oo-l indeed Dont we all know what killed Mazoka ( MHSRP). 

    • @Nigger, why are you even being polite when they keep insulting the president. Kulandafye ati afwile na zwengelekete kwena nayonda that everyone who womanises dies from. AIDS was not created for the innocent though they are sometimes victims. It was for the kano ngaebo know it all. Remember Dr Remmy Mushota. Him and Mazoka looked the same at the time of death.

  44. @58/ Northern and Luapula provinces are the HQ of the Bemba PF government. It is only natural that they would rally behind their tribal bread winner. No prizes for that boy. Those two provinces have never voted for a non Bemba speaker. They are citadels of tribalism. Better will talk about Lusaka and copperbelt provinces!

  45. What a mess!!  Concentrate on running the country, you have been given a chance by the people, now fulfill your obligations!!

  46. HH does not criticise,he is reminding this Government of their duties.Look at GBM,A known rude,man pays his workers peanuts.Big Bag remove the log in yo eyes then others,shamelss,big body no scop brain CNP until 2016.The person to vote 4 u is sick and a moron liiike …………….

  47. GBM and Amos seriously need night school to appreciate that Democracy demands competition, alternative governance and policy approaches. Amos&PF coming from opposition must know better and appreciate the importance of democracy. Amos and The Post declared NEVER TO COVER HH, But why these Mmembe editorials since Sept 2011 ,has PF dipped them in the treasury or it has become a political PARTY ? What do these editorials show of The POST ON PRINCIPLES? C’mon Amos you can do better than the old! Remember, No govt is forever! Also, GBM’S mention of the minimum wage made me conclude, true G7….How can any well meaning politician comment on WAGE which is already law…How can a person who is a no factor cause govt sleepless nights and some private media hses, both now wedging threats 

  48. I hope President Sata has not been taken hostage by his ministers. When you come to think about it, Willie Nsanda did better as Minister in the MMD government than Mwamba and Lungu have done.

     The language of the statement is not of an honourable person, let alone a government Minister. There is a lot of “streetism” in Mwamba’s words.

    Mr Sata  must caution or sack his Minister.

  49. Let HH declare himself as Bemba so that noone accuses him of being a tribalist!!! In Zambia if you are from another tribe you are a tribalist no matter what you do. Only Bembas are not tribalists as can be seen by the appointments Sata has made in the country.


  51. The threat by the PF government is a sign of failure to govern the country. I agree with the bloggers who regreat having casted their votes on the Serpent Cobra Ukwa Sata CNP. The man has just proven to be dull exhibiting his illiterancy. I will always treasure education and not being a sweeper as a career and end up as president. The reason for this type of behaviour is simple, Serpent Cobra Ukwa Sata percieves himself dull because we all know and wants to silence all those who critice him. When he was in opposition there was tension in the country and it marked the begining of violent politics. Right now there is no tension because the opposition are being led by educated leaders. Its a shame having Serpent Cobra Ukwa Sata CNP as president.

  52. PF ag shame, You say HH is not a threat when your next president, if the other dies, spent thirty minutes talking to HH in public. PF has arrogance which I can see being kicked in the teeth by the same Zambians they are taking for granted. Just tell people whta you want to do for them, how, when  … period.

  53. If GBM (Government of the Bemba Mambalas”) really thinks he can get HH killed and still remain alive himself, he better think twice. I know he has very little education and functionally is technically semi-illiterate so I would not expect him to know who Julius Caesar was, or appreciate that the ramifications of his assassination led to the Liberators’ civil war and, ultimately, to the Principate period of the Roman Empire. The result unforeseen by the assassins was that Caesar’s death precipitated the end of the Roman Republic and the killing of all the conspirators. I hope GBM has the brains to realise that this Bemba embpire he and other Bembas want to build has the potential to disintegrate Zambia, and that it will!

  54. You people the language is simple and straight forward, Let HH mobilise throughout Zamba not ba KACHEMA bekabeka from Southern province or he will get less that the 18% he got last time.

  55. ANOTHER POST NEWSPAPER EDITORIAL!!! CNP’s, It’s high time you realised that the ground beneath you is moving. Come 2016 Zambians will certainly spank your arses. Even the youth who voted for you have now realised the mistake they made.


  57. Iam a PF supporter,but I think reading GBM letter makes me feel embarrassed,the contents are like written by a schoolboy to another schoolboy.I think politicians must raise their standards write important issues than these petty things,it does not make a good reading,not at all.All of you are where you are because of money,even you GB nobody new you except in your own village ku lubemba.Write important things.This PF you see to flying high,it’s is nose diving, UPND will rule if we are not careful,people are observing.

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