Friday, January 3, 2025

CSCC wants Christian nation declaration abandoned


The Civil Society Constitution Coalition (CSCC) has backed calls to have the Christian nation declaration in the preamble of the Republican Constitution removed.

CSCC officer says the clause is highly discriminatory to other religions in the country.

Mr. Ngalande has pointed out that in order for all Zambians to enjoy equal status with regards to religion affiliation; it is imminent that the clause is discarded.

Various stakeholders have expressed mixed feelings on the clause with some calling for its removal while others want it to be maintained.

And the Coalition has expressed happiness that economic rights under the bill of rights have been adequately covered.

They have since recommended that a 50/50 system be adopted with regards to decision making positions.

Late former President Dr Fredrick Chiluba a staunch believer declared Zambia a Christian nation.



  1. come on you fool are you nutts???????????so you want the muslim community to equal with christians?after some years they will start killing christians in the name of the holy war as they call it like in nigeria,think twice if you remove that close you will start your satanism in public then you will say its you religion some zambians r fools you should be ashamed to be thinking in those lines how much did they even pay you????zambia will and will always b a christian nation

    • For calling someone a fool I will call you an *****. Having said that, it is rather stupid shallow to assume that all non-christians are muslims or satanists. This is the arrogance we are worried about, this big-headedness where you guys think you are the only ones who are right and you feel justified to insult anyone with an opposing view, when your own Jesus was more tolerant and forgiving. You are simply proving why we don’t want your stupid fundamentalism. Talking about Nigeria, it is not the only country with muslims you can make a comparison with. Look at Senegal, Gambia, Tanzania, Zanzibar…. Besides, your christianity is infact a combination of pagan worship and sun worship, designed by the Romans, not by Jehovah. It is a fake imperialist-made religion. Do your research.

  2. A word of caution to Zambia. Please do not be naive. Moslems do not take things the way christians do. They kill, if that’s what is necessary, to achieve their non-negotiable objectives. Let’s not temper with Zambia being a chrisitna nation PLEASE!!!!!

    • Totally agree with you Umwina Nkana!!!! Have these people not got eyes and ears to see and hear  all that is happening in Islamic countries?  Is that what they want for Zambia that has enjoyed peace for years?
      Let them think twice before tempering with what they have and don’t take things for granted. Chiluba did well to make the declaration and May His Soul Rest In Peace.

    • Don’t be stupid. Was in not the christians dropping bombs on Iraq pretending to overthrow a dictator when infact they were searching for oil? Afghanistan? Was it not christians who were killing people all over wherever they went to conquer? Was it not christians who brutally colonized your Zambia and Africa? Was it not christians who were running Apartheid in South Africa? Fool yourselves but don’t force it on the rest of us. Have you never heard of the inquisitions? You think this worlds has only christians and muslims? This is the kind of shallowness we don’t want ruling our country.

  3. So how has the Declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation affected others religions and religious practices?
    In which way has it infringed on anyone’s rights?
    How will its removal improve anyone’s life or rights?
    What are the major problems the declaration has caused to anyone or group of people?
    What are the specific reasons advanced for wanting the removal of the declaration??

    • Good questions.
      1) The declaration has made some *****s (not all christians) become very intolerant of non-christians, as you can read for yourself the kind of comments being written here.
      2) An example of how it infringes on someone’s rights- When you get on a bus which is PUBLIC transport, you are forced to listen to christian prayers and watch gospel videos from Livingstone to Chililabombwe. That is not fair. They can play some christian videos, and then play something entertaining for non-christians. That is fairness. I remember a group of christians who were very rude and were ready to get violent if anyone changed the music. That is fundamentalism, similar to the muslims you want to condemn.

    • The major problems the declaration has caused to anyone or group-Intolerance and insults from christians for those of us who don’t believe, stripping and humiliation of women who choose a particular fashion, denying other people “human rights” just because they don’t agree with some narrow-minded view of christianity.
      4) Specific reasons- Not everyone in Zambia is a christian. We as Africans were not originally christians. It was brought to us by colonialists and slave masters. Its okay for some people to choose christiaity, but it is not okay for them to force it on everybody.

    • These tuma ngos has secret agendas they want to advocate for, eg, once tht is removed, they want gay rights. Whoever shall attempt to remove it, may God remove you from this planet earth prematurely. Amen

  4. Are you being serious? Is this some kind of joke. Ifyabupuba uko kwine. What’s wrong with you? You want war in zambia. Can’t you see what’s happening in these muslim countries? Get serious. Do not impose foolishness on innocent Zambia. Go to hell. Zambia is a Christian nation. And always will be

  5. #1 Bruno, Zambia is already a Christian nation. Do not live in fear my child for God has always been in your favor.

  6. The opposition  to the declaration is spiritual how come this opposition was not there during the previous Govt…….It is time for serious prayers.

    • This opposition was not there because the previous regimes were dictatorial and not tolerant to criticism. This is the first time in Zambia that people can talk nonsense anyhow and get away with it.

  7. Why scared of the muslim faith its a very great religion which does not tolerate the noncence which you people are implying like killings thefts alcohol abuse rapes etc etc’

    • Mr or Mrs or Miss retarded genius, those who declared Zambia a christian nation were thinking of fooling you while they steal your money, you moron.

  8. Some of the responses about this topic have been very unchristian like and lucking thought or reason. You saying Zambia is a Christian nation does not make you a Christian and does not buy you a place in heaven. When it comes to religion, man has manipulated the masses and used to to do stupid and horrible things. People have been killed, enslaved, discriminated against in the name or religion (Christianity, Muslim, etc.) By leaving out any religion bias in the constitution, you are preventing people who are NOT Christians but claim to be from discriminating and hurting other people in the name of Christianity. Just take a moment to think, whether they include the Zambia is a Christian Nation or not does not affect you relationship with your savior. 

  9. This declaration is useless if the country is not governed on the christian principles! Christian nation but secular citizenry!

  10. If Zambia was declared a muslim nation, no one would have the guts to say remove it. pity that the homosexual & womanizing Catholics don’t want it. Now other fools have joined them. Remove it and perish with muslim fanatics.

  11. I’ll say this again: The declaration of Zambia as a christian nation is a useless, no-effect piece of writing, perhaps meant to soothe the minds of the unthinking. Since the substantive provisions of the constitution allow for freedom of worship, what effect does the declaration have? NONE, ZERO! In any case, there is no such thing as a chritian nation! Not even the USA is. All there can be are individual christians within any nation. Christians can never be made by some kind of legal declaration; they are made only by the saving work of the Holy Spirit in the heart of the individual.
    Can those

  12. Anyone who thinks the declaration is useless, sorry its here to stay and do not dare God. Yes, it was done under chiluba, but y didnt mwanawasa even allow such sick debates… i think he knew the implications and if all you including pf continue with this crusade to remove it.. you’re in for a rude shock, God will deal with you that we will never have such debates ever!!.. May God help you!

  13. Stupid call……………..go to Muslim nations they declare Islam their constitutions…. stop impressing the west…….its good Zambia is a Christian nation…we are not ashamed….anyone who comes with their respective ideologies or religion should accept and live in harmony but acknowledging them should not be considered in any sort…rubbish CSCC

    • how can removing christianity clause from the constitution impress the west,when they are the ones who brought it to africa? comfusion at its best in zambia

  14. I think these the so called CSCC are lowly thinking. I wonder if they are Zambians. May be they came from a Muslim nation to Zambia just for work. I personally have been in so many Muslim countries. Christians are congregating in secret places. These people you call Muslims are proper enemies of Christians. So if you want to believe what I am saying, go ahead and remove the declaration of Zambia as a Christian nation. By the way, do you want to declare it as a Muslim Nation?


  16. yes we can remove the christian clause but lets start wit the colour black on our flag. it is also discrimination against the white Zambians. come on give us. we want to be called Christians. secular. it is in the preamble for crying out loud.
    state which in the constitution which discriminatory.

  17. Okay, my question is; What benefits have we seen since Zambia was declared a Christian nation? The same people that declared went on to perform mass plunder. This declaration is irrelevant and was made to gain political millage, its very hypocritical.   

  18. I totally support this call. Before Chiluba became President there was no discrimination based on religion. Today everyone tells you that Zambia is a Christian Nation. This already indicates that other religions are an appendix to this great Nation. This feeling of being discriminated against is what brings confusion and fights in Nations. It is fallacy to say those opposed to Zambia being declared a Christian nation are anti Christ. No where in the Bible does it say declare people Christians. People must choose for themselves to belong to whatever religion they so wish, it is only God who knows the true worshipers. In any case secular Nation does not mean not believing in God. It simply means separating religion from Government. Give ceaser what belongs to Ceaser!

  19. CSCC is opposing the Christian Nation clause because it is one and the same Catholic manouvres. Here is the info below according to Lusaka times:
    CSCC is made up of CSOs of similar aspirations including human rights, poverty, governance etc.
    Besides promotion and understanding of constitution making process, CSCC will advocate for activities for example removal of Christian nation clause from the constitution and mobilize citizens to accept it’s removal.
    JCTR is the coordinator of CSCC activities and LT is the Vuvuzela of its activities. The above description is according to LT website.

  20. CSCC – Mr. Ngalande is obviously peddling their own agenda that has been sponsored by those perceived as being descriminated against by virtue of the declaration of Zambia as a christian country. I have never come across any other religion being stopped to worship on account of not being Christians, so what descrimination are you talking about. Freedom of Association and movement is enshrined in our laws and is part of the penal code of Zambia and no where does it state Moslems or the “Satanic” congregations can not meet. Ngalande get a life and stop selling your soul for a few shillings. We are happy with Zambia being a Christian Country and the fact that it does not stop any other religions to florish.

  21. The declaration is here to stay forever.You should understand why the declaration was made.Don’t act out of spiritual ignorance,read Hosea4v6.

  22. zambians you dont know what you to throw away, zambia has been protected by the name of Jesus, when you remove it you will see more evil manifest to distroy your nation, just why do you want to remove it, how musilims are fighting nations to make them islamic, havent you heard of these wars.

  23. As reported on ZNBC i qoute:
    “The Civil Society Constitutional Coalition says the clause in the draft constitution which forbids unchristian conduct is segregative and should be repealed”.

  24. do it at your own peril. you think moslems will side with you when they raise their swords to slice your throats? you think moslems have allegience to Zambia? no, they have allegience to allah thier god and to allah Christians are infidels and deserve to be killed to rid of the earth of children of shetani as they call you. name any religion started by a human being whose grave you can trace and see if you will separate such from violence. there is only one person whose grave you will find but its empty. this gives you a hint that Christianity is not just a religion but more than that.JESUS the same yesterday, today and tomorrow

  25. Have you ever heard Christians rising up in the morning chanting in the name of Jesus, we shall kill those who do not believe in Jesus? since when did this happen but go to nigeria you who are slow at thinking. go to kano and ask for boko haram. they will teach you a good lesson

  26. A declaration should be governed by the principles. By why should insist on zambia being a christian when people doesnt want to follow the teaching of the bible? Bars open as early 06:00 hrs, indecency dressing by women, politician intolerance and many evil things done in this country. PLEASE LET US NOT BRING REPROACH TO OUR GOD. CHRISTIANS MUST BE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST.

  27. The want our declaration removed so evil can easily seep in. Before this remember western nations were Christian centered; until the mid Nineties when their uncouth children became adults. The forgot the teachings of their mothers and fathers, and embraced lawlessness. Now seeing Africa growing they know the only way to curtail this china like surge is to destroy our moral fabric. White worshiping morons are Africas greatest threat. Christian nation Zambia shall remain and this we shall pray for fervently.

  28. All Christians need to pray against the evil one. It is true there are sponsored elements bent on evil dealings and once the Christian clause is removed we will see homosexuality and the flood gates of evil will open.

    The argument these people are presenting is not varid, in our Nation “Christian” let them show us who has been killed by Christians, discriminated, rights abused or any thing done to them? who?

    These people have been bought and God Almighty will punish them. If the PF Government succumbs to this pressure it will be a one term Government. May God Bless Zambia and let it remain a Christian Nation. “Zambia Shall Will Be Saved”

  29. All Christians need to pray against the evil one. It is true there are sponsored elements bent on evil dealings and once the Christian clause is removed we will see homosexuality and the flood gates of evil will open.

    The argument these people are presenting is not valid, in our Nation “Christian” let them show us who has been killed by Christians, discriminated, rights abused or any thing done to them? who?

    These people have been bought and God Almighty will punish them. If the PF Government succumbs to this pressure it will be a one term Government. May God Bless Zambia and let it remain a Christian Nation. “Zambia Shall Be Saved”

  30. christianity is struggling to survive in countries where people have started to use their common sense instead of blind faith. Christianity = Slavery

  31. Kafupi knew how to keep the people stupid! he just gave them the christian title …. and played along but he neva practiced the 10 rules for fools

    Jesus… the bastard can neva be my king!

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