Saturday, March 15, 2025

LAP Green disappointed with PF Government behaviour


LAP-GreenN, the Libyan Investment Authority’s international telecommunications arm, is deeply concerned by the recent action taken by the Zambian authorities against LAP-GreenN and its employees, ahead of its upcoming court case in Zambia.

It warns that: “the government’s deplorable behavior is severely damaging Zambia’s international reputation”.

LAP-GreenN wishes to express its strongest possible objections to the disgraceful and unacceptable treatment of its employee and former Chief Financial Officer of Zamtel, Adnan Hayee, who was recently incarcerated in a Zambian jail from 17 to 20 August and who was only re-united with his anxious wife and family on the 26 August. Mr. Hayee recounts the story.

“On the morning of 17 August 2012, when five Zambians claiming to be ‘Immigration’ employees entered my house forcibly without a warrant, a nightmare started. I was initially refused a lawyer, my house was searched my (legitimate) work permit was demanded, and I was forcibly taken to the police station, where totally false allegations were made against me, and where I was left alone and very worried, for the rest of the weekend.

“On the Monday morning, my lawyer saw me and spent the whole day trying to ascertain charges and get me released on bail, but as there were no charges this was impossible. In the early evening after my lawyer had left, the Immigration staff came, denied me further access to my lawyer, and took me to the Airport.

“They took my possessions, including my phone, made me sign some documents, exit-stamped my passport with ‘deportation’, and I was bundled on a flight for Dubai. Thus ended five days of trauma, and humiliation for me, the reasons behind which are still a mystery; I just thank God that my family are now safe.”

A LAP-GreenN spokesman stated today:

“The recent unprovoked events against current and former employees by the authorities in Zambia and the grossly inaccurate and defamatory campaign in the press against these innocent people are totally unacceptable; no laws were broken by Mr. Hayee, and he was legitimately residing in Zambia until his children finished their current school term, before leaving.

“It is especially disappointing that the Minister of Home Affairs, Mr. Edgar Lungu, has now been personally implicated in these serious actions. We also regret the local media reports, which created confusion and distress by wrongly stating that Mr Paulsen, Zamtel’s former managing director, and not Mr Hayee, had been deported.

Not only is the Zambian government’s action highly insulting to Mr. Paulsen and Mr. Hayee, but in Mr. Hayee’s case, he and his family have been subjected to unconscionable stress and anguish. This is a serious affront to LAP-GreenN and an insult to the largest single investment that has ever come to Zambia.

“We believe this policy of deliberate harassment will severely damage Zambia’s international reputation and harm the environment for foreign direct investment. The Zambian authorities risk reversing all of LAP GreenN’s impressive achievements turning around the under-performing, state-owned Zamtel in a move that will only damage the country.

The message this action sends to foreign investors is that Zambia is neither a safe nor profitable place in which to do business.[pullquote] The company is seeking market-value compensation to the amount of $480m, which is the value of the shares at the time the Zambian Government seized them.[/pullquote]

“We are determined to continue the pursuit of our full legal rights and interests in relation to Zamtel through the courts in Zambia and are fully prepared to prosecute until justice is served. Whilst seeking legal redress, LAP GreenN remains willing to enter into discussion with the Zambian authorities in good faith to find an outcome that is positive for both sides in the dispute.”

LAP GreenN is prosecuting for the return of its legitimately acquired 75% equity stake in Zamtel, which was unilaterally appropriated by the Zambian government in January 2012.

Failing this action, the company is seeking market-value compensation to the amount of $480m, which is the value of the shares at the time the Zambian Government seized them.

This reflects the significant investments and improvements made by LAP GreenN since their purchase of Zamtel in June 2010. In addition, LAP GreenN is seeking damages for the substantial losses it has suffered as result of the illegal seizure.

LAP GreenN completely refutes the Zambian government’s claim that the original transaction was illegitimate and stands ready to defend the legitimacy of that transaction. In the 18 months that LAP GreenN managed Zamtel it made significant improvements to the under-performing, state-owned company, leading to dramatic and unprecedented growth and prosperity, including a 50% increase in revenues.

After significant investment in infrastructure, the subscriber base was increased by 600%, and there was a 100% increase in the number of base stations. Not only did Zambian customers benefit from vastly superior network performance and customer service, but the 25% holding of the government increased in value by nearly US$100m.



  1. POLICE STATE….. maybe God will intervene as he did in the case of Abacha, Ghaddafi, Samuel Doe, Mobutu and Kabila sr…. just pull the plug somebody, please

    • His children were finishing off  a school term
      I believe that was indicated in the article, assuming u read it all

  2. My dear Nubian Princess. He can not go back there. Yalipya for him and his mates! So they will keep on circulating in the region and other places where they know they are welcome.

    • Both you and your Nubian Princess
      Has the thought that this man may not actually be Libyan, crossed your simple brains? International companies recruit the best available talent and not from the family forest as is the case now at Zamtel.

  3. Nubian Princess and Kalupe, you guys made me laugh, ati yalipya ku lybia? these guys make a lot of noise in countries like Zambia coz batidelela, they want us to worship them, yes go back to lybia and work there, stay in your own country. 

    • This is dissappointing! Surely, you guys do not know the facts here. It’s not about kudelela or anything like that. If you checked, Zamtel was at its best under these guys. Politics aside, they brought a huge investment into the country and this is what they get. If this deal is illegal why is the PF government not waiting for the court case? Why do you deport someone for having 2 valid work permit for 2 different countries? When you are working for international companies, you could get more than 1 work permit. Even PF professionals are quiet. This is not a police state and we have a reputation to uphold. Yaba!

  4. What a claim. Increase of 600,% . Though I support privatisation the Gadafi sons were not the best buyers. Who does not know that the sons controlled all telecommunication companies in Libya through plunder of the Libya economy while the people suffered under their rule

  5. What a claim. Increase of 600,% . Though I support privatisation the Gadafi sons were not the best buyers. Who does not know that the sons controlled all telecommunication companies in Libya through plunder of the Libya economy while the people suffered under their rule . No wonder they are on the run all over the world.

  6. Rubbish. Please you made people of Zambia suffer through you greediness and am happy Sata reversed the sale. Its like Bush hitting Iraq, it was a right decision. What the hell was Adnan doing here, spying on ZAMTEL. Why is LAP Green commenting was he still on Payroll so why not keep him in Liberia? Foolish

  7. “They took my possessions, including my phone, made me sign some documents, exit-stamped my passport with ‘deportation’, and I was bundled on a flight for Dubai. Thus ended five days of trauma, and humiliation for me, the reasons behind which are still a mystery; I just thank God that my family are now safe. But I have little pain in my ass, the captain at Zambian jail was all over me exercising”.

  8. Adnan Hayee,

    Hayee, is that like hadji?

    Libya has been taken over by homicidal terrorists. Go complain about procedure to them.

    The Zambian government should just sue to take ZAMTEL back.

  9. Zamtel was built by Zambians till some crooked leaders decided to share our property with you, & all of a sudden you want to claim $480M!!! Ask the guy that crooked you to compensate you!!!

  10. This is utterly disgraceful.These secret arrests and deportations are not lawful.the police are losing the confidence and trust of ordinary Zambians and foreigners alike.Can the dishonorable minister of home affairs edgar lungu please comment.A few reckless individuals are tarnishing our reputation

  11. This PF govt is much like an unguided missile.The problem with missiles is once they’re fired into the horizon there’s no recall button.So we’ll have to live with their mess till 2016 and just pray the damage won’t be too much.Hope zambians have learned never,ever to elect such morons into office to do an on-the-job training.

  12. Hahaaa.. this is nonsense ..Justgo back to lybia baba. ZAMTEL was built by Zambian taxes and as such it belongs to Zambians not RB and Sons. May you rest in peace Mr Hadji. Why reaping were you did not sow???

  13. Well done Sata. These Libyan thugs deserve nothing from any part of zambia. I am glad that we got back what is ours, built by ourselves. Deport anybody from LAP Green, we do not want anything to do with vultures like these brought into Zambia by thug RB.

  14. I do not support these LAP Green *****s. ZAMTEL is for Zambians. Go back to Misrata and and meet Zintan forces. I also do not support PF because of their fake promises and I hope ZAMTEL is not in the hands of cadres and the so called family/tribal/political trees. Let us run it professionally.

  15. Gaddafi & sons = RB & sons = Museveni & sons = Elen Sealif Johnson & sons = Jong Ill & sons. This bullshit must stop!

  16. Well done PF, corrupt investors must be taught a lesson. So many former ZAMTEL employeees are now desitutes, broken homes and stressed. Why worry about one said employee of a corrupt sale. Lock them up. Zambia is for Zambian first and foremost. This is a true government for Zambians. VIVA PF, VIVA President Sata, may God give you more days so that you can turn around this country to what it was intended to be.

  17. Lapgreen should be more worried about cleaning their dented corrupt tag than worry about Zambia’s investment climate. Between the time Lapgreen was ejected for corrupt practices and now, Zambia has received in excess of  $ 3 billion investment. Just six months. Lapgreen is too small to be making noise. If they had invested some billions in mining which is the lifeblood of Zambias economy, maybe the govt could have sat and talked. We dont need you. So shut up!

  18. This is dissappointing! The rule of law is being compromised daily. Surely, you guys do not know the facts here. It’s not about kudelela or anything like that. If you checked, Zamtel was at its best under these guys. Politics aside, they brought a huge investment into the country and this is what they get.

    If this deal is illegal why is the PF government not waiting for the court case? Why do you deport someone for having 2 valid work permit for 2 different countries? When you are working for international companies, you could get more than 1 work permit. Even PF professionals are quiet. This is not a police state and we have a reputation to uphold. Yaba!

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