Friday, March 7, 2025

Government signs a fuel supply contract worth 500million U.S dollars with Trafigular


Cars queuing for Fuel

Government has signed a fuel supply contract worth 500 million U.S dollars with trafigular.

Trafigular will supply petrol and diesel for as period of one year.

Energy Permanent Secretary George Zulu has signed the contract on behalf of government with Trafigular Oil Analyst Letennier Gillaume has signed on behalf of his firm.

Mr ZULU says the country is assured of a steady and continuous supply of fuel.

He has also announced that government will soon conclude contractual processes for the preferred supplier of petroleum feedstock.

Mr Zulu has also disclosed that the MMD government had entered into an agreement to buy crude oil from Nigeria.

He says the MMD government paid for the supply of 92 thousand litres of crude oil which was never delivered.

Mr Zulu has promised to disclose more information on the failed oil deal in due course.

He however, says the PF government is in the process of finalizing a bilateral agreement with the Nigerian government to supply crude oil to Zambia.



  1. When this Govt. took over office in October the first thing it observed was the high cost of fuel which it said was attributed to corruption and irregularities in the issue of tenders and procurement of contracts and fuel respectively. Have these issues been overcome? Have middlemen in this sector been reduced? Why has the Govt. opted for this controversial oil trader which is run from Switzerland by billionaire Claude Dauphin? Where is the accountability and transparency Sata promised us in this Energy sector? 

  2. Why is it that the previous government paid for the supply of 92,000 litres of crude oil which was never delivered? Why hasn’t this matter not been forwarded to DEC and relevant authorities to follow up? Have you had an feedback from our Nigerian colleagues on this issue?
    These are the questions these lazy pen-pushing journalists, NGOs and the so called opposition parties should be asking this man….

  3. @ Jay Jay

    Our so called journalists have only known to write english with no technical knowledge in any field that is why they simply copy and paste. If we can have lawyers, scientist, theologians, mining engineers, economists, metallurgical engineers, accountants e.t.c as journalists we could have a very good analytical coverage with deep analysis reporting.

    In short our journalists when it comes to technical reporting are a sham they do not know what they actually write about, that is why useless politicians get away with anything due to lack of scrutiny analytical reporting.

    To be a journalist or an investigative one needs to have an inquisitive mind on top of the theoretical education. You don’t need to be a health professional to write an article about the causes of cholera in Zambia. You just need to ask the relevant professionals right questions. I was appalled today when I read the above story in Z.WD. It was supposed to an investigative story BUT it lacked a few characteristics:
    -Original reporting
    -Depth, with details, documentation and data
    -Multiple, diverse sources
    -Explores the why
    -Establishes motives and consequences
    -Exposes wrongdoing
    -Shows evidence
    -Has an impact (often in the form of action)    

    I have read articles in the Daily Mail and Times that lack these characteristics…

  5. There is nothing to corrupt here. George Zulu is dull. If the MMD PAID the Nigerians for the supply of oil and it was never delivered then the Nigerians owe Zambia. This id.iot should tell the Nigerians to supply the oil that was paid for. Stop playing stupid politics. There is nothing wrong the MMD did. Just get that oil from Nigeria. It has already been paid for. *****s!

  6. Jay Jay most journalists in Zambia today are form Evelyn hone where the education leaves much to be desired.UNZA and Evelyln Hone are not what they used to be in the 80s.So don’t expect quality journalism.The real good ones left the country like you and me.The best we can do is for us to provide the analytical data instead of being happy being arm chair critics

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