Saturday, March 15, 2025

ZESCO’s power deficit to be solved in 2016-Chitundu


ZESCO Managing Director Chitundu
ZESCO Managing Director Chitundu

ZESCO Managing Director, Cyprian Chitundu has said that the deficit will only be resolved in 2016 when supply will out run demand.

Mr Chitundu was speaking at a press briefing in Lusaka.

He said that ZESCO is currently implementing a number of projects aiming at increasing power generation.

And Mr Chitundu has said that the application to increase electricity tariffs by 21 percent is not academic but a move to be transparent.

If approved, metered residential tariffs with consumption of between 100 to 300 kilowatts per hour will increase to K344.00 from K251.00.

Consumption above 301KW will increase to K560.00 from K409.00 with fixed monthly charges increasing to over K20 000 from the current K14 629 .

Prepaid energy charges will increase to K381.00 rom K278.00.

Commercial tariffs with consumption of up to 700kw per hour will increase to 330 Kwacha from 266 Kwacha, with monthly fixed charges expected to rise to 59 thousand Kwacha from 41 thousand Kwacha.

According to the proposed adjusted Zesco tariffs issued by director of corporate affairs and business development Besty Phiri, maximum demand tariffs with a capacity of between 16 to 300 kilo volts amperes (KVA) per month will increase to K14,800 from K11,690, with the fixed monthly charge expected to increase to about K145,000 from K114,000.


    • Bro, as you strive to answer Mushota, let me say that much of the power import and export is on bater basis. Not much of financial transaction occur.

  1. How many times are you going to increase tariffs for the same substandard services? Its time consumers and the whole nation rallied together and say NO and flatly refuse to be ripped off relentlessly.
    People are already paying more than they actually should for these pre-independence services.
    ZESCO must improve the quality of services first then talk tariffs later.

  2. 7 c/Kwh is want all utilities are working towards. 12 cents/Kwh is burdensome. Zambia should be working towards anything less than 5 cents/Kwh. Hope these quotes includes VAT.

    • Doc after insisting that 1 “rights”  in English you go on to do the same (want should have been what). We doubted your qualification when you paraded them and it appears we were right. I just hope that they are not sexually transmitted qualifications 

    • that is the mentality that has made africa backwards. With that mentality it means Sata cannot be wrong which makes even his advise to fear to correct his mistakes. look at the SI issue. Up to now not minister has come to prove that it was not 100 % because the president made errors in calculation 

  3. Thats wht Rupiya banda told us wen he came in to power Nothing has changed . Again this Goverment called PF same lies 2016 During elections.They think they can work on loadshedding? Chitundu l have never insulted anyone im my life yu are the first one …chi coloure

  4. I can see price control by Govt, coming very soon. Coz they won’t have a solution to the high prices crisis about to hit our nation.

  5. Good, now you have finally told these people the truth. Congratulations; I have been waiting for 12 months for a bold statement on eletricity. Now, keep reminding these people all the times; every 3 months tell them what you have done as a company. The same goes to RDA; LWSC; Nkana water and sewarage and the like. Remind zambians that to build infrastructure takes time, and costs money. And that the decision not to build costs even more money. We are suffering from the 20years of no infrastructure; so we have a 20 years backlog. Sad, but its the truth. Keep telling them. Get all the insults but am sure today you will speep better because you have been troubled for a year over this issue. thanks

  6. 2016 sounds realistic once Kariba North Bank is up and running load shedding should be reduced and when other Hydroelectric stations are upgraded and new one constructed it will be a thing of the past (I hope) 


  8. where are our opposition parties?these are the issues that needs to addressed and talk about.When ZESCO makes a mistake it affects every one in Zambia.Sata used to say why should electricity cost more in Zambia than in Congo where export power?

  9. Zesco may also look into  subcontracting Electricity Providers for every province while ZESCO looks into long term solutions. In  Western countries one finds different Electricity providers for different regions. This would encourage innovation and competition.

  10. What ZESCO Managing Director, Chitundu has said to the effect that “the deficit will only be resolved in 2016 when supply will out run demand” is a political statement to protect the PF’s failure to provide power service to the people of Zambia. Load-shedding is project intended to cut down power supplies to the Zambian consumers and local industries so as to sell it to Congo and other neighbouring countries. The profits to be gained from foreign exchange will go into the pockets of the PF and their beneficiaries who are ZESCO’s top executives. The year 2016 will just signal the departure of PF from the scene of plunder and usher-in a new caring Govt to end the load-shedding and boost Zambian industries. Chitundu is more of PF cadre than a professional engineer.

  11. People are always willing to pay more for a quality service and not paying for a substandard service with the vain hope that it will improve in future.

  12. the issue of energy shortage and increases in prices are policy failures of the MMD which if not corrected will make PF go the same way. If you read the world bank report that recommended that we should increase energy prices every year it was based on the fact that power was cheaper in Zambia than it is in the region. what the report did not recognise was that Zambia uses hydro power as compare nuclear and coal used in S.Africa which was the main comparator. What we are just doing with these increases is giving away our comparative advantage especially that we are already a high production cost country.

  13. with regard to power shortages, I started reading about the fact demand would outstrip supply in 1999. If you look at reports, they were warning that in 10 years time that would happen. What I found is the 10 year period was never revised until about 2007 by which time demand had reached supply and at peak was outstripping demand. this the kind of CNP that is ZESCO and for once it it is PFs fault but they will still  judged on how thy handle it

  14. Mr Chitunda your temprol emlopyees re getting less salaries compared 2 casual workers, thats da inefficiency of ur director HR Morecome Mumba…check august payslips 4 temprols…

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