Saturday, March 15, 2025

Creating a million jobs in Zambia is possible- Prof Chirwa


PROFESSOR Clive Chirwa, has advised the Zambian government to use the good international name it presently has to borrow money and immediately create jobs in the construction sector.

“One of the sure fire ways the PF government will create jobs immediately-and I am sure they have this plan on their drawing board already-is through the construction industry,” Prof. Chirwa said, “building a railway line from south to north or the other way round would be a great start and it can be done now.”

Prof. Chirwa was speaking when he visited the Daily Mail offices in Lusaka yesterday where he discussed a wide range of social political and economic issues affecting Zambia currently before he returns to Britain tomorrow.

“Between 600,000 to 1 million jobs can be created to satisfy this great infrastructure need…the PF government has so much good-will right now and they can use this to borrow money for construction rather than the past when money was borrowed for consumption.”

[pullquote]you can’t have a situation where a money spinning industry like copper mining contributes only four percent to the annual revenue collection basket while income tax contributes 54 percent, this was a sad reality in 2011…this ought to be corrected.”[/pullquote]
Prof. Chirwa said, “this is the moment,they must cease it and some of us stand ready to humbly assist in any small way we can as the government tries to fulfill their election promises. I must emphasise that this must not be left to the end of the second year in office because the electorate are anxious for something to happen now…”

Prof. Chirwa also restated his call for value addition in the mineral sector which he said is not contributing enough to the Zambian economy and poverty alleviation, including job creation at a time the country needs this the most.

“I must say again like I did at a recent discussion that the 2011 in-land figures do not look well regarding revenue collection,” Prof. Chirwa said, “you can’t have a situation where a money spinning industry like copper mining contributes only four percent to the annual revenue collection basket while income tax contributes 54 percent, this is a sad reality in 2011…this ought to be corrected.”[pullquote]Constructing a railway line will create jobs now[/pullquote]

Prof. Chirwa said efforts already made by President Sata last September to earn more money or establish what the mines make by having mineral exports verified through the Central Bank of Zambia are commendable but action must be matched by words.

“The President has already made his pronouncements so it’s up to his lieutenants to follow them up with action,” Prof. Chirwa said, “but what I can say is that we must emulate the largest copper producer in the world-the United States-which ensures that more than 50 percent of the commodity is processed locally in the US in order to create jobs and Zambia can do this by adding value locally.”

Prof. Chirwa said albeit some critics may put the Sata led PF government on the spot now through criticism, “a little patience ought to be exercised regarding the election promises made because this government for instance had no idea what coffers they were inheriting but now that they are in charge, I think they need a Rain maker and to me its construction, construction, construction…of a railway line.”
Prof. Chirwa also called for unity of purpose amongst Zambian political players saying “insults” and “confrontation” only distract governments from staying focused on development.

“Look at the west,” Prof. Chirwa said, “Obama and Hilary Clinton threw sinks and even kitchens at each other during the campaign but the moment the rhetoric was over, they got together to unite and build a nation…that is what we need here if we want to develop, there’s no need to fight. We are one nation and one people with one development purpose.”

[Daily Mail]


  1. Desperate prof. You are just a job seeker. Now we know you are PF. Dont you know that there is a railway from Livingstone to the north…at least copperbelt, and one from Kapiri to Dar? What are you talking about? Profs must nenver be desperate there are many ways of contributing to the economy. Start your own business. Its too much of you Chirwa. Utu ni tu chawa twa ma easterners…muzungu anikonde syndrom.

    • You a very dull chap. You can see that Chirwa is saying he want to help the country and you are exhibiting your stupidity here. No wonder Zambia can’t develop because you always want to be negative. Grow up and for once see some good in people. 

    • Wise man, change your name to dull man. How can a man who spearheads research and supervises phd students from around the globe be a job seeker. Dont you know that Uk is tapping the knowledge of this man while our country is failing to utilise him

    • mambala i think you made a mistake,your words should go to chanda mweemba not wise man,wise man and you are speaking the same language

    • @Chanda Mweemba sure – how can you disagree with what ba Chirwa is saying…people ala nangu ni opposition – let us open up our minds to possibilities. Zambia won’t develop because you are criticizing government. Zambia will develop because you are giving government ideas of how to move the country forward just like prof is doing here. And by the way there is NOTHING wrong for Prof to be a PF member or to seek a job in the Sata govt. He is a very qualified and experienced guy and we could use his experience to move the country forward. Please Zambians let us build our country – let us not just oppose for the sake of it. Cabashani Kanshi?

  2. Well spoken Professor.

    Let those crying for blood be put to shame. God traps those who dig pits for others in their own schemes.

  3. why waste time listening goats which have run away from zambia as economic refugees. This prof chirwa is a baffon who cannot show zambains any katemba he has created in zambia and employed zambians. He is another job seeker with not tangible contribution to zambia. zambian who have toiled to see where the country has reached will not waste time to such people who have run away from zambia when his fellow collegues stayed on to develop the nation in the likes of HH.I can tell you that the feeling of zambains is that this prof can hang in the whitemans land while serious patriot remain to toil and develop zambia.

  4. Another PF vuvuzela joining the post on the praise choir for CNP, now we know why last week Chirwa was busy attacking HH. I agree with blogger # 1 that Zambia needs a coplete political & hence economical REVOLUTION. The Ukwanomics of 1964 have failled us. We long for a new government with a human face not this Cobra/ dictator government. Sata is a student of Mugabe & the only think that matter to him is what Mugabe says & therefore we can safely predict where Zambia will be few years from now. Viva Revolution! New start.

    • Hahahaha – Natasha, you have made me laugh. You sound like you dont live in Zambia. Can you imagine after so many years of stagnation NCZ in Kafue has received funding from government to revamp the business and pay retirees? Regardless of their limitations, the PF are doing something really interesting for this country – just don’t miss the boat – create your wealth while the opportunity is there! Remember that 20% of all road construction (trillions of Kwacha by the way approved already) is to go to Zambians. Have you created a company to participate in this wonderful policy? 

  5. Any zambian who stays in england does not have time to listen to this dissillusioned man.his degrees have led him to that railline to be constructed from north to south,in which towns is it going to be passing?or he is saying the uproot the current one and contruct another in place to create those jobs.

    the man has got a hole in the head albeit being a proffesoor

    • @Mr Wise Man
      Please check your thoughts before insulting the “wise”. Stuborn is right in questioning this logic to Dr Chirwa’s call. Their is already a railway line in existence from Livingstone to Chililabombwe and Tarara from the North to Kapiri. The two lines meet at Kapiri therefore the line already exists.

  6. # 2 are you serious? How does an aerodynamic Engineer becomes a job seeker? Prof Chirwa has projects with airbus and Boeing running….learn to shut up when you have nothing to say.

    • Chirwa is a lecturer at Bolton Polytechnic now one of the many Mickey mouse universities. Projects with Airbus and Boeing, are you joking? Just tell the man to come back home and teach automobile mechanics at Lusaka Trades.

  7. I now understand why Levy(MHSRIP) ticked off this highly disillusioned prof! A railway line from South to north? Does he even know their is a railline from South to Nkana,then another one from Kapiri to Dar? Too much mechanic iwe Chirwa,just nkala uko not kusabaila chabe.

    • It seems Ba Ugly Truth you have no concept about what you are saying. Are you trying to say what is there now is enough railway track ?. Ask the USA what the railways did for the development of the American economy as it is now. Even today Railways are the way to go so that you can shift large amounts of cargo from A to B, far more than what you can by road. This is what he is talking about. Opening up the country as a result. That is why a country of such great potential as Zambia is now absolutely struggling to make that leap towards industrialisation. Read up on this Ba Ugly and you will appreciate what the man is talking about.

  8. I hate my dog! It likes running away from my yard and as though it knows the bottlenecks of my inside yard, it starts backing from there (with little knowledge of what is going on in my yard). Now addressing the issues at hand, it doesnt need a proffessional or indeed educated person to knwo that borrowing huge sums f money from out there is at the moment a risky undertaking for Zambia. Reason, we do not have good institutions for checks and balances. Huge sums of money would end up into politicians’ pockets , buying two million bicyclesetc for political parties etc. The normal thing i would suggest is to reforms our institutions through a strenthened constitution that, which should enusre transparency and proffessionalism in the fisc. Otherwise, with the chinese way of doing business,

  9. Ladies and gents, whatever you do. do NOT choose to be deliberately ignorant. Chirwa is offering an example of some practical ways to create jobs. Offer counter solutions, don’t just shout undirected opposition!! What’s wrong with you?

    • No.13 has taken time understand to Prof.Chirwa is presentation,Prof chirwa has not any way disrespected any opposition leader neither is he trying to seek for a job.The suggestation his making has nothing to do with all the negativity being attached to his proposal of job creation,thus making it very imperative for every zambian either tonga,bemba, lozi to objectively analysis this artical without hate for the man.Lets not allow politics or politicans to divide us in anyway,but lets move as one unit.The japanese,south koreans have shown to the us what a united nation can achieve.

  10. well spocken professor. it’s a pity we have airheads that fail to get points or debate but only understand insults. if we have more of such air heads and less great minds like prof then our country will never develope.

    the man is willing to help the government in power and all u r thinkin of is the party politics. damn!

  11. This is timely advice.We need a railway line especially from northwestern province through to the copperbelt and interlinking the with the rest of the country.The number of road traffic accidents because of the increased number of trucks is horrendous.The roads are also being damaged and precious time is wasted traveling on our poor roads.Construction will lead to more employment opprtunitis,more money for peoples pockets.It can only be good for our country.this is not about PF or Prof Chirwa this is about Zambia.Lets not bicker,we’ve been bickering for years and are still POOR lets develope the country….working hand in hand regardless of tribe,political affiliation,and country of residence.

  12. “One of the sure fire ways the PF government will create jobs immediately-and I am sure they have this plan on their drawing board already-is through the construction industry,” ….. It would be a major boost if our Govt responds to this positively and assure us the stakeholders that there is indeed a plan by showing us that PLAN. Please please show us the plan. Its very true construction is a very big thing in developed Countries like here in UK. I keep changing my Road Map and updating my Sat Nav every year to keep up. 

  13. Good proffesor Chirwa, This is what is expected from the opposition instead the rubbish HH and Nevers who cannot offer advise apart their personal egos of becoming the state presidents which they will never achieve

  14. i doubt is boeing can give this job seeker any project at all. he is deluusional. can anyone point a single katemba or any charity he is assisting in zambia. nada. he is a time waster and listening to this political refuge is a time wasting. does he even know how people in kaputa are suffering. has he even been to kanyama to see the terrible lives zambians are subjected too. let him hang in the whitmans land where he has chosen to be an econmic refuge. serious zambains like continue developing the nation at home.

  15. Thats a very good contribution Prof.thats wat we need from pipo who claim to be educated like mushota.Dont bring irrelevants issues like this under 5 chap.we need constructive checks and balances as u claim.

  16. @ #2 – Chanda Mweemba – “Utu ni tu Chawa twa ma easterners. Muzungu anikonde syndrome” It would be funny if it weren’t so tragic..

  17. Prof,
    To build a rail line from North to South including rolling stock will cost Zambia not less than US$4bn. For your own information Zambia has just failed to raise a US$500m EURO bond. Tell us who is going to lend Unkwa and his gang US$4bn.  Like one blogger has said, thats why Mwanawasa ticked you off.
    Job creation is Zambia is very simple. Create an environment for investment. Creating a family forest is not a environment for investment. Currently the cost of doing business in Zambia is too high.
    I will not be surprised if you are also looking for a JOB

    • Professor ; reasoning is desperate. He says create jobs by hiring people to dig holes and bury them. Pay them the minimmum wage ya Shamenda. Simple. Simple?

    • The Engineer, I totally agree with you.  Chirwa has not produced anything in his life, other than lecturing.  He has been talking about starting a vehicle assembly plant in Zambia this past week.  When you look at delivery times of weeks and the small local/regional market, you wonder what this guy is really good at.  Is it just tuchawa and getting some thumbs-up in the Post?  He is not practical.

    • @Catholic Monster

      Are you sure? this is utter laziness and extreme ignorance on part to say that the Professor hasn’t built anything… I suggest you do your own homework and find out about some one by googling their names before you comment!!

    • That’s what these Kaponyas don’t understand. To create these jobs, the country needs investments, you need a lot of money. This ‘prof’ makes a lot of noise, what his(Prof) prospective employers(PF) want to hear, they applaud without questioning the specifics of his(Prof) suggestion. Talk about 90 day theory lol

  18. The PF Govt is in power and there is no question about this. It is therefore up to them to create the environment that shall cultivate the unity of purpose that all well meaning Zambians desire. Current actions however suggest that this is not the case. The perception of tribalism should be nipped in the bud and I just cannot understand why every single day is about HH. I am deeply embarrassed when I read the so called official press releases from government that read like an essay competition on sarcasm and verbal abuse. There was no tolerance for different political view points under UNIP, the same and MMD and PF seems to be following suit. Without tolerance there can be no unity. In its place ridicule will build up, and as we have seen before can lead to the ousting of a government.

  19.  i dont know if most of you bloggers are Zambians, just looking at the way you comment its like you want to shoot down any good idea, even when the idea is not a good one, do we have to insult each other? lets share ideas, in Soli we say ‘mano nkawona mum’twi umo’ meaning no one person is wise enough to to know everything. i think the idea the proffessor is sugesting is good, but we have to first improve the raillines that are already there. we need to expand them and aquire new fast trains. this would would be income generating in a long run. as the raillines stands today there is nothing good to write about. when we improve and construct new raillines and buy new fast trains, this would creat a lot of permanent jobs. if you dont like my idea just tell me what ur sugeston is,nt insult

    • I agree with you Dr. Mwazawamba. The rail line exists from Livingstone and connects to TAZARA. But it takes you 4 days to travel from Livingstone to Ndola – how can that be productive. Chirwa is thinking of something really advanced. It must be a matter of hours cargo from Livingstone should rich Lumwana mine. And our agric products should just take a few hours to leave Mazabuka to hit lake Tanganyika to be loaded on ships to Tanzania and Burundi…Zambians OPEN UP your MINDS…this guy has got a POINT. A VERY BIG POINT. Today you cant transport Tomatoe from Choma to Kafulafuta by train – it will all rot on the way.

  20. Chirwa has started talking again, I strongly feel he is just an opportunist, trying to be nice again to the PF led govt. He is just looking for a job from Sata. He tried with Mwanawasa but it didn’t work……..hhaaaaaaaaa

  21. Chirwa, Is he really a professor or was just studying answers only? this man doesn’t think, he must be shallow minded old little boy. i would rather listen to luo or dambisa. full stop

  22. Ba Engineer ku Australia, why don’t you advise your friend descedants of the British criminals to improve your country of residence

  23. One can see that the future for Zambia is very very bleak.  Who for instance cannot differentiate such low level analysis coming from a supposedly intellectual like this prof from that of the simple party cadre kaponya ? I mean you cannot compare the intraparty fight Obama had with Hillary. You should compare the INTER party fight Obama had with the GOP Republicans and see the kind of ugliness unleashed on him these last 4 years. Shameful indeed Ba Prof!!!

  24. Ba Prof on this one I diasgree with you, unless you mean connecting North Western Province to the South – Copperbelt line. There is a lot of mining activities in North Western Province. It is just not a matter of constructing a railway line as a means of job creation if it ends up being a white elephant. There is already a rail line to the North from Kapiri to Dar es Salaam and it is in a deplorable state same as the Livingstone-Copperbelt track. As a matter of interest what is up with Mr. Kavindele’s railway line? That could have created quite some jobs

    • The rail line is not being fully utilized because of mismanagement and bu kabwalala. In any developed country the rail system is the backbone of the transport sector. Lets not write off our rail lines as useless when GRZ can simply put some measure to ensure loads above a certain limit are transported by rail but the question is will be our rail operators have the capacity to efficiently transport goods on time? Ineffiency is the reason why people have also stopped using passenger trains i.e. snails speed, delayments, derailments, thieves, filth, livestock squized with humans etc, etc.

  25. l had so much respect for this man but he is a let down.if he want a job just ask than talking like this.we were promised 90 days and there are no signs of job creation.we have asked show us the plan for job creation but we are told we are bitter.l miss chanda chimba the 3


  27. @ Dr. Mwazawamba,
    You are real Doctor Sir! We may have an old rail line from south to north built way back during the colonial times – in fact Cecil Rhodes would re-die of shock if he arose from the dead to find the same rail line he built still existing without any tangible improvements -but the contention here is why is our rail system so inefficient and under utilized? The answer is simple: it became inefficient because it could not handle the ever increasing volumes of cargo b,coz visionless people thought it was sufficient. We can still build another rail line to be laid parallel with the current one to improve on efficiency and cut down on costly road repairs, etc. In fact we need a network of rail lines all over the country if we have to develop this country.


  29. Foolish  Zambians what do you want? When HE appoints a graduate you say he is a Bemba or Kaponya what do you call Hon Simusa who is  Graduate (Tonga).

  30. Prof, I support you in wanting to create jobs for the majority. However, what you are saying is simple rhetoric that the voters want to hear just before an election. Lets be practical, exactly why would we need another rail line tracking the same route that the already existing rail line already tracks? Secondly, its easy to blubber what can be done. Do you really think the PF government has such a good name to make it easy for them to borrow money? If you believe that, as you seem to be anyway, how come they cannot even issue the euro bond that they were supposed to use to raise money with? As an educated man, you are too gullible for my liking.

  31. #36 We are not disputing his qualifications but we doubt his sanity at this moment he gave the interview because we have a railline already from north to south and it is not doing well so why should we immediately borrow huge sum of money to build another one.ITS MADNESS. we all know construction is the best creator of employment because it employees people of almost all displines in our country but borrowing money for the sake of building a white elephant is definately ridiculous!!! Ohhh GOD WE ARE IN REAL SHIT!!!

    • @ICEBERG – I know you know we already have a rail line – BUT I am SURE you ALSO KNOW that that rail line is contributing to underdevelopment. It takes ages to move something along that rail line – reason why companies prefer to use our road network which we have to repair every year – look at the Luanshya turn off road as you travel from Kapiri to Ndola, it was repaired three years ago but because tracks go through there to the mines, we need to build another road. That is bad economics. Why cant we build/upgrade the rail track  electrical line standard then we create new jobs with it…! Any reason why not?

  32. RB once said that if the Pfost starts liking you then you have a problem………am begining to see sense in what the old man said.

  33. “I am sure they have this plan on their drawing board already-is through the construction industry,” Prof. Chirwa said. Ba Prof, this is a lie. If you were sure, as a Prof you should have outlined the plan to us. I think you shouls match you woard with your status of being a Prof. Can we see a difference between your words and that of a cadre or street guy? Nothing is new in your statements. Just tell us you are looking for a job.

  34. I believe industrialisation is the key to development, other things will follow naturally once the manufacturing industry is sound and strong.

  35. Ubupuba pa Zed.Thus why we cannot develop.Alot of good for nothing characters yapping from nothingness and emptiness.The Prof is advising so that your children and relatives can have jobs not for him.You cannot even differenciate.Thus what can develop he country not condemnation and criticism left right and centre.UBUPUBA WEKA WEKA.ZIKOLO SIKOPO.ATASE

  36. What Chirwa is talking about in my view is not sustainable and amount to wasting resources. What happens to the 1,000,000 jobs once this rail project is complete? Is he saying we borrow money to be giving workers in the name of creating jobs? How are we going to run this new Rail now that we have failed to run the current one including TAZARA?

    As others have already observed we already have a rail line from South to the North though maybe the only thing is to go up to Solwezi and then Angola. 

    I thought the man should have been talking more of establishing manufacturing industries and adding value to raw materials. These we can export and earn forex. I respect him as a professor but I do not agree with him on this rail project. The only benefit will be low maintenance on our roads.

  37. These UPND fools are eagerly anticipating lamentable failure from this Government so they can rise to Power not knowing that Government officials of today will probably be rich for life after their gratuities. Let these people do their work, and well spoken Prof Chirwa the the Government will surely listen to an unbiased independent thinker. Not a stinker like HH with his cronnies!!

  38. Professor the USA is not the largest producer of copper Chile is; it produces about 6,000metric tonnes a year compared to the USA’s 1,500 metric tonnes. The government in Zambia should strive to reduce the cost of production first before we can move forward.
    As for building a Railway, railway to where? its is clear here that this is the engineer in you talking here; you are talking of spending your way out of a problem like the Americans. 
    I have great respect for this man and on this matter like his earlier statement about Miners getting 98% and us getting 2%  wasn’t well-thought out and he has not mentioned the private sector in all this.
    I understand where he is coming from as this government like most African governments only understand the language of appeasement. 

    • @Jay Jay, while you are at it, please check your copper production numbers. I suggest you google this.
      The numbers you have quoted for Chile and USA are less than what they produce in a month. There is one mine in Chile, by the name of Escondida, that produces more than 800,000 metric tonnes a year!! 1500 metric tonnes production from USA can be done in less than a week.

    • So what are you’re stating here is that the USA is the largest producer? Lets not forget that the US is also an importer of copper; it only produces 60% and imports 30+% to satisfy it local demand for the mineral.

  39. The so called educated Zambians staying abroad supprise me. First it was Dambisao Moyo who did not know that the provincial capital for Livingstone was move to Choma. Now it is Chirwa who does not know that there is a railline from Livingstone to Copperbelt and from Kapiri to Dar. What is wrong with these chaps nkashi? And yet some people are praising Chirwa becuase he is prof …yes construction is good for the country’s economy but suggesting to borrow to construct another railway from south to north is pure rubbish by any thoughts.

  40. i have said this time and time if you like dishing it you should also take it.most of you are not even in zambia.Ask prof when was the last time he was in zambia?Pure job seeking

  41. Profwesa Chirwa we hear you are very rich and a very powerful engineer, now show us your money in central bank and show us how many industries have got in Zambia? You just want be president and make more money for your family. Come back and invest in your country. ala iwe.

  42. #46 we know and Prof knows there is something called a rail line between Kitwe and Livingstone.Travel and see what a fast train looks like and you will understand what Prof means.Nonsense.We are talking about improoving rail travel between towns;were by you can live in Kitwe and work in Lusaka.Stop being ignorant.Whats this hate about Diaspora Zambians,tekuninafye indeke ngaulakubwa.Wenchushi weee!!!

  43. proffessor u are just a job seeker wit no shame at all. if i were u i wud just shut up and concentrate on practicing engineering. there is no content in ur observation/ recommendation…watever it is. zambia is doomed wit no hope watsover under the current oppressive, dictatorial regime. the only solution lies in the alternative…..

  44. Rail lines to unconected areas will increase efficiency and economic opportunities in those districts. A lot of Zambia needs to be opened up through efficient transport networks for zambia to realise her potential and exploit all her resources. Our transport network is STONE AGE and people like the prof can help move it to the 21st century.

  45. They speak boldly with voices dripping with sarcasm from the nations far away where people in the past provide them with what they take for granted in the future. When it comes to the future of Zambia and for that matter the future of the less fortunate than our collective selves… it beggars belief that some have never had electricity, telephones, clean water, solid homes, reliable transport or fresh supplies. Munch on your croissants, fresh baked bread, cereal and steaks. Sip those fine wines and display your acquired tastes. Buy the intellectual property of others. Just quit pretending to give a damn.

  46. Huh? Build a railway to nowhere without consideration of economic viability? What products are to be transported by this white elephant to pay off the debt? And when did the USA become the largest copper producer? Surely,this “proffessor” is not worth being payed attention to because he knows not what he says.

  47. Actually I was just talking about a railway from Mpulungu to join Tazara at Kasama with a Ghanian man who once lived in that area.Imagine what that would do to the fishing industry in that area.Not only would this construction create jobs but it would boost the fishing industry.It is ridiculous that we have the lake region in that area but you can’t find fresh fish from there in such places as Mpika,Chinsali,Nakonde and I think even Kasama.

  48. He went to Daily Mail offices to advertise himself. He is really a desperate job seeker. How can a professor be so ignorant about his own country. Professors are supposed to be sharp and are authorities on what they talk about and not this crap from this England-based economic refuge.

  49. It??s really a nice and useful piece of information. I??m satisfied that you just shared this useful info with us. Please keep us up to date like this. Thanks for sharing.

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