Saturday, March 15, 2025

JCTR demands to know real economic situation


Chingola’s town center market where woman sale assorted food stuffs to customers

The Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (JCTR) has said that government should be realistic and tell the nation the actual economic situation of the country.

JCTR executive director Father Leonard Chiti said that it is of no use to misinform the nation on the economic situation by creating an impression that all is well when in the actual fact certain indicators are showing a different picture.

Father Chiti said that the nation is always left wondering whenever government, through the Central Statistical office releases the monthly inflation rates, whether the statistics reflect the actual situation of the country’s economy.

Speaking to QFM, Father Chiti said that it is surprising and shocking to always learn that the country’s inflation rate is at around 6 percent when the cost of living for ordinary citizens is still very high.

He said that the nation is left with no option but to wonder whether the statistics reflect the true economic situation or is a desirable reflection on the part of government.

Father Chiti said that government needs to quickly create a picture where citizens can clearly understand the correlation between the different indicators.



  1. I thought C.o.L was an ABSOLUTE amount and Inflation Rate a RATE of CHANGE in average prices of consumer and industrial goods and services. This guys confusing me.

    • The real inflation rate is the one related to the cost of living, which as you rightly put it, is absolute. However, the government quotes the nominal rate which is lower than the real inflation rate and is based on a food basket that they select. So, depending on the basket that they use, they can easily manipulate the rate to show that its lower than what it really is. Thebasket is supposed to be constant.

  2. A government of retards won’t take Zambia anywhere but backwards! Sata is not presidential material. In my province he wouldn’t even be a headman but a village clown!

  3. These fellows (the Jesuits) are usually very educated to properly articulate issues. A Cost of Living can be very high even with inflation at 6%. It simply means there isn`t a signicant upward shift in prices. It does not mean the prices have gone down. Or is it the reporter that has picked it wrongly?

  4. The inflation rate in 1980 was very low.This is the very first tym i visited my folks in sesheke.I Can clearly point out that what i saw among my own kinsmen is poverty .Sometymz i wonder if these figures or rather theories are a reflection of the true picture on the point is that as a common man or a kaponya as some section of society wld like 2 call me is that all i nid is shelter,food and clean water.we’ve had enof of theories and ideologies.These things can only work in a classroom not in my world were i live.

  5. HH mentioned it yesterday but no one paid attention yet youre demanding issue based politics.Now this is called who said what politics

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