Saturday, March 15, 2025

Nawakwi welcomes President Sata’s decision to push for the repossession of Zambia Railways


FORUM for Development and Democracy (FDD) president Edith Nawakwi has welcomed President Sata’s decision to push for the repossession of Zambia Railways,saying Mr Sata should expedite the process and deal with the matter within a month.

Ms Nawakwi said in an interview yesterday that the decision is long overdue because of the incompetent manner in which the Railway Systems of Zambia has handled the railway sector since the concession agreement was signed in the year 2000.

She described the operations of RSZ as the worst pyramid scheme undertaken by a ‘family’ on behalf of Zambians.

“In fact the relationship between government and RSZ should immediately cease because they operated a pyramid. This country has not benefited anything from the arrangement. Even Parliament had earlier unanimously passed a decision but nothing happened. We have seen a deterioration of our roads because of an inefficient railway system and this is unfortunate,” Ms Nawakwi said.

She said it is unfortunate that the MMD administration had given RSZ money in the form of fuel levy on the premise that they were not benefiting from Zambian roads.

She said the country has lost viable revenue which could have been used on other developmental projects and that “government kept pouring money into a bottomless pit”.

“President Sata should be congratulated for this decision because it is long overdue. This sector cannot be compromised…this decision should be implemented with speed. We have not seen any expansion. It is embarrassing that a short railway journey should take days. I am very excited and I think the President’s decision will excite donors as well,” Ms Nawakwi said.

She said court sessions must be conducted along railway tracks and infrastructure such as stations if the RSZ decides to fight the government decision in court.

Meanwhile, the RSZ says it is ready to discuss and clarify any issues with government relating to the concession agreement.

RSZ deputy general manager in charge of corporate affairs Charles Phiri says the company is committed to engaging government on the matter as the company has been and will always have respect for the President and the laws of the land.

Mr Phiri said in response to a press query yesterday that RSZ is, however, not very clear on the actual content of the President’s statement.

“We are in the process of studying the information.However, suffice to mention that RSZ has been and will always respect the President and leadership, Zambian laws and the Zambian nation and will therefore be fully committed to discussing and clarifying any issues related to the concession agreement for the sake of the nation and company employees,” Mr Phiri said.

On Wednesday, President Sata directed Justice Minister Wynter Kabimba to use all legal means at his disposal to return Zambia Railways to the rightful owners—the Zambians.

Mr Sata feels the concessioning of the railway company to Railway Systems of Zambia in 2000 was marred with corruption.

President Sata instructed Mr Kabimba to examine the freight and passenger concession agreement between the Government and Zambia Railways Limited (ZRL), Railway Systems of Zambia (RSZ) and New Limpopo Bridge Projects Investment Private Limited.

In March 2000, the MMD government decided to concession the freight and passenger services of Zambia Railways to the private sector.

After a bidding process, the then Zambia Privatisation Agency (ZPA) awarded the concession to the Railway Systems of Zambia.

On February 14, 2003, the MMD government signed a freight concession agreement with RSZ and on August 18, 2003 the Passenger Concession Agreement was signed.

The RSZ took over the operations of Zambia Railways Limited on December 3, 2003.

The concession covered the whole inter-mine railway network on the Copperbelt, as well as the long haul railway network from the Copperbelt to Livingstone.

[Zambia Daily Mail]


  1. Its for us Zambians but we should also consider its ripple effects. Good to play to the gallery for the sake of it. But rhetorics will not put food on our table. By the way does this will have a following and any influence on the electroate

  2. Edith!!! Have you also considered its ripple effect on our fragile economy and how such Political directives impact the Zambian economy? We shall support the PF only if they fight it through the courts of Law than these pronouncements during appointments directives. It’s a known fact that it was part of your campaign promises but for the good of the Nation, let Nchito the DPP show us his substance by way of repossessing RSZ through the Court. Not this rhetoric, they will not put food on our table and earn us any meaningful investment and Investor confidence with the exception of bogus investors who must see our irony and taste our wrath. By the way does this Woman command any influence on the electorates?

  3. Pse get ZR. Those zionists/Hezbollahs ran down that one time wonderful company for their personal gains together with their Zambian cohorts like their spokesman Phiri who is used as a front. We do not even hear of ZR. In any of these progressive countries Railways, Telecoms, power are run by the state because they are too strategic to be put in private hands. Even if it means using tax payers money to maintain them. It is because they provide an indirect benefit in the governments industrial development policy pursuant. Get it immediately and give it to professional locals to run it. I support our president fully over this one. I am always very radically oppossed to a number of his pronouncements. Viva MCS!

  4. Let’s stop being academic about things that were gotten fraudulently and rightfully belong to us as Zambians.The former Zambia Railways had a lot of assets which are just like idle.Besides,railway infrastructure if properly run can contribute to job creation and economic development.With all the vehicles and other merchandise coming in from other countries,people could easily use the railway lines if they were made to be efficient.Even for the transportation of farm products from say southern province to Lusaka and copperbelt.

  5. Just find money to lay a completely new track. You’re using a track that was built more than a 100 years ago. Even if you repossessed it within a month nothing will change. Besides TAZARA is still in govt hands and it is still pants. You’ve been advised that you need not less than $750 million to revive Tazara and about $1.2 bn for ZR. Sata can take over ZR today and it will change nothing. The only difference will be him appointing a relative or tribesman to be CEO!

  6. I agree with madame Nawakwi and CNP. The rail concession has completely failed. Its time the government repossed the rail for the betterment of attracting better investment infastracture. Hope the government will consider proposal by Clive Chirwa of building railway network through out Zambia.

  7. Look who is talking. She should bring or pay back the carrington maize money. She is a criminal who oversaw several corrupt activities as MOF minister. She must shut up!

  8. Sata is right to reposes. To those bloggers worried about this, tell your selves this, ”in the UK british rail was privitaised in 1990” that was after more than 100 yrs maturity and the goverment naturing this important asset. Now in our wild west Zambia were the fraudster takes all, we need GRZ invlovment in capital assets like this. we are not ready for whole sale privatisation

  9. #11 Witness, even UK did not privatise the entire railway network. It was just a small part of it. I stand to be corrected since you seem to there from the` Union Jack` against your pseudo name.

  10. Yes , please let us take it over. Imagine I have never used Train in Zambia while in other countries its the transport I often use. We want a Train that every Zambian will use and be proud of , not that one which smokes and disturbs us when it blows its nostrils. Please Zambians wake up . 

  11. At least someone has been thinking about this dead industry that needs awakening and save our poor roads from those heavy trucks to and fro the mines.

  12. You have totally failed to operate Tazara with your partners, now you want to take a second bite at the once profitable ZR which government ran into the ground! This habit of shouting corruption before you present incontrovertible proof may work in the political arena but will not work in serious business. Soon or later some one will sue the pants off our backsides! I suggest you show us you can run Tazara profitably before you mess up RSZ even more than than you did before and we end up incurring serious legal liabilities!

  13. RSZ is run by a family that only do enough to fill up their pockets. Of what national importance is it at the current operating levels? Run by a family of zionists who, I am told, has even moved the hq to Lusaka for convinience of capital flight, leaving Kabwe a confirmed ghost town. That company had one of the healthiest Balance Sheet in 2000 before the concession. One of the best asset base among the parastatals. That is what kept it afloat with health fc accounts offshore. Of course that is a national asset for which government needs to take delibarate steps to pump in capital for the infracture rehab.

  14. nawakwi she is right lets take back our property from the so called bansamya there have completely failed if developed and utilizesed full it will reduce un employment level in our nation.  

  15. mmayadd # 10 … what is your contribution apart from your aspersion? We really must move away from mediocrity if we are to see significant strides and RSZ is one such mediocre operation that needs a rethink and a review. We must also watch out for the RTSA writing dollar amounts when they are collecting different currencies at border points (fraud is taking place); including those wishing to start charging toll fees when an act to do so has not yet been done. This country is a hive of corrupt and fraudulent activity and unless and until people like mmayyad rise above mediocrity we will miss a lot of corrective options!

  16. ”Mr Sata feels the concessioning of the railway company to Railway Systems of Zambia in 2000 was marred with corruption” Mr president pliiiizzzz, running the country is not about feelings…,. Do your research and critically analyse every step you wish to take. Dont just wake up one morning and start feeling like you are smelling news. You dont smell evil,..bak it up with eveidence. iwe chimunthu, dont take the country for a ride ala!!

  17. Taking the railways back is a good decision. The can be improved.
    ZR prior to privatising performed much better than the state it has come too.

  18. Can Sata tell us the corruption that marred the concession of Zambia Railways in 2000. In 2000 Sata was Secretary General of the MMD and late Chiluba was President. So Mr Clean ulula daddy! Tell us about the corruption in the govt of which you were a senior member. It is quite ironic isn’t that at this very time in the year 2000 and the early part of 2001 you were still engaged in the campaign for a Third Term for Chiluba when you were aware of the corrupt concessioning of ZR! Wena ndate you’re not okay upstairs! The same applies to this ka Nawakwi who was also a minister in the same gov’t! Tell us what you did, pronto!

  19. Nawakwi is nice vuvuzela, well, the move is superb and all well meaning zambian should applaud the move and a credit should be given where due. From the very time this thing was privatised the graph has been descending. It takes a Tonga to travel from lusaka to mazabuka at least 2 days, honestly a journey which can only take 3 hours. Sata pliz grab it and give it to zambians twacula pafula. operating it is a problem as well as paying off workers so give it back to zambians ba sata.

  20. Good move! But go back to Kabwe rebuild well the headquarter of locomotive offices workshops and rename the original ZR not RSZ.

  21. Well Done. Congrats to MCS and PF. Get rid of blood sucking “infestors”. They have ruined the Railway and led to deterioration of roads.

  22. Nawakwi must first analyse Zambia Railway’s death before making such haste decisions. She was part of zambia’s privatisation drive alongside chiluba (mhsrip). She is a beneficiary of the privatisation exercise including HH, Symujaye & MSata.
    The effects of their shoody works are still being felt by the Poor 2 decades down the line.
    Maamba coal mine provided the bulk of ZR’s loads. Maamba coal transportation to C/Belt mines, Nitrogen chemicals, DRC, Tanzania, Malawi etc. made most of ZR’s revenue. Once MCL was killed it was end of ZR & NCZ (& other firms).
    For those who think the passenger trains made ZR’s bread & butter u r wrong coz it was a actually a liability to ZR but a “good” PR service.
    The death of ZCCM is another episode I’ll analyse later

  23. Edith u say road traffic has damaged our road system. well the same goods most of them are imported. How come they never damage roads in Zimbabwe, Botswana and RSA.

    Politicians are the worst liars.

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