Wednesday, February 5, 2025

President Sata dares RSZ to sue him , confers State Counsel (SC) title on Wynter Kabimba


President Michael Sata has dared Railway Systems of Zambia to go ahead and serve him with writs of summon.

On Wednesday, President Sata directed Justice Minister Wynter Kabimba to use all legal means at his disposal to return Zambia Railways to the rightful owners the Zambians.

President Sata says he is aware of the threats and is patiently waiting for the writs of summons.

And President Sata has instructed Justice Minister Winter Kabimba to ensure that problems being faced by prisons in the country are addressed.

He notes that it is difficult for justice to prevail when the Justice department is operating in a deplorable condition.

President Sata says there is need to ensure that citizens do not fear the law but instead need to be protected by the law.

He was speaking at Statehouse this morning when he bestowed Justice Minister Wynter Kabimba with the honor of State Counsel.

And speaking when he received letters of credence from three foreign envoys accredited to Zambia, President Sata cautioned diplomats in the country not to interfere with the country’s internal politics.

President Sata has also advised diplomats to change their habit of visiting him at Statehouse without following the right procedure of going through the ministry of foreign affairs.

The three envoys that presented their letters of credence are Somalia’s Mohamed Hassan Daware, Sifamu In-umoru Momoh of Nigeria and German’s Bernd Finke.

And speaking when he presented his credentials, Germany Ambassador to Zambia, Bernd Finke disclosed that a group of German businessmen is in the next few months expected in the country to explore more investment opportunities.



    • Congrats! Kabimba MUST deliver NEW TRULY DEMOCRATIC CONSTITUTION produced by a constitution conference and enacted by parliament without govt interference ( it was a promise within 90days-Where’s it?)
      Two agendas need speed for Kabimba( 1) Immediately, suspend this barbaric colonial sir Roy”CONSTITUTION which continues to breed bad leaders that are heartless, leaders that oppress citizens and the source of our economic exploitation. (2) More urgent too, CHANGING the “OVERNANCE STRUCTURES and JUDICIAL SYSTEM” that has become a conduit for muzzling people’s democratic FREEDOMS, Opportunities and RIGHTS.Until this constitution is changed, Zambians will continue to fight in cycles for bad governance social-economic abuse, opression and expoitation by govt  man !:)

  1. can we stop fighting like women and get to work please. president should not respond to everything.. from now on ignore and work

    • This is an insult to our female folks. A great insult; being compared to Ukwa and his misdeeds. Would you put Ukwa in the same Ellen Johnson Sirleaf or even his close Malawian counterpart? Never, they are way above board. So pls respect the female folk.

  2. Yes! Closed door policy now for Storela and Chikane who must be cleared by Given before advising the First Imbecile.


  4. I do not think you would throw anyone in the ring, whose CV stands out for the president considering the experience, expertise, knowhow of his political accument

    He is the best man to fill the void, I am just happy we come from the same province although my children will not quiete be black as they will have a white father, so they pottentially are ruled out of leading the country.

    Never mind you cant have it all


    • You dog.
      Your village has dying people and you still claim that your future will be brighter.
      Your family in the village of Mpika suffer yet you claim the best pig is in power.

      You must come from a stupid family.

    • Sweetie, love you (Phds, ACCA, MBA, CIMA and all) your lo – but please use spellcheck always because clearly you cannot spell inspite of all your academic prowess and white, english-speaking boyfriend!

  5. HEMCS is cautioning diplomats not to visit him at SH following the recent visit by USA and South African diplomats Storella and Chikane at night where they cautioned him that he would be held responsible should civil war break out following careless propaganda news that Tongas are murdering Bembas

    • only in your dreams mate only in your dreams!!!! who is chikane ?his govt just slaughtered 44 innocent miners and their president takes a shower after sex to avoid catching aids- pf are playing politics like every govt the world over does-just like at the vitiol in the american political discourse

  6. This chap has never won any case in the history of his career, this is the waste govt has ever had. zambia is yet to be molested, raped everywhere

  7. Winter “Maize” Kabimba and his BOSS. If they want they can confer themselves “DR” Title. or Proffessors. That will not add anything to themselves.

    Zambians need JOBS, Good affordable life, infrastructure development, One Zambia One nation and security from presidential flip flops. NOT Titles.

  8. Please see some of our achievements as PF

    we renamed international airports to our heors, KK,Nkumbula, kapwpwe..we re aligned districts, we created muchinga province…we honoured winter kabimba.. we won african cup,we employed all those who supported us during campaigns, we reshuffled the reshufles,what else do you people need kanshi…we now monopolise the media, we have paralysed the opposition.

  9. #13 @mwalusaka observer, Kalijo chabe. He is a fully qualified lawyer if you did not know. Endani Kusukulu chabe

  10. Kabimba MUST deliver NEW TRULY DEMOCRATIC CONSTITUTION produced by a constitution conference and enacted by parliament without govt interference ( it was a promise within 90days-Where’s it?)
    Two agendas need speed for Kabimba( 1) Immediately, suspend this barbaric colonial sir Roy”CONSTITUTION which continues to breed bad leaders that are heartless, leaders that oppress citizens and the source of our economic exploitation. (2) More urgent too, CHANGING the “OVERNANCE STRUCTURES and JUDICIAL SYSTEM” that has become a conduit for muzzling people’s democratic FREEDOMS, Opportunities and RIGHTS.Until this constitution is changed, Zambians will continue to fight in cycles for bad governance social-economic abuse, opression and expoitation by govt.Repn !

  11. HEMCS is paying back. it’s pay back time, lay back and relax, just keep on watching, it’s not over yet. pass me a bottle of MOZI pls.

  12. Mpangula Mputyu says:
    Fri Sep 07 at 3:49 pm

    Winter “Maize” Kabimba and his BOSS. If they want they can confer themselves “DR” Title. or Proffessors. That will not add anything to themselves.

    Zambians need JOBS, Good affordable life, infrastructure development, One Zambia One nation and security from presidential flip flops. NOT Titles.

  13. Bwana president, you are making the title of “SC” value-less. With summer kabimba joining the SC club, genuine attorneys that deserve that title will be confused with the political ones! Next time will have a new professor in town, Prof CNP, professor in flip-flopping lol

  14. Over RSC huts off Mr. President. Railway transport is worse off compared to when it was under a parastatal and the investor has not added any value. In fact its long over-due. Next is ZANACO. No vchange can be discerned. Queues have now become endemic, No improvements to the structure,- air cons are not working. We are still spending long hours on the lines waiting without any where to seat. In rural branches the service is simply pathetic. Where are the benefits of privatizing ZANACO?

  15. Please Zambian lawyers, can you confirm how many State Counsels the President can confer in ONE year?
    I am made to understand that there is a limit of 3 or 4, but Wynter may now be the 6th since December 2011!

  16. Let RSZ account for our wagons before they even talk about that court nonsense, they think we are happy that they have ruined our company to satisfy their greediness, Hakainde also must begin to realize that we are closing up with him.
    Your Excellency President of this wonderful country H.E Micheal Chilufya Sata thank you so much for restoring our country back to order,
    I have so much confidence that NO rat can intimidate you.

  17. George Kunda may his soul rest in eternal peace.What ever happened for God to allow men like him to leave the earth.Onother man like him him shall surely rise in th e Land.Wyinter we wish you well in your endeavours.

  18. Railway Systems of Zambia has been worse than when it was Rhodesia Railways……no new infrastructure…everything is as it was left by RR and ZR…..get it back the way we dd ZAMTEL!

  19. By the way Levy Mwanawasa SC is not here to defend himself.RSZ should just be revalueted.And why did HE not oppose then in 2000.

  20. Repossessing  Zambia Railways is long overdue. My heart bleeds to see how the company has gone down the drain. My father used to work for the Railways and it was a company people envied to work for. I remember late Levy Mwanawasa also wanted to repossess it because he was disappointed with how it was been run.

  21. I wonder what the World Bank will make of these remarks by the president as the administered the tender of ZR back in 2003. 

  22. 31. MMD. Chief Spokesman. In 2000 the President was Chiluba. Sata was still Secretary General of MMD. Mwanawasa SC only assumed power in January 2002. This corruption Sata is talking about is his and Chiluba’s!

  23. SC Wynter?????? ……based on what please!!! Is this the meaning of don’t Kubeba mwa? I think the Legal fraternity is laughing……this will be a discussion after work on a bottle of beer,,lets debate kwena based foolishness

  24. And the investors are watching us and pondering as to whether to come to Zambia and invest or not, what more with grabbing the PF is going about? What guarantee will they have if they invest

  25. Sata wants ZR to be returned to the rightful owners which is fine but has he cared to find out why its in an appalling state & why it was privatised in the first place…who maintains the track? Who does RSZ pay concessions to? Let’s also not forget that the World Bank administered the tender for ZR back in 2003 for a 20 year concession with a possible extension for a further 10 years, which is ample time in order to make ZR self-sufficient & for the RSZ to make a return on its investment.

  26. What strategy has he put in place to make it viable this time around… mind you running a Railway company is capital intensive and not just about appointing a party cadre to run it as CEO, this is just going to increase government spending even further & I can envisage a showdown with World Bank.  
    And Mr. Sata’s reasons for wanting ZR back is that Kabwe is dead!!!

  27. Let the PF do their thing. I thought we had the most qualified in the likes ofr the late George Kunda and others before him and yet corruption and misuse of public money was the order of the day. At president sata has never lost any court case he has had to defend. He knows what he is doing!!!

  28. Long over due. Some industries like Railways ought not to be privatised to individuals seeking a cash cow but maybe commercialised through a govt to govt parastatal arrangement. Congrats HE MCS and PF for taking this long overdue move. Just because World Bank was involved does not make the deal perfect. I am sure RSZ has breached the concession and raped the railway line in pursuit of profits. Even the Congolese Railway SNCC is in better shape than RSZ. Shame!

  29. Mr Kabimba’s appointment as State Counsel may be illegal as per the current constitution section 18. Earlier in the year Sata conferred the dignity of State Counsel on John Mulwila, Mwikisa Mukande, Emmanuel Mwansa and Mwila Chitabo. With Kabimba that makes 5. But this is what the current law of the land says:
    “18. (1) Subject to the provisions of subsections (2) and (3), not more than three State Counsel for Zambia shall be appointed in any one calendar year. (3) The appointment of a State Counsel for Zambia by virtue of his appointment to the office of Attorney-General shall not be considered as an appointment for the purpose of subsection (1) or (2)”.

  30. Let the new government work.The railways Systems Of Zambia management have undoubtedly failed.Some countries have managed their railway systems very well providing vital transport to their people.What is wrong with Zambia? For example,Egypt has a very reliable railway system which is very affordable by most of its people.It is efficient,source of revenue for the country.I have personally experienced the efficiency of their system.Egypt’s population is almost 6 times bigger than that of zambia and yet they are managing.Let’s give our new government chance to implement its policies.After all we voted for them to serve us for 5 years

  31. Let the government do its work. Some bloggers will never support anything. They do not even know what they want in life. Wonder what would have happened had they won the elections. God knew hence made them fail even to become vice president of this country, an opportunity they clearly had.

  32. What do you want PF is now working restoring order yet you complain .SATA is a leader who takes risks.Cheers PF we Zambians in the UK support you deal with crooks 

  33. I fully support the president, RSZ has failed to run our railway system. But my question is, are we following the right procedure in taking over the operations of RSZ?

  34. The President knows that he cannot be sued so who is he fooling or does he still think he is in the opposition. There are some issues that should be left to die a natural death, he does not have to answer each and every issue, he is just unvailing his incompetence though his cadres on this sight will cry ‘
    he is the best’. I want to be Cinderella sleep for four years and awake in 2016, am embarrased by the utterances of our government.

  35. Truly RSZ is the one concession (only) that needs to be reevaluated and retendered. It is a catastrophe compared to its former glory and its strategic placement in our land linking geographic position. It was carelessly done by some very unskilled, unpatriotic lawyers and or transaction advisors (if any). They should be made to answer for such an agreement which binds us for 25 years this horrible marriage without a reentry clause by government! I dont support re-entry by government into signed concessions unnecessarity without exhaustive renegotiations if necessary. This sends shock waves into investor confidence like Zamtel and Zanaco saga, however, RSZ on the other hand has to be revisited urgently.

  36. Sata by now should now that Mossad will always defend its citizens. Sata should not confuse RSZ with Lapgreen. If Idi Amin was alive, he could have advised Sata how Netanyahu conducted a rescue operation at Entebbe. RSZ will sue Government for any actions that are illegal. If Zambian courts are compromised, international courts will be used and Zambians assets abroad will be confiscated one by one. This is a battle Sata cant win. With Kabimba as his Legal Advisor, this country is going to the dogs for sure.

  37. Sister/Brother No.52, without meaning to patronise you,  it’s actually The Sleeping Beauty in the Wood in the fairy tale that would sleep as long as you wish you would, and not Cinderella!  On a serious note, I agree with you 100% – I would also wish to sleep and wake up to a fresh government with a good sense of direction – HH would be a breath of fresh air.

  38. The mess in Zambia can only be corrected by a fearless and tough character. Sata is the man. All of you shortsighted critics just continue weeping. 

  39. I do not know really what goes on in some peoples minds @ 1- 6. Even a small boy can see that something is wrong with RSZ. We need to face it off head on and uplift our dead railways after the inquiry.

    Europe has the rail system intact and in place. Zambia a third world cannot afford to neglect such important infrastructure in the name of scaring investors.Heavy duty vehicles are destroying our roads built through our tax., and the people benefiting reaping millions out of the country use the roads for free and pay no reasonable tax at all, and when our President wants to fix it you say scaring investors, these are infests they milk us a lot and deserve nothing. Zambia will only be developed by Zambians

  40. Yes mr president . We await the summons from this guys. They have brought the railway transport to a stand still. In addition Government pumps millions into this sector while the Investor puts nothing but raping our money. So its better we run it ourselves than these vampares.

  41. In 9 months from mr wynter kabimba to: GOEZ(grand order of the eagle of zambia), state counsel, honourable, justice minister wynter kabimba.

  42. President Sata is proving to be a real “man of the people”. It is refreshing and inspirational to see a politician working within a moral and legal framework in the interests of the country and its people.  His Excellency deserves the support of the people.

  43. Re branding Wynter Kabimba with titles like “Honourable” and “State Counsel” will not change the fact that he is an arrogant and dull muppet!

  44. It is a pity that the solution to everything is repossession. The little I know about RSZ is that we had very weak negotiators as government and the RSZ guy out-smarted us. I doubt if HE will find a loophole where the real State Counsel not this (Winter) State Council failed. We need to build capacity in our negotiators. Its good that it is not HH who handled this one otherwise pipo would have gone to hell and back screaming his blood. This situation where every problem requires a hammer shows you how competent or otherwise our government is

  45. looks like these tuma HH puppies spend their time reading and blogging LT to discredit the president thinking by so doing their chimbwi no strategy(cns) under 5 ll become president.

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