Saturday, March 15, 2025

KK predicts Zambia as next southern African economic hub


FIRST President Kenneth Kaunda says he is hopeful that Zambia will soon be one of the economic hubs of southern Africa following President Sata’s intentions to revamp most of the defunct industries.

Dr Kaunda was speaking during a service at the United Church of Zambia(UCZ) Northrise congregation in Ndola yesterday.

“We are lucky that our President is a true son of Zambia and knows the importance of reviving and maintaining the industries we once had,” he said.

He said the problem of unemployment will be solved once industries like Mwinilunga Pineapple Plant, Mansa Batteries, Luangwa Bicycle Assembly in Eastern Province and Nitrogen Chemicals of Zambia in Kafue are revamped.

“We are suffering because investors are enriching their countries when we have the capacity to improve our lives,” he said.

Dr Kaunda, who also took time to interact with Sunday schoolchildren, did not leave out his usual message of peace.

He said Zambia is one of the few countries that enjoy peace, making it an envy of the region.

He said the motto “One Zambia, one Nation” should be the foundation on which the country should stand.

And congregants, especially children and youths, were happy that Dr Kaunda spared time to attend the service with them.

Busaka Kalima, a member of the girls brigade, said it was her first time to see Dr Kaunda whom she described as her hero.

“I am very excited to see him in person. I have always just seen him on television,”she said.

[Zambia Daily Mail]


    • hahahaha, he can’t go to shambalakale, Chinsali people told him that if he wants to go there he should go back with Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe. (they blive he killed him) They said you left the town with your friend, a brother, why should u come back alone.

  1. Kaunda is dreaming, he has eyes but can not see. The old man should continue enjoying his retirement free money instead of issuing irrelevant statements. During his rule people were brutalised and he ignored. Now the employer of his sons, Sata, is doing the same and he is silent only to talk about something irrelevant to the mood of the nation. Unwise old man

  2. i don’t see anything unwise in what this great son of our Nation has said, not all people should be talking about HH, Milupi, the police etc, he chose what he wanted to and we should respect that. yes, during his rule mistakes were made, but he also made a lot of good decision that we are still benefiting from. if only those who have never made a mistake should speak then am sure none of us would utter a word. i just hope Sata is going to do what the old man is saying.

  3. Zambia as an economic hub? Tough luck because the work ethic needed to pull that off just isn’t there amongst zambians.Just look at the dirty cities and filthy compounds most zambians call home and you realize hard work,discipline and attention to detail is just not their forte.Crawl before you attempt to walk Zambians.

  4. We finally now know why Obasanjo never took this man seriously. his the most inconsistent senior south of the equator.

    The more reason why there is no statue for him in addis ababa

  5. If we are following Kaunda’s master plan then we are more lost than I thought. While it is a good idea to have these plants revamped if they are still viable, if it is government that will be investing in them will go back to where we were before MMD. It would appear that these pipo have taken the 1st development plan, mulungushi and matero reforms and that is what they are implementing. Ask Kabwili about youth employment, National service, now its blind nationalisation.

  6. #2 Kashimani, you will never grow old to reach Kaunda’s age. You are a cursed person. I feel sad about you…!! Change man..!!!

  7. Old man KK- We appreciate you for your sentimental value, however, we cannot forget the economic woes you left our country with before you departed. You ran a socialist state and used profits from mines to pay for free food, people lined up for goods during your time.
    You should concentrate on social causes such as the fight against AIDS.

  8. Who is this so called kk.
    Is he in his right senses.Was he a true president of Zambia.The man is old and living in past glory.Do zambians remember him for the deal he was making MAKING FUEL FROM GRASS.
    If such a person can or was fooled then It is only right that this KK should shut up and concentrate on his retirement,Please old Kk do not spoil your legecy by praosing a foolish government.
    May be sata is a copy cat of Kk as KK to did what sata is oing todat.Zambians will remember that each time KK was in your area,he made sure that all business,school government office was to be closed so that we go and “”welcome”” him.Shame that todat he claims that Zambia will be an economic hub of southern Africa.Zimbabwe will be as soon as KKs friend Mugabe is out of office


    • well said! he played his part as a liberator. he was blank on economy and evrything else that followed. He must retire QUIETLY. I wonder how much he is trying to justify to Sata for his mistakes then and probably ruling through him!!

  10. When old wise men like Kaunda speak learn to keep quiet and listen. KK had a vision to free Zambia from colonial rule and he did it. There is alot of sense in what our grandfather is saying. Iwe No. 2, it is you who does not have eyes, cant you see the investor robing you of the minerals and enriching their countries?? Do you think this country will continue to be a chi big supermarket for Chinese products. Listen to what the wise man is saying.

  11. I’m supposed to be happy with such a pronouncement but I’m not because it has not basis. We are being lied to by such people dreaming and not basing their statements on facts. This “true son of Zambia”, Sata is messing up all the gains that MMD made in trying to revive the economy. Yes, MMD had bad eggs but they seemed to have had better direction than the lot in power now. MMD started a number of programmes that PF condemned but they are championing now. Now, we do not know what is happening.

    What does KK say about the police state we are becoming?

    And the industries KK is quoted as mentioning are not viable especially if run by the state.

  12. Kaundanomics……is simply voodoo economics. In his warped thinking emanating from his warped forehead the revival of 4 companies is a solution to end unemployment in Zambia! Sigh! Kuku, Kaunda you inherited the second richest country in Africa after South Africa. You succeeded in trashing it and running it down. KK your incompetence is truly legendary. You are a case study of how not to run a country. It beats me that the PF has engaged you as an economic consultant. One Zambia One Nation indeed……….why don’t you tell your student Sata what it means! KK you’re the first failed President of this country! So zip it and go and pray at your Satanic temple!

  13. Dull Zambian creatures who think only foreigners can develop their country. Really dull creatures God put in Zambia. Has any country developed depending on useless imports and jobs offered by the Investers while raping your resources?  You dull creatures are you not ashamed that these guys use the same man power of Zambia to generate profits which they externalize at your dullness? Can you fail to run a pineapple factory? Can you fail to manage a copper mine? Really Zambians are just dull creatures which God will never forgive for misusing the resources He gave them..shaa.

  14. Where are the Zambian values to Respect elders? Despite whatever mistakes the man would have made, he deserves respect. He never stole from Zambians, BE THANKFUL. Do you want people like Mugabe? See how South Africans respect Mandela? Your spirit for lack of respect will just give you bad luck in all you do. RESPCT ELDERS.

  15. this is the most confused president. what is it that will make zambia and econmic hub. is he praising himself? when he left this country was bankrupt and industries including the mining has ceased. so MCS implementing UNIP economic policy is good for us? the guy is developing senile dementia

  16. This ex-dictator-demagogue- hypocrite should never be taken seriously.You ran this country to the ground, what economic hub?Just shut it.

  17. Fonko Fonko, why don’t you tell us as to what happened to your promise of one egg every day for every Zambian? Tell us Mr Light at the end of the tunnel, what happened to your Heaven on Earth corporation which you spearheaded with your spiritual gurus from India? I wonder how many times your mum Helen Kaunda dropped you down head first. You must have suffered irreparable damage.And by the way I admire how you didn’t put all your eggs in one basket! You supported your son as UNIP presidential candidate while supporting your other sons on PF tickets. KK you never loved Zambia but yourself. You are like your product Sata. No wonder the AU never honoured you with a statue!

  18. My humble advise to KK is to simply SHUT UP. Mandela is a very wise statesman. Since leaving politics, he has never comments on any political issues. KK what you are saying shows that indeed time has passed you. You economic thinking of 1970 of building Mansa batteries simply does not apply today. How many batteries are used in Zambia for it to be economical? Where are you going to export when the Chinese can make the batteries at a fraction of the cost. Not even Australia makes batteries… we import cheap ones from China because it makes economic sense…
    Shikulu just enjoy your retirement rather than show your ignorance….

  19. “He said Zambia is one of the few countries that enjoy peace, making it an envy of the region” At the rate things are going on in Zed, this statement will no longer be applicable very soon. 

  20. I think KK is doing a donchi kubeba on the Zambian population. He has now found a way of punishing Zambians without getting his hands dirty for what they did to him in 1991. He knows Sata is a disaster for Zambia and he realises that if RB had continued, he would definitely had overshadowed him in terms of economic competence and management. KK is a bitter old man who has not got over losing the presidency in 1991 and realises that the Zambian people will be punished under Sata. What industries is he talking about when trying to run those same industries by his incompetent and undemocratic govt led to us having the biggest per capita debt in the world which we had to run through hoops of fire to get written off? Has he forgotten that it was an MMD govt that freed us from the debts he left?

  21. Mansa Batteries? I am sure by the year 3053 we will be one of the economic hubs of Southern Africa. I hope we are not using the UNIP development agenda people, the MMD made there mistakes but reviving UNIP will not do us good. Please!!!

  22. Economic hub, my foot! Let’s be serious. the PF government is taking us to the dark ages. Where can the MAD president take you? To destruction of course. Watch the space!

  23. Zambia will be an economic hub in 5024. Not what KK is saying. KK is sick. we need serious prayers for him. How can he praise SATA?

  24. KK should just shut up. What does he know about economics? He is the one who caused all this economic mayhem during his dictatorial one-party state. Sata is busy setting up the one-party state again and chi-colour KK is praising him for that? Are these the same industries which failed during his reign? No wonder KK wasn’t honoured by other African leaders, he is still a dictatorial old id.iot. If he wants respect he should shut up and think about all the people he killed while he was president and they will haunt him as he prepares to go to hell.

  25.  Ati………Mwinilunga Pineapple Plant, Mansa Batteries, Luangwa Bicycle Assembly  in this IT age ?
    Yellow maize, coupons , vigilante.UBZ .

  26. This is the kiss of death to Sata,  PF and Zambia.  So, KK is their economic advisor!  No wonder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  27. @ livingstone- My friend when will people like you be able to use logic when comparing the pre and post independence time? The colonials paid nothing in wages and owned all the fertile lands, there was no free education, there was no free medicine, no housing so therefore there was plenty of money around. In the KK era those things were reversed and that money was used to try to benefit the masses. Sure the old man was not perfect but who is, are you? Also the man should be allowed to have an opinion without being insulted, I may disagree with you but you are prob a good person so nothing personal..

  28. As an outsider looking to invest in Zambia and re-invest; I and others see great potential in the resources that can become available. Zambia should be a wealthy nation. From an outsider trying to do business; it seems many have their hand out wanting to get paid without doing anything to warrant that payment. When doing business next day could mean in three weeks. No way to run a business. With a good lawyer operating within the law and ethics a great deal could be achieved with investors wanting to participate in the growth. Both would be very well off and many more employed. The government gets its taxes and can improve the life of all.

  29. Somehow whenever I read about  KK officiating at a function, or talking about the dangers of HIV and AIDS, or singing to his dear wife, or listen to him talk about the freedom struggle etc.. the symbol that comes to my mind is a clean WHITE HANDKERCHIEF’. And I warm up to that. Here in UK the only person who fits at picture is the Queen. On the other hand, whenever he talks about his ideology of ‘Nationalisation as the vehicle to take Zambia to prosperity’ the symbol that comes to mind is a FROG, and how the frog was robbed of its share of votes, how you could not buy things without a UNIP card, how you had to queue up for hours to get essential commodities etc… I loathe those times. I hope his advisers can advise him to be the white handkerchief in his afternoon life.   

  30. Brabus- I also remember going to the the hospital and getting services without paying a penny, I also remember just buying uniform and showing up at school without paying any fees or buying any books, I also remember the streets not having any pot holes, I also remember the electricity not being rationed.

  31. Zambia is a very peaceful nation in large because of KK. Again nobody is saying the man is perfect but a fair minded person can also see why he supports the current president. He is humbled by all the honors that him and the other freedom fighters have enjoyed unlike all the humiliation they suffered in the hands of chiluba. Here is the father of a nation who had no home, no car, no money, killed his son, and if thats not enough was declared stateless ready to be deported. Yet at no time did he ever call in his supporters to riot or take up arms. I remember Grey Zulu walking bare foot with no shoes yet he was the vp. These guys could have looted boz with impunity had they been thieves but they didnt.

  32. The complaints I hear today about one party state is legit but that was the norm then, 90% of all the African countries were one party state. The complaints about long ques for essentials is also legit but I would trade that up for free education and free medicine anytime. The complaints about being a brutal dictator are absolutely bush talk, there is no merit to that. Like or dislike KK you have to give him his dues….

  33. @ Gono

    You are post on.

    K.K. and U.N.I.P did great things for Zambia and if PF can emulate them, Zambia can truly be a force to reckon with.

  34. Thank you my brother Nkoyaland, for a moment there I thought i was talking to myself. I had to get it off my chest because that guy Livingstone got to me…

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