Saturday, March 15, 2025

Nawakwi threatens citizen’s arrest on RSZ management


FDD President Edith Nawakwi
FDD President Edith Nawakwi

FORUM for Democracy and Development president Edith Nawakwi has threatened the Railway Systems of Zambia (RSZ) management with a citizen’s arrest if they continue to issue statements to justify their alleged failure to run the railway system in the country.

Ms Nawakwi has demanded that the RSZ restores the railway infrastructure to its original condition before engaging government on the planned repossession of Zambia Railways.

She said Zambians are unhappy with the dilapidated railway infrastructure and cautioned RSZ to deal with the matter carefully.

“All the slippers are gone. How do you explain such a situation?” Ms Nawakwi asked about the concessioning of Zambia Railways to RSZ in the year 2000.

Ms Nawakwi said in an interview yesterday that the RSZ management must desist from issuing statements on the matter, as many Zambians want the authorities to effectively deal with the concessioning of Zambia Railways.

“When a house is leased over a period of time, it should be handed over to the owner, in its original condition. If there are any damages during the period of lease, they must be repaired by the tenant, so the minimum we expect from them (RSZ) is to repair the damage to the railway infrastructure,” she said.

She said Minister of Justice Wynter Kabimba must expedite the review of the concession, saying the matter is straightforward.

Ms Nawakwi said it is unfortunate that the RSZ accused Zambians of vandalising railway infrastructure.

“They should be ashamed of themselves and hand over the assets because they are bankrupt. They are the major culprits for the deterioration of roads in this country. Let them keep quiet, we are not vandals, if the infrastructure was being stolen, why did they not report to the police?” she asked.

She said Zambians are going to speak and debate the concession on behalf of President Sata, following his instruction to Mr Kabimba to review it.

“We the people are now going to speak for the President,” Ms Nawakwi vowed.

She advised government to settle the matter as suggested by RSZ, after the company has replaced the damaged and stolen railway infrastructure.

“We can only discuss settlement after they have replaced the infrastructure. Do they think we live in the stone age where a train journey takes days over a short distance, when in other countries even in South Africa, trains can traverse hundreds of kilometres in a few minutes or hours?” she said.


  1. Bana Nawakwi, so u r a vuvuzela also? Govoernment should just have engaged the company to ensure that the improve performance during the tenure of the lease in the spirit of encouraging other investors to come to Zambia. In what capacity are u speaking madam? U seem to have ministerial power from under your skirt. Infact, u should at best keep quite because u are a net liability to the world not just Zambia. 

  2. Have to agree with Edith for the 1st time in a long time. There is what you call ‘care and maintenance’ or ‘no harm done’ policy, which simply is good faith in a leasing arrangement. It doesnt matter what challenges theyve had financially or otherwise – the railway is to be restored to how it was found at the very least – arrest these criminals if this isnt done!!!

  3. Nawakwi, as a former finance minister, you should have the phone number for Ngandu Magande another former fin. minister

  4. I totally agree with Edith Nawakwi on the issues surrounding expedite the review of the concession RSZ.I worked for zambia Railways for 13 years and grew up in Kabwe.My father worked for Zambia Railways and The situation of RSZ is unbelievable.RSZ have abandoned the railway line and have also abandoned railway infrastructure including their offices.The president is right and they must do quickly.

    • Kelvin Mugala’s Overview
      pastor at Blessed Bible church
      Commercial inspecor at Zambia Railways LTD Zambia.
      ST Clements Secondary School

  5. the rail system has been delapidated since the time of kaunda what is nawaki talking about. these muchinga and northerners they have brains of rats they do not think and thier short and long term memories are very poor

  6. She is right,RSZ have done more harm than good to our railway line.
    What happened to rail they removed on the Luanshya-Ndola line?Mufulira-Mokambo border line?
    Next the bridges on these lines will disappear (Kanyala and Twapia rail bridges in Ndola) and the Murundu one in Mufulira.)Maybe they are gone already!What happenned to all those rolling Stock,passenger cars that ZR had?Are those in still Kabwe?or have been sold as scrap?

  7. Ms Nawakwi said it is unfortunate that the RSZ accused Zambians of vandalising railway infrastructure.mmmmmmmmmmmmmmh iwe nampala, have you been to ndola and luanshya and found out where those sleepers ended up? inyanji were dumunad by those shomeka makers and some chaps who make steel stands for buildings. all in the name of fya govt. same applies to zesco and zamtel copper cables. bushe ninani uu duma?

  8. Iwe zero option!those njanji and sleepers were removed by RSZ.Maybe a few could have been stolen NOT the whole line from Ndola to Lunshya.LET THEM EXPLAIN where they took the njanji and sleepers PERIOD!

  9. #10 zero option niwe pure Zimandola iwe shimpala,lol. You remind me of home, my ever friendly Ndola city. Those mafias must give us our RS,nenjanji shonse filya fine shali.

  10. Zambians? Why condemn your fellow Zambian?? She knows what she is talking about. Who is happy with our rail network and infrastructure?? It’s high time these cheap foreign investors swallowed their own nonsense. We want development and if they cannot improve our Railway line, repossess and give it to others who are serious. We are a landlocked country and effective rail transport will help us dearly. Get serious and stop condemning. VIVA Nawakwi and keep up the fight for Zambians.

  11. Really only a dull creature in Zambia can condemn Nawakwi. All Zambians are speaking the same language of Nawakwi. The RSZ is a typical useless Investor bent on raping Zambia. The guys have been there not to add any value to the economy of Zambia but to deduct. For the past 8 years the RSZ has invested nothing but have been enjoying Government money put in it as a partner. Can really a normal Zambian who cares for the poor support such barbaric behavior by the RSZ?? Only a very dull creature can support . 

  12. Nawakwi has every right just like any other Zambian, but especially that she has got brains than most of her critics, to comment on any national issue, without being insulted, and without becoming part of the PF Government!!

  13. # 15 Chitapi-meno-ngwe-mutu, you are really a sorry definition of a human being! Is this about boy friends or the mismanagement of our rail lines by the RSZ concessionee. Though RSZ is entitled to recover their investment into the operations of the railway system, the owners of the railway lines (Zambians) are also entitiled to receive the agreed fees and the property should be well maintained. In the case of the RSZ they have completely failed to rejuvenate the business and infrastructure of the former Zambian Railways. Actually they have caused dilapidation to the infrastructure concessioned to them! VIVA EDITH! Abash unconstructive criticism and narrow mindedness!

  14. I for one agree with Nawakwi, we need such politicians if we can go forward than those who dont see any thing except going to plot 1 , as zambians we need to focus on how we can develop our nation , than allow crooks to come and steal from us , RSZ must account for all they have done to the railway systems

  15. iam anti sata,but this move is long overdue,now chishimba kambwili must answer questions on the NDOLA-LUANSHYA rails.alishitishe ati ni scrap metal chiikala

  16. I agree with this girl`s sentiment for now. My only question that begs an answer is; this concessioning idea originated during the reign of FTJ Chiluba. Mrs Edith Nawakwi Hambulo was a Minister in that govt. A Finance Minister is a custodian of such agreements and anything to do with national development and economic planning. The ministry prevails and can advise on all such matters. Mrs Hambulo, what role did you play in this concession? You should also remember that a concession is a lease where all railway assets(track & rolling stock) still belonged to the govt. The govt had a eye thru the inspector of railways and Zambia Railways Limited (it still exists with an oversight role, employing about 30 people).

  17. In what capacity Kambwili sold the njanji between Ndola and Luanshya?Bufi ask RSZ.Please dont hide in the mchinji-Chipata rail line,what is the distance ?how many sidings?Does that account for the Ndola-Luanshya ,Mufulira-Mokambo and all sidings and old bridges Nawakwi has talked about???I support her on this one!

  18. I support what Nawakwi is saying. She has showed great patriotism and high levels of intelligence than many of you hopeless bloggers. Viva Nawakwi. You have brains that even rule this country. MMD mortgaged this country and had it reduced to a lame duck nation. Most cargo is on the roads now, quickly reducing their lifespan.

  19. Ms Nawakwi..don’t act like the railway system was perfect before 2000. If anything it rapidly deteriorated during the 1990’s at which time you were a prominent member of the ruling regime. Secondly, may I advice government to deal with these matters in a different way, this confrontational and aggressive approach will cause more harm than good.    

  20. @28. Nyasa Watcher. I would have gladly published the Concession documents for your benefit. Unfortunately, I am unable to do so because I have just been warned by GBM that the documents are Seditious. And I risk been charged with treason.

  21. Well done Nawaki. I love you for voicing out, keep up the spirit of being patriotic. We definitely need a functional railway system in Zambia, one that will timely move passengers and goods. People who are complaining about the action taken by the government are blind for they cannot see the damage done to the railway system in Zambia. Let’s support the governmnet’s satnd on this one.


  23. It seems Nawakwi and a lot of bloggers are used to making statements based on emotions and not facts. RSZ has spent more than its obligation of rehabilitating the rail track. Government has as usual never honored its side of the agreement in rehabilitating.

  24.  “if the infrastructure was being stolen, why did they not report to the police?” she asked.”

    Has Edith not seen the adverts on National TV telling the people to STOP stealing rail infrastructure?
    I’m sure she watches DSTV and neglects to even watch ZNBC most days.

    Everyone knows about rail thefts but her.

  25. Ba LT, I am sure Nawakwi was talking about Rail SLEEPERS, the rectangular solid hard timber Rails sleep on, and not Rail Slippers whatever that is.

  26. Yes there are only steel sleepers, wooden sleepers and concrete sleepers. There is nothing called rail sleepers. Or you can just call them sleepers.

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