Sunday, October 6, 2024

Inonge Wina castigates HH for his remarks on Nawakwi


CHIEFS and Traditional Affairs Minister Inonge Wina (L)
CHIEFS and Traditional Affairs Minister Inonge Wina (L)

Gender and Child Development minister Ionone Wina has strongly condemned the use of abusive and degrading language on women by political leaders.

Ms. Wina who quoted to a story in the post newspaper dated September 13, 2012, where Mr. Hakainde Hichilema described Ms. Edith Nawakwi as a little girl who has run out of what to cook in the kitchen and goes to look for food at the market.

She said such utterances makes sad reading are based on prejudice adding that such remarks can only come from a person who is intolerant of opinions, lifestyles or identities that are different from his or her own.

Ms. Nawakwi said it is unacceptable for leaders to perpetuate the marginalisation of women by insinuating that women are only meant for the kitchen through exhibiting negative perceptions by alluding to women’s sexuality.

She further described Mr. Hichilemas’ statement as degrading and disrespectful to mother Zambia adding that such utterance only imply that woman are mere possessions o men who are not fit for governance and leadership position in the development of their country.

She said sexuality of women should be treated with respect and the importance that it deserved as reproductive roles of women are cardinal to reproduction and sustenance of the nation and human kind.

Ms. Wina has however urged political leaders to refrain from using abusive language but also exhibit exemplary behaviour at all times towards one another.

And just yesterday Tourism and Arts Minister Silvia Masebo has said the politics of hatred that United Party for National Development (UPND) president Hakainde Hichilema is playing will not help him to advance his political career.

Ms Masebo said the hate speech riddled with bitterness and inconceivable hatred is not helping Mr Hichilema and that even the people who surround him like his special advisor have nothing to help matters.

“I feel sorry for my brother HH. His hate speech and tribal talk shall never get him into State House, never. With people around him like William Banda as an advisor what do you expect? Disaster!” she said.

She said the UPND president should not use tribe as a yardstick to get into State House as if the Zambian presidency is shared on a rotational basis between tribes adding that Mr Hichilema is actually decampaigning himself with his routine outbursts.

Ms Masebo said there are so many issues an opposition political party leader can raise as a way of providing checks and balances to Government but that personalizing politics to the extent of insulting fellow leaders is unacceptable.

She particularly took great exception to the attacks Mr Hichilema directed at Forum for Democracy and Development (FDD) president Edith Nawakwi describing it as an act of cowardice aimed intimidating a more seasoned politician than him.

“Edith Nawakwi is a strong politician. The fact that she has not been president of Zambia doesn’t take anything away from her. You can see the bitterness and hatred in Mr Hichilema’s speech. I personally have no regard for men who attack and insult women like that,” she said.

The Tourism and Arts minister said because of not practicing issue-based politics, Mr Hichilema cannot even beat National Restoration Party (NAREP) president Elias Chipimo Jnr despite the latter being relatively new in the political arena.

Mr Hichilema was yesterday quoted as having attacked Ms Nawakwi whom he described as a hired gun while also having a go at former president Dr Kenneth Kaunda as well as Post managing director Fred M’membe.



  1. HH says Nawaki is used by the Pf to attact him, which is very true. Please Madam Inonge with all due respect dont devert the people’s attentintion from the issue HH was rising. HH was not adressing the issues of women but liked Nawaki’s behavior to a little girl …. Viva HH & kindly leave Nawaki to us will handle her. We know Nawaki is used by the Pathetic Failures who have no agenda for our might Zambia.

    • It may be true that Nawakwi is being used by PF, but it is also true that HH’s comments did cross a line toards sexist remarks. There are ways of criticizing without being petty. Putting woman and kitchen in one sentence in the way HH did is sexist. Calling a woman older than him a girl is rude and petty and unrelated to the issue of Edith being a PF mouthpiece. That is petty. I’m not saying HH is bad or good. I’m just saying some petty things were said.

  2. Does Narep even have councillors for ka Chipimo to be a factor. Masebo your so called success in politics is based on opportunism…..jumping from one party to another like a political prostitute! As for you Inonge my advice to you is simple. Stop concoting stories that have not been reported anywhere. HH in the morning. HH in the evening. HH at night……and you want to tell us he is not a political factor! And that you’re more scared of Chipimo! You lot are crazy or dare I say stupid!

  3. Ba mayo ba Wina ikalenifye tapali efyo mulelanda. You are a sell out. Edith deserves to be called any names because she has been attacking fellow opposition leaders just because she wants a job from Sata. HH did not insult Edith but the p[ost with membe always take things out of proprtion when it involves HH. Silvier masebo is just as aprostitute as nawakwi is so I can’t waste time commenting on her foul spoken mouth.

    • I heard HH say edith should stay in the kitchen, what concoction did Post do? They are actually in quotes, so he said it, if he did not say those words let him sue Membe. But you i and know that Fred is much much much smarter than HH, than man who does not even know how to smile. each time he opens his mouth he sounds annoyed. How? What kind of person is like that. Not charismatic at all and u think he can be president. Wait for 2016 to be shocked… ine ndeloleshafye.

  4. Bo Inonge, stop twisting statements made by Chief HH. We all know that you have just combaned your forces to start decampaigning him, otherwise the young man is giving PF sleepless nights. & instead of wasting your time castigating HH why dont you advice your president to start behaving like a human being & restore the sanity for Zambia? Why dont you advice Sata to grand UPND the permit to held rallies countrywide bcoz such is their right? All the 73 trbes of Zambia have seen that Sata has failled & Zambia under pf is a disaster.

    • I agree with UPND having the right to hold rallies, and that right MUST be upheld. I disagree with the last TRIBAL sentence. I sense a dark feeling behind your words.

  5. Its strange how stories are twisted in politics. If we liken HH to a boy with a troubled upbringing, is that an insult to all Zambian man?
    What HH said was to Nawakwi and not all women in Zambia. Lets not abuse these gender issues. I am not UPND but these women are taking this story out of propotion

  6. Did you read the post yesterday(14.09.12)? Did you see the laguage Nawawi used against HH? Wina be balanced in your approach to critise HH, first advice Nawakwi to sober up. Otherwise, we begining to start loving HH.

  7. Here in Zambia we seem to be short of options for “great” not just “ok” presidential candidates. I thought HH was promising, but those utterances against women in this day and age?

  8. #5. Don’t cheat yourselves because HH is the most unpopular opposition party leader this side of the equator. His support in Zambia is exclusive to his bantustan.

  9. Okey HH is growing bigger and the Pamafi are trying to use propanga tricks and madslinging. wenow know those tricks deliver or get booted

  10. No 5 Natasha,u must analyse the political sinario before u post your opinion.The fact is HH is not popular and will never be popular because of he thinks in one dimension,tribalism!UPND is a regional party and HH cannot win the presidency with his “UPND is me and Im UPND,I will be the last tonga standing”.This is childish and lacks merit.HH is a novice in politics and has no direction.UPND must find a new leader or the party is doomed!Come 2016 HH will come a distant third with less than 15% if not a distant fourth!

    • if HH is not popolar to you, does that mean he is not popular to everyone? if elections where to be held today you can see how your PF can loose. am bemba but my VOTE is on HH. he is brilliant young man. not those old hyenas you are supporting

    • Dear What A Life#14, you said HH thinks in one dimension. In the interest positive contribution, and to help readers understand your point and compare HH with Sata, please give examples of HH’s one dimesion thinking.

  11. with all due respect mr. what a life. UPND has MPs in Western , Central and North Western province.  it looks like its only miopic and stupid people who refuse to see what is before them. Regional party my foot. You are probably a hired bitter cadre sent to save face for your dying disorganised party.

  12. Intersting fact for you die hard Cadres for the dying pamafi… Lusaka has never voted for a ruling party and they have alldone better than the party in state house right now


    • I agree with you. I would say, though, that Chipimo having no MPs YET, does not negate his capacity to grow. Sata also had no MPs at some point. The idea is for us to see who we can groom as a people to fill that vacuum. Could be Chipimo, could be someone else, but we must groom someone, or we must transform existing opposition parties, which is a hard one because phase one involves changing top leadership of those parties, and that is a hard one.

  14. Oh, Mrs Inonge Loser, I thought you were making peace with your creator, so you are still alive? Welcome back to the land of the living (it could as well be leaving!)

  15. Ba LT mwayamba ubupuba, some comments especially from me are not published. It seems now u r PF in full reverse gear. Inonge, Nawakwi & Masebo all have no husbands because they are useless in their things and the heads

    • I will uphold your right to be heard, but I will also uphold the right of the publisher to filter out-of-context postings that are more insulting than informative.

  16. Masebo you are right, HH cannot beat Chipimo because he is not Bemba. Miles sampa ignorantly said the “according to laws of probability” they are more Bemba’s than Tonga. If anyone knows what school Miles is going (PHD) to, please let me know, so that i do not send my kids there, I know he had his undergrad at UNZa and that is a big no no!

    • HH failing to beat anyone has nothing to do with his not being Bemba. Mazoka was not Bemba but he could easily beat all these opposition leaders of today, probably even PF, with his hands tied. HH may be a good businessman, but his PR skills in politics need much sharpening. He took over a nation-wide popular party which was being ran by a Tonga but did not suffer the tribalist overtones we here of today. He failed to either improve from where Mazoka left off, or at least maintaining the same level of appeal and dignity. We can only improve by admitting our shortcomings. Lets face facts.

  17. Bo HH is just going mad in his frustration and bitterness. I think going by his language thats why he has kept his wife at home all along. I have never seen nor heard of the wife of HH. All his friends’s wives come in the open and support their husbands during elections. Sata’s wife supported him and she could challenge those who accused Sata of homosexuality that she was the beautiful wife of Sata ” do you see a man or a beautiful lady??” she asked at a rally. Same with RB with his sweet thirty, she was their on the side of her old husband without shame.
    But bo HH’s wife no person knows her nor seen nor heard about. SURE NOW WE KNOW THAT SHE IS KEPT LIKE A KITCHEN TOOL THAT DOES NOT MOVE NOR TALK. What a dull and ancient way of keeping a woman bo HH. 

    • I agree with you, but I think that your reference to his wife is extreme and a bit out of context. I understand the implication of the sentence in block letters, but I think you can make your point, which I agree with, without being too personal.

  18. I found HH comments disturbing and deplorable. it’s only in that part of the world where a presidential hopeful can attack a woman in such uncivilised man. More women need to come out and condemn uncivilised attacks.

  19. Even Michelle Obama , she is their for her husband. Supporting him. But our dear HH has kept the wife in the kitchen for cooking only according to HH language. For HH as he said a woman should be confined to the kitchen…….I am shokod guys by the language of the most popular president to be. Heey I end here.

  20. ‘..we all know that he used to walk from Bweengwa to Kalomo to go to secondary school and those long walks, you don’t expect a person to come up smiling. He has a difficult up-bringing and it shows when you relate to other people…’ There u have got it in black and white that this id.iot of a woman(Nawakwi) has no regard for poor people. Infact she insulted every poor Zambia. As far as she is concerned anyone who had a difficult upbringing like the majority of Zambians can not relate to people properly. Mrs Wina if you have any remaining decency in you, you should be condemning Nawakwi not HH. HH was simply responding to Nawakwi’s continued unprovoked outbursts at him. Any normal person would reach a stage were you have to hit back .

    • I’m not an HH fan, but your observation on Nawakwi’s self-contradiction is interesting and valid. If HH insulted all women (which I think he did) then Edith insulted poor people (which I think she did).

  21. Nawakwi has insulted every poor Zambian who has walked to school. If you are poor and have walked to school then you have a difficult upbringing and you can’t relate well to others, according to Nawakwi and his PF backers. They are now insulting the poor people who voted for them, and we shall spead this message to our poor brothers and sisters in the compounds and villages.

  22. Both Edith and Hakainde said wrong things. HH did not mean to insult women, and Edith did not mean to insult the poor. Their statements only reflect that people should think a bit more about the implications of what they say, and should limit comments to the issue at hand and not get unnecessarily personal. If HH makes a mistake, for example, I should not bring in his IQ. I should just talk about that mistake, leaving room for someone to defend themselves in case my observations were wrong. It was wrong for HH to throw the gender card, and it was wrong for Edith to throw the poverty card. Let’s forgive them for that and move on.

    • i agree with you my friend, they both did not think before opening their mouths. as political leaders both HH and Nawakwi should think carefully before making any statements. 

    • i like your inconsistency. you say too many things even failing to equalize your positions as your name suggests. on this comment you say this on the other you change hehe. VIVA HH

  23. These women are both being pathetic and petty, did they consider what Nawakwi said about HH to start with? And for the life of me, wha is so “riddled with tribalism, bitterness and inconceivable hatred” that only Masebo can see in HH’s remarks? At least Bo Inonge restricted herself to the gender remarks which I think she does not realise are also on target because Nawakwi indeed used to cook nshima at the market before she finished school. For Masebo, she should just shut up and concentrate on cooking nshima for her boyfriend Wynter Kabimba with who she sired an illegitimate son Sata appointed deputy ambassador to Japan. I think Nawakwi and Masebo need “alangizi.”

  24. Such foolishness needs to be treated with anything but disdain. There’s nothing that can be done about the basically emotional prejudice of these PF Bembas against HH & Tongas in general but one would have thought none Bembas in this cabinet like Inonge & Masebo wouldn’t be soo susceptible to the shameful & bigoted exposure; Bembas are prejudiced against any none Bemba, it’s born from an Iturani Kasai gene in them! Coupling all of that with Sata’s pathological bigotry of “free speech & posts for Bemba PF, but not for thee Tongas & HH” thing so many Bembas & their rented lot have come to love, & you have a “bitterness, tribalistic & anger” template that is faithfully followed, by fools every time.

    • All that said. HH as opposition should be offering alternatives to programs of the ruling government and not just attacking. His attacks will not help people have an idea where he would like  to take the country when he  comes into power. From the way i see and read his politics they all carry attacks on the government and PF and no alternative vision offered !!. I am told he is an intelligent guy but i have tried to to search for his brilliant ideas and found nothing but only contra attacks. Has this guy got what it takes to rule a multi tribe country like Zambia? I fear that the one zambia one nation that our fore fathers like KK struggled to bring about would be destroyed by this so called smart guy!!! Tongas wake up and dont be mislead by the selfish guy. He has no vision for Zambia

  25. masebo and Nawakwi? these are just prostitutes. adulterers, they have no moral right to stand on a podium to condemn others. who condemn them when they sleep with other pipo’s husbands? they have no heart for the wives of those men. i have great respect for madam Inonge Wina. not those two adulterers. VIVA HH

    • Show me a man in Lusaka who has only slept with his wife since getting married and then I will believe that Masebo and Nawakwi are prostitutes. married men go out of their way to have these other women. Adultery is committed by two. So leave masebo & nawakwi alone. they are smarter than you. their marriage status has nothing to do with poolitics. And your Dora is an Angel, and RB with his under 5 wife is an angel. And hefty J was another angel. Shame on all men.

  26. women of zambia wil never rule zambia as long as they remain political prostitutes,let H.H win and become President the, same three political prostitutes wil be the ones preparing the venue for inoguration of H.H as our new President in 2016.Why do some of these women like hero worshping,is it a devil in them that celebrates with them coz them get paid for hero worsping and boot licking and for fear that when this govt leaves their brain les children wil loose emplyment.Just enjoy in the back ground and never provok the Zambian who are not happy with every thing

  27. inonge wina is useless,what championing of womens rights when girls in her constituency nalolo dont go to school.She ran way from nalolo bacause she is a liar.This woman is very evil,she has betrayed the people of nalolo.Women give birth in homes,schools have closed no teachers,schools which were built in 1950s are still grass thatched.But see this woman is posing as if all is well for women in her constituency.Inonge go and build womens clubs in Nalolo.You know you won that seat because of the promise to restore BA64 and upgrading namushakende institute of research to a university,all these promises you have never reminded your president about because you are not a factor in PF.You are using our tribe to fill your belly.Nawakwi is a political prostitute.she is looking for a new political

  28. HH is bitter. Period. He clearly stated PF could not win on their own and they won. that alone is enough for anyone to be bitter. Unless HH is not normal. Just think of the emotions HH had to go thru to see this old man he said could not win alone, win. Ichikonko pamukoshi. know what i am saying? i am sure you do. It show right to this day. Bitter!!!!!!!!

    • i can see that you a Pama-Fi (PF)supporter am one man who has never slept with another woman apart from my wife. u sound a womanizer aren’t you? that is why you support immoral behavior such as adultery

  29. We know that PF is abusing you madam wina.Your husband the liberator is turning in his grave you are a seller out stop attacking HH you need to savd those malozi in kaoma

  30. wina is a let down to her great husband wina.if he was alive,he would have slapped her for eating with his enemies.

  31. I think Inonge is just filling in the party template of madslinging political threats and by now we know HH is on PF menue. why does Inonge deliberately forget about the insults nawakwi has been throwing in the media. This govt has taken  zambia to the dogs

  32. Now i understand why these three women are an inspirational force to other women in the country. They are too dull and immoral to say the least. You expect women to rally behind other women in politics but definitely not Zambian politics. The women in PF particularly these three have exhibited a high degree of dullness and immorality that the rest of the women in the country feel misrepresented. Look at Ka Masebo’s comments – off target, look at Inonge’s – ignorant. we expected the two women to counsel Nawakwi but ooops! they chose to agree with her comments that insult the poor Zambians. The very Zambians that pay tax which they are squandering. Shame Masebo, Shame Nawakwi, Shame on you Inonge.

  33. It seems people are rooting for HH to be president in 2016? Has he not already stood 3times for it, which means under the constitution he can’t stand again.

  34. It’s amazing how some people can support what HH said and even go further and insult/ridicule our women/mothers. As a man I don’t mind another man calling me ch£$£^& or what ever. But I object to any man insulting a woman no matter her status or situation!. Am not condoning Nawakwi reaction either. If HH does not appreciate diversity what makes you think he can make a good president? Give me 3 minutes in an elevator with this chap!

  35. HH HH HH HH HH is this and that and that etc…ZAMBIANS WAKE UP!!
    HH is definitely 1000 times better than CNP..if only he was BEMBA..
    NAWAKWI is saying HH had a troubled childhood…how about her who has been PROSTITUTING herself from UNZA and those days as a junior economist at ENERGY MINISTRY.

    She even grabbed someone’s husband.

  36. #42 Chills Sata stood in 2001, 2006, 2008 and 2011. The point I was trying to make was it seems no-one follows the constitution. It seems as long as you are in opposition you can stand as many times as you want. Therefore we currently have no checks and balances……..

  37. I wonder why some people are so inferior to the Bembas. They cant express themselves without bringing out that inferiority complex pitting themselves as useless tribe while elevating the Bembas…why?  Any people from any tribe in Zambia can be president so long as that person is voted for by the people of Zambia. Please stop being so Inferior guys..shaaa. 

  38. Nonentities must be ignored and frowned upon. Only the bold and the powerful are talked about. HH is talked about and is therefore a force to reckon within Zambian politics whether a bitch or ma fkn Niga hates him or not. How can one be bitter wit millions of dollars in assets and in da bank? 

  39. Inonge, keep quiet. In the first place, you were supposed to be vice president, but you. We’re sent into. A strange ministry of chiefs. Now you are in oblivion, having been shared in community. You don’t control decisions in pf. If I were you, I would resign, but I am not you, you are what you are, unprincipled disgruntled and depressed woman begging for a living.

    You won barn motel, but you have failed to run it and put it on rent, even with booming business in Lusaka.

    Please intone, try to be lozi for a change and get a life, learn from bembas, they don’t attack one another in their cultural circles, ask Kabimba, mutati and those Bemba priests who used to attack rupiah, mwanawasa.

    Get a life

  40. Bo Inonge upto now you have not realised that you are also just a hired gun?First they used you for the Barotse vote only to appoint you as Minister for Chiefs!Now gender whatever.And your much cried for BA64 has been put in the trash bin after PF promising to restore it.

    LT Bo Inonge is on the RIGHT in the picture NOT on the LEFT!

  41. HH, he will not rule Zambia with the bitterness he habours against Bembas who he need to vote for him to win. It is time HH and his supporters came out from the cocoon thinking one day, HH will rule Zambia. This is nothing tribal but the type of a man. He is sic in the head to rule Zambia. People like Mazoka, Magande, Baldwin are Tonga and they are/ were embraced by Zambian. What is wrong with HH, why are people avoiding him. by the way, even Lozis dont like HH because of his tribalism. Lozis detest the tribalism in HH. 

  42. I dont know why HH is even bothering to bring SANITY to this country..With more than $72 Million to my name, i would chill out and concentrate on my business and Charity work..
    I would leave ZAMBIANS to concentrate on MEDIOCRE leaders whom they enjoy voting for.
    But even if a strongly believe CNP is not presidential material (Just like KK–FTJ–RB) I have no choice but to respect the WILL of Zambians (Mostly Bembas and other Kaponya AFFILIATES) who voted for HIM.
    i rest my case!!

    • Mistake: after wealth creation he now wants to boost his balls to “El presidete”; and its those balls that control his thinking. How on earth would a normal person respond in such a manner; even if provoked, gender issues are very sensitive; he could have just accepted criticism and moved on. Have you noticed what the post has done? They have not respondend to his attacks; the next time they respond, it will be a court order. Listen, not everyone who says something has a right to be heared; Your future president needs to learn when to speak and when to listen.

  43. I was at Unza with Nawakwi. She was a poor Kamushi nun whom noone would have wanted to hook The transformation came after she stole money as Local gvt minister. Now she wants to laugh at the poor! As for HH he needs to act like an aspirant President. Mature politicians know that in this day and age you can’t Stereotype women

  44. Our women reps are also a disgrace. Which women dd HH insult? HH had it with Nawakwi because Nawakwi is a politician and she is attacking others. Does it mean when one woman is wrong then all women are wrong????? Illogical reasoning!!!!! Cooking was refrred to Nawakwi and not all women!!!!!!!!

  45. To Hell with women iossues.All people are equal.We have had a lot of crap since the Beijing conference.The boy child has been ignored and relegated to the streets while the girl girlchild is getting all the attention.Why?Each time a man expresses his view,the women are the victims,Cow dung politics.Me am fed up!

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