By Barnabas Mwansa
Good governance, democracy and effective opposition political parties are critical pillars for economic growth and development.
Following the most recent events in Zambia, the country risks striding back on this bench mark, thereby impacting negatively on the growth and development that Zambia has gained in recent years. Politicians should realize how important conditions of good governance, democracy and effective opposition political parties play in poverty eradication and growth for development. Such conditions attract foreign direct investment, international community trust and thriving economic conditions for growth.
Opposition parties
Clearly the current political dispersion exposes serious weakness in Zambia’s political systems. The two largest opposition political parties; MMD and UPND lack credibility in pushing the country forward. These political parties have serious challenges of misguided political leadership to marshal required effective opposition political parties in Zambia to create a climate for development.
The leadership of both UPND and MMD suffer from ego, overly rated ambition for power and pride, such that it overcrowds their effective participation on important national matters that affect the citizenry and poor people. They could be more effective by engaging government and the ruling party in debating policy frameworks on how to develop the country. Particularly, pushing policies that address the needs of poor people such as improving access to clean water and sanitation, quality healthcare, education, rural and agricultural development, and debate macroeconomic policy frameworks required for growth and development, critically contributing to poverty eradication, employment creation and addressing inequalities.
Zambia is facing serious challenges of low infrastructure, low energy capacity of both electricity and oil, poverty, youth unemployment and weak legal systems. These are issues HH and pastor Nevers Mumba should be lobbying PF government to improve, and provide policy frameworks on how to go about address these daunting challenges.
PF response
Regrettably the PF government response to these opposition parties has been very hopeless. The Zambian people voted the PF government in office to restore political order and reconciliation, maintain peace and stability, both economically and politically cracked down by the MMD government while in power. But the PF government is not demonstrating that ability.
I observe there is serious lack of political tolerance and political dialogue since PF came into power. This is not good for democracy and the sooner the PF government realizes that the better.The PF government needs to show cunning in the way they are handling national matters and protect fundamental principles of good governance, democracy and create an environment in which effective opposition political parties can flourish. More importantly, adhere to upholding human rights and human freedoms enshrined in our constitution. Freedom of expression, freedom of association and freedom of assembly because it is on these basis Zambia is built.
It will not do any good for the PF government to use government machinery to settle old political scores against it opponents in the name of maintaining peace and order. Actually such practices are tantamount to abuse of state power and authority.Political tolerance is a critical ingredient to good governance and democracy. The police and our legal systems should act in a more professional and sane manner as they discharge their duties and not to be used as tools of oppression.
In my view PF ought to govern Zambia differently from MMD, because it is on that basis they were voted into power. I mean the real change the Zambian people were looking forward to and not what we are seeing now.
I believe the PF government do not recognize how much their practice in government overall impacts on growth and development. Well, the simple message is that how they handle Mr. HH and pastor Nevers Mumba or any other opposition party in the country impacts greatly either negatively or positively on good governance, democratic and human rights records.
But beyond that, it impacts on loss of international community credibility of the government and foreign direct investment confidence, both of which hurt the economy and adversely impact on poverty reduction.
Sadly to note, the media is not being helpful in highlighting the implications of weak political governance systems and how much it impacts on the country’s development.
Understandably, the Post newspaper which used to be an adamant defender of good governance and democratic tenets has a compromised political situation which hinges on their business and survival. The paper has turned itself into a defender of individuals who own it and as a political tool for business survival.
The independent media on which democracy can be built is polarized in Zambia with less to expect from them.
Civil Society
No one expected that civil society in Zambia would lose it voice so easily as it has done in most recent months.
This country has had an admirably strong and vibrant civil society that could mount pressure on the government and get things done. Where has the civil society gone? Civil society is a platform on which citizenry can effectively engage with government and articulate their aspirations and hopes.
The civil society has been a pillar holding government and opposition political parties accountable in their actions and political debates. Some individuals from civil society got government appointments and took away the vibe in Zambian civil society. Because of these individuals the country has an endless constitution making process without defined expected month or year when the country will have a solid constitution. Obviously this process is costly to the nation at the expense of tax payer’s money.
But like I have argued throughout this article, the development of this country will not depend on a few elite powerful individuals, some of them suffering from political ego and ambitions, others from business ideologies and many for their personal glory. But in the collective action of all of us in building on the foundations of good governance, democracy and effective opposition political parties that can add value to the development of our beloved and great nation.
Nice and well articulated article. This is what we shall strive to build upon as far as the people of Zambia are concerned. The problem we have is that the opposition parties have not yet come out of the cacoon to accept that PF is in Government not until 2021 0r even beyond. They are busy frustrating Government efforts instead of offering solutions so that the poor and vulnerable people’s lives in society can be lifted out of the quagmire they live in day in, day out. its pathetic to note even from Diaspora that the so called hh, is still bitter because of his past misjudgement about PF forming the Government as a lone Party. Hence all these frustrations coming out of him. its high time he sober up and try a different approach to do checks and balances in the PF Government. Viva PF, Viva
Its very easy to blame. I am sure you believe that HH wakes up in the morning and goes to sata and his ministers and holds their legs not be do their work. weak people always blame others for their failures. Like Africans always blaming the west becoz of colonization!!
i cannot grasp what the writer was aiming at,i know the pf govt hasnt done good on good governance,but for the post news paper ,i knew a long time ago that it was for sata and hence i dont expect much from them,and on civil society,the most funded and well organised group are the pro-cartholics ngos and some cartholics are fendamentalist as long they have a catholic man in @plot 1 ,they will remain the only group remaining is the protestant group of which are very weak interms of financial muscle,so the only group which can offer atelnative solution is able minded zedians who have courage and dont fear death like the freedom fighters .when i asked a friend of mine who is a mayor now as to y he is not doin enough to change things as we used to talk b4 ,he said FRUSTRATION FRM ABOVE
number 2 your analysis are much fair unlike the above article. the other point is that zambians lack one voice when things are not going well in the country and this is contrary to the spirit of the malawi pipo. in malawi when things have gone long they voice out to their learders. Zambian politics where above that of malawi but not anymo. today in zambia pipo look mo isolated based on their personal interest other than the country first.
You both got it wrong, it will be unrealistic to vent the anger with all our energies against the government just after one year in power. Zambians are patience enough and intelligent they already know that it will be 60 months to assess the PF. Who knows maybe the benefits will come in the third year.
Do not blame the post neither the NGOs let PF deliver to the electorate or just fail on its own. It is not in the interest of the nation to wish the Government failure. In short there is still time we shall assess the PF, and judge. The best opposition parties should do is sell themselves well and position themselves properly rather than calling for violence and insults.
This article is written without enough and good analysis of how a society works. It is not a kind of writing that doesn’t inspire anyone to do anything, it’s not objective in any way. It is crap
Good article unfortunately it doesn’t change anything, so what next?:-\”
MR Mwansa, it is clear that you want to advise this dictatorial regime to respect the tenants of democracy that have made our country an outstanding symbol in Africa. However, there is no need for you to throw unnecessary salvos at the opposition, because you know deep down your heart that we have very intelligent and admirable oppositon leaders in Zambia right now compared to the mediocre opposition of Sata and his PF we had in the past. Yes, you are right to say that the once vibrant civil society has gone mute and this is mainly due to fear of the dictator currently occupying state house.
Which Zambia do you live in? you are the only person that has seen dictatorship. Change your thinking and you shall see democracy and freedom in our country Zambia.
Nice one zed patriot. Mwansa is playing to the gallery
Quote: “The leadership of both UPND and MMD suffer from ego, overly rated ambition for power and pride, such that it overcrowds their effective participation on important national matters that affect the citizenry and poor people” Tell this to the ‘male chauvinist pig’ MCP also known as HH.
They wont hear that they are deaf.
Why blame HH for the failure of pf. If the head is rotten even if you put the fish in the fridge its just good for nothing. Pf government should admit they have failled to run the country & seek advice from the likes of HH who have the drive to move Zambia economic forward instead of the defence the pf is busy putting up towards criticism.
Do not support politicians like a football team, HH is not tested yet, and was actually the one selling the Zambian companies of which he benefited at the expense of the poor Zambians, who knows tomorrow he becomes President and only takes care of the Bantustans by buying them 10 cows each while leaving the rest of the country to wallop in poverty.
True he just chanced the Party President because only Tongas have rights to occupy UPND Presidency.
Just try HH in the next general election, he will restore social & economic sanity in the country. Thanks for the article though i know our president in waiting HH is listening & he learn one or two things to sharpen his leadership skills.
What is he going to do for Zambia???? I need answer in simple terms.
The development of the Nation involves many things. The media, other voices some from the opposition and work together for the good of the Nation. Democracy will bear fruit in Zambia if there will be tolerance and not silence the voice of the people. Some of these voices will help the Government of the day tick. Our politicians work together and do not just oppose and bring confusion when its not the time for that. We have a way of providing leadership to this nation together its not only for those in Power. Together we can!!
Sure we can, but which voice has been silenced???????????????
I have never been a UPND supporter, but from the articles the author is acknowledging that PF are not THICK SKINNED, with just a few criticism (whether productive or unproductive) they fail to do thier work and want to blame it on hh. living in the southern part of the U.S where they say really bad things about Obama on a daily bases, Obama has never stopped delivering and attributed his failures to the Republicans. He passed the healthcare bill even in the midst of very hot criticisms. why cant pf just deliver based on their promises than focus on what the opposition is saying???
ooh sorry, this is like comparing apples and mabungo (wild fruits)..
They will have themselves to blame if they fail. We are still waiting for more money in our pockets too.
One term Government, it will be very painful. Pull up your socks PF time flies.
Since coming to power, PF has been pursuing their MMD and UPND enemies with a view of bringing them down. THIS IS A VERY DANGEROUS SYNDROME. There has been abuse of state power and authority. As you rightly pointed out PF has disappointed many! What they need to know is that our international standing is above our petty politics, and political tolerance is a critical ingredient to attracting foreign investment through good governance and democracy. PF IS TAKING ZAMBIA BACKWARDS UNLESS THEY CHANGE.
The opposition are partly to blame they have misbehaved big time.
Pf has just lamentebly FAILLED, period! No blame on opposition. Pf cant deliver anything to the Zambian people. How can HH help pf when they are busy intimidating him left & right? The post is so useless now days that their goal is just to attack HH on daily basis. If you doubt what am saying just check the post headlines for last week. The pf & post have no more time to improve the welfare of the Zambian people but fighting HH. Pf start delivering on your promises & leave room for critisism. All pf has managed to do is issuing warnings & threats to UPND, period Otherwise, pf has no clear direction & agenda for Zambia. Indeed its dont kubeba as usual. HH long live!
Too early Natasha, calm down.
@MY ZAMBIA too early for development????????????????
MMD is the largest opposition party and NOT UPND why creating a situation as if UPND is closer to MMD, 52 MPs for MMD against 28 MPs for UPND almost half the number then you say it is the largest.
Thinking is tricky. You can think you are the biggest when infact you are the smallest, especially when you are under beer, drugs of daggar. Maths is not that difficult but can be dounting if you fail to rank the numbers 1, 2, 3 in ascending order if your view is in descending order. Eeeh, keepwatching.
You can be bigger than everybody in your head. interesting!!
Good evening
I agree with the author when he spots the connection between good governance, democracy, effective opposition and economic development.
However, I tend to think that the article may not be a genuine indicator of the status quo. I feel there is also need to acknowledge the fact that Zambia firmly ranks among the few African countries that have passed the test of peaceful politics and mature democracy, especially when it comes to power transistion. The last time I checked, it was only in Ghana, Senegal and Benin where opposition parties have peacefully won elections more than once. In other countries like Botswana, Tanzania or even South Africa, there may have been peacefull changes too but power has always remained in the hands of one political party.
Some articles……!
Challenges??? Shida yetu kubwa zambia ni Sata na nchi yake ya Bembastan.Wengine wote ni watu wa zambia.Tukiondoa hiyo Bembastan kila kitu itakuwa bambam.
This article makes no sensible sense Except Mwansa want to educate us on PF failures, God forbid in my opinion MMD and UPND are offering more sensible mature issue based opposition than the mediocre we saw in Sata ‘s time where everyday was insult and fooling and name calling such as kamwendo munjila , nyamasoya etc. so Ba Mwansa shut your probosis
If that is what MMD and UPND are doing we could be on the right path to democratic dispersion and development, they should not just be petty and not risk to be viewed as mere opposing everything, otherwise their reward is coming.
MMD left $2.2Billion in reserve one year PF have depleted these coffers what is so exciting about this ka $750m kaloba
Together in diversity, we have agreed to disagree on anything. Totally indifferent to whatever govt is doing and in return what opposition is doing. No common ground, except we belong to one nation. Wow, we need unifying prayers as they say, if not forget about the other. We are all smart in our own way. If this was marriage, I don’t know how it can last. But how can we change things? May be by stopping to belittle others, respect, trust, give others chance, indaba for all parties.
You are right.
Good morning
Great article and very concise if you ask me,the politicans we are dealing with have no ears and every data has to be struck into them.I can say much but wait on the outcome of the Mufumbwe caucus and the eventual polls.
Barnabas Mwansa. You would do well to direct your opening commentry to Mr Sata and his PF govt. PF is in power and have the instruments of power to develop the country, implement their economic strategy and provide good governance. To implore the opposition parties for poverty reduction and attract foreign investment is a misplaced statement. Recently, an opposition party was denied permit to hold a rally even after high court granted the permit, police intervened and denied them the right to hold the rally. That sends wrong signals to the international community about good governance of PF govt and not opposition.
What you people are forgetting is that MMD got those seats because being in Government using government resources. Come 2016 they will not manage as many seats as they have. I see PF, MMD, and NAREP sharing the northern part, with UPND maintaining southern, improving in western and north western. This has nothing to do UPND being a tribal party but because as Zambians we have gone tribal. Ask any bemba person the alternative to Sata, most likely the answer is NAREP and why? simply because he comes from the “right” part of the country. Now we need to be fair and frank about these issues. If HH is still considered under 5, then Chipimo is not yet born
zambia needs another colonial master for it to develop
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@5 zed patriot, which intelligent and admirable opposition do we ve. Hop u not yapping about haha and neverlands. These are the most clueless and mediocre politicians on earth. Haha has pushed his lucky too far daring GRZ on a daily basis with his babysh cries. opposion we ve is there to frustrate Grz yet offer no intellectual solutions. What comes out of haha’s mouth is bitterness. We need well educated and experienced opposition not haha.
Dont see how the post comes into this equation; what about these other non discript newspapers? [-(
OCTOPUS PAUL BWALYA ! We are discussing the article above not the cowdung you talking about. This is not football u predicted using voodoo, magic, sorcery, charms. The world cup is in 2014 and they ve changed from using the octopus to elephant hence your frustration yapping shit.[-(
pliz! Pliz pipo of zambia just give MCS a bit of time and trust him, he ll deliver. He is a man of action who wants to leave his presidency with zambia a far much better place than he found it. Look at all the measures he has put in place to curb over spending in GRZ.
Dont listen to childish politiking from HAHA.
Sata and Mmembe are the ones who are causing political tension in the country. These are the two people who the author should have described as suffering from ego, overly rated ambition for power and pride. In their pompousity they want everybody to believe that only bembas can rule Zambia because only them have the numbers to win. This is forcing other tribes to gang up agianst them. What do you expect non bembas to think if they are told that the only way they can be presidents is by marrying a bemba? How do you expect non bembas to think if they are told that key jobs can only be taken up by bembas because only them have the right qualifications? Do you expect non bembas to be happy when known vocal bemba dominated RB civil societies and newspapers are ignoring Sata’s misrule?
@Sosa bomfwe,Oh,there will not be political party elections in barotseland.Cancel hope of voting in barotseland.The zambian constitution has already been rejected as it is said not to invove them.Elections will not take place in barotseland in 2016.wait and see.All politicians playing zambian politics are declared enemies of the people of barotseland.The cant show up even in public for fear of being lynched.They are all in lusaka except Mr Milupi who standswith his people.He is the most famous politician in barotseland.Many youths call him the President of free barotseland.
Very objective comments. I hope that all parties are listening
Privetise GRZ.
Good article indeed. Let the opposition provide checks and balances and not insults, also let the PF develop democracy and infrastructure. Great article of indeed.
The artcle started off well until this cadre resorted to tread the thin line of trying so hard to be objective. Just get back in line with your fellow dictators like sata who have failed the majority of zambians
When they were in opposition, what did they do according this article? They were just insulting the president and calling him names as kaponyas. This time they are in power they have continued the nonsense. They tried to frustrate the MMD govt of anything good that was being done and again they are out there in full swing frustrating the opposition instead of fulfilling the promises. I am seeing the most corrupt govt which Zambia has ever had. Attention is shifted, people can not talk, they are all afraid to talk, by the time we realise that it was not the fight against corruption but corruption at it best, it will be too late. Sorry for you voters you do not want to be told the truth unless I lie to you. Now people wake up, next time listen to the truth and not lies and vote wisely.
The writer suffers from Bembarism.PF has been in opposition for a long time and we expected a good grade of leadership and governance beyond what MMD offered,but what do we see total downgrade of all democratic systems.If Sata and his minions have no plans,is it HH and Nevers problem and in your common sence will Sata accept wisdom from HH or Nevers or run the agenda of opposition parties?