Friday, March 14, 2025

Ministry of Finance releases K77.2 billion CDF funds


The Ministry of Finance has released K77.2 billion to the Ministry of Local Government and Housing out of the budgeted K150 billion Constituency Development Fund (CDF) for 2012.

The money is meant to cater for further disbursements for the first to third quarters of this year while the last quarter will have its share next month.

In a statement made available to the media in Lusaka yesterday, Ministry of Finance Public Relations Officer Chileshe Kandeta said that the balance of K72.8 billion is scheduled for release in two instalments saying the first being in September 2012 and the final one will be in October of this year.

Mr Kandeta is confident that through such timely releases the Constituency Development programmes will be moving in tandem with and will be complimentary to other national developmental programmes.

He said government through this is thereby determined to see massive creation of jobs for the Zambians, expansion of economic opportunities for self-reliance and alleviating poverty.

The Ministry of Finance Public Relations Officer noted that government has taken the opportunity to support the call for all stakeholders, in consultation with respective members of parliament to familiarise themselves with new guidelines on the management of CDF as stipulated in the circular letters issued by the Ministry of Local Government and Housing.


  1. I suggest they give half of it to neglected western province with particular emphasis on Inonge Wina’s Nalolo constituency.The shocking poverty there should be a scar on all zambians conscience.

  2. Just arrived from out space. Seen how money is poorly shared and accounted for using the so-called CDF. It is more money in MPs and their cadres pockets. If there is so much money available can we not use best accounting practice to disburse it? This has and will always be a recipe for sharing state funds.

  3. Strict accountability over CDF is not there. Remember Chisamba constituent saga and the on-going case regarding motor vehicles bought from this fund? I hope it is not more money in MPs pockets. Liato`s CDF = Boreholes for his farm, Shaka`s CDF for Katuba = fertiliser for his farm, Masumba`s Mufumbwe CDF = ????. The list goes on and on and on……………..

  4. May I know if western Province has been receiving CDF or not,if they have been getting their allocation,how have they been using it.There is no way Education infrastructure can be so dilapidated to that’s the MPs and aother civic leaders to balme not Gvt

  5. £10 million for 150 constituencies. is £66,667 per constituency! What can one do with this?
    I believe that the whole 10 million should be given to ONE constituency on NEEDS basis. Let them have all the money and sort out the pressing needs. What we saw on the pictures from western Province was depressing. Zambia NEEDS NEW political blood. We cannot have the same political failures that brought us to this situation doing exactly the same things and expect different results! RB was just an accident, but after Mwanawasa we should never have any OLD man rule us again. Can you imagine KK praising Sata! That is a sign that we are STUCK in the past!

  6. THE SAINT, thats a fake analysis, the money is for programmes initiated at constituency level. REMEMBER THAT, ALL OTHER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES TAKE PLACE IN CONSTITUENCIES – DO YOUR SUMS RIGHT!

    I expected that answer. Are you able to point out anything that can be called DEVELOPMENT from the use of these funds?
    A bore hole here, a chikayo there, what is that?
    We all saw the photographs of the Nalolo constituency schools, houes etc. What has been going on all these years? Hospitals have no detregent to wash linen and many other issues. So please educate me about how this Constituent DEVELOPMENT fund actually DEVELOPS the constituencies.

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