United Nations (UN) Country Representative Kanni Wignaraja has implored Zambians to be proud of the economic progress the country has achieved in the past 10 years.
Ms. Wignaraja said Zambia is the only country in Africa country that has sustained its macroeconomic stability and level of growth at 6 per cent for a long time.
She said this economic stability has pushed the country into the lower- middle income category.
She was speaking when she presented the Zambia Human Development Report for 2011 on Service Delivery for Sustainable Human Development in Mongu today.
Ms. Wignaraja pointed out that Zambia has kept its external debt at a minimal level and has also managed to reduce its inflation rate that was very high some 20 years ago.
But that nightmare school in Western Province, I mean the one Mrs. Wina went to inspect! That disaster, in a 6+% annual growth economy, just doesn’t tally.
well done RB
in three years???????????????? Better be Mwanawasa 8yrs of presidence and partly Chilluba – but KK laid the foundation
This report is for past 10 yrs and RB was not in power for 10yrs and so Late Levy started it all and RB and Sata have carried on.Well done.
nothing to do with lpm and rb -it had to do with the high copper prices spured on by chinas huge appetite
What RB? don’t give credit to people who did nothing but, derail the system.
Levy 7 RB 3 = 10
It is not even about RB or Levy ,but us all zambian because we all participated in one way or the other.We forwent anumber of things
RB and Levy. Levy 7 years and RB 3
Good observation madam. We are still developing as we have a man of action in the seat. HH cant see what you have observed as UN , may be talk to him so he understands the economics and not accounting .
“Legal and human rights awareness is the foundation for fighting injustice. Persons with disabilities cannot see remedies for injustice when they do not know what their rights and entitlements are under the law. Information on remedies for injustice must be intelligible to the persons with disabilities and knowledge provided to them must serve their practical purposes”. Hon Musukwa- NUIG 2012
Haha,the economic magic of MMD courtesy of LPM and the wiseman Rupiah Banda.The clueless kolwestans at plot 1 can only dream.
Presence by the PF is not good. If I were HEMCS in plot one I would have told the people of Zambia to thank the previous govt for the job well done. But trying to create the picture as if nothing was done that will be a sin in the eyes of God. The first thing this govt (PF) has done is to tell lies to the people of Zambia and to the outside world. It is not good just acknowledge that your friends did something good and the world appreciated it. Good governance, we shall not run away from it, they worked, and they will do it again.
I meant PRETENSE by the PF is not good, it is sinning.
So, you can see it for yourselves you dull chaps in UPND with your hungry hyena. Magande was the Minister of Finance then, and together with LPM (Late) they ensured that these economic gains were achieved. This is why i keep on saying that Tongas are not short of good leaders. I am not sure why some people think HH has anything to offer to this country apart from dividing the nation and making people see Tongas as tribal due to his careless talk and the bitterness he harbours against our bemba brothers and sisters. Let us forget about this HH who has brought Tonga tribe into question mark when we know Tongas are good and hard working people. Viva Magande for the positive economic gains.