Friday, March 14, 2025

President Sata wants government to purchase all the maize


President Sata making a point during the opening of parliament
President Sata making a point during the opening of parliament

President Michael Sata has directed minister of agriculture and cooperatives to buy all the maize country wide.

ZANIS reports that speaking during the official opening of the second session of the eleventh national assembly, President Sata said the Ministry of Agriculture should endeavour to purchase all the maize as the rains are just around the corner.

He said no maize should be allowed to go to waste hence the need for government to buy all the maize.

The President observed that the country had performed well in the agricultural sector adding that the people of Zambia responded positively hence the need for government to purchase all the maize.

Meanwhile President Sata has directed the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperative to look for market for goats.

He observed that in Southern province there are plenty of goats that require a market to which farmers can supply their animals.

And on fish farming, President Sata said measures should be taken to improve the stocks of fish in Zambian rivers.

He said people will suffer if the stocks of fish are depleted as this would result in the general populace to lack certain vitamins associated with fish.

And on public service the President said government wants to see an accountable public service.

He said the public service should encompass everybody adding that District Commissioners should interact with the offices of parliamentarians despite their political affiliation.

Mr. Sata urged the house to assist government to come up with a transparent public service.



  1. Good directive.Stories of Maize going to waste always makes sad reading especially if one looks at the cost that goes into its farming.

  2. I am not sure if I heard him say ALL the maize.I remember him saying farmers should be paid for their supply.Eigther way I am personaly happy with Ukwa.He is proving to be Man of Action

  3. The a good directive. If the private sector has failed to buy the maize, it is just good for farmers to have government buy their maize. People in rural areas have no any other source of income generation than farming, so by buying their produce which the private sector fails to buy, government will be socially and economically supporting the rural people. But make sure that the maize is well stored so that it can be exported. 

  4. Thats what every developed country does, they support their farmers. The same with the Zambian government has to support its poor farmers who have no source of income beside farming.

  5. Good move. Let me say I listened to the whole speech and I wish the president could maintain and put to action what he said today. Talked about unity of purpose among politicians and Zambians regarless of their affiliation to ensure development for all. He also edged ministers to accept criticism and get wide consultations from other people outside the party who have the knowledge on how to develop some the government sectors. Well said Mr President, hope he continues on this path he is not president of PF but the whole country, even those who didn’t vote for him.

  6. LT, just a correction, it is not Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives any more, it is Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock. These kind of errors give readers doubt whether what you are reporting is from your archives or true. just a wake up call LT.

  7. The directive from the President is long over due in the short run but in the long run, the govt need to find a lasting solution to the maize marketing in Zambia. The Govt intervention in maize marketing ends up hurting the consumer on the final price of mealie meal even when there is bumper harvest. A lot of people are happy to see the govt paying above market prices to farmers while the same people are the first to cry out when the price of mealie meal goes up. Just a word in time, the two are related(high maize price for the farmer, high mealie meal price for the consumer) ideally these forces are better left to the market to sort them out. well done Your excellency, but let us find a lasting solution together.

  8. of all the comments 11 sounds more reasoned. While it good that government provides a market for maize in the short-term, there is need for a long term solution as Government intervention is not sustainable in the long-term. One has to long at what has happened with the maize that FRA has stored over the years. It has ended up being spoiled while some it has ended being exported at less than the purchase price which means that Zambia is subsidizing citizens in other countries. There is need for consistent policy on maize marketing and should include govt’s position on export of maize 

  9. For example of tomato marketing. most bloggers know that the price of tomato changes like hell. You visit soweto today and you will find a box is costing 100 pin, you go and grow your own tomato and try to sell, a box is costing 5pin. so customers get the good prices and high prices and the market continues, pipo continue growing the crop. What about maize, the govt hand changes the whole thing. At 65pin is too high to export the maize to other countries hence when fra buys the maize, storage will run out, then maize will be wasted again. The wastage of maize is the loss of money that could be used elsewhere. Milimeal will be expensive too. So i will not blame FRA because they just need to buy as the govt directs. I will blame ZNFU who squeezes govt for a high price. 

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